Psycho-Babble Withdrawal Thread 457503

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Long term effects of effexor?

Posted by prasnhym on May 9, 2006, at 12:40:40

In reply to Re: Redirect: getting off effexor » SLS, posted by dancingstar on March 27, 2006, at 9:52:39

After reading many of the post here I am getting concerned about long term effects to my body after getting off of effexor eventually. It helps me deal with the hell of taking care of my 42 yr old sister in the last stage of cancer without completely falling apart on her. But i do not want to damage my body to do that. Are there any studies on long term effects?


Re: scared of effexor and withdrawal

Posted by dancingstar on May 9, 2006, at 16:30:15

In reply to Re: scared of effexor and withdrawal » jiggityboo69, posted by rachele on May 8, 2006, at 14:23:18

I can't begin to emphasize the damage that Effexor has done to my body. I stopped taking it in September of '04 and while in many ways I have recovered with the help of medical care that has cost me thousands of dollars, I still have a tough time with exercise. While I was once extremely athletic, now, nearly every time I try to run even a mile or something not too strenuous, I find that I am still getting migraines the next right now after working out last night.

Personally, I believe Effexor should be taken off the market; but since it's still there, I tell anyone that I know that they should avoid taking it at all costs.


Re: effexor XR interactions with alcohol

Posted by Bonnie_CA on May 13, 2006, at 1:31:55

In reply to Re: effexor XR interactions with alcohol, posted by renecoston on May 1, 2006, at 5:53:04

LOL, obviously I wasn't angry, but it's just my ex boyfriend (the one I had before my husband) used to act like I was an idiot or something because I needed these drugs, and that I should just get over my issues. :-\ And there are so many ignorant people (not you, but people that don't have these problems) that think that we're just weak and powerless because we use medications to help us function like normal people. *sigh* I don't wish bad things on people, but I think those people should be cursed with a anxiety or depression problem, so they can find out that we're not weak or stupid because we need drugs. Don't worry, I only took a little bit of offense, I'm over it. :D

> I didn't mean to offend you with my other post. As for my doctor, I would love to change to a new office but am in between insurances right now so that makes it hard. Can you believe I went to the doctor the other day and saw another doctor in the office - I brought up my unhappiness about my doctor not being truthful about the Paxil to me and then being told to take Effexor and how it was nothing like Paxil and this doctor told me he has NEVER heard of these withdrawels being a big issue, that they are rare, and that the things I find on the internet are blown out of proportion??? I am one of those blown out of proportion people and was so mad when he said this! I almost walked out the door on him midsentence! They have finally taken my complaints about my physical issues to somewhat seriously and have ordered some tests - but I really feel bad that I offended you! I do have a history with depression and still battle anxiety, but have it under control without meds at the present time. I have just come to the conclusion that if my doctor cannot be truthful and careful when putting me on a drug, I'll deal with my medical issues without them. I think that is more what I meant to say! Have a great day!
> > I'd consider changing doctors if I were you. A good doctor will always try to find the way to fix a problem with other therapies and not just resort to medications. Plus, a doctor that isn't truthful about side effects and withdrawel symptoms is someone who is just there to collect his check and doesn't want to deal with actually treating and informing patients. He just wants to write you a scrip and get you out as soon as possible. And I can agree with the idea that doctors over prescribe, but this is not always their fault, considering they deal with thousands of patients a year, and many are overburdened. They just simply don't have the time or energy to spend really identifying the problems and finding the best possible cure or therapy. But your doctor sounds like one of those that became a doctor just to get rich. I hate those doctors. And, don't be jaded by this doctor... not all of them are like that. I love my MD, and my psychiatrist is pretty cool too.
> >
> > In another post you said something about "dealing with your issues" without medication. I'll be truthful, I took a little bit of offense to that, because if it were "issues" causing my problems, then all those years of talking therapy would have cured me. However, after all that talking, I found my so-called issues to not really be issues, and I was a functioning person again with medications. But, I can see where you get that idea, since so many folks use drugs to escape issues. I wish it were just issues. I had a nurse practitioner (I'll never visit one again, I'll hold out for the doctor) tell me to change my major in college, even though what I was doing was my entire life, most of my identity, and it was what I have wanted to do since I was 12. I'm so passionate about what I do, my life would have been over if I had tried to do something else. (I know this because I tried and was extremely unhappy.) Sometimes, people just have no clue.
> >
> > And if you don't need meds, consider yourself lucky!
> >
> > Take care!
> > - Bonnie


Effexor withdrawal and Lamictal/EmSam questions

Posted by Miriamne on May 13, 2006, at 10:49:33

In reply to help answers for getting off Effexor, posted by buckey65 on April 25, 2006, at 18:37:29

Dear friends:

I have read with horror everyone's description of Effexor withdrawal and am now experiencing it for myself. I could not have withdrawn more slowly and carefully, and yet it is over a month now and I am still a mess-- actually, getting worse. Depression, hopelessness, agitation, anger, weepiness/mood swings, my head feels like it has a 10-ton weight on it all the time, I'm dizzy and when I move my eyeballs, I can HEAR them inside my head. (I'm careful to whom I tell that last one!)

My questions are:
1) Is it possible that the 200mgs of Lamictal that I am still taking are what's making me so nuts, rather than withdrawal from Effexor?

2)Since my pdoc has prescribed EmSam and I plan to begin that next week, is it best to continue on the Lamictal while I add the EmSam? The doc says not to change too many things at once, since we won't then have a clear idea of what is working (or not).

I have been treated for BPII for many years now, and the Effexor/Lamictal combo certainly helped for quite a while. But we have never been able to address some symptoms/side effects adequately and the Effexor withdrawal has been an attempt to improve things.

All I know is that I hurt and can't function AT ALL and am not fit to live with.

I don't often post but I have gained so much insight and help over the years from following this site. God bless you all for that.

Thanks for any help,


Re: Effexor withdrawal and Lamictal/EmSam questions » Miriamne

Posted by dancingstar on May 13, 2006, at 14:26:12

In reply to Effexor withdrawal and Lamictal/EmSam questions, posted by Miriamne on May 13, 2006, at 10:49:33

Hi Miriamne,

I don't know the answers to all of your questions, but I am quite sure that the new physcial (and likely emotional) discomfort that you're feeling is from the Effexor withdrawal.

I have read that people that are bipolar should not even take SSRI's/SNRI's in the first place; so I'm not sure what the doctors are thinking.

Please do some research on the internet to see what you can find out. After I stopped taking Effexor, I realized that there was a ton of information available that I had no idea about during the time that I was taking it. Many of us got into these problems in the first place because of misinformed doctors who prescribed drugs that were inappropriate for us, though I believe it's the drug companies that have misrepresented their drugs to them.

I'm sorry that I can't be of more help. Best of luck to you, and I hope you feel much better soon.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? YES!

Posted by LisaH817 on May 19, 2006, at 22:20:05

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? YES!, posted by renecoston on May 1, 2006, at 5:44:21

Well I’ve been off the Effexor completely for 2 weeks now and have managed pretty well, surprisingly! The first few days were rough, especially considering that I didn’t feel as though I had finished with the withdrawal of the final dose I had been on. Even though I considered calling my doctor for more of the final dose capsules to take every other day for a while, I decided to tough it out. I’m glad I did. I’m still going through some withdrawal symptoms, but it’s getting better every day. My energy is coming back, I no longer feel so lethargic and numb, and I’ve dropped about 8 lbs in the last two weeks! I was more than a little worried, but now I’m sure I’ll be fine and my opinion about the drug has changed - again. I really think it did me a world of good when I needed it, but as a temporary aid, I do not think it is a long-term medication, or possibly as soon as the individual is coping better the drug should be very gradually reduced and monitored. I seemed to have more negative effects from it when I no longer needed it and that’s what I would have changed. Several months ago, I felt as though I could start to decrease my dosage and my doctor insisted that I stay on it for a few more months. I think if I had started to decrease the dosage back then, even more gradually, I would have under gone less of the negative side effects and then less of the withdrawal symptoms. At any rate, it served it’s purpose well but in the future I’ll be more insistent with my doctor as to how I want to handle any medication I am taking.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? YES!

Posted by Sonny Liston on May 22, 2006, at 9:02:26

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? YES!, posted by LisaH817 on May 19, 2006, at 22:20:05

Yes. I took Effexor XR 150 mgs for 3 plus years. Tapered off in two weeks. Switched to 50 mgs of Zoloft during the tapering process which I'm sure helped. Been off Effexor XR for 7 days and feel OK with the Zoloft.

Overall not too bad except for a few occasions of losing my temper and some anxiety.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? YES!

Posted by a rose on May 23, 2006, at 21:34:24

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? YES!, posted by LisaH817 on May 19, 2006, at 22:20:05

O.K., here goes...I have been on Effexor for 3 years and have decided to wean myself off. I think the Effexor has helped in some ways, but I'm tired of taking it and have gained weight and don't have any desire to try and get the weight off! It seems like I just come home from work and do nothing unless I absolutely have to! I can't decide if it's the Effexor or what, but I need some energy, enthusiasm, and love for life! Anyone else have these symptoms? Maybe I am on the wrong medication. I have also tried Prozac, Celexa, and Wellbutron. I liked the prozac better than the others. The Wellbutron made me crazy. Can anyone help? Maybe I don't need any medications...maybe just a lot of exercise? Some days I just feel like I am going crazy?!


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by thorthena on June 10, 2006, at 2:04:27

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?, posted by tizza on June 8, 2006, at 22:45:30

could someone detail for me the "total hell on earth to come off of"?


Effexor is total hell to come off of

Posted by Miriamne on June 10, 2006, at 9:41:50

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?, posted by thorthena on June 9, 2006, at 19:35:31

I had read all the posts about how hard it was to withdraw from Effexor, so when I was extremely careful to taper off soooooo gradually... I mean, I opened each capsule and took out just a few BEADS at a time, stayed on that amount for a few days, then reduced again, all very carefully.

The first day I went completely without the drug, I started to have crushing headaches (I mean, the kind where your head really feels like it's being somehow compressed-- ugh!), nausea, disorientation, dizziness; my mood plummeted and then began swinging from anxious to depressed to agitated in the extreme. This went on at one level or another for 3 or 4 WEEKS.

I am now struggling to find another med/solution to a profound depression with terrible anxiety and agitation. I originally went off the Effexor because I felt exhausted by years of racing thoughts and feeling "wound up". I was taking Lamictal and Effexor for BP2, and coming off the Effexor was an attempt to eliminate something I thought might be causing the agitation.

I'm not sure what's going to do the trick now... but the withdrawal experience from Effexor certainly didn't help things.


Re: Effexor is total hell to come off of » Miriamne

Posted by dancingstar on June 10, 2006, at 12:35:05

In reply to Effexor is total hell to come off of, posted by Miriamne on June 10, 2006, at 9:41:50

Have you tried Topamax for the BP2? It won't in any way help you with the withdrawal from Effexor...but it might help with the other symptoms that you're having.

Topamax was given to me a while back for weight loss, not that I had more than a few pounds to get rid of, but at the time I didn't know that Effexor was the reason that I couldn't seem to lose an ounce. :-) Anyway, I read about all the things that doctors use Topamax for, including headaches, muscle pain, weight loss, and BP. It didn't have any negative effects that I am personally aware of and was no problem to stop taking.

I hope the nightmare of Effexor withdrawal is over for you really quickly!!

Hope you feel better soon!


Effexor is total hell to come off of

Posted by Miriamne on June 10, 2006, at 12:54:05

In reply to Re: Effexor is total hell to come off of » Miriamne, posted by dancingstar on June 10, 2006, at 12:35:05

Thanks, DancingStar, for your good wishes.

As far as I can tell, the withdrawal part seems to be over (although I'm never sure what's responsible for what when we're dealing with psych meds). Now it's the finding something that will help instead, and please God, address some of the problems I described.

I will certainly consider Topamax. Right now we're trying the new patch called EmSam. I have had no relief from the 6mg and have just started the 9mg today. I just hope I can hang on to see if the higher dose works.

Thanks again for listening!


Re: Effexor is total hell to come off of

Posted by dancingstar on June 11, 2006, at 11:01:33

In reply to Effexor is total hell to come off of, posted by Miriamne on June 10, 2006, at 12:54:05

You'd be surprisd, Miriamne, at how many of your symptoms are as a result of both having taken Effexor and now stopping it. I had many of the same symptoms that you mention for the first time in my life only when I stopped taking Effexor. I never knew what anxiety and depression were until I was given Effexor...and then stopped taking it. The anxiety was alarming. I even flew out of the dentist's chair solely due to a panic attack a year after I thought Effexor was out of my system. The withdrawal lasts much longer than I would have ever imagined.

The only thing that helped me to recover from Effexor was supplementing nearly my entire endocrine system (after having extensive blood work done).

Long ago I asked on this board how many people had their thyroid levels plummet while they were taking Effexor. I think I was on to something. Thyroid was only the first hormone to whack out on me due to Effexor, and it seems to be a problem for many people.

If you can find a somewhat sophiscticated doctor to help you, you might want to have ALL of your hormone levels checked, not just the obvious ones. Bringing your endocrine system back into balance with natural supplementation may truly give you the relief you need.

Whatever you do, I truly hope you feel better quickly!!


Re: Quitting Effexor XR - and off of all other med

Posted by rfs on June 11, 2006, at 18:37:19

In reply to Re: Quitting Effexor XR - and off of all other med, posted by rfs on June 4, 2006, at 17:26:18

> > I've been on Effexor XR (75mg) for approx. over a year. I've just started to ween myself off of it. Starting to empty 1/3rd of the pill. for the 1st week and will take 35mg for the next week. so far I'm feeling ok. I'm weening myself off of it because I hate the idea of depending on a drug for the rest of my life. And I've too have experienced heavy drinking binges on the drug.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > I have been on Effexor XR 150mg for 8 years. I too am coming off of it. Not because it's not working for me, but because I lost my insurance and this stuff is $140 a month! Believe me, if I could afford it, I would continue it forever.
> > >
> > > Anyway, it has been 3 days since my last dose, and I think I'm actually feeling a little better. I have experienced all the side effects that everyone complains of, but I feel pretty good right now. I am frightened by the posts I've read here and elsewhere about the effects of coming off, especially without the benefit of tapering. So I wanted to let people know that one person out there is getting off it, and so far I'm ok. I would love to hear from some people who have been successful at getting off it without a lot of side effects. I'm hoping you're out there, and just not talking!
> > >
> > >
> > > > Hi all,
> > > > I'm coming off of effexor xr and frankly am scared about it.
> >
> > Hi,
> Ive been on effexor for about nine and a half years. About 5 years ago I switced to prozac for a year. I had no trouble making the switch. (the Effexor is not working all that great anymore) Now I am back on Effexor (300mg) and 300mg of wellbutrin My Pdoc has me cutting back about 10% each week I am at 262mg, plus the wellbutrin. I also take Klonopin as needed. I don't know if I will be able to discontinue completly, but I will be happy if I can get down to 75mg. I have the usual side effects plus my short term memory is awful. I am 53.
> my memory was awful before I started the klonopin. I just hope I can get to the point where the side effects are less and the depression does't return. If I start getting depressed, I will go back on the higher dose of effexor or try something else. I also have social phobia, and servere anxiety. The anxiety hasn't been a problem since klonopin. Just knowing I have it helps. I wonder if Ensam would be a good choice if I had to make a switch.

I seem to be fortunate in the sense that I have little trouble tapering from effexor. However, I am becoming depressed. So I will call my Pdoc & ask for advice. Mos AD Ive tried seem to work for me. After time I seem not depressed but not much of anything emotionally. All my emotions get blunted. I am just tired of the side effects.


Effexor is total hell to come off of » dancingstar

Posted by Miriamne on June 11, 2006, at 21:10:49

In reply to Re: Effexor is total hell to come off of, posted by dancingstar on June 11, 2006, at 11:01:33

Dancing Star:

Fascinating, what you're saying about the endocrine system being screwed up by Effexor. I have wondered lately why no doctor I've talked to has once asked me about my estrogen level, my thyroid, etc. Don't they even consider ruling such things out before going on through one medication after another? I've had my thyroid levels tested from time to time and everything was normal, but it's not like one's hormones are in a static state... esp. after a certain age.

I'll look into this. Many thanks, once again.

Incidentally, I woke up feeling calm, at least-- anxiety greatly reduced. It allowed me to function at least on some level and was just a huge relief. Don't know if it's the EmSam, moonspots, or just a lucky break, but I hope to find out over the coming days.



Re: Effexor is total hell to come off of » Miriamne

Posted by dancingstar on June 11, 2006, at 21:24:47

In reply to Effexor is total hell to come off of » dancingstar, posted by Miriamne on June 11, 2006, at 21:10:49

Hi Miriamne,

I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better!

I think if more doctors knew more about our hormones, far fewer of them would be prescribing AD's to those of us with things like backache, fatigue, even the symptoms of menopause and other such things...possibly even depression itself in many cases.

You're right; thyroid levels can change a great deal over the years and need to be checked regularly. Also, some doctors use a different standard of "normal" than others do. Low thyroid levels can cause pain, fatigue, depression. Actually, even being anemic can make these things worse. Unfortuantely, though, there isn't a huge profit -- if any -- for Big Pharma in natural hormone supplementation; so it isn't a road that is heavily traveled.

I think it is valubale for all of us, particularly over the age of 40, to have the whole works evaluated by someone that knows what they're doing. It's made a tremendous difference in how I feel, and I know of several other people that have said the same thing.

Best wishes!


Effexor is total hell to come off of » dancingstar

Posted by Miriamne on June 11, 2006, at 21:47:44

In reply to Re: Effexor is total hell to come off of » Miriamne, posted by dancingstar on June 11, 2006, at 21:24:47

Dancing Star:

I will continue to look into all this.

Maybe it's just getting late, but at the moment I wish there wasn't the need to search and research and spend so much energy seeking the relief we need to simply function in the world. It's the very thing that depression makes so difficult, and yet it's the only thing that can possibly alleviate the pain. So much of this is a great mystery.



Re: Effexor is total hell to come off of

Posted by gabmeister on June 12, 2006, at 14:39:05

In reply to Effexor is total hell to come off of » dancingstar, posted by Miriamne on June 11, 2006, at 21:47:44

Hi... came across this site by accident. God must be smiling on me 'cause over the past few weeks I've decided to get off this med.

Suffering depression for over 10 yrs. Been on Paxil (turned me into walking zombie) Prozac (made me violent - even pictured myself stabbing my loving husband - that scared me). Went off both drugs cold turkey with no problems.

Finally got put on Effexor and it worked great! Felt pretty human again. After one year doc took me off. Went off it v e r y slowly... no problems.

Started to re-experience depression / panic attacks after being off for about a year and a half. Decided to go back on Effexor. This time I've been on it for 4 years and find over the last year or so, I don't want to do anything. After work, come home, watch t.v. and go to bed. Have a really hard time getting up in the morning. Weekends? Don't want to entertain anymore, visit anymore, go out anymore.... I come home Friday after work and don't leave the house until Monday morning. In between? T.V. Used to have an immaculate house. No more. Can't be bothered.

Anyhow, I can't believe some of the postings! Going cold turkey off some of the high dosages? Oh my god that scares me that you would do that.

The first time I went off was very slowly and for the last two weeks was actually taking one half of a 37.5 every second day. It was the only way I could stop the dizziness and the feeling that my brain was doing a summersault every time I moved my eyes.

Over the past few years I've forgotten to take my once daily dose and within 24 hours am vomitting, severe headache, and my hands shake violently. This is all relieved with about two hours of taking my pill.

Yes, I'm terrified of going off the Effexor again, even slowly. But I will do this because I want to feel alive again.

If you're in the process or thinking of stopping this med, please, please do it slowly. Take care of yourselves. It can be a horrifying experience and yes, at times you can think you're on the verge of having a stroke or heart attack.

Please do it under a doc's supervision.


Effexor is total hell to come off of

Posted by Miriamne on June 12, 2006, at 15:31:01

In reply to Re: Effexor is total hell to come off of, posted by gabmeister on June 12, 2006, at 14:39:05

Dear Gab:

My deepest sympathies over your experience both on and, now, getting off Effexor.

It's not like Effexor t didn't help me for years,just as you say. But in reading your letter, I'm really disturbed at the change you describe re not wanting to do anything, because it has me wondering if something similar has happened to me.

Not that I was ever a ball of fire, but one of the things I've been reviewing in my life is the lack of accomplishment, esp. over the last 5-10 years, and now I'm wondering if the medication had something to do with it. The thing that makes it difficult to pin down is that when your doc asks you if you're depressed, you say, "No", because you're feeling reasonably well and you're functioning. But is "functioning" all one can expect from one's life?

Anyway, I was trying to address that question when I decided to go off Effexor, and in spite of the infinitesimal amounts by which I decreased my dose, I still ended up with symptoms amazingly similar to what you describe. Your description of your brain "doing a somersault" every time you moved your eyes is SO close to what I was feeling-- I described it to others as being able to "hear my eyeballs move"!

I wish the best for you in your search for a better way to live. Hope you keep up with this board so we can hear how your doing. Conversing with the folks here has been a great help to me.



Re: Effexor is total hell to come off of » Miriamne

Posted by gabmeister on June 12, 2006, at 16:16:58

In reply to Effexor is total hell to come off of, posted by Miriamne on June 12, 2006, at 15:31:01

Hi Miriamne. Thanks for the kind words. Got up the courage right after I posted to call doc and make appt.

Effexor XR really helped me out when I needed it. BUT this tiredness (often bordering on exhaustion), this total desire to do absolutely nothing... it has to stop. I want to feel like I'm alive not just existing through the days. Weekends, days off all spent in front of the t.v.
I've also started drinking more (I never associated this with the drug until I read it in some other postings). This is not living.

I could cry about what my life has turned me into. I have a wonderful husband who loves to do things. For the last few years he's had to do them himself. He cleans the house while I watch t.v. He deserves to have "the old me" (pre depression) back.

I look forward to stopping the drug. I am afraid of stopping. I want to "feel" again. But what if getting off the med doesn't help. I think it will help. I hope it will.

Went through some old threads and apparently this whole "don't wanna do anything anymore" isn't dreadfully uncommon for people on Effexor.

Thanks for listening. Hope you manage to beat your inner enemy as well.

Gonna ask god for some help tonite and will add an extra prayer for you.


Effexor is total hell to come off of » gabmeister

Posted by Miriamne on June 12, 2006, at 16:30:27

In reply to Re: Effexor is total hell to come off of » Miriamne, posted by gabmeister on June 12, 2006, at 16:16:58

God bless you for your prayers on my behalf, Gab.
I'll add you to the list on my end, too.



Re: Effexor is total hell to come off of

Posted by over 55 on June 13, 2006, at 10:53:22

In reply to Effexor is total hell to come off of » gabmeister, posted by Miriamne on June 12, 2006, at 16:30:27

Thanks for all the good advice. I am 5 days in weaning off Effexor XR(225mg), with the help of small dose of Prozac. Doing OK so far. Know that cold turkey is awful as I was without meds for 24 hours and had severe flu like symptoms. Reading all the posts makes me think the exhaustion I fight and the pains may not be just "getting older" and I would love to feel good again. That is depressing ( : Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I keep on this journey.


Re: Effexor is total hell to come off of

Posted by gabmeister on June 13, 2006, at 16:37:50

In reply to Re: Effexor is total hell to come off of, posted by over 55 on June 13, 2006, at 10:53:22

Hi again Miriamne. Hope you're doing fine today. Well, I saw doc today and told him I wanted off the drugs. He told me to cut in half and I said "no". Been there. Done that. Didn't like it. I insisted that I wanted to do it slower and I got this weird look from him. Trouble with a lot of these docs is they're not on this stuff and I'm sure somethings they think we're either nuts, imagining things, or exaggerating.

Anyhow, told him that from my previous experience I wanted to go down 1/4 dosage until *I* feel comfortable in going down another 1/4... not by his schedule or that of the "magical medical books". I think it'll likely take me a couple of months but hey, like I said, beats feeling like crap and being sick as a dog. And you are so right... a lot of the symptoms really do feel like a flu.

Strangely enough, I forgot to take my meds yesterday and this morning was pretty rough. vomiting,very shaky hands, major headace. Couldn't get that stuff into me fast enough. Took about 4 hours and felt better.

That little dose of reality made me even more determined to get off. And (yes, yes, I know, I know... shut up... you're repeating yourself) I will be taking as long as I need to do so without the suffering.

Said one for you last Miriamne. My thoughts are with you. The only people that truly understand this hell are those who are in that place with you.

Be strong. Keep faith. It WILL happen for you! Know what, I also have not doubt that the tiredness and "don't wanna do anything anymore" will pass for the both of us and anyone else who suffers this Effexor side effect. There is life in the future and it will be a good life.

May we all be strong through this and may we all succeed and know happiness again and above all be free from the hell that seems to clutch on to us.


Tried Effexor for Three Days- Need advice

Posted by Violetskyye on June 13, 2006, at 23:08:44

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? YES!, posted by a rose on May 23, 2006, at 21:34:24

So, I tried Effexor, just 37.5 in the a.m. for the last three days, and slept for about 60 of the last 72 hours. Now, I'm not sure what to do, because after being totally spaced out, and unable to drive or work for three days, I feel a little better, and do not know whether to take another one in the a.m., or whether to just forget the whole thing.

Have had: dizziness [but in fairness, it was dizziness from anxiety that made me start taking it]; totally spaced out; sleepy; ringing in the ears, and haven't eaten in three days.

After reading all of the horror stories regarding withdrawal, I feel like maybe I should just get out while the gettin's good after just three days. My doc says to stop taking it, and that there should be no withdrawal after such a short time.

My dilemma: I failed on Prozac [anxiety and panic], Zoloft [mania], Luvox [just plain weird] Anafranil [totally zoned out and couldn't hear what people were saying] and Wellbutrin [best of the bunch, but no help w/ anxiety, and made my hair fall out a couple of times, I think]. So, not sure where to go next.

I took 15mg of Remeron for two years, with slight weight gain and foggy feeling, but functined well enough to try a case in court, and also go to Europe alone, so I guess I'm heading back in that direction.

I have anxiety and a tired [but not sad] depression. Also OCD that no drug has ever helped.

It just seems on this site that everyone goes from drug to drug with various problems with all of them. It's so frustrating. Thanks for letting me vent.


Tried Effexor for Three Days- Need advice » Violetskyye

Posted by Miriamne on June 14, 2006, at 0:01:07

In reply to Tried Effexor for Three Days- Need advice, posted by Violetskyye on June 13, 2006, at 23:08:44

Dear Vi:

So sorry to hear of your experiences trying to find the right meds. And I know it must sound discouraging to read all these posts that make it seem like nothing ever helps.

In spite of our troubles, it seems to me that many of us find meds that work for a while, or that allow some level of functioning (like your ability to try a case, even though your weren't 100%). But often it takes experimenting to find the right drug/dosage, and as I know from personal experience, that's the last thing one needs when one is suffering.

Even with the bad patch I'm going through right now, I have to force myself to remember that Effexor-- and before that Zoloft, and Wellbutrin, et. al.-- helped me in part and for a while. Sometimes they stopped working, or the side effects got to be too much, and then I had to go back and find my way again. It's painful.

I couldn't be more sympathetic. I hope you can find some encouragement here, even if it's just through venting sometimes.


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