Posted by Victoria on March 3, 1999, at 19:39:38
In reply to sleep or force movement?, posted by judy on February 27, 1999, at 19:53:36
Last time I was waiting for meds to kick in, my psychiatrist advised me to let myself be ill since I felt ill and not fight against something that "will power" can't defeat. It was great advice and had a big effect in helping me to be more accepting of myself in all moods. So I would say, don't force if forcing causes the pain to get worse. But, if you can, I would recommend some gentle exercise (like walking or a little swimming). It's a mood elevator in itself and helped me to feel that I was doing something! But I spent a few weeks on the couch last summer (with a short walk in the park most days) and it was in itself a psychologically healing experience even before the meds started to work on the biological part. In short, do what makes you feel good (or at least not worse).
> I suffer from major depression,anxiety my question is ; should i just rest all day [ i have no energy ] and waite for med. to start working or should i force myself to go out of the house. I'm on six different kinds of medication for dep.& anx. So far all i feel is tired & depressed ! judyyyyyyyy