Posted by Racer on December 9, 2004, at 15:48:48
OK, so I guess I'm stabilized enough to mostly laugh at myself about this, but it is serious, too. If anyone here has a last ounce of sympathy to offer, I know someone who would accept it about now...
So, y'all know -- better than most, on accounta y'all had to wade through all my hysterics about it all -- how bad things were for me with that agency, yes? And I think y'all know that I'm filing a grievance with the county about it, with the help of a local pro-bono law firm who specializes in this, and that I'm nuts, right? Still with me so far? Well, I've had the draft of the complaint waiting for me to deal with for ages now, and it's been too much for me to manage. Today I finally managed to get my part of it done, although I don't think it's good enough, etc. I've sent a call to my T, and to a friend, and emailed copies of it all to both of them, asking for a quick turnaround with feedback before I send it to the attorney. But I'm so damned wound up and upset by it all, and I want to go somewhere and suck my thumb. You know?
So, I figured I'd come here and tell y'all that I"m just a big baby, and gonna go sulk.
But once this is finally off to the attorney, maybe I can get something done! Like maybe catch up here!