Shown: posts 1 to 9 of 9. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 1:06:41
force, force, force, force, force.
it's not hard, people. it's a no-brainer. you do what you are FORCED to do.
we will tell you what is right for you. what is right for you to do. we did all the thinking for you. because you idiot and us people with power. power to force you to do what we tell you to do when we tell you to do it.
just do what you are forced to do, people
we are too f*ck*ng stupid to explain our thinking (what thinking?) to you.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 1:16:46
In reply to force force force force force, posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 1:06:41
because oraka tamariki takes the children whose parents are unable to look after them (for whatever reason) to sub-contract to staff to teach the workers how to do a brazillian ju jitsu take-down for...
their own amusement.
i mean you pay peanuts and you get...
why would anybody want to work for oraka tamariki?
why, it's the best country in the world in which to be a pedophile.
they won't initiate legal action against you until they have deemed you to have dementia. and then they won't use your dementia diagnosis to hold you in psychiatric care (rather than jail) they will interpret your dementia diagnosis as reason to let you off scott free.
that's what we teach our people. right? that's the aspirational goal? right? to murder and rape and torture with impunity...
to use these experiences you've gained to 'move up' in the world to sydney or melbourne or perth...
you really know you've made it in life when you get ALL of the money for committing ALL of the crimes with impunity.
for the pedophile rapist psychopaths
best country in the world.
so the nz government signed away it's citizens right to sue for manufacturers errors / liabilities in teh vaccines.
that means that nz becomes a destination for all the vaccines that did not pass manufacturers quality controls.
don't get me wrong, i'm sure the manufacturers had a little talk-y which went something like:
'you know your staff are not going to follow manufacturers instructions. the cold storage supply chain will be corrupted. doses will be messed with. etc etc etc. the vaccines will not be adminsteresd according to manufacturers instructions therefore we will not supply to you with liabilty for your own failure to adequately train your staff and ensure proper cold supply chain storage'.
and the nz grubby grubbity grubby grubs went 'sure just send us your factory seconds and our people are too illiterate and lead poisoned to do anything about it. we'll be responsible instead'.
so all the factory seconds get shipped to nz. all the shipments that got sent back by other nations before of errors in manufacturing / supply.
our government has no authority to authorise anything under emergency authorisation or dispensation because we are not in a state of emergency because we have no community transmission.
all we needed to to do protect our people was stop selling places (visas and places in quarantine) to wealthy foreign investors.
but we refuse.
they choose to put the lives of nzers in danger because they choose to sell out to the highest bidder. they don't do the most basic of things to look after the health of their people.
apparently the ministry of health still doesn't really grasp that the virus is airborne with airborne transmission. the utility of face mask wearing has not been grasped. the purchasing of fit-tested face masks has still not happened.
waiting for the bombs to drop.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 18:04:44
In reply to Re: force force force force force, posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 1:16:46
so the general practitioner registration body has decided to start seeing about rescinding various people's registration to practice as general practitioners in new zealand because...
it doesn't like what they have to say about vaccines.
in some cases there have been complaints about these practitioners.
it is an... interesting... choice. it is an... interesting choice because, in new zealand, general practitioners are not part of the vaccine roll-out.
last year the general practitioners showed their true colors with how they handled the influenza vaccine roll-out (as they handle the influenza vaccine roll-out each and every year). the priority doses for vulnerable people are not given to vulnerable people -- they are hoarded. stockpiled. some general practitioners do engage in a process of dissuasion whereby they tell the vulnerable people that vaccines are not right for them. but these same practioners prioritise their own personal doses and they prioritise doses for the people they purport to love and care about. their family. and they charge $50 (or up to) for a nurse to administer the vaccine to someone who will pay $50 for it. most often someone who is not in the high priority group. and every year there are a lot of doses that never make it into arms at all because they couldn't get anybody to pay $50 for them and they refused to give them to people otherwise.
and so general practitioners have been left out of the supply chain and storage and administration of covid vaccinations.
and so then we got to see how other people like to hoard things and divert public resources for their own personal profits. particularly the boards of directors of the public hospitals. the senior cliniciacns who are so senior they never see patients. but they see people who do see patients (sometimes) so they are entitled. they are entitled, you see.
it is an interesting choice for the general practitioner registration council to go after teh registrations of people who withhold vaccines when there are so many other things they could go after people for. murder. rape. sexual violation. wrongful death. negligence. incompetence. all these things receed into the background when it comes to their failure to comply with saying the things that they are required to say about the party line on vaccine. it isn't about their behavior -- because they aren't part of the vaccine storaage or administration supply chain. but they don't have speaking rights to say anything other than the party line, apparently. apparently the general practice registration council thinks that this genuinely is progress towards people respecting general practitioners more. that they would go after people who say things they disapprove of.
they say that what general practitioners say matters because they are respected members of the community.
they fail to understand the evidence.
there was a study that showed that when asked which, of a list of various professions, was the most trustworthy... people said that doctors were more trustworthy (as a profession) than lawyers. that's not saying doctors are trusted. can you hear the difference? i can.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 18:15:14
In reply to Re: force force force force force, posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 18:04:44
all the general practitioners who say 'biopsy sample is not right for you' so that the sample is not sent to the laboratory in order to prevent obstruct and prohibit people being diagnosed with cancer in order to prevent and obstruct and prohibit people from receiving effective, timely, treatment (if the patient chooses).
take the registration of the general practitioners who say 'it would be sensible to have concerns about vaccination, given the state of the new zealand health system'.
recently a nurse lost her practicing certificate for 2 years for writing notes saying she did observations and administered medications when she did not when the was working in pediatrics. that's it. refusal to do the job for which you are paid and the only consequence is 2 years loss of registration. the nursing registration body didn't strike her off their register the courts ordered things. so people cannot respect 'nursing' because the people in charge of registration refuse to register all and only the careful competent people who do their job.
let's give application to enrol forms to people who lack the capacity to do it.
let's give the training places to people who lack the will / capacity to do it.
let's graduate all and only the people who pay bribes or who cheat or who lie or who otherwise show themselves to be morally reprehensible.
let's only employ people who graduated via the above process.
let's only pay people for not doing the job for which they are paid.
hey, let's only advance the people who don't do the job for which they are paid.
it's the grand plan of how new zealadn will not develop. will not do any of the things that it's supposed to do on the world stage. it's the grand plan of how you can't do business with new zealand. it's the grand plan of how it's not safe to visit.
something happens and then you gotta arrange for the extra-dition of the peopel. can't afford the health or liability insurance on having visitors even.
do not visit.
do not travel.
there aren't anhy social services. what? social what?
do you know how much of a hand-out the government gave to... coca cola. during the lockdown. handing over millions and millions of dollars so they could feed money to their share holders in the forms of their profits.
f*ck*ng stupid psychopaths.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 18:32:47
In reply to Re: force force force force force, posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 18:15:14
coca cola voluntarily out of the kindness of their hearts gave the wage subsidy money back.
but many other businesses did not.
likely coca cola only took the money in the first place to... uncover? the hopeless inadequacy of how the government chooses to throw money at those in least need of it while withholding the most basic of resources from most everyone else. the masses and masses and masses of gamma babies that our leaders need in order for them to feel good about themselves. to feel big. to feel like they are big men they can brazillian ju jitsu a vulnerable child who has done nothing wrong down to the ground any old time that they want. pull their pants off and inject them with olanzapine -- right? withhold ncea maths level 1 achievement standard test from them because they have decided numeracy standards only are right for you and where the focus is all on negative numbers -- just like your bank account hahahahhahahahhahahaha and more is less.
the waikato district health board has all these passports and drivers lisenses and birth certificates and the like that they uploaded into their hospital system before handing everyone over to hackers on a silver plate because of their wilful refusal to invest in the most basic level of security.
that's how the government keeps it's people.
it isn't that they don't understand informed consent. it's that they are stupid bullies. i don't see how else to understand. they refuse to listen (they don't have the capacity to listen) to anything that is not their very own view.
but then they will show a 'yessisr yessir yessir anything you say sir' to people who they perceived to be above them... it is just that you don't see that in them because they don't percieve anyone to be above them, anymore...
dr leeks in australia isn't even showing remorse or saying that he was doing what he believed to be best practice at the time. he isn't even saying that. he's just saying he's not sorry for anything at all.
and what will they do?
nothing is my guess.
because he's part of the elite white supremacist miniority. the ones who demonstrate that new zealand and much of australia is not rule of law, at all. it's rule of the elite white supremacist minority. these people bully and abuse and... sexually violate.. and wrongful death all over the place... and all the other elite white supremacist minority people have to say about that is 'carry on'.
they are going to throw a few dollars at the victims. like good prostitutes. take your money. you don't know how lucky you are. how much money did dr leeks have to pay the government to rape and torture with impunity?
i wonder where, in nz, epstein is holed up. i wonder where he gets his victims from.. boarding schools? dillworth's out of action, now... oraka tamariki??
apparently the ministry of health won't allow funding for concellors for kids. because they don't like the councellors. it turns out to be.
because they carefully selected rapists and pedophiles and so on and so forth... an elite white minority of clinical psychologists. they taught them well to ensure that they won't engage meaningully with their clients to ensure no meaningful progress was made. they taught them to write 'will not profit or benefit from further treatment' they taught them to blame the victim and so on. those are the only people they will allow near vulnerable people, you see. to ensure that development never occurs. to protect the eligte white supremacists who are profteering from their torture and so on.
that's the way of it, you see.
and quite a few people went into councelling because they were not sadists who fit with the eligte white minority that is clinical psychology in new zealand. and there's some genuine people in councelling. people who have lived experience. who with time and space and processing... are in good places to help people.
but the government will never pay them.
because the government is too busy covering for the abuses of the elite white minority who get off on abusing vulnerable kids. they are the only people they will look at giving enrolment forms to, enrolling, graduating, giving application to work forms to, employing, keeping on payroll. promoting...
has clinical psychology developed, in new zealand, at all in teh last... 50? 60? years?
it's still 'beat them over the head with their cognitive distortions' (you are doing it to yourself replace your thoughts with my thoughts). and behavioral modification techniques from the 60's. where every deliver of punishment is re-cast or re-described as the removal of a positive reinforcer.
like how putting people into a communal environment where the people are bullying and abusive to each other where the person is unable to seclude themselves away is for their own good. becuase seclusion is wrong.
like how putting people into a seclusion environment where the person is induced to be bullying and abusive to themselves is for their own good. because low stimulus is needed.
just do whatever you want (what will be most torturous) and make up baloney.
garbage garbage garbage output. garbage garbage garbage baloney.
f*ck*ng imbecils.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 18:34:49
In reply to Re: force force force force force, posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 18:15:14
crown law's job is to defend the indefensible -- didn't you know?
they job was to delay and prevent and obstruct and oppose..
their job was to ensure that natural justice was never attained. not in their lifetime. not on their watch.
that's why they were offered applications to work at crown law.
that's why they were employed to work at crown law.
that's why they were on pay-roll to say working at crown law.
the better they were at their goal of obstruction of justice the more glories and riches and privaledges were bestowed on them for being employed with crown law.
every government department.
there's nothing here.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 18:43:30
In reply to Re: force force force force force, posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 18:32:47
we got dr glue keeping things under-developed in otago.
give date-rape drugs to the kids on the maraes who are required to stay in the communal sleeping environment. he reckons. it's the only sort of study they will fund if you are maaori, say, and you want to train to be a clinical psychologist. you need to do studies like that. so they can see that you will cover for them. protect them. you are complicit in their activities.
for the very first time the media said (just yesterday) that people were saying on social media that this 'world first' invention coming out of otago university where the engineers (yeah right) developed a patient pending (not sure about that) way of effectively wiring a persons jaw shut so they could only take in food by a straw (for the purposes of informed consenting voluntary weight loss of course) looked like a sadistic re-invention of the inhumane barbaric process of wiring a persons jaw shut where there were all kinds of harms involved in that like gum disease.
but of course the plan would have been to have observed just how mjuch gum disease they could get going in the course of an observational study.
these are the only kinds of experiments or researches or advances that the new zealand government will fund. the only kinds of experiments or researchers or advances that the new zealand public universities will allow their staff and studnets (particularly the studnets) to be enrolled in or involved in.
i mean if you wnat them to sign off on your research degree (ever) then you better get busy demonstrating your willingness and desire to inflict harms on animals but really preferably on people lin the name of scientific research in the name of helping me helping me helpling me help myself to you.
and maybe if you are very very very very lucky and 'yessier yessier yessier' and 'alllllll the bl*w j*bs for you' enough...
maybe you will get picked out ot be mighty elite white supremacist leader!!! making sure that new zealand doesn't develop in the forward direction at all for another 50, 100 years....
alllllllll the glory for you!!!
Posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 18:54:04
In reply to Re: force force force force force, posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 18:43:30
so apparently Curtin university in Perth Australia will take your little psychopath from their first year out of Secondary School and, for a bunch of money to be paid in Australian Dollars (NZ citizens who are not Australian Citizens are not eligible for HECS or Australian Government Loans towards Higher Education)... They will enrol your little psychopath in Medicine, at Curtin.
And I guess, being closer to Malasia than Sydney...
They can send these gems up into the outback. Apparently there are some lovely aboriginal communites and the doctors can fly in and out. Or do online consultations from afar. I don't know that it's safe to send women to work in some of these communities... I remember they said they needed to stop sending women anthropoligists to Paupa New Guniea because they weren't able to protect them when the tribal men would congregate outside at night and demand they hand the women over to them.
And they need doctors to work the concentration camps.
And they need doctors to work the miners. To make sure that their lung disease is attributed to smoking (their fault) and not to dust associated with their occupation. Things like that are really important for the elite white supremacist psychopaths.
I suppose there's some pipeline... From the natural resources coming out of the ground in Western Australia to where they go on the world stage. Teh uranium and the like. I mean to say.
They reckon in... I don't remember wehre.. The functio of the police was only to guard the resources. It wasn't Australia. But I imagine that's the idea there, too...
There was a guy who came out at one point and said that the bonded places people in Australia were expressing concerns that they wouldn't be employed at all unless they agreed to committ and turn a blind eye to atrocities.
Because it's important that Australia not develop.
Not develop local manufacturing... To interrupt global shipments. It's important to keep those resources flowing to fund foreign wars and so on...
Fires and plagues of mice....
F*ck*ng psyschopaths. At it again.
Where did all the people go?
I know.... The whole 'isolate and divide and conquer'. If she doens't believe there's any people left she'll give up.
I've met people. I know there are people.
OUr leaders aren't people. I don't think that people keep slaves. Nope. 'But they would run away if we freed them'. Oh. Nobody thought of that. Well of course nobody ever meant to say that slavey was justified if the person would just stick around keeping on doing all of the work for none of the money for, uh, 'voluntary' if they were freed. Sure. Right. You nailed it!!
Posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 19:05:05
In reply to Re: force force force force force, posted by alexandra_k on June 30, 2021, at 18:54:04
There is no informed consent if people will not respect the answer they don't want to hear.
If people won't listen to 'no' and allow that to be upheld then people can't say 'yes'.
That is to say, if it is impossible to say 'no' then there is no informed consent.
I asked to 'opt off' the HealthOne records system they wanted to keep the South Island Health records on.
The HealthOne records system was rolled out in a state of emergency after the Christchurch earthquakes. Teh justification was that they had people presenting in a state of emergency from earthquate fallout and these people ddin't have their purses with them or whatever. They didn't know what regular medications they were on. They didn't know when they had their last dose. The idea was that instead of people maybe voluntarily choosing to wear a bracelet with that information on it in case of emergency... The heatlh system would keep online records that could be easily accessed.
SO i was concerned that NZ didn't have the capacity to do anything like that. Because, you know, achievement standards are not right for you and we aren't going to enrol or pay the few people with actual capacity to develop such things to develop such things in nz. I mean guffaw...
So the information was being shipped off to... Well... HealthOne was a subsidiary of... Was a subsidiary of...
And what reason do we have to think that the administrative access that who knows how many foreigners has isn't going to be used to change records. To maybe say that the person was on x med and should keep on x med. As a way of getting that person on x med. Just giving everything away. Just giving our people away. Our government just gives away the health and securiyt of it's people. Not even trying. Not even a little bit . Not even trying at all.
So I ask to 'opt off'. That is to say I dno't want to have an online record on HealthOne. I don't elect for my health information to be given to the HealthOne onlien system.
And the response is 'we will make a note of that on your HealthOne file. That you protest'.
That's it.
In other words: I don't have the right or ability to opt off.
They are keeping records without my permission. I have the right to 'ask' them to correct information they hav eon me. But they don't believe they are required to correct their information. They refuse to listen to what I say about... ANything.
The government is not legitimate becuase they don't do any of the most very basic of things they are qruiedt o to to look after their people.
Only employ the incomepent and inept white supremacist leaders to ensure that nothing develops.
Who profits the most from NZ not developing?
I know Khan Academcy wants us to think it is lack of organisation rather than an invisible hadn of evil. But I don't buy that or believe it. Because decisions made are worse than chance. Over and over and over again. Decisions made are worse than chance. That's no accident. That's systemic.
This is the end of the thread.
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.