Shown: posts 1 to 14 of 14. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by alexandra_k on December 26, 2020, at 12:04:52
i think, in the US, the public perception is that people have a really really really hard time getting the treatments they need / want.
there is also a public perception that medical treatment costs too much and that medicine is driven more by profits than anything else.
i would imagine that those would be the main reasons why people might feel dubious or skeptical about a vaccination being freely (or cheaply) available to them out of some kind of goodness of the heart.
i mean... does it seem plausible?
if you hear hooves... think zebras...
restoring the public confidence?
i'd imagine it comes down to things like transparancy and accountability and things like that.
improved or increased access to education and things like that. for better understanding of information. following along analysis. opportunities for meaningful particpation in improving the situation.
rather than feeling like a few are profiteering while the masses bear most of the costs.
generally. outside health contexts. but also within the health sector.
people are wary of being lied to and exploited. i wonder why.
i don't wonder why.
they would be stupid not to be worried. given history. given many facts about present inequality and so on.
people say about politics getting in the way of the science... but you can't leave the politics out of the science. you can't leave aside who is profiting / increasing in power in the name of science and who is listened to and respected in the name of science and the like.
Posted by alexandra_k on December 26, 2020, at 13:17:32
In reply to reasons for vaccine hesitancy..., posted by alexandra_k on December 26, 2020, at 12:04:52
i just keep coming back...
to how around october of 2019 there was this whole 'wear a mask -- stand with Hong Kong for rule of law' thing.
that was the time to purchase shares in whoever was making face masks in China.
what did the developed free first western world say in response?
i believe the new zealand minister of foreign affairs response was something like: `go home to your master'.
that was the beginning of the end of Winston Peters.
but students put in requests for official information... seeking clarification on whether the NZ government had a view or an opinion.
whether freedoms of speech of one or the other of the parties were allowed to be restricted... for example, booking meeting rooms on the University of Auckland campus.
i believe Jacinda Arden released a statement (or a statement from her office was released) that was a much more polite version of 'go home to your master, Hong Kong'. something about new zealand affirming 'one china' which was believed by new zealand to be inconsistent or opposed to rule of law for Hong Kong.
of course new zealand showed itself not to know what rule of law actually even means...
and here we are.
but the whole 'the virus was made in a lab in wuhan' supposed 'conspiracy theory'. sigh. that one is clearly put out by... science-ists. or whatever you want to call them. straw man technique. it's not plausible that it escaped from a lab in Wuhan.
it is infinitely more plausible that it was liberated from a lab in Hong Kong as the people of Hong Kong got a bit sick and tired of wearing gas masks to affirm their desire for rule of law in HOng Kong.
I mean... What... Rule of law is too good for the Chinese? Is that the idea?
Go home to your master winston peters. go home to your master jacinda ardern. who is your master jacinda ardern...
my bet is: Coca Cola.
you think i jest.
i don't.
Posted by alexandra_k on December 26, 2020, at 13:31:12
In reply to Re: reasons for vaccine hesitancy..., posted by alexandra_k on December 26, 2020, at 13:17:32
apparently the new zealand government is currently or presently involved in restricting freedom of speech in new zealand. clamping down on things they think may or might (according to their own estimation, i am sure) incite hatred or... political unrest. or something equally vague.
because when, in the mixed member proportional representation system, you get such a landslide victory... such a unanimous or univocal response from countrymen... in that kind of an environment...
clearly what is needed...
is for laws to be passed restricting the speech of the citizens.
apparently north korea has elections and you are required to go vote. and there is only one name on the ballot. new zealand gets to be like that with the whole 'there is no alternative' or 'only one candidate got funded' or similar.
harvard... in offering a scholarship in the name of jacinda arden for a world leader... where the prize was money for a new zealand student to get to go study at harvard... in a leadership school that reveres or honors her enough to offer a scholarship to a citizen of new zealand in her name... she couldn't really turn it down...
there were a couple carefully crafted questions.
and it was interesting some of the things she had to say.
the clear anti-intellectualism that was present in her appearing by video conference in a room that did not have either any books... or the new zealand flag in the background.
how she said she got to be in the position she is in by holding on to the most basic of moral values that were learned by her as a child... not selling out those values and seeing where teh world would take you / what luck simply falls your way...
and she's asked about political donations. and she's embarrassed that they have $25,000 for a campaign -- and that converts into her thinking it's okay to have considerable private business donations and the like as the real driver. i mean on the one hand she's saying it's good that it's cheap so anybody can run for the election... then on the other she's saying that everyone is forced to sell out to private business and the one who sells out the most wins... on her third hand she's saying she held onto her morals that were instilled as a child...
it was illuminating...
i am concerned about further restictions on freedom of speech because our freedom of speech... is practically non-existent at the moment. and whatever freedom of speech there is goes into the ocean as a drop and isn't acknowledged or responded to. there is very much mob rule.
and the culture of... fear. numbness.
i do believe... this guy employed by waikato... he seems genuinely sweet. kind. not the fastest worker -- but methodical. and he comes out with some beautiful turns of phrase. and he seems good.
why didn't he speak up for me?
i could see in his face... and what he wrote... he was careful. he said i was progressing towards completion of the qualification (he attested to my meeting progress milestones -- when everyone else in the university was denying it). but he did not stand up for me any further. after the examiners reports came back the extortion letters came out. he just said i should take it to the courts and he couldn't be involved in case he needed to testify.
he has a wife. and twins. i think that's it.
things are very oppressed, here.
i have various things in the courts. that is to say on the record. i post them here. on the record...
if i should disappear... the new zealand government needs to be held accountable for it's crimes.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on January 8, 2021, at 15:27:25
In reply to freedom of speech, posted by alexandra_k on December 26, 2020, at 13:31:12
i'm worried about vaccine, when i was young i got a vaccine, and i rerember i wasnt, i had difficulty than i had before, so, obviously this vaccine has to get out and treat people to be resistant to virus, but i just....feel it maybe causes other illness, well not illness but side effects because i heard it's not, well it wasnt tested long enough, worried if i get ill be changed forever. There's all these conspiracy theroies that crude drug, with other agendas but that's conspiracy theroies.
I don't know, my mom , i live with parentst still, and my mom has urged me to get the vaccine saying she can't sick because of anemia she has. And trying to set up appointment, im scared as heck, want to cancel appointment to get vaccine. It's nothing against anything, it's nust my own personal fear of it, which could be irrelevant. Anyways the vaccine is being distribted in thee US, the hospirak that's near me, grapevine baylor, the beds they no beds anymore, totoally full. I stay home - gov says to save lives. I go to the store, maybe just run about the area i live in.
Hopefully maybe covid will disappear and hesitancy for vaccine will not have to be worried about
Posted by rjlockhart37 on January 8, 2021, at 22:38:10
In reply to Re: freedom of speech, posted by rjlockhart37 on January 8, 2021, at 15:27:25
too much yak yak, vaccine will help people
Posted by rjlockhart37 on January 8, 2021, at 22:39:33
In reply to Re: freedom of speech, posted by rjlockhart37 on January 8, 2021, at 22:38:10
vaccine will help people, end of story
but watch out for side effects
Posted by alexandra_k on February 1, 2021, at 14:44:43
In reply to Re: freedom of speech, posted by rjlockhart37 on January 8, 2021, at 22:39:33
the vaccine has become a symbol of hope for people that things will return to the way that things were, in time. that recent events will come to pass. that it will be safe to spend more time in public places outdoors with masks off without being afraid of being shot by police or an unruly mob.
if Trump is convicted of inciting violence on the basis of the things that I saw him say... Then I am afraid of who they might accuse of inciting violence next.
I didn't see him encourage violence, at all. I only saw him encouraging people to deploy their constitutional right to peaceful protest. I didn't see him encouraging violent action at all. I saw a bunch of people choose to do this (as people choose to do this in teh context of Black Lives matter marches / riots etc as well).
They should count the votes. Properly. Whose job is it to bang on about how people didn't get to vote the way they should have (whose job is it to bang on about how people couldn't get to ballot boxes etc etc about how people didn't have their votes counted?) It can't really be anybodies job other than... The loser.
And he doesn't get to leave the office until the inaugeration. That's what the inaugeration means. The handover. He doesn't get to leave early. They can't 'impeach' him into leaving before his term is up (and that's what the inaugeration is or means or signifies). Right? The hand-over?
And now his lawyers refuse to focus on their job of making the best case they can for how the votes weren't properly counted. For the purpose of critiquing and causing imporovements to the democratic voting system. It's got nothing to do with Trump remaining in power -- everything to do with improving democracy.
Everybody agrees that you can't impeach someone after his term is over. ffs. Don't focus on winning the race you've already won focus on that which is problematic / controversial...
Posted by alexandra_k on February 1, 2021, at 14:56:04
In reply to Re: freedom of speech, posted by rjlockhart37 on January 8, 2021, at 22:39:33
I don't know what to think / what I think about the vaccine. I suppose I think it is complicated.
Once upon a time people used to argue about medication vs psychotherapy. But then people learned that there are many different kinds of each, so it doesn't really make sense to think in such broad terms.
I mean to say... There are many many different kinds of medication and just because one isn't such a good one doesn't say much of anything about a different one. And then you have different doses to worry about... What kind of a dosing is theraputic.
And presently the situation with vaccines is that we have many different types or kinds of vaccine that have been developed for Covid. And there are different dosing reigimes, too, with respect to one vs two doses and whether you have them 4 or 6 weeks apart...
Even something about whether you have 1/2 a dose now and 1/2 a dose later...
And who knows... Who knows what dose is optimal for what group of people. Who knows. Nobody knows... Until after the shots have been given and we have the data back of who got sick and who didn't seem to. Nobody knows.
There's educated guesses that can be made on the basis of similarity with other things... It isn't so very very often that things are truly surprising. So if we know that people with auto-immune diseases tend to have auto-immune responses to certain types of vaccine then that will likely hold true in this case too...
In New Zealand we have a lot of researchers (or should I call them ''researchers'') who hide behind being located in a small country. They bang on about how we can't get anything done because things are too hard.. Wah wah. Wah wah wah... They work on their projects of trying to get vaccines developed -- and their vaccines will never be developed in their lifetime. They aren't actually making progress. Their job is just to junk up the University ensuring that research slave students don't get paid very much and don't have opportunities to work for competent things that are being produced and developed. Their job is simply to be spanners in teh works, insofar as I can tell / see.
And then the US comes out and says (about vaccines -- but also about medications and health technologies generally as with things like aerospace and other technological advances) it really isn't about 'if' it's all about 'when'. We know we can do various things and it's just a matter of how quickly they can be implemented / rolled out is al. It's just a matter of how much of a money investement it costs to get things moving along quicker. That's all.
We just trickle a little money into leaky taps. And the ideology is that it's all just pie in the sky and you spend your entire life writing one article for publication... Yawn........... Work moooooooooooooore slooooooooooooooooooooooooowly. Slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooower... Sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooower... We haven't finished reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeading it yet...
Which vaccine to get? If you got a choice... Would you think that the Moderna one... Which one... Which one would be better for you? How much of an initial dose? 1/2 a dose or a whole dose? Then how long before the next dose? COuld we factor in what kind of an immune system you have? Do you have allergies? Does that help us decide? Could we do an antibody test and see when is optimaly for *your* second dosing?
We can just stick it to the herd like cattle...
But there's so much we know and can do... If people care...
Which they don't.
Posted by alexandra_k on February 1, 2021, at 15:05:41
In reply to Re: freedom of speech, posted by alexandra_k on February 1, 2021, at 14:56:04
New Zealand presently has 6 months supply of PPE for present use rates.
1 month of PPE supplies for 'emergency use' rates.
I would have thought we should have more like 6 months of PPE supplies for 'emergency use' rates...
Because of Covid...
Health workers are now allowed to wear face masks at work.
They mostly were not allowed to before.
In the early stages of the pandemic... During our first lock-down when the public was terrified (Arden told the country to stay home largely because she had been informed that the upper-middle-classes were stockpiling flour etc and likely not to leave home even if their job required it)...
During that time...
When the hospitals were mostly empty because people were too afraid to leave their houses...
The odd person needed to go to the hospital because they were having a baby and needed a cesarian, or whatever...
During that time...
Nurses and the like were being told NOT to wear face masks for the purported reason that they didn't want to scare the public.
Public were turning up to the public hospital...
And were appalled that health workers were not wearing face masks.
While hospital management...
Had sold the supplies to the private sector already.
Now days... I think that nurses and the like are allowed to wear face masks etc at work.
_________That being said...
I was involuntarily detained against my will during the lock-down...
A little bit later when people were starting to be over it a little...And I wore a 9N5 mask the entire time. That is to say I only took it off when in my own room by myself and i rinsed it out every night and once it was dry I wore it again.
And I was the only one.
The nurses mostly didn't wear them...
Or they had reusable ones that they were reluctant to wear.
There was a lot of SOCIAL PRESSURE not to wear them.
Posted by sigismund on February 1, 2021, at 19:12:38
In reply to Re: freedom of speech, posted by alexandra_k on February 1, 2021, at 14:44:43
>Everybody agrees that you can't impeach someone after his term is over.
Posted by sigismund on February 1, 2021, at 19:18:16
In reply to Re: freedom of speech, posted by sigismund on February 1, 2021, at 19:12:38
He has been impeached for the second time but will obviously not be convicted at trial.
The consequences of not doing a second impeachment would have been too terrible. Half a minute away from fascism.
Posted by alexandra_k on February 15, 2021, at 21:58:57
In reply to Re: freedom of speech, posted by sigismund on February 1, 2021, at 19:12:38
> >Everybody agrees that you can't impeach someone after his term is over.
> Really?lol. don't let it ever be said that i don't admit it when i'm wrong.
i thought it was a no-brainer...
but it wasn't about having him removed this term -- it was about preventing him from being democratically elected next term.
but that wasn't allowed either.
i mean... it was try-able or plead-able. sort of...
what was he up to? hiring incompetent lawyers for the purpose of exposing their incompetence? did he make them an offer they were too greedy to refuse? (aka he brought them out of their career. aka he paid them an early retirement so the courts won't have to deal with their pleadings anymore?)
Posted by alexandra_k on February 15, 2021, at 22:01:53
In reply to Re: freedom of speech, posted by sigismund on February 1, 2021, at 19:18:16
it took the heat off of Biden for a bit...
what was Biden doing while the world's attention was transfixed by Trump?
That's usually how sleight-of-hand works...
The first portion of Trumps reign he didn't get to do very much because of dealing with impeachment stuff all tied up with the courts... People trying to oust him.
The focus has been held on / by him. Everybody is still focused on Trump. Focused on trying to impeach Trump.
That means Biden is fairly well positioned to Get Things Done unopposed while attention has been / is diverted elsewhere.
Posted by alexandra_k on February 15, 2021, at 22:04:12
In reply to Re: freedom of speech, posted by alexandra_k on February 15, 2021, at 22:01:53
I guess it's about the roll out of the largest experiment in the history of the world. A truely international corroborative effort.. A logistical feat the scale of which has never been seen before...
To get shots in the arms of nearly every adult in the world.
This is the end of the thread.
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
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