Posted by shar on April 1, 2003, at 21:56:51
In reply to A compliment? A compliment!, posted by Greg on March 31, 2003, at 17:18:15
oooh, with a compliment like that, context may make all the difference! Do tell!!
Fertile? Producing young? This could be goooood!
And, I couldn't agree more that if anyone deserves a compliment it's you.
YIC> Somebody (and I won't mention Tina's name) told me I was prolific today. Now I won't tell you the context in which the word was used as that would ruin the ambiance, but I do so love when she pays me compliments, off-handed or otherwise.
> Thank you Tina, you are indeed my Angel. :)
> Greg
> Main Entry: pro·lif·ic
> Pronunciation: pro-'li-fik
> Function: adjective
> Etymology: French prolifique, from Latin proles
> Date: 1650
> 1 : producing young or fruit especially freely : FRUITFUL
> 2 archaic : causing abundant growth, generation, or reproduction
> 3 : marked by abundant inventiveness or productivity <a prolific composer>
> synonym see FERTILE (now that's funny! :))