Shown: posts 1 to 3 of 3. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by alexandra_k on May 17, 2021, at 13:03:19
should we wipe the slate clean?
that's the headlines. brought to you by the new zealand government.
we lured you to new zealand on a lie.
we involuntarily detained you (in the country) under conditions of torture. inhumane conditions. we forced you to live in mouldy overcrowded substandard housing. we denied you meaningful employment.
and so on.
and we propose that you will be lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky as can be if we choose to 'wipe the slate clean'
that is to say if we choose to forget about the lies we told you.
we just all move on with our lives -- okay??
let me tell you what justice looks like in new zealand.
it looks like
might is right
it looks like
biggest bully wins
it looks like person with most money wins.
who is person with most money?
the person teh government chose to gave teh money to.
i have this collection...
this collection of rulings from the high court.
where the justices say 'technically' i am right.
however... with respect to justice...
kdrjoiewhtdkghsdlkjs no speak english and reasoning 101 no work-y no more.
person with most money keeps their money.
and apparently the public universities of new zealand luring people to new zealand on a lie (pretending they will allow them to work to international standards of scholarship pretending they will allow them to be signed off on by external examiners pretending they examine things fairly pretending they examine things at all pretending they process applications to enrol properly and pretending tehy aren't on the take to teh psychopaths who will throw them the most money to get to murder and rape with impunity)
we'll just go 'awwwwww let's just forget about all that'
and just carry on.
business (this little thing we like to call that) as usual. with new zealand.
would you like to come to new zealand?
bring us money?
the government will mind it for you. for xxx amount of dollars they take you (whoever you are) and yoru money (wherever it came from) and your fake passport. and they'll give you a shiny new one. a shiny new new zealand one. and they'll gvie you citizenship, too.
and whatever your businesss may be....
using the 5G for child pornography...
selling organs harvested from the are most welcome to come to new zealand.
apparently you won't be giving us money to send weapons to the middle east... they were only *samples* you see, so that doesn't count. that's not what we meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeean by supplying enabling resources to perpeptuate crimes against humanity. that's not how we undersaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand language to work-y in new zealand.
apparently you won't be contributing to ashley bloomfields next pay rise to better empower him to go on to breach further laws with blessings and persmissions to carry on from the courts.
but you know ashley bloomfield can just go back to the psychopath for hire agency from whence he came and cry aobut how poor he is and i'm sure they'll find him another job...
i mean... ce of one government department begets being ce of still more government departents -- right? and with the whole work from home thing yo ucould be on payroll and never even turn up or actually do anything.
and in many of their cases them not turning up and not doing anything would be a significant advance on teh crimes they commit when they do turn up and try and 'help' things develop in new zealand
Posted by alexandra_k on May 17, 2021, at 13:04:36
In reply to lured to new zealand on a lie..., posted by alexandra_k on May 17, 2021, at 13:03:19
honor your f*ck*ng contracts.
people were lured to new zealand on a lie.
the new zealand government told them 'do x and we will give you y'
and now it is time to pay the piper.
and it is time to pay ADDITIONAL REPARATION on the fact that y'all were so slow to hand over the y.
it had to be pried from your cold dead fingers???
Posted by alexandra_k on May 17, 2021, at 13:13:34
In reply to Re: lured to new zealand on a lie..., posted by alexandra_k on May 17, 2021, at 13:04:36
pay us xxx and we will give you citizenship.
they are trying to lure small business people. people who they want to come here with funds to invest in starting up a small business.
becuase we can't do it here, ourselves.
we don't have small businesses. we have large foreign businesses like coca cola. collecting the wage subsidy because why not if you can get away with it.
coca cola gave the funds back voluntrily. apparently.
which was just as well because if they had not given the funds back voluntarily the new zealand governent would not have gone after them to get the funds back at all.
there is no conception of speaking truth to power (of trying to).
there is no conception that the leaders. that the people with the power. might actually be big enough to prefer the truth (the attempt at it) to sycophantic lies which are all that we value in new zealand.we don't have small businesses because we don't provide any oft he infrastructure that is needed.
and people can come from overseas...
but the only kinds of businesses that would flourish or thrive here are ones that are essentially or intrinsically exploitative.
because we refuse to develop laws... and we refuse to deliver meaningful consequnces for violations of the laws.
ashley bloomfield showed the world how to do business in new zealand.
half a million dollars of hand-out from the new zealand government. he is paid. to violate the laws of the country.
would you like to come to new zealand and run your child pornography ring?
how much will you pay us for teaching certification and you can be head of a boarding school...
for enough money you can run scholarships and have your very pick of the children.
that's what it's about 'eh?
sexual offending isn't about sex. it is about power.
and all the people who want to use their power for ill...
those are the people we value. in new zealand
the proof is in the pudding.
where is my degree?
where is the qualifiation you owe me for the work that i did?
you are REQUIRED to have processed my application for medicine.
you are REQUIRED to pay me out.
the government website says how much a medical doctor earns, in new zealand.
every yeare you delay me you steal 1 year off the end of my career.
the lenghths the government goes to to ENSURE the people of new zealand do not have access to medical care.
the money they pay out to people in order to prevent and prohibit the people of new zealand from having medical care.
the managers and administrars they pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to to ensure they do not hire nurses or doctors or purchase the most basic of medical supplies.
tourists can't come here anymore because they might get injured from our violation the most basic of health and safety laws.
then they find themselves in our hosiptals.
all the tourists lured to new zealand with false promises of a developed nation.
what a f*ck*ng joke
This is the end of the thread.
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
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