Posted by NikkiT on June 5, 2000, at 10:28:56
In reply to Question for Canadians, posted by Abby on June 5, 2000, at 9:30:39
Thats an interesting though, even here in the UK.
I'll give a very quick synopsis of UK NHS...
General Practitioners (family doctors) are first point of call except in emergency) and you cannot be referred to any other specialist unless by your GP.
Any prescriptions then cost £6
You can also see your GP privately, thus paying, and the prescription cost will then be the actual cost, not the £6.
Once refferred, you can go private, and all prescriptions are done by cost.
If you go to see specialist on NHS, there are no fee's,a nd all prescriptions cost £6 again - BUT, waiting lists tend to be between 6 - 24 months.My mum (one example) was referred for an op... Waited 13 months to see the specialist, who then said yes, she needed an operation - she then joined the waiting list for the op - another 15 months!
As my employer gives private medical insurance, I always go private (except for my gp) as I believe in freeing up thre NHS places for people in more need than I - But it is generally still the same docs doing private and NHS! Mad!
Don't know why I've done all this.. I would be interested to know what actually goes on in Canada...
And, what about emergency care in the US if you ahve no insurance? Do they simply turn you away?