Psycho-Babble Social Thread 1114871

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internet privacy

Posted by rjlockhart37 on May 4, 2021, at 14:44:10

we all have to know, there is no privacy online anymore. I know it, and even before all my info is online. They can see all of it. So, but even besides that i like to give more insight to people on my social media sites. It's like a transmission for people to read and study withouot charge. But, yes we all have to know, there is -no- privacy on the internet anymore. I'll what i've wrote, and other peoplel i think they keep it in a record file. Identify people. They already have indified, but what i hope is to help people and give them insight. I have multiple sites. I just want to help people. Even though i need help

alex, what do you think about internet privacy today? it used to be private in the 2000s, but today basically they can have a screen of people's activies. Alex, do you think it will....they already have profiles on people, but do you think it would go farther than that and having a device implanted in people to connect to the grid (in the future, maybe 10-15 years from now)


Re: internet privacy

Posted by rjlockhart37 on May 4, 2021, at 14:59:40

In reply to internet privacy, posted by rjlockhart37 on May 4, 2021, at 14:44:10

i'm not talking about posts here, on babble. I'm talking about other sites, and online status


Re: internet privacy

Posted by rjlockhart37 on May 5, 2021, at 2:37:05

In reply to Re: internet privacy, posted by rjlockhart37 on May 4, 2021, at 14:59:40

ok too complicated question....i am outta here


Re: internet privacy

Posted by rjlockhart37 on May 5, 2021, at 14:35:19

In reply to internet privacy, posted by rjlockhart37 on May 4, 2021, at 14:44:10

this is waay to much info, i am definetly outta here


Re: internet privacy

Posted by alexandra_k on May 6, 2021, at 15:10:17

In reply to internet privacy, posted by rjlockhart37 on May 4, 2021, at 14:44:10

There never was privacy online.

But it was nice to think that there was a place to talk to people who seemed like-minded in important respects. People who were helpful and kind.

A place aside from family or work or school. A place where people could talk things through in a way that was safe because a bit removed or independent from the people involved where the other people involved had perhaps different interests or stakes.

> They can see all of it.

Well... I can't see all of your information.

But I would imagine there are people with the know-how to do that, absolutely.

> I just want to help people. Even though i need help

Everybody needs help, sometimes, rj.

It is nice to want to help people.

I am losing that feeling. Of wanting to help people. I think it comes from years and years and years and years and years of people only wanting to help themselves to me.

they seem to have everything tehy want. they want money. grubbity grub grub grub. and they certainly have that. the kiwi way is for people to cry poor poor poor people have so much more overseas... that's what our highest paid army of chief executive chiefs of the managers administration says while they have meeting after meeting after meeting to ensure none of their underpaid staff can function to actually.... *do* anything. which is often just as well given the hair brained schemes they have. they haven't even learned that it isn't good enough to have lots of ideas.... you need to do a little sorting and processing... find the *good ideas* if any. identify the *good ideas* once they have been raised. nope can't do it. money grubbity grub grub grubs... everybody listen to me. sing my praises...

there's nothing here. our law courts don't work and they refuse to deliver consequences sufficient to prevent reoffending etc. our highest judges don't seem to undersetand the function of the legal system. f*ck*ng farce. that appears to be why they are appointed and why they pay them.

> alex, what do you think about internet privacy today? it used to be private in the 2000s

I don't think it did. But I suppose more people are more internet literate. In the 2000's... How many people had internet access? Now... It's compulsory for persons. If you don't have an email account / phone number... Telecommuniations login... An internet print... Well...

I suspect a lot of people have been microchipped already rj.

It's disingenuous to think that we would be microchipping dogs and horses but not doing that to people.

But the technology changes... Then it obsoletes.. . So...

Having everybody carry their own smartphone is a sort of external microchip. I think that is where it is at, moreso. People will pay for their own smartphone. You can get upgrades out to the people.

5G was a big one. Because of being able to stream HD AV. I am sure there are people in the position to listen to whatever smartphone software can detect (independently from whether or not the user has given permission to AV upload from their phone).

The phones are bugs that people voluntarily carry around...

And if security people actually were conccerned about someone it wouldn't be hard to track / follow their online activities to see whether or not they pose an actual threat.

But the technology that can be used to help... To hold people accountable for their crimes... Is also technology that can be used for crimes. Photoshop gets more sophisticated. So a nasty old government like NZ could intentionally set up or frame someone if they wanted to imprison someone for being a victim of abuse but not an abuser.

I suppose I have come to see that we have these abusers running the show, really. The judges and the like. That's why they wanted to be judges I expect. To relive their trauma all day. Listen to victims whine and complain and re-hear and -re-re-hear and -re-re-re-re hear the evidence. Then accuse them of being a liar and so on. I think the judges like that.

Apparently my mother had a bone marrow biopsy that 'didn't hurt at all'. Hmm. I believe they billed for it.


Re: internet privacy

Posted by alexandra_k on May 6, 2021, at 15:24:08

In reply to Re: internet privacy, posted by alexandra_k on May 6, 2021, at 15:10:17

It is important to make sure a nasty little despot like NZ doesn't get to advanced in its technology. Because you look at what they do with the technology they have got and you know that only bad will come from it.

Apparently every District Health Board (they replaced boards of public hospitals) has it's own IT system.

None of them are NZ IT systems. They went all cheapity cheap cheap cheap cheap how low can we go on it, you see. To fund pay increases for the CEs and managing administrators of the managers.

And so now... The lack the capacity to truly destroy any of the information that was uploaded there. I mean... They can get busy re-writing file notes, but there's a footprint of who altered the notes and when.

Of course they think they get around that by encouraging (bullying, really) people to share their login id's. They make it a cultural norm that 'oh my ID isn't working can you login for me??'.

5G is an evolution... Let the little despotic DHB think they have control over the patient file notes...

HD AV is streaming from around the hospital. We see you getting that person to log you into the system and we see what you do on the system when you think you can get away with it.

We see you giving cervical 'examinations' on women who did not consent for cervical examinations. We see you sexually abusing women. We see you ordering or instructing medical studnets to do these things (on threat of not signing them off / not giving them their medical degree if they refuse to comply with such things). We see you carving your name into someones organs. We see you billing for surgery and stabbing people with a needle under general only. We see you. We see you. We see you.

And what are you going to do about it?

Well... It's really not worth doing business with NZ...

Easier to process visas for criminals wanting to run here and once they are here rescind previous citizenship.

Make here the land for the psychopaths and abusers.

But then there needs to be mechanism for getting the people out.


Re: internet privacy

Posted by alexandra_k on May 6, 2021, at 15:37:14

In reply to Re: internet privacy, posted by alexandra_k on May 6, 2021, at 15:24:08

> Easier to process visas for criminals wanting to run here and once they are here rescind previous citizenship.

> Make here the land for the psychopaths and abusers.

I mean, that's what they do. By only processing the visa applications of people who bribe them.

I don't think they are processing them by ordinary or normal means or methods.

They only process 'exceptions'.

The government has put a halt on pay increases for government employees earning over $100,000 per year. And a halt on increases for people earning more than $60,000 per year -- unless there is a 'good reason' for the increase (where $59,000 per year if the average or mean or median I forget).

But there is a clause about 'exceptions'. Because something about how a blanket rule without the ability for discretion is not okay / acceptable. There needs to be a method or mechanism for processing special things. That is to say it can't be purely mechanical. There needs to be a role for humane or humane judgment. The problem is we don't have the capacity for people to make good and humne judgments for the right reasons.

We just have bribes and people doign whatever they want whenever they want because they want. Expression of power.

So... The only visas that have been processed over the last little while ALL seem to have been granted on 'special exceptional exemption' grounds whereby a partiuclar person judged or deemed it okay to sign off on them (even though other people similar in respects that are relevant to a well or good decided decisition had theirs declined).

And people pretend to be (else they actually are) too f*ck*ng stupid to tell the difference between 'good reasons' or 'bad reasons'. People think bad reasons are good reasons. Or because they want is a good enough reason.

And that persists through to the higheset level of our courts.

Thus far EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN NZ THAT I HAVE TALKED TO thinks that if a rule says 'based on reports of examiners the dean may decide (1) to accept the thesis as is (2) to accept the thesis with only minor changes (3) to accept the thesis subject to substantive changes to be signed off by supervisor or examiner within 10 weeks (4) to have oral examination followed by another round of reports (5) to return the thesis to the candidate and require re-enrolment for at least 6 months and another round of examination (6) the studnet has failed to meet the required standards and no degree will be awarded.'

EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN NZ THAT I HAVE TALKED TO says the rule gives the dean the power to choose anything she likes. that is to say the dean can say that the studnet failed to meet the required standard because the standard required is decided by the dean.

So... Best spend your time stucking up to the dean, then. If the Dean decides.

Why does it go to external examiners at all, then? I mean, if the Dean decided quite independently of the reports of examiners?


When I do multiple choice as a student I am required to choose the 'best answer' where only one answer is best. Where the best answer is in fact the answer that is best supported by the text. or the answer has the strongest or best basis in the text.

so the text is the reports of examiners.

and so if the reports of examiners do not say that re-enrolment and re-examination is required then requiring these things of the studnets goes well beyond the text.

That is to say there is no basis for the dean to require these things.

And I have been saying this since the end of 2018.

and apparently it doesn't matter. because NZ is not amendable to reason. Teh judges of the high court cannot seem to understand this.

nobody understands this in nz.


There's nothing here.


Re: internet privacy

Posted by alexandra_k on May 6, 2021, at 15:47:48

In reply to Re: internet privacy, posted by alexandra_k on May 6, 2021, at 15:37:14

NCEA is set up so that in order to get excellence in it you basically need to have your teachers / your schools permission.

because there is an internal assessment component. and you need to get an excellence on that internal assessment component otherwise you can't get excellence in the subject.

maths is very wordy. they like their word problems. you need to write them wordy answers. you need to 'explain your reasoning' in words.

that means they can say 'i don't follow your reasoning' or 'explain more' or 'explain better' or 'not enough explaining' always as a reason why you don't get excellence.

they can give you practice problems where NZ money is rounded to 2dp but in dealing with a foreign currancy nobody has heard of there is a comment about rounding to thousand place since the currency is of so little value.

then in the assessment they can say you don't get excellence because you didn't round to... and they can make up whatever they want, there, so long as they make up the same thing for the same batch of studnets so the students don't gang up and protest.

so the studnets don't go running to their parents.

so the students whose parents pay money to the school don't threaten to remove their child from the school

so the studnets whose parents pay money to the school don't threaten to tell of their rich friends not to invest int that school.


most of the kids aren't even told about achievement standards. they aren't even told that they have been streamed into terminal degree pathways.

see... that's what the mphil degree was (to waikato -- that's what they were thinking unofficially). it's the 'stupid' pathway. they only give that degree or qualification to people who are thought ot be too stupid of giving them a phd. it's a 'terminal' or 'exit' degree. teh highest degree the person was capable of doing.

because they just do whatever they want whenever they want. and actually its a degree for studnets who most universities won't enroll at all.

because they get government money to keep the student as a hostage or slave.

and they have no intention of handing out the degree.

and what are you going to do about it?

they have people law degrees.

and those people wrote them confidential reports saying they could do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted because they wanted.

they didn't get students making them secure software systems...



Re: internet privacy

Posted by alexandra_k on May 6, 2021, at 15:52:06

In reply to Re: internet privacy, posted by alexandra_k on May 6, 2021, at 15:47:48

but yeah, the education system is becoming clearer to me now.

what a hoax or scam or sham it is.

would you like to hear about how nz students are taught that they need to 'clean their data'?

that's what we call it. we teach it. explicitly. that you start by cleaning your data. that is to say you start by removing the data points that you don't like. perhaps repeating things over and over until you find the data point that you do like.

there isn't a comprehension of the difference between using statistics as a tool to learn about the world and exploiting the tool for some perceived personal advantage.

all over.

people around here really don't seem to get that.


neurenberg trials

Posted by alexandra_k on May 6, 2021, at 15:58:41

In reply to Re: internet privacy, posted by alexandra_k on May 6, 2021, at 15:52:06

they think they are clever.

that's why there was this thing recently about the US people wanting the raw data so they could do their own statistical analysis. covid vaccines.

but you can't even rely on nz for useful data.


one of the main criticisms of the neuremberg trials was that a number of people who were guilty of various crimes were given US citizenship or whatever in exhange for information that they had.

there persists in the world, still, the idea that the highest level individuals are immune from consequences and desirable people to have around.

but what do the high level individuals in nz have to offer foreign countries? willingness to exploit others for personal profits... but then you have to manage that person. and then you have this arms race of 'who thinks they are cleverest' and that's time consuming and it takes time away from genuinely productive activities and it's really not all that fun to be honest.


they certainly don't have data that could be useful.

that was a thing about the japanese...

they think that willingness to commit crimes against humanity means they are willing to do what it takes to collect the necessary data?

but their data is dirty. their methods of collection are dirty. they are dirty. they do whatever they want for whatever reasons they want. they find what they want because they only look for what they want and they refuse to look at evidnce to the contrary. they use statistics and even methods of data collection as a tool to be exploited for their own personal interests. so... it's all a really.... boring. but also morally depraved. waste of time. they don't find anything that couldn't be found by alternative (humane) methods. the fact they are too stupid to imagine how is a comment on them.

it's pretty f*ck*ng boring playing state the obvious to people too stupid to f*ck*ng stupid to understand the answer when they see it anyway.

f*ck*ng imbicels.


Re: neurenberg trials

Posted by alexandra_k on May 6, 2021, at 16:06:59

In reply to neurenberg trials, posted by alexandra_k on May 6, 2021, at 15:58:41

it's just an expression of pathology.

we have this thing about how abused people go on to abuse others.

that's apparently why so many of the people in the prisons and the like. on diability and the like. why they are where they are. locked out of socieity. no meaningful employment. no control over resources sufficient to look after themselves and perhaps to raise a family to independence. constantly... punished... excluded... because...

well because they were abused. they were victims. that's why. it's the long term effects of that abuse and victimisation. it's very sad. that so many new zealanders have criminal or psychiatric or medical problems so that they are excluded. all because they were abused. historically. you know.

but it seems the ones excluded are teh ones who... don't get off on abusing others the way tehy were abused. sometimes they do in fact commit crimes. know what kinds of crimes they commit? onest hat involve them standing up to the abuser. not crimes against innocent people. not crimes against vulnerable people.

people who commit crimes against vulnerable people are hailed as mighty leaders. they are polic eofficers. judges. doctors. ambulance officers. and the like. they are the ones on payroll. t hat's the quality that is valued. the willingness to exploit the vulnerable and the people pleasing suck uping and bowing and scraping to those who have power over them.

that's the pathology that is desired here. that's how here works. that's how the system is set up.

i was supposed to beg and beg to have studnets of my own, yo usee. to do teaching work at the uni. for free. for little to no pay. they wanted to see me arbitrarily assigning grades to the students with the same pathology. to the biggest suck ups. the ones who suck up and abuse down.

but i focused on the work. and getting the work done.

and in enrolled in the 'little bitch' degree. the one they market as the one where you are stuck being the little bitch forever because you dodn't get your phd.

because that's supposed to be a big deal. to be a doctor. nobody cares what kind. to be doctor.

and these things aren't important to me.

and i don't belong here.


Re: internet privacy

Posted by rjlockhart37 on May 6, 2021, at 22:16:14

In reply to Re: internet privacy, posted by alexandra_k on May 6, 2021, at 15:10:17

yeah i have to say, smartphone does keep record of where been, and apps used, discover about the person to have personalized advertisements on facebook, or just surfing the web. The dark web, the nasty place where all dark infomration goes, they know how to see everythng, also goverment too. Access smartphone record logs, all google searches tagged, websites, algorythms. One thing i've ... well heard, 5G and it's already been around, radio frequencies that alter mind, mind reading. That is nothing new, i have a book that says it's been done for years. But the thing is, also what you think - the 1984 book by orson wells, they had the thought police who came after when planned or thought something that was against goverment (the 1984 goverment in book).

I think everyone is profiled to see who they are, what crimes and if they pose a threat. Because there's alot of people up to no good, espcially all these shootings in the US that have happened. It's one thing after another, bad events in general have skyrocketed in US. I think that's why there survallince. These people, have no criminal background - we just had a shootin with a 6grade girl, in school. These people don't have criminal posed threats, but they just trigger themselves and havve shooting. It's just, why all of sudden are these people going crazy, in such short amount of time.

My profile, basically is online, you can read what i write, it's easy. And my life besides that, at home, have a cat, have a smartphone, and just connect to the grid through laptop. Anyways, i think privacy - there was privacy but not like today. So .... the microchip thing, hasnt happened yet, but there are still people who have it. They have somethiing called Nueralink which is a brain interfaced that connects people to computers. That is what im talking about. I don't know what's gonna happen after 2030, but i bet were defeintly going to be similar to cyborg. Half human, half android

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