Shown: posts 1 to 15 of 15. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 29, 2021, at 4:34:40
Q: 'assess the feasibility of a vaccine passport'.
NZL ANSW: 'when people try and buy shares in the NZL stockmarket... they send the entire system into collapse. have you seen how many wires there are out the back of our computers, in the NZL stock exchange?'
NZL ANSW: 'we don't have the capacity to have secure patient records... we also don't have the capacity to keep studnet or even graduate student records...'
NZL ANSW: 'we give degrees to people who have not met the legislated requirements for those degrees. we withhold degress from people who have met the legistlated requirements for those degrees.'
NZL ANSW: 'we lack the caapacity to keep accurate and true records.'
NZL ANSW: 'we are... going to deny people their most basic of human rights. the right to deny medical treatment (including vaccination). their right to mobility (they will not have vaccination passports'
We don't have the willingness / ability to uphold human rights.
We are a nation of... Animals. Who treat their people as... Animals. Only.
Who wants to do business with NZL?
Let's talk about how to get the people out.
It's concentration camp island / detention camp facility island down here.
And I suppose the world has to ship it's criminals someplace...
On their way out.
The world concurrs: theres nothing, here.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 29, 2021, at 4:48:33
In reply to question: assess the feasibility of a vaccine pass, posted by alexandra_k on March 29, 2021, at 4:34:40
oh, look, it's nanogirl...
trying to make a role model for all those women who want to study engineering...
but can't.
because of nanogirl. who is THE NANOGIRL. i mean, like, she is the representative. she is THE REPRESENTATIVE. she is THE ONLY REPROSENTIVATIVE for all the nanogirls out there... She mops up all of the ... money. kudos. recognition. for the fact that she is nanogirl. the girl who every girl wants to be like but none of the girls get to be because : she. she is nanogirl.
Now let's do the same again for biology. For microbiology. We have fat girl with pink hair who is superhero girl for biology. If anybody complains... We have fat girl (cry cry cry) who is the only girl to get all of the recognition and all of the credits for biology.
(while not having made professor herself.)
Go fat girl with pink hair! Everyone is rooting for you! You are the next nanogirl!!
And now we have Michel Baker. And all of his 'brothers'. I think y'all share the same degree? is that how that works? y'all look nothing alike...
Your orange jumpsuit suits you, Michel Baker. Person who did not profess benefits of wearing a face mask until.. Well. At least months after I did.
You decide the ethics issues, Michel Baker. I did not realise that you (in your orange jump suit) were so very well qualified.
You think it's about passports...
Because you envisage your crimes against humanity will give you one...
Of course you do...
But we lack the most basic of capacities to keep patient record secure...
Nobody in their right mind would trust the NZ health system with vaccination roll-out.
We trained the Samoans... Who reconsttituted MMR vaccines with expires anasthetic -- resulting in innocent deaths-- right.
I mean... Getting vaccinated in NZL is basicaly saying ' I lack a will to live'.
'That's how oppressed and beat down the population is. No self care -- at all'
Why would we trust them?
Answer: WE wouldn't.
How is Rhode Island going...
They have a lot of people whey refuse to give bank accounts... Passports... Drivers lisences....
They want them to be vaccinated?
Yeah right.
They spit in your face.
D'you wonder why?
No. You know why.
Waiting... Waiting... NZL refuses to get with teh programme...
F*ck*ng imbeceils.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 29, 2021, at 6:41:56
In reply to Re: question: assess the feasibility of a vaccine pass, posted by alexandra_k on March 29, 2021, at 4:48:33
people go: wah wah wah there is no justice for the urugrah (sp) people... people just do whatever they like to them with impunity!
and then (given the marketing campaign) we see what the NZ government chooses to do.
That is to say: we see whether they jump on the bandwagon of abuse (or abuser). we see how they choose to... tie hang? their fate.
All you need to know.
about why the developed world cannot do (chooses to do)...
with NZL.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on March 29, 2021, at 15:28:59
In reply to Re: question: assess the feasibility of a vaccine pass, posted by alexandra_k on March 29, 2021, at 4:48:33
my mom has made an appointment to get my shot, im cancelling it without tellin her. I am so paranoid that the shot can cause DNA alteration, or discreet illness. You know, maybe i am crazy but after reading all the conspiracy therpies, im scared. I don' not a conspiracy therpist, no, but...i do know they wouldnt be warning for a reason. BUT again, the vaccine has protected people, it has really, i just need to stop being paranoid. I'm scared it alter my DNA
Posted by rjlockhart37 on March 29, 2021, at 15:31:05
In reply to Re: question: assess the feasibility of a vaccine pass, posted by rjlockhart37 on March 29, 2021, at 15:28:59
they said if you take Prozac, i read in article you be a little immune. That is ... bablling beloni but maybe Prozac will keep me safe
Posted by rjlockhart37 on March 29, 2021, at 15:34:43
In reply to Re: question: assess the feasibility of a vaccine pass, posted by rjlockhart37 on March 29, 2021, at 15:31:05
well, prozac isnt an immunity medication, it's an SSRI, but someone ... posted that if you take certain anti-depressants they have benefits. It only blocks the reptake of serotonin, i don't think it would keep me safe. I may just get over this paranoia and just get the shot, but still conspiracy therpies have told it's secret agenda
Posted by rjlockhart37 on March 29, 2021, at 15:36:16
In reply to Re: question: assess the feasibility of a vaccine pass, posted by rjlockhart37 on March 29, 2021, at 15:34:43
alex im sorry for filling up your posts with my babble, the vaccine is protecting people, yes it is, no doubt. What do you think about it, do you think it can cause discreet illness
Posted by alexandra_k on March 29, 2021, at 17:58:35
In reply to Re: question: assess the feasibility of a vaccine pass, posted by rjlockhart37 on March 29, 2021, at 15:36:16
you don't have to apologise. i'm sorry for cluttering up the boards with my babble.
i think it does cause discrete illness in some people. but when you look at how many shots have been given... only a very few people have had discrete illness from it.
it is like... it is probably safer than driving. it is probably safer than flying. all these other 'risky' activities that are actually really safe if you add up all the time people spend doing them... things do go wrong occasionally. but it is because episodes of things going wrong are so few and so far between that we really hear all about it when something does go wrong.
i don't know if the mRNA shots alter the DNA... I don't know how they work.
if you have a choice you could get a vaccine that is not mRNA. the johnson one is not an mRNA vaccine.
i imagine that mRNA vaccines will become more readily available in the future. now that the cold-chain capacity has been rolled out. i imagine they will have yearly shots, at least... for influenza. that covid will be rolled into / part of that. i imagine...
i think it was last year... in samoa... a couple infants died. apparently a nurse was using expires anasthetic solution to dilute MMR vaccines. the vaccine was supposed to be diluted with saline. i think the nurse was imprisoned or something... but i feel like there must be more to the story. was she following instructions / orders from someone else?
i worry more about that kind of human error -- but that is particular to where i am, in the world.
i think, rj, i think, that your position in your society means that you have reasonable access to reasonably high quality healthcare.
my concerns for new zealand have to do with the fact that i am repeatedly only confronted with and by how i am not valued here, i am not wanted here, i am supposed to be dead already etc etc etc. i am not to produce work, here. my work here will not be acknowledged... and then i learned that my grandfather was actually imprisoned. like, in a concentration camp in new zealand because he believed that when boys / men did not want to go off to likely die for a war all the way around the other side of the globe... he believed that was their right. and he allowed them to stay with him on his parents farm at a time when he was a minister..
and he was a pacifist generally (not just about that particular war). he believed that jesus told us / showed us about turning the other cheek.
and for that he was despised, here, in this concentration camp island of new zealand. where forced compliance is the norm. bullying. from the top. the way the government chooses to do business. the state funded institutions of abuse.
so i think about the level or quality or degree of healthcare... and also access to other services. the quality of the education and legal and so on... all the things... the quality of all of that... and i think about why on earth the new zealand government would actually choose to use vaccines to help rather than harm so many of it's people. i mean... why would there be a sudden turn around?
if you were an immigrant in the USA... if you werent' allowed a drivers lisence. a bank account. medicare / medicaid. if, coming from that position the government were to offer you a free vaccination...
but you aren't there --- are you rj?
so likely you have nothing to fear.
you have the luxury of informed consent.
you are person.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 29, 2021, at 18:33:19
In reply to Re: question: assess the feasibility of a vaccine pass, posted by alexandra_k on March 29, 2021, at 17:58:35
i think they are just saying about the vaccine passports so they can see whose grubby little eyes lights up.
new zealand's grubby little eyes lit up as people thought that they could introduce these and use them to really entrench a ruling elite with immunity (to ALL THE THINGS, obviously) and denial of everyone else's rights.
you see their grubby little eyes light up.
you can actually see it.
apparently it's an ethics issue. but it isn't. it's a criminal issue.
for international jurisdiction because we don't have a justice system insofar as i have seen yet...
i am remembering the day i sat in on the court of appeal. with the husband and wife team (same last name totally blatant) where they were appearing for different sides. the case was about an international criminal and millions of dollars that had been held up in swiss bank but international community was wondering about why none of the funds had been held up in new zealand.
they were asking for details as to who was testifying / doing the investigation from Texas. there was concern not to release the details because of concern about attempts to tamper with the witness or whack the witness or whatever...
but during these times of Covid...
i suppose the husband - wife team were likely both working from home.
i think it is implausible to think that the wife wasn't able to access the government documents from her husbands file.
i mean... i am a person with integrity.
but i know they are not. he said my case didn't have any merits. he held things up for months. then when i instructed him to proceed anyway he said he couldn't becasue he had a conflict and his wife worked for their firm.
i emailed the court of appeal expressing concern about the conflict in the court of appeal case.
they dismissed me.
they don't even try and pretend to be workign in teh interests of justice. they didn't even try and pretend to care about teh appearance of justice.
i mean it isn't about appearances.
but that's the reality of things in new zealand.
how blatant they are about how they refuse to do any of teh things they are supposed to do. how blatantly corrupt things are here.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 30, 2021, at 1:36:35
In reply to Re: question: assess the feasibility of a vaccine pass, posted by alexandra_k on March 29, 2021, at 18:33:19
that's what's wrong with it.
in the US you can sue the manufacturer if there is a problem with a vaccination or a batch or something.
that means there are safeguards built around how they are manufactured and shipped and stored and so on. as protection against being sued.
but the new zealand government said it would take the legal responsibility and not the manufacturers. i imagine that that is because the conversation went like this 'we need our vaccine that we made to be shipped like this and stored like that and administerd in this particular way' and new zealand said 'we won't. we will do whatever we want whenever we want because we want'. and the manufacturers said 'we can't afford the liability insurance of doing business with the likes of you'. and the new zealand government said 'we will manage the judiary where all the complaints will be heard so there's no way to hold us to account!'
or similar.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 30, 2021, at 18:54:02
In reply to nz government signed away our rights, posted by alexandra_k on March 30, 2021, at 1:36:35
that is what is wrong with our (new zealand's) vaccination situation.
the new zealand government got a cheaper deal, or similar, by removing all liability from the manufacturer, saying it would take the liability on itself.
does the new zealand government have a good record with helping it's citizens who are victims of medical misadventure (or however you want to put that)?
answer: no. they do not. they do not, at all.
we don't have the most basic of health and safety regulations or rules because the attitude is 'it's okay ACC will get it'. and the job or role of ACC is to delay and obstruct and hold up and prevent so that people are forced to charge it to their insurance (and the fight is between the insurance company and ACC) or they are forced to settle for about nothing in the public system. I mean we are talking about really substandard withholding of care...
tresspass you and label you a criminal violent offender if you ask for help. or lock you up in seclusion under conditions of torture basically threatening to keep you in an inpatient facility forever...
that's the state of our health system.
i did say in my thesis that the temptation to experiment with different batches of vaccinations... now that we have the ability to really track things from batch number to arm...
i imagine chris hipkins was told it was time for him to man up.
i wonder if he is afraid, even a little bit. or if his conscience is clear.
i am remembering the maths instruction packets he wanted to have shipped to the kids up north as their school education over the lockdown.
we are hearing a lot about these chinese forced labor camps reprogramming groups of people. they are maintaining that they aren't trying to genocide their culture / way of life. they are pulling them out of poverty.
i think quite a few things are relevant to the issue. the conditions in which people live. whether they are paid / remunderated fairly. if they are... then it it hard to know why they don't want to do the job...
also... there must be more jobs to do in and around the place than simply picking cotton or whatever. some of them seemed to want to work in childcare. some of them need to look after the children. some will need to look after the plant. and so on.
it matters whether they are forced to take the jobs that nobody wants -- where nobody wants them because they don't fairly remunerate the people who do those jobs so they force them to do those jobs...
it matters.
in new zealand someone has to do medicine. they seem to be more about picking people they can train to be bullies to force mass compliance. i don't see any evidence of anything else...
i see them selecting against people with a moral / ethical sense.
i see them villify ethics.
i was reading about how on the flights to wellington one can (as an autonomous agent) to give up ones autonomy. to let the pilot fly the plane.
but then i thnink about what the rational autonomous agent would / could do if they know a little more about the process of selection and training and accreditation for pilots... if they knew a little more about how the planes are actually flown, in new zealand.
can a rational autonomous agent make a decision to get in the car with a drunk driver while the drunk driver puts everybody at risk?
can a rational autonomous agent work for the government who will only hear 'yes sir yes sir yes sir you are so wonderful sir you do whatever you want whenever you want because you want sir and you make sure this country only ever drags it's heels generations behind europe when it comes to international standards on human rights and health and safety and... all the things. all the things.'
not really.
is it wise to trust the government to make decisions about water when bloomfield most regrets that he didn't keep a personal diary of the time when he put the country into lockdown unlawfully -- and... got away with it.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 30, 2021, at 18:54:59
In reply to Re: nz government signed away our rights, posted by alexandra_k on March 30, 2021, at 18:54:02
I mean they publically advertise the job of the person who gets to decide what goes in the drinking water.
how do they decide who gets that job?
and why isn't there any kind of a committee?
there's nothing here.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on March 31, 2021, at 20:15:03
In reply to Re: question: assess the feasibility of a vaccine pass, posted by alexandra_k on March 29, 2021, at 17:58:35
hey alex, US there either is private insurance, or medicare - and many people are on it. But on saturday, this coming was sceduled to go up to cvs pharmacy and get the covid shot, i have to bring my insurance papers and other things etc. But, (im not saying this is cool) but im canceling it because i do not want that drug in my body. My mom has made such a big deal about it. I need to cancel it, i don't want it in my body.
There's universal health care, but im not totally educated on it. We have the news here, we are infomred through all news stations, some of them are biased about political things. But as for news, we're updated. I live in texas, so i only know what goes on here, not entire US. But this time is crazy, the virus, then the results of it causing chaos and deaths. Crazy, bad, don't want to rerember 2020 0r 2021
Posted by rjlockhart37 on March 31, 2021, at 20:17:26
In reply to Re: question: assess the feasibility of a vaccine pass, posted by rjlockhart37 on March 31, 2021, at 20:15:03
that's all, if i have to get, im scared because my friends have said your a bit sick after couple days after the shot. There's 2 shots, im getting phizer, i am scared to death of that drug being in my body. And i don't know im gonna cancel, pray to god maybe he will work this out
Posted by alexandra_k on April 1, 2021, at 5:21:27
In reply to Re: question: assess the feasibility of a vaccine pass, posted by rjlockhart37 on March 31, 2021, at 20:15:03
I know that people get health insurance as a benefit or perk of their jobs. Or pay for insurance, I guess. And then Medicare (with an 'e') is for the elderly and Medicaid (with a 'd') is for the destitute...
And that illegals don't get anything at all... Which is a problem from a cluster or outbreak point of view...
Things do seem pretty crazy, huh.
Thousands and thousands of people have had shots and they've been okay... Which is somewhat reassuring... But I respect your decision. I guess most people feel protected somewhat once they've had a shot. Rightly or wrongly. An idea that once you've had one or two once some time has passed... Then you can go right back to life as it was before. Not washing hands or wearing a face mask. Just however things were before.
I liked to sneeze into the ground before. I thought I was doing the right thing sneezing into the ground. I didn't think it would rebound off the ground... Hrrm.
I would imagine it that if you cancel then you can sign back up relatively easy enough? Once you see more people getting the shot and being okay that might put your mind at ease some? I don't know.
This is the end of the thread.
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Script revised: February 4, 2008
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