Posted by gg on May 15, 2000, at 15:13:22
In reply to Re: I'm outa here (middle finger raised), posted by Adam on May 15, 2000, at 14:00:33
> Not too long ago, some idiot decided to post a "humorous" message filled with
> anti-Semitic language and references to Nazism. I practically begged to have
> it removed, and then aagonized afterward over the conflict I have with my
> feelings about public discourse being polluted with such filth and their
> juxtoposition with some equally strong feelings of opposition to censorship.I think there is a difference between fred's overreaction to someone's apparent misunderstanding and dismissal of an important issue and posts supporting Naziism. Of course if I'd felt attacked I might have seen it differently. I hope if it were me being attacked I would have the grace to retreat in the face of someone else's overwhelming pain. Of course it is dr bob's board and he has the legal right to enforce his own criteria.
boBB, I have to admire you for taking a stand. I certainly think your arguments deserve to be heard and I'm sure you'll find another forum for them. Psychobabble won't be the same without you though ;-)
> I think I may have found some peace with the issue, though I admit it's an
> uneasy peace.
> Nothing is perfect. No stable balance will ever be found between the need for
> free speech and the damage such freedoms can lead to when abused. Perhaps in
> some situations a certain amount of censorship is appropriate. For instance,
> this forum, contrary to your suggestion, is not in fact a "public" one. Dr.
> Bob states quite clearly in his disclaimer that this space is his, what goes
> into it is his, and he can do what he wants with it. He also lays down some
> simple rules, the most appropros to this discussion being the demand for
> civility.
> So, it is a place that all are invited (not entitled) to participate in, and
> that invitation is extended so long as we respect the host and each other. It's
> not our inalienable right to be here, it's our privilege. If we want to keep
> it, we shouldn't abuse it. It is a place to find support and gather information,
> not microcosm or meta-world where unrestricted speech should flourish. That is
> beyond its scope. Few restrictions are placed on us, though, so we have little
> cause to complain.
> Well, I feel better, anyway.
> little cause to complain.
> > Well, if that is the way you feel, I guess I will stop posting here.
> >
> > It seems the mutual education and support wanted by users of this board is one where the pro-university, pro-medical industry, pro-collegiate-speach camp is supported, and where those who engage in conversation styles more common to poor neighborhoods are excluded. It seems people here generally want their medical model of themselves as sick, helpless victims reinforced and any other kind of education excluded.
> >
> > It is perfectly okay for you to sit in a comedy club or tune in the comedy channel and listen to a person engage in political speach that includes insults, curses and name calling but when a person uses this style of speech outside a capitalist, paid venue relationship, it seems unacceptable.
> >
> > Why is it that so many people here claim to have problems with rage and call it a medical problem, but when someone expresses legitimate rage, it they are treated with utter contempt? It sounds to me like those who like to call themselves sick and whine about being stigmatized are afraid their paper-thin analysis of themselves will fall apart if exposed to any other point of view.
> >
> > You educate me only as to your narromindedness and you support me or my ally Fred none whatsoever. If I have anything to say here, you can expect it to be said with audacious rage, and using another alias and alternate ISP's and with all cookie's blocked so as to end-run any attempts to censor my speach in this PUBLIC RESOURCE
> >
> > Fred's speach was nowhere near equivilant with yelling fire in a theater. It was annoying because in impinged on your world view. Get a clue. This kind of speach is all over the internet. Frankly, all of this medical model BS and diagnosis of supposed illness, in cases where people to numb to hear the voice of their conscience are called depressed, is a personal insult to me and to all living beings. Your insistence on the medical model, coupled with a legal system where I can be committed with no benifit of a jury hearing is a real physical threat to me.