Shown: posts 1 to 11 of 11. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2022, at 17:22:24
Okay, you win.
There is no justice.
Our justice system is focused on punishing those who have been wronged for bringing what has wronged them before the courts. The aim of our justice system is to take still more from the wronged and order that the the ones doing the wrong were right because might is right and they must be empowered to go out in the world to do even more wrongs even more blatantly.
There is no education.
Our education system is focused on giving the 'right answers' (to largely arbitrary questions) to those who are the highest bidders for them whether they pay in money or in psychological pandering and sucking up or sexual favors or all of the above.
There is no health.
They are focused on having the people pop out children (to be abused by the powerful) and then dying their nasty, bruitish, and short little lives. They select for murderers and rapists, or at least people who will close ranks about murderers and rapists so as to better enable them to go on doing their work of ensuring that life doesn't feel like it is worth living for many to most of us. So that the nasty bruitish and shortness of it all is thought to be a kindness.
There isn't anything here. We are forced to go down rails of being however many years (or generations) behind every other developed nation. Taking up our place as last, last, last, last, last. Last to develop laws. Last to uphold laws. Last to develop standards. Last to uphold standards. Kicking and screaming and dragging out heels...
And that's how our leaders like the lives to be.
The Royal Australasian Colleges of this, that, and the other thing. The Vice Chancellor's of the Universities. Etc etc.
Just as they want the world to be.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2022, at 17:32:50
In reply to Despair, posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2022, at 17:22:24
And the reason why Justine and Tim didn't get to do Medicine...
Wasn't because they didn't want to do it. Because they didn't choose to work towards or for it. E.g., by learning about the entry requirements and the selection process and by taking however many years they needed to to feel really sure that they were in the right place to be training to do it, and had acquired background knowledge to be ready to train to do it, and by getting whatever formal requirements needed to be got...
The reason why they didn't get to do it...
Is because they are ugly to look at. That's why. It doesn't really matter how much they go 'yes sir yes sir yes sir' (and indeed they do) because they are ugly to look at. So in any competition where the people pick the kids they like the most (want to sexually abuse them and so on) they just aren't going to pick or choose them.
That's why. That's why they didn't get to do it.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2022, at 17:43:50
In reply to Re: Despair, posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2022, at 17:32:50
And it never mattered to me, what they looked like. They didn't choose their faces anymore than I chose mine.
It never mattered to me, because what mattered to me, was what was on the inside.
But the trouble with them, insofar as I can see, was that they turned out to be ugly, *on the inside*.
I don't mean literally, physically. I mean that I trusted them and they set out to stabotage me. Teach me a little lesson in 'life isn't fair' or whatever the hell. Likely just following orders / instructions from their superiors.
Apparently the University administration never really showed much of any interest in Justine (my supervisor) until she demonstrated willingness to (for example) have me declined for a Masters Scholarship (of around $5,000) -- which resulted in her getting a promotion to Scholarships Advisor. I don't know what she got for the University enrolling me in various courses I never applied to billing me in excess of fees for excess of enrolment and then failing me for non-compliance.
That's right. The Waikato District Health Board is largely 'staffed' by people paying the University of Auckland to be enrolled in various courses and programmes that Waikato isn't allowed to offer enrolment in. THey wanted their very own Med School. Else they put in a bid so as to sort of force the Government to pay Auckland and Otago both even more money. Or similar.
It's all just layers of scummy scummy scam. Because there's nothing here. Nothing at all.
They can confort or console themselves in their piles of money. While living in neighbourhood where they have vast piles of money more than the people surrounding them. Make themselves feel big that way. Mak epeople be nice to their faces. Inspire it by having control ofthe money.
I actually thought that Justine was a good person. Kind. Intelligent. Curious.
More fool me.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2022, at 19:27:20
In reply to Re: Despair, posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2022, at 17:43:50
The content of my thesis changed, you see, as I was forced to successively update it.
The September 14 version of it...
Then they forced me to work on it for several more weeks. You can read for yourself what I wrote in the 2 weeks of forced labor.
Do you like it?
The output of slave?
Then you can read how I updated it in response to the reports of examiners for 05 February.
It wasn't just updated in response to them, however, because I had Justine to deal with, at that point. Since February 14 she turned into a raving manic screaming at me that it was garbage and rubbish and incomplete and I deserved to be failed for my impertinence.
Then another version 24 February where I had done my best to make what few changes my supervisor would state, concretely. I mean, there isn't much I can do to turn 'garbage' into 'not garbage'. I could only follow concrete suggestions. The only concrete suggestions she would make were typographical. I made all of those changes so she screams like a banshee that my changes are not substaaaaaaaaaaaaantive enough because anything done in under 6 months additional labor (followed by 3 months external exam) on a 1 year qualification (that had taken 1 year already) was 'truncated' therefore unaccptable.
Is it unreasonable or too demanding of me to think that the above behavior is unacceptable. Not sometihng you would expect to find in the developed world. Something you would expect to be prevented or curbed and put right in a timely fashion.
This is not the developed world.
I completed a 120 point 1 year research masters to get to external examiners in just under 1 year.
The Univesrity refused to get my work to externals in order to invoice me for re-envolment and in order to update my trnascript to show that I am not capable of completing a research masters even after they enrolled and reenrolled and reenrolled me in 2+ years of masters work.
Fuckign psychopaths.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2022, at 19:28:58
In reply to Re: Despair, posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2022, at 19:27:20
The government has sourced euthanasia injections. They reckon they will kill peopple.
The governmetn reckonns they just need 2 government payroll 'doctors' to sign a form to say that you have only 6 months to live and you have been consented for euthanasia.
Then it's time to die.
The government does not have the notion of informed consent or of no means no. Or of... Anything at all.
We do not have a health system. A justice system. An educatoin system. There is nothing here. There is nothing here, at all.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2022, at 19:38:49
In reply to Re: Despair, posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2022, at 19:28:58
I don't know where they sourced them from. The euthanasia drugs.
I imagine they would have needed to have done randomised double blind control trials with the medication to check the dose was effective in humans etc.
They are importing them from overseas, anyway. Because (obviously and of course) you can't have people who are capable of doing much in the way of anything at all when passing the tests is all about paying various people to be given the right answer. That doesn't make for competent doctors, lawyers, engineers, judges, research chemists, etc etc. It really doesn't make for anything. Anything. Anything at all.
Why does the government even pay anybody at all? Why don't they just stop with the payroll. Oh yeah, they did that already. There were several years of payroll f*ck ups where they simply did not pay teachers. Because, you know, there's no shortage of people wanting to sexually molest kids in exhange for the right answers on tests etc. They don't need to pay them, therefore. They can make their own living selling the answers.
Maybe doctors can make their living promising not to sign the euthanasia consent form if you pay them enough. Maybe you are supposed to find a list of ALL the doctors to pay off to make sure they don't sign you up for euthanasia.
I imagine I've been signed off, already. Because, you know, I'm not one to stay quiet about the likes of Dr Leeks.
I know already what the Medical Profession (so to speak) has to say about that:
Awwwwww poooooor Dr Leeks. It isn't like he was involved in anything any worse than what the majority of us are up to. It is most unfortunate that they have chosen to get upset about him. LIke the Cartwright inquiry previously. The institutional response was that it was unfortunate they were upset about baby girls being given HPV at birth around when tehy were getting heel pricks they were getting pricked somewhere else by something else to see how repeated damage to their cervix over the years would result in nasty bruitish and short untimely deaths to women after they popped out a few babies. Which is an ideal time for them to die -- no? From a population management perspecitve? When the doctors no longer are desiring of sexually abusing them anymore? Time to go, about then? Right?
Posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2022, at 19:42:03
In reply to Re: Despair, posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2022, at 19:38:49
So some kid apparently sold a bunch of NFG's by promising one thing and delivering crap. Did not pay an artist to make quality product etc. Took the profits / money, though, and did not deliver or even try and deliver.
He will be hailed as mighty leader of business!
Aspirational motivational to have conned so many people at the age of 20 years!
I mean... Everybody else would similarly be ripping people off if they were only clever enough. Only clever enough to get busy making the world a sh*tt**r place one con job at a time.
Buyer beware -- right?
What are you doing to do about it -- right?
Well... I guess thehy could ban new zealanders from trading internationally and doing business internatioanlly since we won't prosecute him (for example) and make him give the money back to the people he ripped off.
We won't acknowledge that he ripped them off.
We think he is motivationally and inspirationally *clever*It's what we value, here.
Till we don't value it, anymore, and hes consented for euthanasia of course. Game over. Better luck next generation.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2022, at 19:50:44
In reply to Re: Despair, posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2022, at 19:42:03
I expected them to process my application according to the algorithm that they published. The algorithm that they apparently use or apply to applications in order to decided objectively who gets a place.
So that decisions about who gets a place... Well... The effect of such things as having an ugly face are mitigated (somewhat) with structured interviews and the like.
Only... They aren't applying their algorithm to applications at alll. The algorithm is intentionally compliacted in a way that obscures and hides and conceals (they believe) the fact that they aren't making decisiosn on the basis of their algorithm at all.
It became obvious to me around November. WHen it became obvious to me tha they realised that they were required to train me.. They were required to select me.. Because my rank order score was high enough for them to be required to offer me a place. So what they did in the face of that...
Was refuse to get my work to external examiners. In order to prevent and prohibit my qualification completion.
That was the lengths they went to in order to keep me out of Medicine.
They threw away free speech, intellectual freedom etc.
So I wrote that into my thesis. About how they were not making decisions on the basis of the objective selcetion criterion. Because I had proof of that. Because of how they were insisting on miscalculating my GPA (according ot their algorithm) to try and hide (from me) the fact that they weren't allowing me to complete 1 year of research in 1 year because they are not offering places on the basis of their algorithm at all.
They are offering them to...
Some kiddies paid a lot of money to Crimson Education etc. And they expect a return on tehir investment. THey couldn't pay Crimson Education enoguh to do well enough in more objective examinations (e.g., Cambridge Curriculum Exams) so they expect to pay them enough to get picked for NZ Universities (to be given the answers to domestic NCEA exams and University of Auckland and Otago exams) and get places locally or domestically instead.
Auckland said to Waikato 'you are not going to let her get away with this --- are you????' When I said that I had sumitted my thesis in time for it to be passed by external examienrs in 1 year therefore they were required to offer me a place or not on the basis of my rank order score. My GPA was already locked in from previous years of study. So they couldnt' just make up a GPA for me that turned out to be too low (like they do for most other applicants).
They assign the grades.. At the same time they make the choices as to who is in and who is out. And the way of it is that they decide who is a good murdering rapist (therefore in because you can't teach that kind of thing) and then given them A's to justify their choice.
That's how that works.
They decide the grades for first year students... They decide the grades for third year students. Honors year studnets... On the basis of who will be a good murdering rapist who has given a lot of money in alumni donations and money to crimson education etc.
That's how they make the choices they make.
It's the consolation prize for the kids who gave them so much money.. But weren't able (due to intelligence or hard work) to do well enough on objective (more objective) exams like Cambridge Curriculum to get in to uni's overseas as full fee paying students. Their consolation prize is getting given the best of everything in New Zealand.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2022, at 19:51:27
In reply to Expectations, posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2022, at 19:50:44
because nobody would actually *choose* to stay here. Because there's nothing here.
Nobody would *choose* to do law here if they could get in to study it anyplace overseas.
I am fairly sure about that.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2022, at 19:57:14
In reply to Re: Expectations, posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2022, at 19:51:27
well it is cheaper here, of course.
you can complete a medical degree in 6 years where the 6th year is supposed to be a paid 1 year internship. where the payment mitigates the fees you pay the university, i suppose. i don't know if you get paid more than the fees you owe in that 6th year...
whereas in the USA you have a 4 year college degree followed by... 4 years of Medical school for a total of 8 years.
Then the fact that it is more expensive to pay US colleges than NZ colleges (even once you factor in bribes and sexual favors and the like).
Then there is also the fact of how they progress you in your studies. You are given teh answers to the tests etc if you are willing to pay Crimson Education and similar private tutoring services.
Paying to study for USMLE step 1.. Requires a lot more in the way of actual work, I would imagine. Than what is requried of the murdering rapists in NZ. You can tell when you speak to the sons of the wealthy elite. You can see that dilligence in their studies is not really something tehy selected for...
Posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2022, at 19:59:14
In reply to Re: Expectations, posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2022, at 19:57:14
I call them murdering rapists because they close ranks about those among them who do these things.
They don't take back their registration to practice in a timely fashion. THey don't take steps to put a stop to their murdering and raping in a timely fashion. They don't work with law enforcement or the courts to repair and put things right in a timely fashion.
What would you call them?
What do you think is fair?
Or something else...
This is the end of the thread.
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Script revised: February 4, 2008
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