Posted by DICK on February 1, 2000, at 13:31:29
In reply to artists and depression (discussion fodder), posted by CarolAnn on January 26, 2000, at 11:20:10
> I've been thinking lately about all the composers, writers, painters, ect. who are known to have had some form of mental illness, usually depression. It seems as if I have read of alot of other historically famous people (Winston Churchill for example) who also suffered depression. I wonder if there is any connection between being creative(or intelligent) and having depression. Why do you suppose that so many "Greats" have this in common? Have there been any studies on this subject? What do you suppose it is that drives some of the depressed to such high achievement while so many of us can barely keep ourselves alive? Any ideas out there?CarolAnn
IT's LiKe, I'lL bE jamMIng On MY guItAR OR soMetHiNG StUPid lIkE ThAT, anD I'Ll suDDenLY PUke alL oVeR ThE fronT oF my DUKes Of hAZzArd t-ShiRt. I'LL uSuALLy StoP aNd LoOK DOWn, All eXcItEd ThaT mayBE I fiNaLLY Had DOne SoMThInG CrEAtIVe, aND WhEn I Do, i'lL uSuAllY GeT ProfouNdlY DePReSsEd beCaUSe thE vOmIt DiDn'T spRaY RiGHT Or WhaTeVEr, i kNow I CaN Be MoRe CReATIve BuT THE StUPid guItaR AlWaYs GetS In tHe WAy i get dEpreSSeD sO EasILY, i WOnDer If I'M aN ArtiSte. SinCe ThIS Is whAt We'Re DiSCUsSiNG, i wAs HopInG For AnYoNe'S ThOuGHtS On thE maTtEr. i apOloGiSe FoR aLl My cAtHaRsiS.