Posted by Bob on October 14, 1999, at 18:15:07
Something Racer said up above made me think of entering this thread. Dealing with our disorders, what do you find most difficult about maintaining your finances? What have you done to meet these challenges? What's worked, what hasn't?
I'm in the middle of a pretty big transition myself, which I'll say something about in a little while. But I know one thing -- before I started addressing my panic disorder phamacologically, I couldn't face my bills at all. I had the money -- it's just that I wouldn't have much left if I ever paid them on-time. I'd have too little left, and that would prove to me what a failure I was. It would take me hours to write out just four or five checks. Yikes!
So, while I may be a math whiz, I s*ck at finance. I imagine there are people in my position, and then there are people out there who just dominate in this area. Maybe some of the latter can give some advice to some of the former.