Posted by Kaarina on April 20, 2002, at 14:55:01
> The day I consult with an on-line psychiatrist, or any doctor for that matter, will also be the day I purchase the "Bob Barker Do-It-Yourself Brain Transplant Kit," and use it!
> The whole idea is ridiculous, ludicrous and silly, and cheapens, as well as lessens, the quality and image of the profession. And shame, shame on physicans who advocate, promote or condone such such a dreadful thing.
> Gimme some of that old time medicine any day. Ain't nothing like the real thing in any of life's experiences.
> kazooKAZOO
I so agree with you as always (almost.) This could apply to most professions that rely on human contact, including the oldest profession in the world, which could be classified as a form of therapy, n'est pas!
Body for rent! (Going cheap, with no strings attached.) Any bidders?
Witchy Willow