Psycho-Babble Substance Use Thread 261598

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Coffee addiction

Posted by Budgie on September 19, 2003, at 9:56:12

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to figure out why I get so easily addicted to caffeine, coffee in particular.

I've had no problem giving up every substance, including cigarettes, over the years- piece of cake, cold-turkey. However, after just one cup of coffee, even if it's been a while, I'm instantly addicted until I reach the point where my body just feels like it's going to break down if I have any more. My level of consumption is laughable compared to most people (never more than a cup a day), but after a week of drinking coffee, my lower back (I presume that means kidneys) is in *serious* pain.

The problem is, I find a good coffee buzz to be the most outright pleasurable feeling in the world- it just clicks with me for some reason. Better than any drug, better than sex if I have to be honest. I just started Parnate recently, which I really dig, and I liked cocaine a lot (though I didn't do it often) back in my partying days. So it's pretty obvious I dig stimulating things.

Any ideas of what's going on here exactly and what I can do? In the end, tea just isn't a real substitute!

Thanks heaps,


Re: Coffee addiction

Posted by kara lynne on September 19, 2003, at 22:30:50

In reply to Coffee addiction, posted by Budgie on September 19, 2003, at 9:56:12

Hi Budgie,
I wouldn't be good for you. We'd be at Peet's every morning together. (I don't know where you live but Peet's is the best and strongest around here.)

I have so few pleasures in my life and coffee is one I won't even pretend to give up. My friend is constantly talking about how bad it is and how she and I should both stop. I just continue to buy my Peet's coffee, make my one luscious, strong cup every morning, add my sinful half and half making it a creamy, sensual delight, sit back and sip. And the smell of those fresh beans in the bag...the scent as it wafts through the morning air...ok, I know. Things are really looking desperate around here.

I don't mean to invalidate your concern; I share it. Caffeine has been linked to so many symptoms; anxiety, PMS, fibrocystic breast disease (which you think would stop me but it hasn't), adrenal exhaustion, vitamin leeching, brittle bones, fibromyalgia...can I continue? Yes, but I won't. Coffee is also an anti-depressant, one I'm obviously in dire need of. I can't quite get as far as you do with it (better than sex...wellllllll...) but in the past 10 years I have to be pretty well near death not to have my cup in the morning. I've heard the suggestions: mix it with decaf until you're eventually making it all decaf, take homeopathic remedies, substitute green tea, use Caffix or one of those grain beverages, and they're all very good ideas.

Can I get you a refill?


Re: Coffee addiction » kara lynne

Posted by madwand on September 20, 2003, at 14:49:19

In reply to Re: Coffee addiction, posted by kara lynne on September 19, 2003, at 22:30:50

Hmmm, the system seems to have eaten my previous attempt at this note. Second try...

I wonder if Peet's or Starbuck's has a large private room where we could have Psycho-Babble get together? <g>
Caffeine is one thing that I am completely reluctant to give up. One thing I have noticed is that, paradoxically, since I switched to drinking mainly espresso my caffeine consumption is actually down. With regular coffee I could chug through pot after pot, but with the espresso I seem to be able to let it go at one (or perhaps two).
I have also noticed that when the caffeine intake creeps up that it starts to backfire. I am not talking "tolerance" here, but the experience of having a cup of espresso and having it make you more tired instead of less (BTW, I can't remember where but I have read that this is a known effect of caffeine so it apparently it isn't just me).
When I hit that point I find that taking a week or two off of it really helps get it back to its old "punch" (I can sort of "one day at a time" it for that long, but always end up going back to it).
BTW, after years of fiddling with "cheap" espresso machines I finally bought one of those expensive ones from Starbuck's. The difference in taste is amazing! (I still have one of the cheapie ones I use for travel so I get to recompare once in a while).


Re: Coffee addiction

Posted by Simcha on September 20, 2003, at 18:36:52

In reply to Re: Coffee addiction, posted by kara lynne on September 19, 2003, at 22:30:50

I love Peet's. I'm in Oakland.


Re: Coffee addiction/ Simcha

Posted by kara lynne on September 20, 2003, at 23:29:03

In reply to Re: Coffee addiction, posted by Simcha on September 20, 2003, at 18:36:52

I think Peet's started there--or somewhere in the Bay Area. Let's you also have Spinelli and that other company--that just makes a light and a dark version--oh it's gonna kill me 'till I can think of it!


Re: Coffee addiction/ Simcha

Posted by kara lynne on September 20, 2003, at 23:31:33

In reply to Re: Coffee addiction/ Simcha, posted by kara lynne on September 20, 2003, at 23:29:03



Re: Coffee addiction/ Simcha » kara lynne

Posted by Simcha on September 21, 2003, at 4:07:51

In reply to Re: Coffee addiction/ Simcha, posted by kara lynne on September 20, 2003, at 23:31:33

> Graffaeo?!

I'm not sure. I've only lived here since last June. I'm originally from Chicago. I miss Intelligentia.


Re: Coffee addiction/ Simcha

Posted by kara lynne on September 21, 2003, at 15:32:16

In reply to Re: Coffee addiction/ Simcha » kara lynne, posted by Simcha on September 21, 2003, at 4:07:51

Never heard of it but I'm sure it's good. You could probably order it. Do you miss Chicago? That seems like a great place to live.

I lived near Lake Merrit for a year.


Re: Coffee addiction/ Simcha » kara lynne

Posted by Simcha on September 21, 2003, at 15:59:57

In reply to Re: Coffee addiction/ Simcha, posted by kara lynne on September 21, 2003, at 15:32:16

Hey! I live near Lake Merritt! We're neighbors! ;-)

I miss Chicago. I haven't lived there for about three years. I lived for a bit in Iowa before moving here.

There's nothing like Chicago. I'm going back to visit my parents in December. Call me crazy but I miss winter sometimes.


> Never heard of it but I'm sure it's good. You could probably order it. Do you miss Chicago? That seems like a great place to live.
> I lived near Lake Merrit for a year.


Re: Coffee addiction/ Simcha

Posted by kara lynne on September 21, 2003, at 22:34:04

In reply to Re: Coffee addiction/ Simcha » kara lynne, posted by Simcha on September 21, 2003, at 15:59:57

I miss winter too and I've never had it. There's something lovely about it. All this California sunshine when you're depressed can be too much to take.


Re: Coffee addiction/ Simcha (and Budgie) » kara lynne

Posted by madwand on September 22, 2003, at 6:37:08

In reply to Re: Coffee addiction/ Simcha, posted by kara lynne on September 21, 2003, at 15:32:16

Another Bay Area person here. I live over on the Peninsula (er, when I'm home that is. I travel quite a bit).
I guess we drifted a bit from the original poster's concern about caffeine addiction. So Budgie, I have some thoughts for you before we get redirected to social <g>.
First of all, it really is possible to use a 12-step approach to get away from caffeine. I actually tried it once and it worked for quite a while, but I "relapsed" thinking I would have "just one" for a "special circumstance". I have subsequently decided I don't really want to eliminated caffeine from my life (at least at this time).
I am not sure if you have any 12-step experience, but from your reference to your success at the "cold turkey" approach I suspect you might not (pardon me if I conjecture too much). Those who have had good luck quitting stuff on their own often do not see a need, and even find the concepts of "powerlessness" and "surrender" to be foreign. If this is the case,
then all I can suggest is giving it a try -- you may have finally met your match (a lot of us in 12 steps come here reluctantly after a history of success in bludgeoning things into submission with our wills). And often this "success" has been predicated on holding on to the "one thing" we couldn't give up (e.g. some folks have sworn that it was easier to get off heroin than cigarettes).
And there actually is a "Caffeine Anonymous" in some cities (despite its existence being the subject of many jokes). If you have no 12-step experience you would probably want some support to start down that road. If you can't find one, perhaps there are others here who are interested and you could form a thread where you could support each other (and I know there is quite a bit of 12 step experience in this group).
Anyway, good luck in your quest. I was hoping to find a link for you, but my Googling found only one promising link and it was dead :(


Re: Coffee addiction/ Simcha (and Budgie)

Posted by serenedd on September 30, 2003, at 11:30:55

In reply to Re: Coffee addiction/ Simcha (and Budgie) » kara lynne, posted by madwand on September 22, 2003, at 6:37:08

Hi, I have had the same problems with caffeine addiction. I am finally at the point in my life where I am pretty much caffeine-free, as I am very sensitive to it. I am bipolar, so it tends to aggravate my symptoms. Since I am more stabilized with medication, I tend I find to crave it sometimes -- maybe because I miss the ups. Or possibly when I am in the depressive phase.

I also second the recommendation to attend a 12-step group. I also have addiction problems, and had the same problems with caffeine as with other drugs (I abuse it). I also tend to use it to self-medicate.


Re: Coffee addiction/ Simcha (and Budgie)

Posted by Arrianna on October 8, 2003, at 16:13:34

In reply to Re: Coffee addiction/ Simcha (and Budgie), posted by serenedd on September 30, 2003, at 11:30:55


I am another coffee lover!! Love it sooo much, it has also turned into an addiction for me. I start my morning with a cup of coffee and a cigarette ~ and continue to drink as much as I can throughout the day until I can't tolerate it anymore.

I know it is not good for me at ALL, but it is soo good! I love the aroma of coffee ~ I love the feeling of warmth it gives on the way down ~ I love the coffee "Perk".

I've tried to quit before, too. It was an awful experience of headaches and irritability. As hard as it is, I've heard the best way to quit is by tapering off. For us coffee addicts, I don't know if that is possible, but it would help the withdrawals from being so harsh.

One day I may quit ~ but, today is not that day. Coffee and cigarettes are my only bad habits that I'm just not ready to let go of.

I smell something brewing.

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