Psycho-Babble Withdrawal Thread 465261

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Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft

Posted by lksummit on May 14, 2005, at 10:50:06

In reply to Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft, posted by Freedom on May 1, 2005, at 11:26:21

> Wow, so this is what I have to look foward to...
> well, I just finished Grad school, and will have some time on my hands before I start working...I will take advantage of this time to get off Zoloft. I am sooooo active, eat the right foods, the correct portions, etc. stay away from fat, and white flour and sugar and still managed to gain weight....I feel lethargic from zoloft as well. I took it mainly for anxiety and PTSD from a brain injury and surgery, however, am into yoga and holistic healing, so I will rely on these therapies to help me get through the rough spots, if I in fact have them when tapering off. The meds helped and I am grateful, however, its time to move on...its been 2 years, and the doctor will not suggest to get off of them...believe me!!
> He keeps asking if I want to increase!!! Its all about self determination, and doing whats best for ourselves...I will keep everyone posted on my experience....thanks for sharing all your information...this is very helpful....

So... how is it going?


Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!

Posted by Freedom on May 14, 2005, at 11:33:58

In reply to Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!, posted by DDTTBB on May 13, 2005, at 10:59:16

> I had the experience of quitting Zoloft cold turkey from 200 mg/day two years ago, and it was not good. I am getting off it for good right now, and I have tapered, cutting 50 mg off a week the first three weeks, then 25 this week, so I am currently on 25 mg/day, and I am doing great. I have had no zaps at all yet. I have experienced some moodiness at times, but not much, and I feel great. I have noticed that I have much more energy not being on 200 mg/day. I don't have to drag myself out of bed anymore. My life situation has gotten much better, which is why I'm quitting, as well as because of the weight gain, but tapering is the way to go, trust me. Your body will thank you for it.
> I am tapering without my psychiatrist's consent, but I don't care, having already quit it once. I was taking Buspar, Respirodol (sp?) and Zoloft during my divorce, but I tapered off the first two with no withdrawal effects. It can be done, everyone! Hang in there. Everybody responds differently to the withdrawal, but there may be better days ahead for you, if you really want to live without it!

I am now tapered to 25 mg starting worst symptoms were at the beginning from 100 to 50...the 50mg for one week went well...and I also feel great!!! I have more energy, no longer need to sleep 11 hours, I feel alive and clear.....I don't even think about the weening off, I just go on about my business....headaches are gone...I do experience occassional nausea and sweats...however, its going to go away....

Whatever anyone chooses, please consider weening off instead of cold an drug, the body will respond!!! its inevitable...I think by weening, it gives us the opportunity to be in control, and also to be gentle with ourselves....
Thanks everyone for sharing their experiences, this is wonderful thing!!! one more thing....try to drink lots of water to flush your system out!!!
I think this helps big time!!!! Best Wishes!!


Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft » lksummit

Posted by Freedom on May 14, 2005, at 11:45:11

In reply to Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft, posted by lksummit on May 14, 2005, at 10:50:06

Thanks for asking...I have written a couple responses regarding my withdrawal to keep everyone posted on my symptoms...the last post I made stated that I am feeling pretty good...there were a few bumps in the road...however, I think the worst is over for me...I am down to 25 mg starting today...I am really grateful for having everyones really helped me to be easy on myself and understand the withdrawal.....


Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!

Posted by Nettie on May 14, 2005, at 16:07:57

In reply to Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!, posted by DDTTBB on May 13, 2005, at 10:59:16

Thanks for the support. Down to 25mg now and doing ok. Had sleep last night for the first time since starting ADs (well, more then 2 or 3 hours, anyway). Very tired now but withdrawal symptoms gone except for some dizziness, which I can live with. Going to stop altogether next week... watch this space!


Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks! » Freedom

Posted by Nettie on May 14, 2005, at 16:26:46

In reply to Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!, posted by Freedom on May 14, 2005, at 11:33:58

I also found the 100 to 50 change bad (although it indirectly caused me to find this message board, so one good thing came from it!). Have now gone to 25mg and am ok except for dizziness. Going to 0 next week.... Let me know how you get on?


Re: message similar to this one » lksummit

Posted by Dr. Bob on May 15, 2005, at 1:11:58

In reply to Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft, posted by lksummit on May 14, 2005, at 9:20:39

> I posted 2 messages similar to this one last night and can't find either of them.

I think there was only 1. Which you posted to the main board, but I redirected here:



Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft

Posted by bearstar on May 16, 2005, at 23:09:50

In reply to Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft, posted by Ryan's mom on May 4, 2005, at 14:48:41

I have gone cold turkey from a dosage of 150mg of zoloft a day. It's been 2 weeks. I'm very dizzy and have trouble concentrating. I loose my train of thought very easily. Will this last much longer?


Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft

Posted by Kristen0215 on May 17, 2005, at 6:53:07

In reply to Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft, posted by bearstar on May 16, 2005, at 23:09:50

I was also on 150 then went to 100, 50 and then nothing. I also experienced major dizziness, mood swings and deep depression. I talked to my doc and he thinks that I went down too fast. He put me back on 25 mg for a week.I would suggest doing it a little slower. Although I don't know how long the dizziness will last. It's enough to drive anyone crazy.


Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!

Posted by DDTTBB on May 17, 2005, at 9:09:20

In reply to Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!, posted by Nettie on May 14, 2005, at 16:07:57

I am at 25 mg now, and last night I started experiencing a lot of dizziness and nausea and maybe a coule minor zaps, so I think I am going to be feeling the first withdrawal effects now, but I am still planning to go down to 0 on Thursday and weather the storm, with the confidence that I quit cold turkey once before and made it through, and the tapering this time has been much easier to deal with.


Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!

Posted by Kristen0215 on May 17, 2005, at 9:35:13

In reply to Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!, posted by DDTTBB on May 17, 2005, at 9:09:20

Can anyone tell me what a zap is?


Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!

Posted by Ryan's mom on May 17, 2005, at 14:30:34

In reply to Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks! » Freedom, posted by Nettie on May 14, 2005, at 16:26:46

Good luck Nettie. It's been three weeks since I've been off Zoloft. I thank everyone for their insight and advice. What a wild ride! I'm looking forward to getting my own "personality" back again...not the one that keeps snapping at people....but the great thing is that I am feeling better. The dizziness has lessened. There have been days where I don't feel it and then POW it is back...probably due to lack of sleep or not eating properly...but I'm finally starting to feel the fuzziness dissapate....not gone completely...and still get exhausted by dinner time...but there is a lot more hang in there and know that the rough road is just a little bit longer...but you can do it... you've come this far!!!


Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!

Posted by DDTTBB on May 18, 2005, at 8:31:59

In reply to Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!, posted by Kristen0215 on May 17, 2005, at 9:35:13

A "zap" is hard to explain until you have one, but it's like a quick electrical jolt in your head, literally. Sometimes there is a bright flash of light with it. It isn't painful, that I've noticed, but it is annoying. It often happens if you suddenly move your eyes from one point to another. I have done research on it on the net, and I haven't found any good explanation for what causes it. I haven't had any major ones yet during my taper, but I had them a lot when I quit cold turkey two years ago. I am dropping down to 0 mg on Thursday, so we'll see if they come with it. The brain obviously reacts to the cessation of Zoloft.


Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!

Posted by Kristen0215 on May 18, 2005, at 11:39:49

In reply to Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!, posted by DDTTBB on May 18, 2005, at 8:31:59

oh my gosh! I have had those and they scare the crap out of me. I feel so disoriented afterwards. Good luck and thanks for the info.


Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!

Posted by DDTTBB on May 19, 2005, at 10:48:56

In reply to Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!, posted by Kristen0215 on May 18, 2005, at 11:39:49

Yep, those zaps are something. I took my last dose of Zoloft yesterday, planning on it being the last time I ever take it, so we'll see how my body reacts. The taper is the way to go to anyone thinking of quitting cold turkey off a high dosage. I have only had a couple dizzy spells, and I am having very wrestless nights the last three nights. I wake up over and over and over. I am feeling just great, though. No depression at all. In fact, I have so much more energy and drive without it. I really think it turns us in to walking zombies, to some extent. I do think it works, to an extent, for helping with depression, but man, I am loving life without it!


Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!

Posted by Kristen0215 on May 19, 2005, at 13:16:09

In reply to Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!, posted by DDTTBB on May 19, 2005, at 10:48:56

I was thinking of going back on the 150mg but I think I will just stick with 25 until I am ready to let go. That week with nothing was awful! I felt like a junkie. I do feel more upbeat and alive without having such a high dosage. I dont know how I will feel going from 25 to 0. Hopefully I will be ok.


Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks! » DDTTBB

Posted by Helenb on May 20, 2005, at 6:41:35

In reply to Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!, posted by DDTTBB on May 19, 2005, at 10:48:56

It is very interesting reading all these posts about coming off zoloft. I am currently coming off mine, was 100mg per day, one more week on 50mg per day then 50mg one day, miss the next. Have others had problems with anger as a withdrawal symptom? Dr made me laugh, want to put me on aropax... i don't think so.


Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!

Posted by Kristen0215 on May 20, 2005, at 6:47:37

In reply to Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks! » DDTTBB, posted by Helenb on May 20, 2005, at 6:41:35

Yep I was definitely angry a lot, it's like my emotions were at an all time high. When I was sad, I was really down in the dumps, when I was mad I wanted to scream and pull my hair out. I only have one more day at 25mg. I am nervous about going to zero in a day or so....


Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks! » Kristen0215

Posted by Helenb on May 20, 2005, at 6:53:59

In reply to Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!, posted by Kristen0215 on May 20, 2005, at 6:47:37

I know how you feel, i felt like i could tear my hair out, the dr told me to take 6 weeks to come off it. But he also told me to persevere, as the symptoms will ease.


Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!

Posted by Kristen0215 on May 20, 2005, at 6:57:24

In reply to Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks! » Kristen0215, posted by Helenb on May 20, 2005, at 6:53:59

I am just really scared to come off of it. I don't want to feel the way I felt before when I tried to come off of it. It disrupts my whole life! I feel like I am sick all the time. The nausea, dizziness and hot flashes are too much.


Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!

Posted by Helenb on May 20, 2005, at 7:01:25

In reply to Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks! » Kristen0215, posted by Helenb on May 20, 2005, at 6:53:59

I have felt really dizzy, but i have had only one panic attck, the more the dr put the dosage up, the worse they got. I have been on zoloft for 1.5 years, and i can't wait to come off them. One of my best friends has finished coming off effexor completely, she is a new woman, so happy and carefree. I feel that on zoloft that i am almost a zombie.


Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!

Posted by DDTTBB on May 21, 2005, at 7:47:52

In reply to Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks! » DDTTBB, posted by Helenb on May 20, 2005, at 6:41:35

I was a little irritable for the first couple weeks of the taper, but nto so much now, and I really haven't been outright angry. Everyone responds differently.


Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!

Posted by DDTTBB on May 21, 2005, at 7:50:23

In reply to Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!, posted by Helenb on May 20, 2005, at 7:01:25

I totally agree with that zombie effect. I definitely feel like I have a personality again. I am happier, more outgoing, and have more motivatoin to do things. I think Zoloft almost makes you not give a care about much.


Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!

Posted by Helenb on May 22, 2005, at 20:29:04

In reply to Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!, posted by DDTTBB on May 21, 2005, at 7:50:23

You are so right, i thought that i had depression and anxiety attacks before i started taking zoloft, my panic attacks got worse after i started taking zoloft. I started my first tapering off yesterday...woohoo!!!!


Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks! » Helenb

Posted by SLS on May 22, 2005, at 20:38:58

In reply to Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!, posted by Helenb on May 22, 2005, at 20:29:04

Hi Helen.

> I started my first tapering off yesterday...woohoo!!!!

How did you plan to go about discontinuing Zoloft?

- Scott


Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!

Posted by DDTTBB on May 24, 2005, at 2:39:28

In reply to Re:withdrawal from Zoloft - thanks!, posted by Helenb on May 22, 2005, at 20:29:04

I have been off Zoloft five days now, and I am having a horrible time sleeping at night. I am waking up a lot, and having obsessive thoughts that keep me from going back to sleep. I am typing this at 2:30 a.m. My wife just left our bed to sleep in another bedroom, so I assume I have been thrashing too much. I had similar problems the first time I quit Zoloft. I took a sleep aid two nights ago, but it didn't help at all. I hate this facet of the withdrawal, but otherwise I am doing really well without Zoloft. People are mentioning that I seem to have so much more life in me lately. I hope this sleep disorder is just temporary.

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