Posted by dj on July 2, 2000, at 11:37:20
In reply to Seeing Forest and Trees: An example. » dj, posted by shar on July 2, 2000, at 1:55:19
> You have brought up another important issue in the myriad of issues we face. LIES.
>As bobb rightfully points out in his posting this is an insidious one and the impact, as you both pointed out, plays out on many fronts and can have expected and unexpected consequences.
Closer to the realities that most people on this list deal with are the lies that surround mental health issues and the efficiacy of some ADs over others and the negative impacts of ADs, which is too often glossed over by 'official sources' and those who buy their marketing.
For instance, many people on this list can attest to the varying negative impacts of some ADs. Bob, not Dr. wrote months ago about initially feeling very good but then finding himself raging on one AD, Wellbutrin I think.
An extreme case of someone who may have been tipped over the edge by the impact of ADs, combined with a de-humanized management approach and not being listened to or believed by various folks was that of Joseph Weisbecker who on Sept. 14, 1989: "returned to Standard Gravure, his former place of work in Louisville, Kentucky, and shot twenty of his co-workers...before committing suicide..."
I say may because there are many factors involved. However, as is detailed in "The Power to Harm: Mind, Medicince and Murder on Trial" by John Cornwell (1996) and touched on more recently in "Prozac Backlash" by a Harvard Psych., Eli Lilly bought off the famlies of those who were massacred by JW, whose habits and personality changed considerably and drastically due to changes at work and his drug regime, in combo...
Far too much detail, and it's been a while since I read it, for me to go into but if you go to there are doubtless some overviews there...
Which is not to say that ADs made him do it or that ADs are inherently bad. The distinction is that negative impacts can be excessive with some individuals, and the Eli Lilly felt the case against them was potentially harmful enough to their image that they spend BIG dollars (though not compared to what they make from Prozac and other pills) to kill the case and silence those who were taking them on...
Apparently B.F. Skinner, the father of Behaviourism, said shortly before his death in 1990, “The worst mistake my generation has made is to treat people as if they were rats>" Many organizations, including governments, still fall that Behaviourist model it seems for those they deal with...
> The military-industrial complex is larger than Ms. Albright's power to change international policy, and since we are looking at the forest and the trees, I'm sorry Ms. Albright was the subject of derogatory comments as she sat there after making an invited address.
> Hardly anything in the real world is linear.I believe Ms. Albright needed to hear that message in that forum from that young women and if she was paying attention and was to do something about it, she could make a real difference.
As the greatest president the U.S. never had said, in reference to Vietnam and the protests of the day I belive, before he was assasinated:
“The first task of leadership, the first task of concerned people, is not to condemn or castigate or deplore; it is to search out the reason for disillusionment and alienation, the rational for protest and dissent – perhaps indeed to learn from it. And we may find that we learn most from all those political and social dissenters whose differences with us are most grave; for among the young, as among adults, the sharpest criticism often goes hand in hand with the deepest idealism…”
- Robert F. Kennedy as quoted in Make Gentle the Life of This World: The Vision of Robert F. Kennedy, edited by Maxwell Taylor Kennedy, pg. 114
> Someone could asassinate Ms. Albright feeling justified because she has let this go on and needs to be made an example of. Or someone could organize and educate the public, and "the people" could effect a change in the policy.
>Hopefully the latter will prevail!
> There are, of course, an infinite number of possible outcomes.
> IMHO it comes down to personal responsibility on a global scale--what one chooses to do with our personal power, what action we will take, letters we will write, voting we will do, stands we will make--for some, who will they kill and how many and how often?
>Very much and one of the most eloquent spokespeople on this today is Marianne Williamson who in her earlier book "Return to Love" wrote a statement often falsly attributed to Nelson Mandela and that is:
"...'our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.'
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel
insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission
to do the same.
As we're liberated from our own fear, our prescence automatically liberates
others."In a more recent book called: "Healing the Soul of America", she deals further with our roles in changing the system(s) for the better of all, how and why.