Psycho-Babble Substance Use Thread 342332

Shown: posts 1 to 25 of 39. This is the beginning of the thread.


Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?

Posted by catmint on May 1, 2004, at 21:47:29

I am bipolar take Lamictal. I am stressed out. I am smoking pot and cigarettes again after 3 years. I am really sad about what is going on in my life and I don't know what to do.
I could possibly look into taking Risperadal. I'ts an antipsychotic, right? Will it mellow me out? Will I still want to smoke pot?
I have been really sad, and want to get some help. Can anyone relate? Please I'm going to possibly lose it.



Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?

Posted by bride2be on May 2, 2004, at 17:51:55

In reply to Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?, posted by catmint on May 1, 2004, at 21:47:29

dont loose it, everything is going to be ok. are you smoking pot b/c you medication makes you hyper. what i am saying is, are you smoking b.c it calms you down? answer these and i will get back to you. smile, it will be ok.


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK? » bride2be

Posted by catmint on May 3, 2004, at 9:20:47

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?, posted by bride2be on May 2, 2004, at 17:51:55

> dont loose it, everything is going to be ok. are you smoking pot b/c you medication makes you hyper. what i am saying is, are you smoking b.c it calms you down? answer these and i will get back to you. smile, it will be ok.

/THanks, yea I guess I smoke it because I'm hyper on the inside. It also makes me feel happier.
I'm going through a really hard time, I don't want to tell my pdoc about the pot, I don't know what he'll say. I'm scared because I might be having some OCD features along with being bipolar. I tend to obsess in my head. It sucks


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK? » catmint

Posted by rainyday on May 3, 2004, at 11:04:16

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK? » bride2be, posted by catmint on May 3, 2004, at 9:20:47

I told my pdoc about my use of pot and booze to self medicate. She is not in the least judgemental except to say that they were not wise choices. The good news is that the longer I am on my medication, the less I feel the need to use those things to deal with the anxiety. Actually I found that my response to pot is somewhat dulled by my medication, and it just makes me feel stupid. I don't need any help in that regard!


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?

Posted by Impermanence on May 3, 2004, at 19:16:52

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK? » catmint, posted by rainyday on May 3, 2004, at 11:04:16

"/THanks, yea I guess I smoke it because I'm hyper on the inside. It also makes me feel happier.
I'm going through a really hard time, I don't want to tell my pdoc about the pot, I don't know what he'll say. I'm scared because I might be having some OCD features along with being bipolar. I tend to obsess in my head. It sucks"

Catmint, It's almost certainly the cannabis causing the o.c.d. As a chronic stoner for about ten years I can assure you your symptoms will ease if you give up weed.
I know it's hard, I'm a recovering alcoholic and have abused every drug under the sun for years. I'm off the "class a" two years now (apart from the odd few E's now and again). Battling the alcohol, depression and anxiety is hard enough but very time I buy an ounce all my o.c.d., paranoia and panic attacks come back with a vengeance and I smoke on regardless like a fool, just through a few more benzos down my gob to calm down.
I'm taking antidepressants and benzodiazepines for 18 months now and things are hard enough, every time I start smoking again things get real messy, so I drink and abuse my benzos to enjoy the weed without panic, then I uasully end up off my face for a few weeks smoking and drinking 24/7, attempt suicide, go through the withdrawals and try to pick myself up again. It's a constant battle.
Weed is your enemy, it will make your condition worse. Anybody with psychological problems is asking for trouble smoking something thats part hallucinogenic.
I hope you feel better soon, I know you will if you stay off weed >>>(says the hypocrite who just smoked a joint!!!)
Take care.


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK? » Impermanence

Posted by catmint on May 4, 2004, at 10:07:55

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?, posted by Impermanence on May 3, 2004, at 19:16:52

>>>>Anybody with psychological problems is asking for trouble smoking something thats part hallucinogenic.

yea, I think it's true in a way. I'm already a paranoid person and of course weed makes it worse. I'ts also like a gateway drug for me, I start to self-sabotage, drinking, cheating on my boyfriend, crazy messed up states in my head, can't relax around people, annoying them with my pressured speach, talking to srangers, having that look on my face that shows I'm fucked up inside.
Yesterday, I really wanted one of my friends Xanax, cause I forgot my Ativan. She was out, so I didn't take any, just smoked more pot and cigarretes.
All my friends smoke, they can handle it I guess, I get really wierd, freak out, have crying spells, hate my life, want to commit suicide. I'm more insecure, not exercising.
I don't know how to quit. Narco anonomous people would laugh if I said my problem was weed. I'm thinking about going back to AA, just for the support of people.,
Northern California is where I live and the pot is really potent here, I should only smoke a little bit, but no! I have to smoke a few bong hits and I don't know why I can't' control myself.
Thanks for reading


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?

Posted by ghost on May 4, 2004, at 21:38:43

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK? » Impermanence, posted by catmint on May 4, 2004, at 10:07:55

at the risk of getting into trouble, i want to reply to this post. most of this is just personal opinions and experience, so please take it with a grain of salt.

the major problem with pot is that it's such a psychological drug. it's not physically harmful in and of itself, but the psychological effects are intense. i think that some people shouldn't smoke it because of their predisposition for certain conditions (paranoia, ocd, bipolar, etc)-- sometimes pot just intensifies what is there naturally, which can be a dangerous combination.

i also think that for some people, pot is very beneficial. it is calming and soothing to those who are constantly hot-wired and running full throttle. it can improve the mood of a manic bipolar who is viscious and mean. it can soothe the side effects of some of the more potent psychotropics.

i smoked off and on during my undergraduate years, mostly as a recreational thing. when i moved far from home to go to graduate school, my mental illness(es) came to a head, things went really horribly for me. (they still are.) i started smoking pot more-- often it was an escape. i admit that. but very very frequently, it made me feel better. it slowed the thoughts in my head and suppressed the voices. it allowed me to focus and be productive. it improved my mood, so my suicidal thoughts dissipated when i smoked.

i've been clean for a few weeks now, because i hope to get a job with a company who does pre-emp. drug screenings. (well, that sounds funny. i hope to get a job with a company that *happens* to *do* screenings.) anyhow. ever since i've stopped smoking, the down-swing that's begun seems amplified. i have no means of escape, no way to improve my mood. i really think pot is beneficial to me, and i really notice its absence. i have every intention of smoking again once i am employed and free and clear with the drug screen.

however, i do maintain that pot is not for everyone. and if you recognize that it is making your situation worse, or causing you any kind of harm, then you should stop immediately and seek help if you need it. if pot triggers destructive behaviors, then it should be removed from the equation... take away the catalyst and the reaction won't occur at any kind of perceivable speed. (that's the chemist in me talking, heh.)

i wish you luck. i don't know how productive this post was. but i hope you can eliminate it from your life. is there any way you can substitute something for the pot? can you smoke cigarettes instead. (i know that's not any better, but...) eat ice cream? keep ativan on you at all times? leave yourself a note by your stash reminding yourself what happens when you smoke it?

do try to take care. look out for yourself.


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?

Posted by Beta on May 6, 2004, at 5:31:11

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?, posted by ghost on May 4, 2004, at 21:38:43

I am having the same problem... I was recently diagnosed with chronic PTSD, major depression secondary, and good old substance abuse. I have been a pot smoker for as long as I can remember, and years of ecstacy I honestly believe kept me alive. Some of the other drugs I certainly could have done without. I was a frequent drinker, but gave that up, thinking it was what was causing my PTSD symptoms. Evidently, I have been self medicating for at least 2 decades.

I don't miss the beer, will not use ecstacy, first because it is dangerous to mix with Effexor, and second because I do not have a reliable source, and wont know what is in the pills. Pot is a whole other story. I am having tremendous difficulty not smoking pot. I mentioned this to my MD and she prescribed me 0.5mg of Risperdal. I have been on it for about a week, and not real familiar with the drug.

I am anxiously awaiting my treatment for the PTSD to begin. They really want me to stop smoking pot, and cigarettes, but I have not been able to. Surprisingly, the drinking has been easy to go without. I dont want to lie to them, but the pot truly does reduce my anxiety and intrusive memories. They wont prescribe me anything "habit forming" because of my substance abuse history, although I have found Tranzene to be very helpful in calming "my insides trembling".

Any ideas or suggestions out there?

Thanks for listening. =)


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?

Posted by Dauphine on May 6, 2004, at 14:13:06

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?, posted by Beta on May 6, 2004, at 5:31:11

Hi everyone,
I have smoked pot almost every day since I've been about 17 (only 24 now). I have discussed my use of pot several times with my psychologist and each time I have decided to do nothing about it, i.e. keep on smoking. I think it is because I don't feel like it has a neagtive effect on my life. I don't see any "downside" to it. I recently started to take Effexor, and smoking doesn't feel any different then when I was not taking an AD. It doesn't seem more or less potent. My depression and anxiety have really improved since I started Effexor. I am in graduate school getting my Ph.D. and I don't know very many other people that smoke like I do. I feel that I have become so used to it, that it is natural for me -- I only get uncomfortable talking about it when I admit how frequently I smoke (worry that people may judge me and sterotype me as a stoner even though I feel very mentally alert and competent). I think it has a lot to do with the different lifestyles of my peers (drug-free active people). I like to drink socially, but don't do any other drugs. I have also had problems with obsessive thoughts, but in my case smoking pot seems to allieviate my anxiety. I feel like it allows me to get out of my head sometimes, or at least think about things that don't have to do with mistakes I've made or regrets that I might have. I'm glad I found this thread.


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK? » Beta

Posted by partlycloudy on May 6, 2004, at 18:25:06

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?, posted by Beta on May 6, 2004, at 5:31:11

It really helps to be up front as you are with your doctors. I too have a history of "dependence" you can insert what you want, and I can't say that pot has affected me negatively. I don't smoke everyday, but I do think it has helped me through my most anxious and stressful times.

If I'm stressed out, I smoke. I would rather do that than take a xanax. I don't feel like I couldn't go on with a toke.


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?

Posted by starlight on May 11, 2004, at 14:47:24

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?, posted by ghost on May 4, 2004, at 21:38:43

Would you let us know how the screening thing goes? I'm going through the same thing and wondering how to get it out of my system completely quicker.


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?

Posted by starlight on May 11, 2004, at 14:50:59

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?, posted by Dauphine on May 6, 2004, at 14:13:06

You're not alone at all! I'm right there with you. I'm always amazed at how many smart and productive people smoke since it's never portrayed that way. Did you guys ever see the ad where the star basketball player is kicked off the team because he failed his drug test? I think it's a really funny ad because he's the "best player." So obviously it hasn't hampered his personal performance.....


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?

Posted by Dauphine on May 12, 2004, at 15:19:38

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?, posted by starlight on May 11, 2004, at 14:50:59

It's great to know I'm not alone....

> You're not alone at all! I'm right there with you. I'm always amazed at how many smart and productive people smoke since it's never portrayed that way. Did you guys ever see the ad where the star basketball player is kicked off the team because he failed his drug test? I think it's a really funny ad because he's the "best player." So obviously it hasn't hampered his personal performance.....
> star


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?

Posted by octopusprime on May 12, 2004, at 21:15:29

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?, posted by Dauphine on May 12, 2004, at 15:19:38


before and during my worst depressive episode, i was a chronic stoner. on the advice of my doctor, i did stop smoking weed (and gave it up cold turkey for almost two years before taking another toke)

in my opinion i needed the time away from the drugs, and it was extremely beneficial to me. the first three months were the hardest.

like dauphine, i think, i thought i was highly functional as a stoner. during that time i graduated from university with an 80% average in my classes.

since that time though i realize my mental acuity was sub-par - my short term and long term memory has really improved. better concentration too - i can read novels again.

two other major improvements happened: i no longer have to associate with somewhat less than desirable people to get drugs (had some scary buying experiences with weird people) and i had to come up with constructive ways to spend the time i used stoned before.

it took the full two years to rebuild my life to the point where smoking every day wouldn't fit. and some of the activities i took up to fill the time (playing music, riding my bike, hiking on the weekends, etc) are more likely to ward off the depression than the previous activities.

somebody asked about anti-psychotics - i couldn't sleep without smoking up before, and my doc wouldn't provide benzos because of my history of substance use. so i took 25 mg seroquel nightly, which helped to calm down the jittery swirly thoughts that prevented me from sleeping. i did feel a little lethargic (and required 9-10 hours of sleep a night), but it did help a lot.

i don't want to go all polyanna on you people, but i did think quitting helped to straighten my head out a lot. i have been smoking a few joints here and there now, and i think i need to stop because i'm sort of on the verge of breaking again.

just something to consider.


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK? » ghost

Posted by catmint on May 13, 2004, at 3:47:51

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?, posted by ghost on May 4, 2004, at 21:38:43

Thanks for your great post. Good advice.
I'm going to start going to AA and NA meetings because I'm starting to drink more now.

I did start smoking cigarettes again, and have decreased smoking pot somewhat, but today I didn't have that control, and I ended up smoking and drinking even though I know it is harmful to me.


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?

Posted by starlight on May 13, 2004, at 11:10:11

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?, posted by octopusprime on May 12, 2004, at 21:15:29

It's something I would like to do - but the spouse smokes as well and that makes it hard. I think my mind would be sharper without, but it's pretty habituated at this point. I don't drink much, and it doesn't seem to lower my activity level. I do yoga, work full time, have a band, record on my own, go on walks, read and all sorts of other stuff.

Still, it is something I would like to curtail, but as long as the spouse is doing it, that would make it harder.


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK? » starlight

Posted by catmint on May 14, 2004, at 5:15:57

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?, posted by starlight on May 13, 2004, at 11:10:11

I totally hear ya. My spouse is an everyday user and it's always around.
I keep smoking and sometimes lately regret it. That's where AA helps. Even though they are alcoholics and I'm not, going to meetings is like free therapy. All the stories and faces help me realize I'm not alone and things could be way worse,.


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?

Posted by Nucking Futz on May 16, 2004, at 8:21:55

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?, posted by starlight on May 13, 2004, at 11:10:11

Hi Everyone…In regards to smoking pot I feel that I must put my 2 cents in. I have had bi-polar and GAD for a long time (diagnosed BP first in 1986 after my first severe manic episode). I have taken a pharmacy full of different med cocktails over the years (that did not work as well as my current combo), and I added marijuana last year (apx 3 grams per week) after some intense discussion with a P-doc whom I had met socially at a conference. I had not smoked for over 17 years, but for me it has proven to be very beneficial in helping stabilize my moods. I also take 3 mg (or less) per day of Klonipin to control anxiety. The anxiety is a large factor in creating a great platform for me to either fall into a pit of despair or making a good starting point for a manic flight.

One thing I have noticed in this and other forums is an expectation that meds alone will help you get to a point that you have a “life” beyond your illness. I have found this to be untrue. You must also pay attention to other environmental factors that have an effect on your mental health. Are you eating as correctly as you can? Do you exercise? (real important for depression) Do you tolerate Toxic people in your life? (this was my main downfall) There are others, but for my first post I will try not to pontificate for too long J. Don’t take this a blanket endorsement for smoking, but it has worked better for me than almost any other substance for making me stable for over 2 years. As with any med, you have to pay close attention to what effect it has on your moods as well as SE’s, which for pot includes lethargy issues and short term memory problems. If the med does not alleviate symptoms (or in some cases creates them, consult your doc and change them) I wish you all well on your search for wellness.


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK? » catmint

Posted by ghost on May 16, 2004, at 11:41:39

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK? » ghost, posted by catmint on May 13, 2004, at 3:47:51

> Thanks for your great post. Good advice.
> I'm going to start going to AA and NA meetings because I'm starting to drink more now.

good for you for seeking help!

> I did start smoking cigarettes again, and have decreased smoking pot somewhat, but today I didn't have that control, and I ended up smoking and drinking even though I know it is harmful to me.

best of luck with NA/AA... and we're always here for support!


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK? » ghost

Posted by catmint on May 16, 2004, at 17:23:04

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK? » catmint, posted by ghost on May 16, 2004, at 11:41:39

I do need the support and I appreciate all of you very much.
I am a little wary to mention my drug use to my pdoc. I just got transfered to my first psychiatrist b/c my usual one is out on leave.
She is a bit conservative. i.e. won't prescribe benzos if she knew I was using.
My usual pdoc one asked me if I smoked pot. I said no, barely at all, which was not true. Someone once told me that some docs will not allow you to stay on disability(which I am on) if they know you are using.
Believe me, I don't believe smoking weed is "using" but nonetheless, I don't want to tell them. I need you guys to help me if possible.
I also have been using some cocaine. I've done it twice in the past 2 weeks. Before that, I hadn't done it for over 15 years. Problem is I loved it am looking forward to next time.
I can't blame it on my friends, but that's how it got here.
NA on Wednesday, this is the first time in my life (37 yrs.) that I might think I am starting a substance abuse problem.
Like one of the previous posters said, You don't want to end up like some of the others in NA who have taken it way to far.
I do like myself enough and believe I have the willpower to maintain my use. But I'm not sure it that is denial.
I'm not depressed at all right now. Lamictal is the best med for me.

I'm not sure what I'm doing. Last advice I want is motherly.

I just really need support.


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK? » catmint

Posted by ghost on May 16, 2004, at 18:40:49

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK? » ghost, posted by catmint on May 16, 2004, at 17:23:04

stay strong, okay? i don't want to say some drugs are right and some drugs are wrong, but i was recently just screwed over bigtime by a cocaine user, so i'm biased. (i'll try to be positive, though.)

i hear cocaine is fun. i really do. i don't doubt that you look forward to doing it again-- but do you have to? what happens if you don't? what happens if you sit this next time out? maybe you could do it the time after that... but try not to turn this into a regular habit. at the risk of sounding motherly, the only way to go with those kinds of drugs is down.

a bad dose of cocaine could kill you.

personally, i wouldn't tell a pdoc or T that i use any drugs, but i'm not sure why-- i have no real tangible reason. my first pdoc used to ask me all the time if i was smoking marijuana, like he didn't believe me. it used to make me angry-- i never went to appts stoned, and i don't think i "look like" a stoner. for that, i don't often trust mental health practitioners. i'd be interested to know what the "right" answer is-- to admit to using or not. i'm not sure about the truth of losing benefits if drug use is involved, but i would not be surprised, since possessing drugs and paraphernalia is a crime.

stay strong. and keep writing.

much love,


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?

Posted by Dauphine on May 18, 2004, at 12:46:09

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK? » catmint, posted by ghost on May 16, 2004, at 18:40:49

I was thinking this morning on the way to work about this topic/thread. It occured to me that the AD I'm taking (Effexor) is probably far stronger and more potent than smoking pot. The only difference is that Effexor is extended release and pot isn't. But there could easily be THC in a pill in XR form that would probably work like xanax or some other anti-anxiety drug. The stigma comes from inhaling it. I don't know, just a thought.


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK? Ans: 'Yes' (nm)

Posted by kazoo on May 22, 2004, at 2:18:35

In reply to Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK?, posted by catmint on May 1, 2004, at 21:47:29


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK? Ans: 'Yes'

Posted by Magdalena on May 25, 2004, at 23:12:05

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK? Ans: 'Yes' (nm), posted by kazoo on May 22, 2004, at 2:18:35

if pot is anxiety releaving then how come it throws me in to total paranioa/panic and it keeps me there for like 3 hours!
it wasnt fun, i think i got a fever too cause i was shivering and freezing boyfriend thought i was dying.

i thought the paxil i am on would block those negative feelings...damn


Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK? Ans: 'Yes' » Magdalena

Posted by kazoo on May 27, 2004, at 2:01:31

In reply to Re: Meds and Marijuana- Am I OK? Ans: 'Yes', posted by Magdalena on May 25, 2004, at 23:12:05

> if pot is anxiety releaving then how come it throws me in to total paranioa/panic and it keeps me there for like 3 hours!
Who ever said pot relieved anxiety? Also, maybe anxiety wasn't what you were feeling to begin with.

> it wasnt fun, i think i got a fever too cause i was shivering and freezing cold.
I, too, get cold and shiver (at times) when I smoked the stuff, but this didn't happen all the time. The feelings I would get would be those of depersonalization; i.e., "not myself." I was beside myself and didn't enjoy this kind of out-of-body experience. Those times I did feel that way was triggered by either an event or person, and I deduced that I harbored certain resentment and ill-will toward someone or some thing at that time and the pot not only enhanced these feelings (and I couldn't accept them) but brought them to the surface. I stopped doing pot a long time ago. I grew up.

> i thought the paxil i am on would block those negative feelings...damn
This is a kicker, my dear! You have some deep rooted fears bubbling under the surface of your unconscious, then use pot which acts as a sort of key to open the door for these feelings to invade your conscious "operating" mind, and then expect an SSRI to counter such feelings! It doesn't work that way, I'm afraid.

Forget the pot, stick with the meds and enjoy life.


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