Psycho-Babble Social Thread 1115692

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willful stupidity

Posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 19:18:22

i sort of think with the vaccine...

overseas companies knew what they were dealing with before they made an arranagement with new zealand for the supply of vaccines.

they knew that our rates of vaccination generally are very low. they knew that every year at the end of flu season there are all these doses that were never administered to anybody at all because of hoarding.

they knew that (nz trained and accredited?) nurses were responsible for wrongful deaths of pacific island infants in pacific island countries because they did not follow the manufacturers instructions on reconstitution and administration of the vaccine. mmr vaccine.


how responsible is it to give vaccines to nations when they are not willing or able to follow instructions on reconstitution and administration?

well... i suppose the first thing you do is say that the manufacturers are not going to be responsible for the preventable errors caused by 'professionals' refusing to do the most basic of things...

early on people in the US were saying it appeared they could get more vaccinations out of each vial than what the manufacturers instructions said they were to administer from each vial. they contacted the manufacturers to ask if there was any reason (or what the reason was) for why they had been instructed that less doses were to be given when it seemed to them that following instructions would require them to throw away viable doses.

they waited to hear a response.

months later...

months later...

new zealand is 'first in the world' to develop a revolutionary new technique for getting more doses out of each vial.

yeah right.

and for...

being first in the world to administer them. without waiting to hear whether it was okay for htem to do that. without them putting in an inquiry in advance (given that tehy tracked international news and had a little heads up that that may happen).


the... willful... stupidity...


Re: willful stupidity

Posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 19:33:02

In reply to willful stupidity, posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 19:18:22

my mother has been offered a prescription for a chemotherapy (pill) treatment from a NZ specialist that will cost her thousands of dollars because the treatment is not funded in nz.

the treatment is funded in australia, but not here.

the treatment is not FDA approved as a first line treatment for her condition in the USA. It is FDA approved as a second line treatment in the US for her condition only for when first line treatment has been administered and there has not been good response to first line treatment.

she has not been offered an approved first line treatment.


or maybe she has.

it's hard to know, with my mother.

i need to disengage. honestly.


when she heard i was staying in a hotel / motel she was like 'ooooh fancy'. she was very interested in how there were cleaning staff to do my dishes for me and make my bed for me and all these things.

it is like...

how some people when they stay in hotels make a point of getting their moneys worth or somesuch. taking all the free things. leaving as much mess as possible. using up all the towels etc etc. just because they can.

i felt... embarrassed that someone else was making my bed for me. i leave it unmade because i don't feel it's worth the effort of my making it. but then i feel bad that someone else went to the effort of making it. i would keep it cleaner than i would when left to my own devices because i was mindful of other people. conscientious. i don't know.


she's all happy about them doing everything for her and how happy she is and how grateful. and how exciting it is to be in the hospital. getting all up in everyones business etc etc...

and it makes me feel... cringe.

because i'm different.

i do feel embarrassed.




she's all raving about the food etc, too.


that's the whole thing in the waikato. you gotta treat people badly otherwise they won't want to go home.

but then you gotta keep setting the bar on that lower and lower...

and then actual abuse.

but still...


anyway... she's make it clear to me that knowledge isn't her priority. she wants to be humored.

it's all she's ever wanted.

someone to regulate her emotions for her.

by doing what she wants when she wants it... and particularly on an emotional level.

keeping her amused. entertained. stopping her from gnawing at her hands.





i told her that i didn't understand why they were offering her 2nd line treatment rather than 1st line. i pointed out the 2nd line treatment wasn't approved as a 1st line treatment by the FDA. in other words, the reason the 2nd line treatment wasn't funded as a first line treatment in NZ wasn't about the money... it wasn't approved as a treatment...

she has the information. some of it. i said it. she can check it with her own research if she chooses.


she doesn't want to be responsible for her decision.

she wants to give up authority to someone she perceives to be powerful...

the whole attitude that the 'older generation' of 'people just want me to choose for them' she's the perfect... complement. to that.

she responds the way they want their victims to respond.

she's the perfect victim in that respect.


i'm not like her.


they require me to be like her. they require themsleves to believe that i am.

they are delusional in their thinking.

'i know you are but what am i rawaaaaaaawk rawwwwwwwwk' scream the dementor abusers oh mighty white supremacist leaders...


she tells me she is getting the help she needs from them and she doesn't want information etc. so...

i say 'i am glad to hear you feel cared for'.

and there's an end to it.


likely there's things i'm supposed to be doing right now.
grubbity grubby things re money.

that's the point of the money -- right?

the sisters are supposed to be swarming falling over each other in a popularity contest to be most liked to be favorite...

and i just don't wanna play that game.

it's not part of my self-conceptoin.

any more than victim is.



Re: willful stupidity

Posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 19:44:08

In reply to Re: willful stupidity, posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 19:33:02

because they go... so... dr leeks had to pay... how much? how many millions of dollars did dr leeks have to pay in exchange for his having abused however many people over however many years? how much compensation was he ordered to pay to his victims?

was it 1 year of his government salary? for abusing however many people over however many years...

was it 2 years of his government salary?

was it worth it, dr leeks?

the answer to that is a resounding 'yes'.

i would imagine.

that's the message or moral that everybody is taking from how the case is proceeding. how the case has proceeded thus far.

are any of the people presently involved in abusing people in nz concerned?

they are going after security staff and how security staff are trained...

start with the workers on the lowest pay who only do the job at all because they are led to believe they'll be forced to starve otherwise...


goooooooood choooooices...

yeeeeeeees. juuuuuustice. for people with intellectual disability. i don't mean downs or willimans or anything like that. there's another kind of a intellectual handicap that's to be found in people who lack the willingness / ability...


i don't know what to do with my mother.

i suppose there are people out there who get her, in some way, and who can genuinely help her. i cannot. she stymies me. totally and completely.


if she's happy with the way things are. the leader sin the hosptial. the treamtn in the hosotpial. great. terrific. genuinely.

but that's no reason or exucse to force it upon everyone.

some people like to be forced? like the dramas.

some people like the dramas. i get it.

they train people to protest ineffectually. to pretend to protest. to role playing protesting and being overpowered and saying they like it. they like to be forced.

it justifies them. they feel.

there are still these attitudes about about. about how people ask for it and enjoy it.

they train people to express that.

it's supposed to justify them not listening to anything they don't want to hear. etc.

it's quite systematic...

the extent of the torture.

munchausen? by proxy. for the billings.

and then that thing where they force their captives to identify with the abusers. otherwise the abuse will only be worse.

the lengths they go to to ensure nz doens't develop or produce anything on the world stage.


Re: willful stupidity

Posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 19:51:30

In reply to Re: willful stupidity, posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 19:44:08

oh hello mighty esteemed gp. oooooh how respectable you are. ooooooh how lucky i am that you chose to come to work today (1 or 2 days a week) to spend half and hour or an hour with me.

what do you want from me gp? do you want to weigh me and measure me? well now you just go ahead and do anything you want. you are the esteemed expert, of course. i'm sure. anything you want me to do mighty and knowledgeable gp. do you wnat to give me a belly rub? check my abdomin? how about a quick cervical smear? shall i open up and say 'aaaah' for you? what do you need from me? what do you need from me? what do you need from me? what do you want me to do?

will you choose to take some samples and send them to a lab? will you decide what lab you send them to all by yourself? how will you decide what tests to order?

perhaps the new zealand government or the registration people will make check lists for you of things they REQUIRE you to do. maybe of things you are PROHIBITED from doing. maybe you are NOT ALLOWED to request biopsy samples for various conditions (e.g., not allowed to look for cancer in age brackets where first line treatments would be curative) or maybe you are only allowed to send to certain labs (because the person has been enrolled without their consent in a longitudinal study of observing the person die with no treatment).

how respectable.


'i's probably a virus there's ntohign we can do'.

'there are no treatments for virus'.

it is important not to under-estimate all the work that has gone into preventing prohibiting and obstructing the development of access to medicine for the new zealand people.


Re: willful stupidity

Posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 19:58:31

In reply to Re: willful stupidity, posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 19:51:30

it's not about the money.

how many millions did leeks get paid by the new zealand government to ensure that the kids he was responsible for were suitably abused.

how many millions did leeks get paid by the new zealand government to ensure that the kids he was responsible for were not properly educated. no application to enrol received from them. no examinations sat by them. no jobs given to them.




'cognitive deficiencies' and 'intellectual handicap' and 'psychosis' and 'schizophrenia' and 'criminal' on their record.

he stole their lives.

and how much money did the new zealadn government give him to ensure that he would keep those people un-educated. un-happy. tortured. deprived.

how much money di dthe new zealadn government choose to pay to people to abuse otheres.

it's a nation of bullies and abusers. being an abusive bully is a pre-requisite for getting an applcation form. it' sa pre-requisite for getting employed. it's a plre-requisite for having any kind of way of life where you don't have to beg for handouts.

or smach people over the heads with hammers.

there is no civilislation here.

there's nothing here.

there's nobody home.


It takes the thesis.

And it gets the thesis to examiners. So teh examiners can choose whether or not to sign the studnet off.

But it doesn't.

And what is the government going to do about it?

The NZ Government holds NZers as hostages. Slaves.

It refuses to pay it's workers. It refuses to allow people to work to international standards.

It only hires people who ensure the job is not done. Is not done by them is not done by anyone.

What a f*ck*ng farce.


Re: willful stupidity

Posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 20:08:33

In reply to Re: willful stupidity, posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 19:58:31

I'm trying to establish whether the district health boards refuse to employ people who are competent...

Or whether it is that they will only employ people who will not go to work.

I mean to say, I am trying to establish whether they will only employ people (as doctor, say) who have been found to be torturers and abusers and so on. Who lied about their qualifications. Who do not have capacity to work to international standards.

Or how much they have some suitably trained and accredited people -- but they don't set foot on the hospital. So maybe a 'health officer' (that is to say a non-medically trained manager or administrator) gives them a call and says 'we need a treatment order form signed sign it'. Or 'we need a precscription signed. sign it'. And they sign their names to authorise the things.

When they are ordered to. And only when they are ordered to. Otherwise they won't be on pay-roll at all.

I think it is a combination of things.

You have the 'front line doctors' who are present in the hospitals. They are the hands-on bullies and offenders. Who like to get up close to patients and witness the abuse. Who get off on that.

And then you have the ones who are paid a lot of money to not set foot in the hospitals but to sign off on everything that needs signing off on. The actual hands on people can't get accreditation overseas mostly these days anymore so they aren't allowed to sign. Or maybe the front-line doctors are really frauds / hoaxters and they aren't capable of even talking abou medications.


People in NZ have decided that this is appropriate treatment for me.
That this is an appropriate way to treat me.
That it is acceptable (for their own perverted reasons) to continually expose me to this.
To continually expose me to nothing other than this.

That is to say if there is a different life for people lin NZ I am well and truly locked out of it. I don't see any of it.

If there is anything here, at all.

I don't see much in the way of any evidnece...


Lawyers... Paid however mjuch to delay and confuse and obstruct.

What is up with giving them a penalty on billings (not allowing them to claim the full amount) as a... Punishment? For them not having informed their client clearly that they have no authority to set eligiblility criterion.

We are talking the most basic of reading comprehension.








Apparently the word or line from overseas is that NZ has a 'compliant' popluation.

NO. It doesnt.

NZ does not have a compliant population. NZ has a bullying and abusive government who inflict their will on the people against the will of the people.

The population of NZ is forced.

NZ population is forced to comply.

It is not rule of law.

The people are not free to choose.

They are forced.

The leaders lack the capacity (also lack the education) to know what democracy means. At the most basisc level.


university of auckland

Posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 20:14:33

In reply to Re: willful stupidity, posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 19:58:31

we do all our exams in group work now.

ashley bloomfields house to make sure we get the epidemiology questions right???


maybe the kids pay a tutor to come tell them the answers so they can type them in.



how you gonna pick the next generation of psychopathic cheating pedophiles if you don't give them the opportunity to liei cheat and swindle their way through?

they don't grade anything properly.

i undresetand now why otago was so fond of essays.

they presented a volume of conent such that it was impossible to learn all the content to the level required for essay answers...

dun dun dun dun...

without foreknnowledge of what topics would be asked about.

e.g., 24 lectures...

you get asked to write 4 essays out of 6 questions.

one question per lecture. sort of a thing.

so too much volume of information to write essayas on.

that's why they got rid of quality multiple choice. because quality multiple choice questions from quality textbook content would have been possible to do well...

that's how come i got top marks in multiple choice (when they got their questions from textboook writers and not when they made up nonsense questions demonstrating their own misundrestanding and inability to write a good question)...

they are selling grades.

i saw our overseas placements were mostly develoing nations. a few to australia and canada. otherwise sending people to developing nations so they would pay money and not do the work placement. they aren't going to allow them to see the state of the hospitals really. they aren't going to allow them to steal precious medical supplies even if they are legitimate places they are going into.

nz has been developing backwards.


there's not really any lower for us to go.

internationally. our internaitonal reputation. as a nation of bullying abusers who refuse to uphold rule of law. where coca cola chooses the prime minister and gives her campaign donations -- no?

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