Shown: posts 1 to 8 of 8. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by alexandra_k on February 18, 2022, at 16:12:17
we don't pay our workers as other nations do. not just because of the exhange rate. their quality of life is much, much, lower in new zealand. the purchasing power of what they earn. auckland, for example, is a fairly expensive city to live in (house prices, rent prices, food prices) but wage are kept low.
we don't treat our workers very well. the working conditions are not very good. working in the health system there are not safe staffing levels. that is to say there is not enough staff and there is not enough senior staff.
then you add, to that, bullying and harrassment and shoddy practices. you add to that all kinds of nastiness.
so why would anybody choose to live and work in new zeealand?
it's clearly not for the money.
apparently it's the people, the people, the people.
something something about our visa requrements meaning that people could bring their elderly parents out and they could become citizens.
i don't think that sounds or seems plausible.
i think people move here when they see that there is something off about their kid. in the psyhcopath sense. they think they will fit in here. or they can buy them places etc if they aren't that bright. that they can't afford to buy, perhaps overseas. because it's cheaper to be corrupt here. your corruption dollars go further here. the buying or purchasing potential of your corruption dollars goes furteherest here.
theres also the fact that people like to abuse others. so theres the intrinsic value of or in that.
i think the international community needs to start holding the nz administration (policy people) to account for what amounts to child sex trafficking. that's what oraka tamariki (services for child and young persons) is -- right? they take kids and they traffik them to people who they know full well are going to beat them (as in knock them unconscious) and sexually abuse them and so on.
they will never stop it when left to their own devices. because that's what they do... they are a child sex and abuse traffickign organisation. that's what it is that they are.
the UN has known about this for quite some time... they got a by because they cried abuot how much worse everything was various other places. at least we aren't as bad as tonga??? right???
south africa
malaysia...i mean, there's 2 ways to be. you can be the abuser or you can be abused. else you can lie flat and be dead, of course.
so they keep slaves (nobody would choose) and they increasingly refuse to acknowledge qualifications / refuse to confer qualifications so that people wont' have options overseas.
like me. right? nz won't offer me full time employment. but no other country will either -- right? hahahahhahahahahha they ruined it entirely. hahahhahahahhaha better luck never -- right?
hahahhahahahahhahaha well then back to the sex trafficking etc etc that is our judicary and our education system and our health system and all the things, really.
just ship all the criminals of the world (the violent offenders) to new zealand. i mean, they won't uphold the laws. they won't write sensible laws. they don't do any of the things they are supposed to do.
baby shark. yeah. the politicians think it's hilarious. they have a shark mural painted in wellington.
they think they are so cool and so clever. so much cleverer than everybody else. that they get away with their crimes.
Posted by alexandra_k on February 18, 2022, at 16:26:35
In reply to why choose new zealand?, posted by alexandra_k on February 18, 2022, at 16:12:17
i was abused by a teacher at a school in hamilton.
she was known to have abused (inappropriate relationship with) a student in her previous position at mt manganui.
when the whole entire school was informed about the abuse that was happening to me when i was a student in hamilton they (reluctantly) moved her on to a school in otorohanga.
the principle knew what happened. he asked the principle from hamilton 'would you keep her on staff if you could (as in if people hadn't found out and some parents kick up a fuss) and he said 'yes i certainly would'' so they moved her on to another position at another school. as a known sex offender.
i don't know if that teacher went on to abuse anybody else.
and before that i was abused by people involved in church.
study group.
and before that summer camp.
and every time it was made public (because someone else found out about it and complained and told everyone) there was a coverup done for teh abuser and i was chased away.
i wasn't allowed to go back to that church. that camp. that school.
and the abuser was covered for (as best they could) and then moved into a position where they could get on with doing it again.
over and over and over.
it appears to be the kiwi way.
everything is done for the abusers to enable them and support them in continuing on in their abuse.
and it is because I, myself, am not an abuser... that i'm expected to... flee. i suppose. i'm supposed to go off into some corner somewhere and lie flat.
so that is why you should choose new zealand!
people pick on me because i'm not huddling with a herd. i see.
that's why they teach kids to huddle with a herd (why 'popularity' is important for kids) because of safety in numbers or similar.
i guess that's why they do room sharing at college. so that there is a witness or something like that. that's the idea/l of it. i sort of do get that. that the room-sharing thing is, at least partly, with the ideology of it, about protection with numbers. safety in numbers. an aspect or element of that. i mean to say that it isn't about the money that people have kids sharing a room in family homes or in college dorms etc.
and then of course shame shame shame shame shame i'm supposed to internalise that there's something wrong with me. so i go off and lie flat.
i'm supposed to be liviing memorial or monument to their abuse. i'm supposed to be entirely f*ck*d up because of what they did. that's how big and important they are that they would have that kind of power over my life. see? they would have power over my life so that i'm forced to lie flat. because the government will not pay me. will not pay me. will not pay me.
i pay the univesrity - right? until such time i don't (i'm tresspassed from teh university when it's time for them to give me my degree)
i pay teh courts -- right? until such time as i don't (my filings are thrown out and the case is forced by the courts to be abandoned. they deem it abandoned because i didn't pay them. they won't process my filings anymore because i didn't pay them).
there is nothing here. there is nobody home.
just a bunch of bullying abusers getting rich off of traficked money abusing traficked people.
this is not a developed nation at all
Posted by alexandra_k on February 18, 2022, at 16:37:22
In reply to Re: why choose new zealand?, posted by alexandra_k on February 18, 2022, at 16:26:35
and these are public schools.
and the church -- well, that was a church.
assembly of god.
the teenage youth there were pretty wild. into group sex and so on. they were a bit older than me. i wasn't into their youth group etc at all... i said something to the pastor there about how there were a lot of 'sunday christians' and he didn't take kindly to that.
i think there was quite a lot of marital affairs etc amongst the senior leadership.
apparently the youth group leader had a known background of interest in porn. i didn't know what kind of porn, specifically. if it was child porn, they meant.
so that's that church.
the summer camp... the government paid some conribution so that poorer kids could go to the camp. so my mother only had to pay $5 towards the cost of a 7 day camp and the government paid the other... I think it was around $70 back then.
so that would have marked me out as a child traficked by the state. to be abused. because i was one of the subsidied kids.
is that how it works at the private and ivy schools? the scholarship kids are there to be abused by the parents of the rich kids? because they room-share them so the poor kids get a rich kid to be their... um... i don't know. then they take them home to their parents house or whatever over teh summer...
is that how it goes?
probably. when the NY times is going on about graduate students complaining about various comments from a professor. I mean... I do understand that they were, perhaps, inappropriate comments. That is to say I understand how the comments might be thought amusing in some contexts or insulting or inappropriate in others. I do understand that there is an inbalance in power, there, where the graduate students did not feel comfortable telling him to his face that htey felt his comment was inappropriate.
But that's a little different from, say, refusing to get your work to external examienrs or refusing to allow externals to sign off on your qualification completion or refusing to allow you to continue with the qualification because you didn't pay a bribe or you didn't provide sexual favors.
i see they dropped the case.
i'm sure there are worse things that could be prosecuted, at Harvard.
i'm sure when they rescinded the offers of enrolment to studnets who raped people before the course started that there were various other people who should not have been enrolled (or re-enrolled) at that university.
So yeah. It's like sooooooooooooooooooo competeitive. Soooooooooooooooo comeptitive. Soooooooooo competitive.So many more people would be competent at x than there are people we need to enrol or acknowledge or train or whatever. That makes it soooooooo comeptitive
(then why are there never enough people competent at x?)
F*ck*ng psychopathy that's why
Posted by alexandra_k on February 18, 2022, at 16:40:36
In reply to Re: why choose new zealand?, posted by alexandra_k on February 18, 2022, at 16:37:22
It is what makes the most sense of the age thing.
Of why it is that the kids need to be so very young.
Because they are pedophiles. That's why.
They need for the Medical Students to be 18 or 19.
They like to see the look on their faces when they get to watch the person perform an unauthorised cervical examination (without the patients consent).
They like to see the look on their faces when they are required to participate in such things.
They like to see the kids whose eyes light up 'really? i get permission to do something like this? i'm allowed to do this? i can do this?'
They like to identify the kids who clearly think there is something a little off or a little wrong (so they can be forced to go lie flat).
Posted by alexandra_k on February 18, 2022, at 16:43:00
In reply to Re: why choose new zealand?, posted by alexandra_k on February 18, 2022, at 16:40:36
They gotta be 18 or 19 for law camp, too.
And they get to see the look in their eyes and whether they are instigators or whether they are reluctant.
That is 'definate yes' and 'definite no' respectively, when the goal or the aim is to further the career of the psychopathic pedophile immorals, only.
Of course most people are, what they like to think of, as 'adaptable'. That is to say they are able to 'remain neutral' or huddle indistinguishably in with the herd into the sea of what often seems to be uncomprehending faces by design.
Posted by alexandra_k on February 18, 2022, at 16:47:33
In reply to Re: why choose new zealand?, posted by alexandra_k on February 18, 2022, at 16:43:00
They were decent people.
The people who abused me.
But they should never have been put in the position they had been put in. I mean to say, they should never have had opportunity to be alone with any of their students.
I guess the thing was that various people knew that they were doing that. That they were spending time alone with me. People from the leadership, I mean to say.
And they did not do anything about it until the situation escalated to the point where members of the public found out.
Who was I supposed to complain to?
The leadership worked to enable it, only.
I wonder, in hindisight how or why it was that the leadership knowingly turned a blind eye.
I suppose it was because they didn't pay the people so that was their reward for being 'esteemed employee' or similar.
So now we know. New Zealand. We know why. Why people would choose it.
Why not choose Harvard? Why not choose to go abuse people over there?
I guess because it's too expensive.
That's why.
I guess that must be it.
I mean...
I don't see international community thinking that there is anything wrong with the way the NZ administration is functioning.
They haven't held anyone to account. They haven't sent out a clear message that it's wrong or not acceptable.
They seem to be standing by...
Maybe even investing money into it.
Maybe even instigating.
Who knows.
Posted by alexandra_k on February 18, 2022, at 17:22:30
In reply to Re: why choose new zealand?, posted by alexandra_k on February 18, 2022, at 16:47:33
Then there is the university of waikato.
I think he was Chair of Philosophy programme for some years, there, anyway.
Alistar Gunn.
He had a 'special relationship' of some sort with this other girl who has the same first name as me. She was studying Law and Philsophy.
I intentionally stayed away from him (and from Law) in order to differentiate myself from him and her. I mean to say, I did not want anybody thinking that I was her.
He would take her to conference with him when she was an undergraduate etc. Write papers with her etc.
He also did 'Philosophy in the Schools' which involved him teaching ethics at, partiuclarly, private girls schools.
There was something something where a kids mother found some inappropriate message that he left on her phone.
Not long after that... Various people within the department complained (because it's competitive rather than because they genuinely were concerend about his behavior i think -- reasons for that later).
And teh mother was unhappy, of course.
I don't know the extent of it.
He had a beach house at Raglan. The law girl was a hippie-type. Protesting MJ laws by smoking drugs outside court (huddled in with a herd of her law friends).
He used to have parties at his beach-house.
He used to charge up the caterers to the university.
He had more 'formal' 'informal' parties at his house. He'd do this thing on boxing day and the senior administration people would go to that, with their wives. Catering charged to the university. Alcohol etc.
I suppose, retrospectively he was facilitating some pedophilia thing for the senior admin people at the University. That seems most likely -- no?
Various people within the department complainted (people on payroll) and they just shuffled things around and delayed (the administration people I mean).
Then all of a sudden he unexpectedly dropped dead of a heart attack, apparently, at the tender old age of his... Late 40's, I think.
Sure he did. Yeah, right.
So, one of the people who complained about his conduct (and his conduct was pretty bad, I will admit, with High Schoolers)...
Then went on to (herself) have a relationship with someone who was a grad in the department (admittedly) who tehn went on to be an undergrad in another department that she also taught in.
I feel a little ambivalent about that because teh 'kid' was older -- a grad -- and also because I don't think that the person ever taught them or was responsible for grading their work even before the relationship and I really don't think they were in that capacity during the relationship.
But then not that long after there was a relationship with an enrolled undergrad...
So the other people in the department complain about them.... Because it's sooooooo competitive rather than anything else, I woudl suppose...
So then the admin is shuffling things around delaying and confusing and obstructing and refuging to progress the complaint...
Until she gets a job at a University in Melbourne.
Of course.
A promotion, basically. So as to reward the fact that inquries are being made about inapproprite behavior.
I guess that tells people everyting they need to know about that University -- right?
About the college that one of my previous abusers went to...
NOt all that long after she arrives there...
A group of teenagers rape another -- with a broken bottle.
Lots of bleeding and many stiches are needed.
At least she wasn't that bad. Right?
I wonder what happened to that group of teenagers?
Likely they would have put them in a home so they could continue to abuse people.
That's the main aim or goal or purpose. Because it's soooooooo competitive. Right?
PUt them on payroll and see how many of the competitors they can take out?
Posted by alexandra_k on February 18, 2022, at 17:27:58
In reply to Re: why choose new zealand?, posted by alexandra_k on February 18, 2022, at 17:22:30
so that's why people choose new zealand. put that in your advertising or marketing campaign.
it's because of our very very high rates of child abuse.
that's why people intentionally voluntarily choose to seek to come here.
and why people would choose for or allow their children to come here...
they are asking for it -- right?
permission granted.
i don't understand how else i am supposed to see the situation.
that seems to be the major life lesson that the current VC of the university of waikato (and all of his cronies) wants to teach me.
a little life lesson in why i can't complete a 120 point 1 year research project in 1 year and go on to medical school. they have assessed me and it is 'definately no'. i just don't make the 'most likely to be a sexual offender' list.
This is the end of the thread.
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