Posted by Cari on June 9, 2000, at 13:08:18
In reply to Re: topomax and cognitive dulling/back to Cari, posted by dari on June 9, 2000, at 7:24:34
Actually it was for neither. It would have been solely for weight loss. My entire life I'd been very thin and able to eat whatever I wanted, then all of a sudden the Paxil & Remeron made me gain 30 lbs in 2 months and I feel like a cow. I asked my doctor if there was anything that would help me LOSE weight and he said Topamax has been known to do that so he prescribed it for me. I was afraid to fill the prescription when he said it has a side effect of making it difficult for people to think and form their thoughts into words. This REALLY scared me because I write ads for a newspaper for a living, so I could not keep my job with a side effect like that!! Hence, I never filled the prescription. I'm still 30 lbs heavier than I used to be... but the combination of Paxil, Remeron & Klonopin has controlled my severe depression/anxiety (unipolar depression, not bipolar, only go one way... DOWN... no highs) and am now able to lead a normal life and feel normal for the first time EVER. I'm really sorry you had to go through what you did with the Topamax. You'd think they'd test it a little better with how strict our FDA is!!!