Posted by allisonm on May 29, 2004, at 14:26:27
I'm leaving shortly with my 77-year-old dad in tow to head down to school for graduation, which is tomorrow. He does not always do well away from his precious business/work, but we'll see. Weather is supposed to be nice. I feel very graduatelike in my rented gown, hood and cap.
My best friend tearfully told me today that she can't go b/c her son is sick. I think divorce may be in her future and that there is more to this than she is telling me, but I will not let that bother me right now. My roommate and I have a bet going whether my boyfriend will attend with us. I am betting he's not, but hoping I am wrong.
People keep telling me what an accomplishment it is to go back to school full-time at age 40 and get one's master's degree. They seem to think tomorrow is more special than I have been seeing it. I am trying not to downplay it, but find it difficult b/c I have always minimized good things. I think it helps not to expect a lot because then maybe the disappointment won't be so great.
Anyway, here goes...