Shown: posts 1 to 6 of 6. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by alexandra_k on April 14, 2022, at 14:56:15
so the government spent around $300,000 taxpayers dollars to advertise, overseas, for nzl trained nurses to work in nzl as icu specialists.
because, you know, we cry that the reason why we don't have developed-nation levels of icu specialists is because they are poached by other nations.
we can't match the salaries that overseas countries offer our icu nurses. because once we are done paying ashley bloomfield more than fauci etc there isn't any money left.
so they get quite a few applicants. hundreds. then they hire 3.
they probably hire the 3 they feel are most likely to be bullied, by them, into quitting. i would imagine.
who knows how many applications they really got. i know how they operate. they throw away applications for their own purposes. to make sure that various people with capacity are eliminated outright. so they can increase the odds or the chances of people who they fear would never be selected if they had all the applications from all the applicants before them.
so the government then says that the problem is that they don't have enough icu beds to actually hire them and put them to work.
but recently the government said that we had higher numbers of icu beds because we redefined icu bed into a bed that is staffed by a non-icu specialist.
i think they were pulling people out of administration, or something, and putting them to work as icu specialists. not paying them to work as icu specialists. but passing them off as.
probably people who sit behind a desk.
i remember reading something in USMLE step 1 books about how you can't make a clinical decision about a patient without seeing and examining the patient yourself.
so, for example, you can't perform a surgery without checking for yourself that the procedure is clinically warranted and the patient is consenting etc first.
and so on.
but i think they did away with that exam and maybe therefore those books. that information.
it's not right for our sociocultural environment in nzl where we don't pay workers because we want people to not be paid and unlawfully detained in the government institutions of nzl: otherwise they get no money, then, unless they turn to prostitution or crime. that's the aspirational goals of our leaders.
to pay the judges who refuse to uphold the law... to pay ashley bloomfield... to throw away applications in order to ensure that people who have applciations that appear less merioutous get the job... to refuse to pay the workers.
they insist on documenting their corruption only.
read the judgments for yourself. una jagose thought the appropriate thing for the crown law to do was to haul certain particular judges out of retirement especially to ensure that teh whole closing ranks around protecting the government (including ignoring and destroying evidence) was done.
the university of otago refuses to supply applications to enrol to people who want to enrol in health science professional programmes. it discriminates against people, actively, being blatant about removing anybody's application if they have experience of how the health system is staffed (ideally) by Dr Leeks 2.0, 3,0, 4,0... and Dr Green 2.0... 3.0...4.0...
And the judge says that they have operational freedom to do that.
They have operational freedom to do anything anything anything they like quite above any accountability to the education act to uphold academic or intellectual freedom.
Just so you know... If you thought you were interested in laundering a bunch of money into the University of Otago of NZL. that we don't have hospitals. that we won't pay the workers etc.
They want to enrol those who will pay most to the unviersity but they are bargaining in bad faith. they don't have any intention of paying any of the workers at all.
There's ntohing here.
Posted by alexandra_k on April 14, 2022, at 15:15:05
In reply to refusing to pay people properly, posted by alexandra_k on April 14, 2022, at 14:56:15
they won't supply applications to enrol. but even if they did they would throw away whatevar applications they wanted to throw away. they will give positions to people who didn't even apply -- who did not get applications in or did not get applications in on time.
i forgot about that. how Paul Griffiths urged me to get in a late application to the university of queensland when he was there. he said that they would consider a late application...
then they offered me a place.
which is clearly not fair to other candidates who may have been denied a place who got their application in, on time.
i declined the offer of place -- so nobody missed out on their place because of me.
but it is interesting, then, that when i declined the offer of place paul griffiths wrote to me and asked me if it was because i knew that he was moving from queensland to sydney.
and i said no, i had no idea.
but he let me know, i guess, with that willingness of his to waste my time that he set me up to fail only. in the sense of he did not encourage me to apply to sydney. he wasn't really interested in supervising me, in other words. he was only interested in wasting everybodies time.
i mean... he wanted me to enrol with queensland without a supervisor?
when these people have got it into their heads that there is nothing more to having a PhD than your supervisor saying you should get your PhD.
i mean to say, they have no intention of getting it to anybody external for external examienrs to say whether or not they think it is of high enough standard.
they think the supervisor decides. the university administration.
that's all it means to have a degree. is that they chose to give you one...
on the basis of whatever arbitrary reasons they like.
i mean... they refuse to get work to external examiners in order to prevent and prohibit work from being signed off on.
because they get more money for themselves in the short term by forcing re-enrolments and extensions and they don't want the student to go on to apply for funding they consider their own entitltement.
it's soooo competitive.
it's been taken over by psychopaths. sociopaths. people bargaining in bad faith, indeed. more interested in having far in excess of what it is that they need even if that means various other people who did the work not having any job at all. they think it makes them a winner at life.
ashley bloomfield is better at life, better, not just as his job, but a better man than fauci etc because he is entitled to earn so very very very much more.
the civil servants of new zealand, generally, are doing so much of a better job of what it is that they do than any other administration around teh world, apparently, that's what justified their high salaries...
while they refuse to pay the workers
refuse to pay the workers
refuse to pay the workersthey view clinical staff as 'front-line workers' where the idea is that that's something you do for a few years when you are young before you follow the money into medical administration and management. where you are general to the army treating tehm as disposable pawns with an eye to preventing and prohibitin gthe hire of anyone who won't be a disposable pawn (anyone who might be a rival for ones own job in medical administration)
or university administration. of course.
seek out and destroy...
it's hard work ensuring that new zealand never develop.
there was an article in the ny times about.. sierra leone?? a 'hospital' there where they removed the chains from the... staff? patients? unclear what...
something something about stigma.. was apprently or allegedly why people did not present for care.
riiiight. stigma of being diagnosed with a mental illness. that's why people don't / won't ask for help.
how about being tortured by the 'health system'?
our government seems to think they are failing because people keep asking for help... the more they torture them... people just keep presenting for help... which means they are justified in torturing them. right? because they are asking for it.
remember your options:
1) you can stay in teh abusive relationship or
2) you can be left ot die / starve thenonce we've paid ashley bloomfield 2.0 and 3.0 and 4.0... once we've paid una jagose 2.0 and 3.0 and 4.0... once we've paid justice toogood and justice mander 2.0 and 3.0 and 4.0 to ignore half the evidence and half the laws to defend the idea or the notion that the univerities of nzl can do anytyhing anything anything they want with complete and utter immunity.
that they don't have to follow complaints resolution. that they don't have to follow the statutes. the statutes are secondary to the unviersities academic or intellectual freedom or the freedom they get from being an externally contracted thing to do anything anything anything tehy want with impunity.
the publically funded universities of nzl who get money from the government so as to keep nzers and also edu-tourists and international studnets enrolled (where the students pay the university they pay the univeristy they pay the university) aren't required to enrol studnets on the basis of merit. they aren't required to progerss them throug the qualification when they are working. they have no duty whatasoever to them to help them.their job isn't to help them. it's to disable them. murder them or bully them to suicide if you can get away with it. incapacitate them.
the aim is to have everyone in an institution. except for ashley and his friends, of course. who need to be paid so very very very very much because they likely have to launder it in through...
where will they go with all their money?
it's hard to say..
Posted by alexandra_k on April 14, 2022, at 15:33:34
In reply to Re: refusing to pay people properly, posted by alexandra_k on April 14, 2022, at 15:15:05
apparently the nzl dollar is the most laundered currency in the world.
i guess that is because the entire currency is illigitimate.
it is written into the australian constitution (where australia is acknowledged as a country internationally, i thought... i thought it was) that nzl is a state of it.
and yet instead of the australian government arranging for federal funding for the workers of nzl to be paid fair australiain wages...
they print plastic monopoloy money in canada and crease some bogus exhange rate so as to prevent and prohibit the supposed 'citizens of new zealand' from travelling inter-state and certainly from various of the other rights and responsibilities of australian citizenship.
new zealanders are not taught that it is in the australian constitution that they are citizens of australia.
instead, they are told that they need to get a new zealand passport in order to travel to australia.
people think that ta good job for me is that i can devote my entire life to proving beyond all doubt that i am a slave.
that would be a good job for me.
hahahhahahaha you win. they go. you win at whatever it is that you want to be.
forget what i wanted to be. that's just something people want ot know so they can torture and torment you by parading before you everybody else who has what you wanted when you do not.
it is about what i worked to be. what i worked for etc.
the new zealand government chose to write me up as 'psych services only make her worse -- no help for her from nzl' a couple months before the end of my final year of my undergraduate degree. then they put me in the hospital as an inpatient for months... on heavy doses of major tranquliiser... only to release me the morning, an hour or two before my final examination was scheduled.
that's how we treat our students. would you like to pay the univerities of new zealand? would you like to poay the univesrsities of new zealand? would you like to pay? just keep paying?
i did get compassionate consideration for them to base my final grade for the only class i had an extenral exam for on my internal assessment. all my other classses were internally assessed only and i met all the rquirements for my other classes by completing all the internal assessments. but i did not attend the exam. i likely would have made a hash of it because i was prevented from studying inside the psych ward.
that's a great idea -- right? you could take the studnets and arrange for them tobe detained in the psych ward without access to their study materials. and then drug them so their vision is blurry etc. in order to prevent and prohbit them completing the requirements of their degree. so you cna deport them for something like 'bad character' because they say they 'read the newspaper every day'.
if i had have had the opportunity to study for the exam my grade would likely have been higher. i say that because that class had a very very difficult internal assessment component and the final year studnets were ocmplaining that around 1/4 of them failed the first test that was worth around 25 per cent of the grade. what they did was grade the first test meannly... so to encourage people to go all out studying in the final. but i was prevented from studying for the final. it ended up being my worst grade for my whole degree (an A-) because i was prevented from studying for the final and they based my grade on internal assessment when the course was designed to bring up grades with the final.
they tried to stabotage me in other words.
other studnets they stabotage by the studnet waking up and finding their student allowance didn't go into their account. they don't have money to transport to class. and / or they don't have money to pay their rent. they need to spend the day in the work and income office crying about how they need to pay their rent they need to pay their rent they need to pay their rent...
so that's time away from studying.
the new zealand government really does a number...
things are worse for the kids now than tehy were when i was there age. i mean, things were particularly bad fo rme because of my mother... but generally. the way new zealand government is. things aredesigned to be worse for more of the kids (and their own progeny gets everything on a silver platter including complete immunity from legal consquences and so on).
something about many of them kept their head down and conveyed they were quiet and unassuming. non-threatening. and found themselves quickly conveyed into positions... and they quashed any problems. so they could say 'yes sir yes sir yes sir everything is fine everything is under control no problems on my watch no problems at all'. and then they ensured that there was no way of life for most of everyone else.
Posted by alexandra_k on April 14, 2022, at 15:37:40
In reply to Re: refusing to pay people properly, posted by alexandra_k on April 14, 2022, at 15:33:34
i mean...
the new zealand government thinks that we could be the next silicon valley?
it's a joke. f*ck*ng laughable. the people with the capacity are bullied to death.
so your special children can wear their fancy suits and tell everyone they have fancy jobs chortle snort at parties.
apparently if you want to make judge.. high court, court of appeal, supreme court, there are particular firms that you kind of sort of need to be employed in at some point.
one of those is the major one that was notorious for sexually abusing the interns.
they releatively recently had some display whereby they took one of their most junior partners... the only pacifica peerson (by ethnicity) in the entire firm, by the looks of it... and suspeneded his lisence for 2 years, i think it was... for completely and utterly ruining the career of countless interns who weren't.. delighted... at his attentions. i suppose you say. i suppose you put it like that.
i find it significantly or considerably more plausible to think that he was a foil or whatever for the older and whiter partners. maybe for the judges, even. wingman. he was the wingman. so they could observe how the girls responded to his advances and decide who to target themselves.
would you like to study law in new zealand?
is it everything you desired and hoped and dreamed for?
oh.. there's nothing there....
Posted by alexandra_k on April 14, 2022, at 15:40:28
In reply to Re: refusing to pay people properly, posted by alexandra_k on April 14, 2022, at 15:37:40
and i suppose...
well, there was boston legal.
where their appalling behavior is put up with because... apparently we are supposed to believe, because they were genuinely and actually brilliant with their actual lawyering work.
only... that's not the case. because the judges aren't making judgments on the basis of the filings.
they are making them on the basis of the particular firms letterhead.
which is nothing to do with the competence of the filings.
there's nothing here.
Posted by alexandra_k on April 14, 2022, at 15:56:11
In reply to Re: refusing to pay people properly, posted by alexandra_k on April 14, 2022, at 15:40:28
it didn't take long at all before the the government started choosing to employ queens counsel lawyers to defend their actions against me.
their first move was to bully me away by sending me b*llsh*t from in house counsel.
they thought they could get rebecca... i don't remember her last name... she sits on the council of the university of auckland. a law person. they thought she could simply do the filings and they wouldn't need to hire an actual lawyer.
but she was out of time in her filings. she did not file a statement of defence to my allegations, at all, she attempted filed a statement of defence against imaginary allegations that were not made by me and failed to defend against the actual allegations that were made by me by the actual fuckign deadline.
she was a real winner. i see why she was most esteemed member of the university of auckland council. most meritous, i am sure.
then they hired a firm. who sent junior along to the first case management conference.
where i pointed out that they failed to file by the deadline. that the law said that when one party failed to file by the deadline then judgment 'may proceed in their absense'. that since the university had had every opportunity to put things right in-house but rathe rchose to lalugh in my face that they would do wrong and there was absolutely nothing i could do about it and then chose to refuse to file competent documents in a timely fashion.. that judgment proceed in theier absense.
that i was self-represented which was keeping down their legal costs (since I was clearly right from a justice perspetive or point of view that their actions were corrupt and they were refusing to follow the statutory law and their own policy documents on medical studnet selection for public training places in their own public university). they wouldn't be ordered or instructed to may my legal costs. because i don't get to invoice or bill as a lawyer
(i'm sure they will stop graduating people with the capacity to file, now. if they didn't before. deny anybody and everybody who does not work to further the cause of the nz government defence against their international crimes only).
it wasnt' fair for them to hire external counsel wracking up a legal bill...
they miseed the filing deadline.
and the judge said 'that is not how things work in this jurisdication, Ms Roe' or similar.
because things do not work in this jurisdiction. they do not work, at all.
The Univeristy of Auckland refuses to process appliactions to enrol.
The application to enrol in the University of Auckland form asks for the following information.
1) Your race / tribal affiliation (if any). That's how they identify who to discriminate against on the basis of their race. It's a way of getting a handle on potential 'esporanto maaori' I call them, now, the maaori who have been laundered, by the new zealand government, into acknowledgement, by the new zealand government. usually because they are willing to parrot back what the new zealand government officials tell them about what it is and what it means to be maaori etc.
2) Your home address. the address of your parents. Also the highest level of educational attainment by your parents.
That's how they decide what (if any) degree is right for you. They ask specifically if you are 'first in family'. They say they want this information for the purposes of equity. But what they mean by equity is that the children of medical doctors get to do medicine and the children of the people without degrees get to enrol in plublic health and be raped and thrown out of the university before graduation. etc.
3) What high school you went to. So they can identify the private school kids. The kids whose parents will be expected to pay to pay to pay to pay to pay in return for their kids getting all the academic shcolarships and awards and so on. they'll be turning up to the first year mooting competition expecting to be delighted by the children of various people they know. 'oh that one was quite good. ohhh, that's so and so's grand-son, you don't say!!!'
This is the private school advantage for thep ublic training places in the public universities of new zealand.
Thsi is the information they collect up that they use to decide what degree (if any) they will offer you enrolment in.
They say it's about 'equity'. but by 'equity' they mean 'birthright to the upper hand' for the elite white grandchildren of the justices and medical doctors etc. who believed they were entitlted to give their children and grandchildren everything... at the cost or expense to everybody else in society.
everybody else can live in institutions of torture managed by themselves and their progeny.
that' how things work in your jurisdiction, indeed, judge.
that's why people want to leave new zealand...
that's why you are afraid that people want to leave new zealand. and where will that leave you and your kids and grandkids without slaves to lord over.
it would be bad for the elite of new zealand if overseas paid our people and they left for better conditions.
because they like to be lord over the rubbish. they like to keep the people impoverished and miserable
it makes them feel better about themselves somehow.
the best person.. not for that particular job... but the best person simplicitor. the best person for ALLLL the jobs. right chirs hipkins? the minister of ALLLLLLLLLLLL the things. ALLLLLLLLLL of the things for you.
This is the end of the thread.
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