Psycho-Babble Withdrawal Thread 635118

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Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines

Posted by jon137bus on April 20, 2006, at 1:30:00

Greetings members,

I was given Clonazepam (0.5mg) and Ambien (10mg) as sleeping aid by my doctor. I only learned about the dependency nature of these drugs after coming to this website. Ouch!. I was using the Clonazepam for almost 4 weeks and Ambien for about two weeks. Is this period of usage long enough to develop dependency ?. I have a nagging suspicion it is because I have problem sleeping when I stop taking these pills cold turkey. Am I doing something silly by going cold turkey ?.Will the remnant of these drugs in my body fade away over the next week or so ?. I have been prescribed Xanax and that's why I stopped using the other drugs.


Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines » jon137bus

Posted by Glydin on April 20, 2006, at 1:30:01

In reply to Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines, posted by jon137bus on April 15, 2006, at 6:27:13

> Am I doing something silly by going cold turkey ?.Will the remnant of these drugs in my body fade away over the next week or so ?. I have been prescribed Xanax and that's why I stopped using the other drugs.

~~~ Cold turkey is generally not the best way to go with discontinuing benzo's, in my opinion. Dose dependent, there can be a risk of nasty discontinuation symptoms and even, rarely, seizure with sudden withdrawal of the med. I think a taper is a good idea if use has been consistent and longer than two to three weeks.

Med dependence and addiction issues are found with all the benzo's. I think it's important to be aware of the difference of dependence versus addiction. Some think it's just semantics, but I see it as some big and distinct difference. Dependence is just as it implies. Addiction had four specific behaviors indicative of abusive and inappropriate use.

I successfully used only Klonopin for three years and I hope you find Xanax to be a good treatment for you without pitfalls. I (and others) am/are living proof that long term use of a benzo is possible without horror stories.

Good Luck to you.


Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines

Posted by bassman on April 20, 2006, at 1:30:01

In reply to Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines, posted by jon137bus on April 15, 2006, at 6:27:13

My experience is that you can withdraw from Klonopin without any symptoms if you decrease from 0.5 mg to none in about two weeks. But in 4 weeks, maybe you aren't really dependent yet. I personally would taper anyway; can't hurt and may save you some discomfort. The odd part about your post is that you are concerned about dependency and yet your are going to the hardest to withdraw from benzo, Xanax. Xanax is a wonderful benzo, but it pretty nasty to withdraw from, in my experience (I've withdrawn from Klonopin and Ativan with no symptoms, but Xanax was long and unpleasant). Best of luck. be prepared for others to "warn" you about Xanax.


Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines

Posted by valene on April 20, 2006, at 1:30:03

In reply to Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines, posted by jon137bus on April 15, 2006, at 6:27:13

If you are going straight to Xanax from Klonopin, you probably do not need to taper, as a benzo is a benzo plus you have not been on the klonopin that long. If the dosages are around the same, you should be all set, in my opinion. (Yes 4 weeks regular dosing is enough to develop a dependency in many people). Be aware that xanax has a shorter half-life than klonopin though.
> I was given Clonazepam (0.5mg) and Ambien (10mg) as sleeping aid by my doctor. I only learned about the dependency nature of these drugs after coming to this website. Ouch!. I was using the Clonazepam for almost 4 weeks and Ambien for about two weeks. Is this period of usage long enough to develop dependency ?. I have a nagging suspicion it is because I have problem sleeping when I stop taking these pills cold turkey. Am I doing something silly by going cold turkey ?.Will the remnant of these drugs in my body fade away over the next week or so ?. I have been prescribed Xanax and that's why I stopped using the other drugs.


Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines » valene

Posted by Phillipa on April 20, 2006, at 1:30:04

In reply to Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines, posted by valene on April 15, 2006, at 14:36:57

Valene exactly what my pdocs always told me and I had no problem ever switching from one to the other. I've been on benzos over 30 years but to call it addiction you would have to crave it and keep increasing your doseages. Tolerance does develope. Not the same thing. Your body just adapts to it and it is normal for your body to have the med there. Would you stop an antipsychotic if you needed it? Same thing and the same with and SSRI or any of the psych. drugs unless you were in a crisis period and needed additional meds till things settled down. Just my opinion. Your doc should know better than I do . Fondly Phillipa


Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines » jon137bus

Posted by tizza on April 20, 2006, at 1:30:04

In reply to Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines, posted by jon137bus on April 15, 2006, at 6:27:13

> Greetings members,
> I was given Clonazepam (0.5mg) and Ambien (10mg) as sleeping aid by my doctor. I only learned about the dependency nature of these drugs after coming to this website. Ouch!. I was using the Clonazepam for almost 4 weeks and Ambien for about two weeks. Is this period of usage long enough to develop dependency ?. I have a nagging suspicion it is because I have problem sleeping when I stop taking these pills cold turkey. Am I doing something silly by going cold turkey ?.Will the remnant of these drugs in my body fade away over the next week or so ?. I have been prescribed Xanax and that's why I stopped using the other drugs.

Xanax is one of the most potent benzo's to come off and it's withdrawal can be very nasty because it doesn't stay in your system as long as the clonazepam does, so you will need to take more doses of xanax during the day than you would on clonazepam. I would much rather taper off clonazepam than xanax, it will be a much smoother ride and won't take as long. I got very sick coming off xanax so be careful about stopping it cold turkey like I did 10 years ago. I didn't know back then about tapering off benzo's. Also maybe consider using valium for the taper process, it pretty much has the longest half life of them all but if it has only been 4 weeks and you still have clonazepam left you really shouldn't have too many problems getting off them at all. It hasn't been very long and you were on a very low dose so I'm tipping you will be just fine. Just be very wary of the xanax. Paul


Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines

Posted by bassman on April 20, 2006, at 1:30:04

In reply to Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines » jon137bus, posted by tizza on April 16, 2006, at 1:27:28

I found that withdrawing from Xanax was made easier (not easy) by taking very small doses about 8 times a day (a pain, I know, but it was worth it) and then tapering one of the small doses while leaving the others as they were. Now I'd switch to Klonopin or Ativan, since I don't have any withdrawal symptoms from withdrawing from them.


Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines » Phillipa

Posted by Crazy Horse on April 20, 2006, at 1:31:03

In reply to Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines » valene, posted by Phillipa on April 15, 2006, at 22:18:12

> Valene exactly what my pdocs always told me and I had no problem ever switching from one to the other. I've been on benzos over 30 years but to call it addiction you would have to crave it and keep increasing your doseages. Tolerance does develope. Not the same thing. Your body just adapts to it and it is normal for your body to have the med there. Would you stop an antipsychotic if you needed it? Same thing and the same with and SSRI or any of the psych. drugs unless you were in a crisis period and needed additional meds till things settled down. Just my opinion. Your doc should know better than I do . Fondly Phillipa

Its actually called Dependence. Tolerence is when the same dose doesn't help you anymore, so you have to increase to get the same effect. Dependence is what i have after being on ativan (another benzo) for 20 yrs. I don't need it anymore for psychiatric problems, but my brain and body require it or else i will go into withdrawal. I am currently reducing my dose however, and after many years of 8 plus mgs (I know that's a lot) i am currently down to 3 mgs. with no withdrawal symptoms...slow reduction for me is the only way.

-Crazy Horse


Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines » Crazy Horse

Posted by Phillipa on April 20, 2006, at 1:31:03

In reply to Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines » Phillipa, posted by Crazy Horse on April 17, 2006, at 11:27:34

So I'm tolerant cause I still need it? Love Phillipa


Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines

Posted by bassman on April 20, 2006, at 1:31:03

In reply to Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines » Crazy Horse, posted by Phillipa on April 17, 2006, at 13:21:15

No. Tolerance means that you need more and more to get the same effect. So if 0.5 mg three times a day worked for a couple months and then you felt anxious like before and required 1 mg three times day, and then 1.5 mg three times a day, etc. that's tolerance. Then there is habituation, which just means if you stop taking the med, you'll feel uncomfortable or worse. If you are taking it simply because it works, great!


Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines » Phillipa

Posted by Crazy Horse on April 20, 2006, at 1:31:03

In reply to Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines » Crazy Horse, posted by Phillipa on April 17, 2006, at 13:21:15

> So I'm tolerant cause I still need it? Love Phillipa

No, because you have not needed to increase your dose to get the same effect. I would say dependent like me, just because you have been on it for so long. In other words if you stopped taking it abruptly you would suffer from withdrawal symptoms. Taper it slowly and you would have very little or no problems. :)

Love, Monte


Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines » Crazy Horse

Posted by Phillipa on April 20, 2006, at 1:31:03

In reply to Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines » Phillipa, posted by Crazy Horse on April 17, 2006, at 13:47:05

I'd still have to anxiety. I don't want to get off the valium I use it for my anxiety. Love Phillipa


Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines

Posted by Greif on April 20, 2006, at 1:31:03

In reply to Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines, posted by valene on April 15, 2006, at 14:36:57

I have tapered off Zanax twice. 1st time from 3mg. Very nasty, Second time I switched from Zanax to K and taper was slow but much less painful. Valium is the best Benzo to switch to and taper. Did that with adivan and a breeze compared to Zanax, The last mg of Zanax is hell. THe withdrawl plus the return of the underlying anxiety. No sleep...noises rip through your is hell. I aam now on K for the duration


Re: Getting off Klonopin I just came off klonopin

Posted by ian34 on April 20, 2006, at 1:31:04

In reply to Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines » Phillipa, posted by Crazy Horse on April 17, 2006, at 11:27:34

I just came off Klonopin after 4 years. I went on lamictal 4 months ago and that helped me tremendously. It came off 1 mg in 6 weeks and it wasn't that bad . When I came of zanax it took 9 freak out months. I think klonopin really is easier to come off of plus maybe I have more mixed manic than I or the docs thought bc I am not bipolar diagnosed. I'd say it isn't as bad as people think and it helps to have a med that helps you to wean but not necesary


Re: Getting off Klonopin I just came off klonopin » ian34

Posted by SLS on April 20, 2006, at 7:44:30

In reply to Re: Getting off Klonopin I just came off klonopin, posted by ian34 on April 19, 2006, at 21:44:24

> I just came off Klonopin after 4 years. I went on lamictal 4 months ago and that helped me tremendously.

Were you prescribed Lamictal expressly for the purpose of discontinuing Klonopin?

- Scott


Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines » jon137bus

Posted by SLS on April 20, 2006, at 7:50:40

In reply to Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines, posted by jon137bus on April 15, 2006, at 6:27:13

I agree with Glydin.

I really don't know which drug to discontinue first, though. If you want to discontinue both drugs, I would try the Ambien first.

Why were you prescribed these two drugs?

- Scott


Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines

Posted by Greif on July 10, 2006, at 19:12:04

In reply to Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines » jon137bus, posted by SLS on April 20, 2006, at 7:50:40

I used Zanax for years and built up a tolerance where 4MG had the same effect that .75 did when I began. Withdrawl was pure hell. I switched to Klonopin to comlete the withdrwal. I later took Lorzapam and used valium to withdraw from that. I now take 2mg of K daily and have never needed to increase dose. It does not offer the "highs" or antidepressent effects of Xanax but it perfect for me. Zanax is one nasty drug. Worse than Heroin to withdraw from and it takes 6 months. Stay away if youy can.


Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines

Posted by helpme on July 16, 2006, at 14:28:25

In reply to Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines, posted by Greif on July 10, 2006, at 19:12:04

Has anyone ever found themselves in a position of cutting bezos cold due to something stupid like lost meds or whatever, something just beyond having to explain? Anything help ease withdrawal that is over-the-counter, or other methods? Thanks.


Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines

Posted by tug_slug on July 23, 2006, at 5:21:04

In reply to Re: Getting off Klonopin or benzodiazepines, posted by helpme on July 16, 2006, at 14:28:25


To the best of my knowledge theres nothing that can help as a matter of fact just about every otc medication will only make your symptoms worst.

I abruptly stopped taking klonopin in October 2004 and had no choice but to reinstate in November of 2005. Im currently tapering off Valium at .025 mgs nightly and am still having a hard time with my withdrawal sx's. If all goes as planned I should be free of all benzo's by the end of August and only than will I begin the healing process.

If I were you I'd get back on K, try to find a benzo friendly Dr and slowly taper off Valuim.

Click on the site below, they should point in the right direction.


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