Shown: posts 1 to 10 of 10. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 25, 2022, at 18:22:05
You hear countries are focused on the 'unemployment rate'.
Then you hear how countries exclude more and more and more people from being counted amongst the unemployed.
In order to conceal the number of people kept with zero income (or forced to take on debt in order to live).
So, some are considered 'too young' to be counted. So we hold them in detention camps that we call 'schools' and 'training' and 'education' facilities. And we pay other people to treat them how they choose. Whether that be to sexually and physically abuse them or put them to work or whatever.
Some are considered 'too old' to be counted. So we don't count them, either. Often they are required to live in detention camps, too. Prisons or hospitals or group homes or whatever.
Others are excluded because they weren't born in the country they came later. So we say they are not citiens, at all, so they don't get counted either.
We don't count the women because women are expected to have babies. Otherwise they are expected not to want to work.
We don't count... People who we regard to be 'medically' exempted from our employing them, too. They are expected not to want to work. Sometimes we say they are too stupid for us to pay them (they are intellectually handicapped) othertimes we say they are too crazy for us to pay them. Whatever...
Point is...
How many people are actually full time employed?
How many people, in NZ, are employed to work 1 FTE position.
I don't think that there are very many, at all.
And then you look at how much money the actual workers are actually paid...
And the government really doesn't seem to be legitimate... At all...
I mean...
THey don't provide education (they don't want the people reading and writing. They don't want them complaining to the UN and complaining about how the NZ government really doesn't seem to do anything, at all. The Judges don't seem to have the conception of justice. The health system seems to think the aim or goal or purpose is to incapacitate and sicken and weaken and kill).
NZ hasn't been meeting it's international obligation to re-settle refugees. Has not been meeting the quotas.
Will not do it.
And what refugees come here... Often do end up being terrorists or whatever because there doesn't appear to be much of any other way of being in this nation.
The government won't employ people.
Will not pay them.
Will not pay them.Will not pay them.
Will not pay people to work social service jobs -- unless the people get with the program or the project. The program or project being untimely death.
We want to see how low we can go.
We want to see how uneducated people can be, how unjustly we can treat them, we want to proclaim to the world how corrupt we are!!!!
I suppose Australia is really at the mercy of the lack of IT.It doesn't have the capacity to identify people with the capacity to... It won't invest in... It doesn't have...
YOu take the rocks from the ground and you hand them over. Good dog.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 25, 2022, at 18:37:34
In reply to the EMPLOYMENT rate, posted by alexandra_k on March 25, 2022, at 18:22:05
And that does seem to be the thing of it.
The government ideology.
Most of the 'workers' in fact labor as slaves. They are not paid for their labor, they are often required to take on debt with the constant threat of their being forced to do things even worse than what they are presently forced to do if they don't accept their present lot in life.
Things will only get worse. Things can only get worse.
We have about the highest rate of suicide in the world because nobody wants to live like this and because things are only going to get worse.
The government has quite committed to how things are only going to get worse.
We don't have elections. Not really. Look at the people who are presently in the positions they are presently in. In parliament and, more importantly, in the ministries. It makes no difference to any of them who wins the election. They get paid what they get paid either way. The report they are presently involved in writing will go on being written... Go on to make pronouncements about the past (not about the present) with ineffectual recommendations that will not be enforced.
Reports will be used as cook book instruction manuals to help us progress more quickly towards our main objective or goal of incapacitating as many people as possible as quickly as possible. Getting them to take on higher and higher levels of debt. Become more depressed even more quickly.
I mean... How many times and how many ways can you convey to people... Die already. Just hand over your stuff and f*ck*ng die. Just die. Just die.
The messages from the government couldn't be any clearer. Smoke freely in cursive green writing. Come to University to be raped and enjoy the drunken parties. See if you can be one of the elite few to die during orientation week. Someone must die during orientation week. Who will die during orientation week? They should start a sweepstakes...
Which of the first year Medical students will literally die during their first year? How many of them can be bullied into dropping out of the University entirely?
Concealing the obvious point or fact that the small elite minority of the chosen few are picked out well in advance on the basis of who their parents are._____
There isn't any point actually working or trying...
There isn't any point aspiring.
There is nothing here.
Work doesn't pay.
There isn't any work.
There isn't anything here.
NZ is the detention camp of the world. It's an obvious choice.
I mean who the f*ck cares that the Maaori people were here when the white criminals came here in their plundering and raiding expeditions.
Who cares about any of that.
Mythology is that they (what few of them remain) are warrior people who fought well enough (without guns, to start with anyway) to still be here.
Despite the very very best intentions of the NZ government to take their language... And process it to... Esparanto Maaori... Where your ability to speak Maaori will be assessed by the Government and you will only be credited with that if you say a few choice phrases pre-approved to the effect of 'everything is fine and i'm going to go on and on and on about hills and mountains and trees and lalalalallalalalallalalalalalalala we are doing this to prevent and prohibit anybody else from speaking lalalallalalalalalalallalalalala we are negotiating for peace lslsllslsdkjithrikgjhdfjkg lksjirhgufj lkshjihgri aoikhgigh alkejoirhgrg aliejirghrigslj'
Write it in Maaori to the UN, then.
Write it in Maaori how your tribal leaders (the ones hand-picked by the NZ government) keep you. Once they have been given the squillions of dollars contract to keep you in poverty and do medical procedures on you without your consent.
Write it in Esparanto Maaori, then, to the UN.
The Government acknowledges your language! Has appropriated it for it's own goals and ends and purposes.. Has weaponised it against you!!
YOu should pay you should pay you should pay you should take out increasing levels of debt in order to pay the government so they can teach you esporanto maaori so you can learn all about how sh*tty they are going to keep you for always. You and all of your millions of babies it was your job for you to produce for the NZ government! So thehy could take them or sell them as they see fit.
It's actually quite good, for hte government, if people accept that they don't want doctors or midwives or death or infection bringers to the birth of their babies. Once the people accept that then there will be these un micro-chipped kids. No documentation of them having been born, even. Tehn we can take them and gift them or sell them to the wandering plunderers who come here wanting to take babies for themselves so they have something to eat later, you know, if they should fancy that.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 25, 2022, at 18:49:12
In reply to Re: the EMPLOYMENT rate, posted by alexandra_k on March 25, 2022, at 18:37:34
And there is the great divide, right there.
Which side of the great divide are you on?
They don't pay me, they don't pay me, they don't pay me, they don't pay me, they don't pay me, they don't pay me, they don't pay me, they don't pay me.
They pay me, they pay me, they pay me, they pay me, they pay me, they pay me.
And what is it that you do all day?
They force me to sing.
I make art.
I make art for the NZ government.
This is what art looks like commissioned by the NZ government.
The only art they will commission.
Because if this wasn't the only art that they would commission... Apparently if things weren't like this then EVERYBODY would want to do it and NOT EVERYBODY can do it therefore NOBODY is allowed.
Esporanto-logic paid for by the NZ government.
So the world has a convenient island to ship it's convicts.
I don't suppose it is the case that NZ is a good location for the developed world to ship it's convicts, to. I would suppose it would be much more convenient for a place like Tasmania. Or even smaller islands. There are many many many many locations (including smaller islands off the cost of New York) that would be, actually, considerably more convenient locations to send undesirables to while you work out how to best hasten their weakining and death.
But I suppose there are some sorts of 'humane' considerations.
The perception of freedom or similar.
The Dan Dennett thing of how if you keep a deer in an enclosure 4ks wide and they don't usually or normally or naturally wander more than 2ks from their place of birth then... Is it free?
If it doesn't know any different?
If they only have access to Esporanto Maaori where they can only say 'good. everything is okay' because they are the only words the government will approve in the language.
THen it will be like the little aids baby born with hiv. it won't really be harmed, you see, because that's just what life is or what life is like. it isn't like it knows any different.
You could keep a lot of people kind of like the Trueman Show...
Stream them in 5G for the entertainment of some people's grotesque desires... You could online stream in 5G all the murdering and torturing and raping going on in the NZ fine institutions of 'education' or 'health' or 'justice' to see the abuses performed by the 'teachers' and 'doctors' and 'judges'... All the gaslighting and all the blaming the victims...
Quite entertaining. Right?
Maybe you could then threaten people with deportation to NZ.
I don't see any reason to believe that life is anything different.
I guess that's because that's the life that the NZ government (condoned by everybody else in teh world) seems to think is good or appropriate or fitting for me.
Don't get sick. There are detention prison camps here, only. People get little marks by their name that they have been picked out for the slaughter. Maybe because they are Maaori or maybe because their residential address is a post-code that marks them out as replaceable units. According to the government etc.
The whole point or goal or aim or purpose is to murder and kill and destroy and weaken and sicken...
The race to the bottom.
When they are done looting Ukrane (supposedly because the government was too corrupt or whateve ro get with NATO objective but probably because they just needed a place to lure the looters and basically arrange for the death and destruction of a number of individuals so that the remaining psychopaths could have lives they consider to be better for themselves)
I mean...
Weather bombs...
'natural disasters'
How many can we kill.
Gnawing each others arms off.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 25, 2022, at 19:05:50
In reply to Re: the EMPLOYMENT rate, posted by alexandra_k on March 25, 2022, at 18:49:12
so it really doesn't many any sense that good people or helpful people or kind people would do teaching or nursing or medicine or social work or any of the helping professions.
they will employ psychopaths to these positions only.
the first targets are the people who were attracted to the position because they genuinely wanted to help.
the psychopaths take them as their first targets. burn them out, they say. take advantage of their kind nature. work them to death. get them doing all of the work without paying them.
find the people internally motivated. let virtue be it's own reward, then (guffaw) let virtue feed you. lets see how it feels to accumulate virtue (you virtuous little sh*t). let's proclaim and pronounce how the person is a self-righteous sanctimonious... nothing induces acrimony more than someone like that -- right? we judge that the person is a judger! let's all heap judgement on the judgey judger! right? that person deserved to be imprisoned and murdered for their crimes! right? let's murder the person for our crimes? yes! let's take all of their things for ourselves. we are justified.
then there's the other victims. the people who (through no fault of their own) were found weakened or sickened or incapacitated.. the people who were turned in order turned over.. handed over.. by their 'friends' or family or colleages (awwwwww you have to go to hospital! leave us your stuff!)
then there's ones who brought into the government ideology. guffaw. the mentally imcompetent we may as well think of them as. right? i mean you must be mentally defective to have believed the government propaganda that there was help. that there were people employed to help. that all of those government numbers for government agencies...
well... for how long are the people going to persist in this silly belief that there is help. that asking for help is anything other than a proclamation of weakness.
that asking for help is putting a target your head.
it's like a prey animal showing the hunter it's weakness.
i mean... it's people begging to die. right?
i mean... they sign the consent to die form the moment they ask for help. right? i mean... they must be mentally defective not to realise that the health system of nz is a death and disease bringer an untimely death bringer. right? so then, either they are mentally defective such that they are an obvious burden... to others, ofc ourse, but also, notably, by their own admission, they are a burden to themselves. yes? i mean, can't you hear from the esporanto brought to you by the nz government logic that they sign their own consent to die form the moment they ask for help.
did you hear that?
and of course it's not jus tthe new zealand government.
know how we know?
becuase international commjunity isn't holding them to account.
that's how we know.
the university of waikato is not enrolling studnets in the programme they have applied for.
the programme i applied for had only 1 applicant. me. it was not over-subscribed. but they judged that they didnt' want me enrolling in the program of my choice. they judged that they would get more money out of the government for having me by enrolling me in various other programmes i never applied to be enrolled in and they proceeded to do that.
with no consequences for having done so.
they refuse to oput it right internally even after i call them out on it.
they laugh that i should tell lit to the courts becuase they know the courts of new zealand won't do anything and they are laughing also at the international courts becuase they apparently know that international community isn't going ot do anything either.
so. that's the state of things.
that's the state of the world.
there we go.
the university does not enrol students, does not progress them through their qualifications, does not give qualifications to all and only the ones that have done the work to the international standard.
won't do it.
they don't publically advertise jobs or employment opportunities either. won't employ the best-fit candidate.
(of course you have to factor the goal or aim to incapacitate and murder and teke advantage of etc etc as the real reason behind the selection of the candiate. they are trying to select for the strongest or best of the death-bringers).
makes the best sense of their hiring decisions.
they don't pay the workers.
they want to get the supposedly 'employed' junior lawyers doing 'pro bono' work (likely for hte government defending it against allegations of the people. the main aim of the job being to see how good the lawyers can get at gaslighting and blaming the victim and bullying the victim into accepting that this is how life is and complaining is only going to make things worse for the complainant).
Posted by alexandra_k on March 25, 2022, at 19:09:46
In reply to Re: the EMPLOYMENT rate, posted by alexandra_k on March 25, 2022, at 19:05:50
if harvard won't denounce NZ universities then that tells you everything you need to know about harvard.
about how harvard makes it's selection decisions.
about how harvard progresses (or refuses to progress) it's students.
about how harvard decides who to put on payroll.
'saving' is just handing over your savings to someone who will do what with it?
take it.
what else would they do with it?
what are you going to do with it?
it's more than you could do anything with ...
what sense does it even make..
there's just people taking .. people taking... and you never know when they are going to beat the door dodwn and seteal all your stuff nad murder you or take you by force to..
i don't see anything here... i don't see any reason to believe...
i don't see...
____there is no justice here. no health here. no education here. no employment here. there is nothing here...
i don't see anything...
they don't acknowledge the work that i do.. they spend their time praising.. singing the praises of...
saying that various people have all this money all theis money all this money...
i don't see anything, at all...
Posted by alexandra_k on March 25, 2022, at 19:15:23
In reply to the international community won't do anything..., posted by alexandra_k on March 25, 2022, at 19:09:46
said my previous supervisor. sir kim.
think kof all the things slaves won't do.
then he looks at me meaningfully.
picked out ot be special slave-person i was
hand over all the work so others can pass it off as their own.
that's what they saw in me. they saw someone they could bully. they saw someone who they could bully saying that it was garbage or whatever and then i would do more work than they could reasonably have expected.. and because i had a conscience.
that's what a 'conscience' means or is, to them.
something to exploit for tehir own ends. something to take advantage of.
apparently i'm vulnerable because i'm easily infected by an idea-meme. i'm susceptibel to an ideology that means i'll voluntarily choose to slave.
which is something they like to exploit for their own advantage. they consider it quite the cognitive deficiency or defect in me that i would be...
they think i'm like the williams-syndrome intellectually handicapped because i'm not capable of seeing how corrupt they are.
i see how corrupt they are.
and i see how they are working to bring hell on earth. i see how they are choosing to do the work of satan how they are aiming or aspiring or choosing to be satan personified. how they are choosing to go about doing the equivalent of stealing candy from babies. stealing from and murdering the weakened or the sickened taking advantage of peoples trust.
people are expected ot do what? spend all their time building 7 foot barbed wire fences around their houses to prevent others exploiting the fact they didn't do that? exploiting the fact they didn't spend their lives installing a missile defence system?
is that how they want everyone to live? like them?
no... they want ot be the elte few who get to be satan personified with a slave-army of cognitive deficients guilted into doing all the things they want them to do
Posted by alexandra_k on March 25, 2022, at 19:15:57
In reply to the EMPLOYMENT rate, posted by alexandra_k on March 25, 2022, at 18:22:05
i mean, take my posts, here.
no, really.
just take them.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 25, 2022, at 19:16:18
In reply to Re: the EMPLOYMENT rate, posted by alexandra_k on March 25, 2022, at 19:15:57
go away and die then.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 25, 2022, at 19:16:30
In reply to Re: the EMPLOYMENT rate, posted by alexandra_k on March 25, 2022, at 19:16:18
there is no alternative.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 25, 2022, at 19:33:07
In reply to Re: the EMPLOYMENT rate, posted by alexandra_k on March 25, 2022, at 19:16:30
well, you huddle in with a herd, and you take your chances.
and you see, just a little opportunity over here, to be opportunistic, and you see what you can get.
and just little by little incrementally you grow into satan personified. one opportunity having presented itself at a time. all opportunitistically and really rather randomly.
but mostly it's about huddling in with a herd and keeping your head down.
so that people underestimate you. people think you are a little bit infected but a bit too stupid to really grasp it.
that seems to be the basic idea.
at its most base.
This is the end of the thread.
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