Shown: posts 1 to 18 of 18. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 16:54:16
it's captured out news media.
what do you 'meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeean by x?'
apparently quarantine meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeans being confined to your room. 'managed isolation' is when different people in the same 'quarantine' (ahem ahaw) facilitiy are mingling (just on occasion, just maybe having a puff on someone else's cigarette or taking a swig from their drink bottle or having a laugh...'
so we haven't actually been doing quarantine -- at all.
but wasn't the world health organisation recommendation for there to be quarantine?
but why would we follow even the most minimal recommendations of the WHO?
i mean, the WHO recommends face masks and we won't even require them on airplanes.
we think we know better than the WHO.
apparently air hostesses don't like to think of their jobs as having to wake up people and get them to adjust their face masks. that wasn't why they wanted to be air hostesses!! and of course the most important consideration under the circumstances is this inconvenience to them.
after all the assurances that we have enough ppe it turns out (of course) we had absolutely no idea how much (or how little) ppe there was. turns out that the DHB didn't even know that they were responsible for maintaining stocks and supplies not only for hospitals in the region but for people out there in the communities doing community visits. the aged care facilities. the home support workers.
they hadn't been required to tell the government how much ppe they had since 2006. most of the ppe had expired since then.
what a f*ck*ng farce. it couldn't possibly be any more poorly managed. i can't see how it could be.
there was no way of forecasting future need. because they are too stupid / incompetent / unwilling / unable to even get to any point of comprehension on *present need*. instead we just have a bunch of infighting squabble about how nobody *needs* to use ppe. nobody needs to use it. current need / demand zero. don't worry, we have enough ppe. we have enough for future demand. we don't demand people wear it. therefore there is no demand. it's ingenious! or criminal.... or something...
the real struggle we are having at the moment is getting clear on:
1) the rules.
people just can't do it. from the 2 meter rule to the washing the hands and the calculating the GPA and just all of the things...
2) exemptions / exceptions.
people don't have the ability to comprehend things like 'the reason for the rule' so as to...
do the right thing.
that sense of morality.
it's just lacking.
i guess it is partly lack of education.
the sort of education people used to get in the arts. where you start with listing all the things you think might be relevant. in a group environment so you get most of the things.
then (and we never do this) proceed to systematise the list. to lump together what is basically synonyms. to distinguish different aspects of other components.
to get to the position of listing the things that are relevant.
then to start to weight them (sort of). to think about whether they are substantive or minor with respect to their import.
to come to a reasoned. considered. decision. that takes the things into account. sensibly. that engages in this process of deliberation.
where different people engaging in the same process -- would likely come to the same verdict / answer.
why is this so fuckign hard for people?
and why does it have to take generations???
i mean... people just don't seem able to do it.
is it lack of frontal lobe capaciaty? lack of practice? most people dno't think. are not practiced in thinking.
i remember being frustrated that most subjects (outside philosophy) did not do systematising. in education, for instance, they were a great fan of the all inclusive brain storm list of everybody's idea gets to go up on the board. but they thought everybodies idea was of equal weight, or similar, even when some people only said something becuase they liked the sound of their own voice. even when it was just different words expressing the same thing.
when we get to the part that computers can't do... many people can't do, either.
it's like our health system intentionally selects only people who are unable to do these things.
i don't know what the f*ck*ng problem is.
corruption, i guess.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 17:06:35
In reply to ''what do you meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeean by x?', posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 16:54:16
and you see, don't you.
if you give the exercise to individuals and get them doing it so you have a class full of 'essays'.
and you see that in the same number of words (the word length) how many of the best ideas (the most significant or weighty considerations) the student manages to identify. whether they manage to weight them appropriately. what sort of verdict they come to.
when you have an whole class lot's...
some students stand out as getting most of the main ones (and perhaps a few weighty ones that other students did not get).
where if you say (in a tutorial) about the point that only a few got... then quite a few go 'oh. that's a good one. i didn't think of that'. and don't go 'that doesn't seem relevant / important'.
i guess it is deliberation.
people don't have the capacity.
i wonder what that means for our ability / inability to do medical diagnostics. focused history. appropriate treatment. to figure it out. to prescribe appropriately. in a systematised way. instead of throwing as many medications at it in as high a dose as is allowed... wait... yeah... i think... that's exactly what we do. anti-biotic prescriptions, too (insofar as we do them) aren't 'intelligently' worked out. just throwing mud at the wall (so to speak) hoping something sticks...
of course these things aren't related.
har de har har har
Posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 17:11:18
In reply to Re: ''what do you meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeean by x?', posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 17:06:35
because you get good at it, with practice.
this task of listing the relevant things and prioritising / weighting.
and coming to an informed decision.
you get so used to doing it over and over and over and over and over that it becomes... like thinking. you can do it really really quickly at such a low volument that you are doing it silently, to yourself, in your head.
and then what comes out of our mouth is the verdict.
which (ideally) would be your starting point in a group meeting.
where every individual's starting point would be the outcome of their own individual deliberation.
for higher consensus.
but instead... our meetings are only one rational deliberator and a whole bunch of people who refuse to participate (by inability or unwillingness) who are only insistent on obstructing and confusing the deliberations of others / the group because they like the sound of their own voices. because they can't / won't keep up. follow along.
and every thing must move at the pace of the slowest.
and where does the money go in the meantime.
in some skinnerian way that prevents there being a big f*ck*ng off-topic dialogue that is unneccessary about who is accusing who and about intent and about endless time wasting...
where does the money go in the meantime.
and it's time to stop that. right now.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 17:22:40
In reply to Re: ''what do you meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeean by x?', posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 17:06:35
so apparently there is a case of a woman who did a real estate course. they aren't going to register her / allow her to practice as a real estate agent because she has a conviction.
what is the nature of the conviction?
when she was a teenager she stole a $10 bottle of wine. she did not get caught. she felt bad. she returned it. or maybe she didn't return it -- but she confessed the theft. she was charged for it.
something about... you get a clean slate after 7 years.
except for some things... that won't give you a clean slate after 7 years.
by the sounds of it sporting authorities (so that's why anybody who may be athletic doesn't get convicted of anything -- of course that makes total sense in stupid-land).
because we can't tell the difference between someone confessing to stealing a $10 bottle of wine as a teenager and someone who sets puppies on fire as a 6 year old. *we can't tell the moral difference*.
here's another:
medical doctors who get off free in the courts for offences like rape or misuse of trust or abuse of power when it comes to minors... because we think having these people registered as doctors is more valuable to society.
in f*ck*d-up land. of course. it makes total sense.
we totally get what justice meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeans.
we totally get the reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeason for the ruuuuuules around registration and what it meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeans to be revered as upstanding!
we totally nailed it!
for sure!
i'm so glad our rulers rule! terrific job they're doing of it! and especially terrific at training the next generation to exceed our expectations. for sure.
what a f*ck*ng farce.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 17:41:33
In reply to Re: ''what do you meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeean by x?', posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 17:22:40
and it is the inability / incapacity to grasp that which is higher.
the idea.
the ideal.
the intrinsically motivating the intrinsically valuable.
the reason. the rationale. the higher authority.
how any statement of rule or whatever is an approximation of that that which is higher. is a tool to get to that which is higher.
but people cannot see. cannot grasp. thus cannot work towards that which is higher.
you know... a judge granted the first compassionate exemption to 'quarantine' (ha he ha ha ha ha). the lawyers involved in bringing the case to the court, the judge who made the judgement all did good work in articulating the relevant considerations. the things that needed to be considered.
so that other people could use that as something of a template and go on in the same way.
but they didn't.
two people were granted permission to take a 8 or 9 hour road trip to go visit dying relative / funeral (i forget).
who looked at that application and thought that letting them do a 8 or 9 hour road trip was a good idea? where they campers? did they have she-wees? how exactly where they going to pull that off without bathroom stops? what was the plan? what food were they taking with? what was the plan to deal with driver fatigue? did they have GPS on their phone so they could navigate the roads? did they have maps? what was the emergency plan if they break down?
what f*ck*ng idiot approved that exemption? with an eye to whether it was possible for them (plalusible that they could) do that trip -- without putting members of the public at risk?
if a person doesn't have the cognitive capacity to think up things that are fairly obvious relevant (once pointed out at least) then they don't have the capacpit to do that job. sorry... i'm sure you are great at something -- but not that thing.
we are too busy hiring nepotistically for money and titles... and we just don't seem to have competent people doing jobs of public importance / significance.
it defies credability.
and now we look at medical admissions...
and i already know that seeking registration in New Zealand... well... things will need to change a lot before it's time for me to be registered. because this whole thing they have got of only approving those who have been let off from their abuse / misuse of power convictions... from their fraud against the company convictions... etc etc etc... the people just like them who don't follow the rules who likely don't understand the rules...
the people with no grasp of anything higher...
laws unto themselves
do whatever htey want whenever they want at the expense of everyone else...
why would i seek registration in that system?
it's in spite of them - not because of them.
the English people said it well: working for doctors, working for patients.
i don't know if people are capable of holding the patients welfare centre stage. we only have self-preservation at the expense of the patient. i mean.... do what you want for your amusement and off with her head. that's the art of medicine -- right?
i mean you can take the picture down but how many generations only wanted to study / register to practice in new zealand because of that ideal that you presented on the stairwell of the medical school?
things are very corrupt here.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 17:59:09
In reply to Re: ''what do you meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeean by x?', posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 17:41:33
They weren't supposed to do anything to put members of the public at risk.
They apparantly phoned up members of the public, arranged to meet with them. Even went so far as having physical contact (hug, kiss).
In other words, they violated those conditions.
If they were genuinely stuck the obvious is to phone emergency services. Explain that they were given compassionate exemption (on the grounds that they could do it without putting members of the public at risk) but actually it turns out they are incapable of navigating the roads.
They could have obtained police escort in the right direction.
It's a no brainer.
If they weren't in a fit state to do that: They weren't in a fit state to have their exemption approved.
I don't understand how / why people are so stupid.
It is corruption -- right? People play dumb to serve their own interests.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 19:23:19
In reply to 'they didn't do anything wrong', posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 17:59:09
they were going to take a 20 per cent pay decrease for 6 months. in solidarity for the small business owners (primarily) who lost their livlihoods due to government policies changing quickly / due to CoronaVirus lockdown.
did they?
apparently it's 'too hard'.
they take pay INCREASES. pay increases every year... pay increases of... how much? 5 per cent? 10 per cent? 15 per cent? 20 per cent? pay INCREASES to high level government officials and city counsellors and the like go through okay. no problems at all.
they lied to us about the 20 per cent pay decrease for 6 months.
they lied.
it was a tiny little drop in the ocean (let me guess, a 20 per cent pay decrease balanced against a 20 per cent pay increase means they kept their promise -- right? by doing nothing. of course. sure. that's what a pay decrease meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeans. they nailed it).
f*ck*ng idiotic psychopthaths.
for sure.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 19:25:42
In reply to 'they didn't do anything wrong', posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 17:59:09
the people they 'love'.
'love' them so much they are willing to put them at risk.
'love' them so much they are willing to violate the quarantine that protects their 'loved ones'.
yes. totally. that's what love meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeans.
with friends like that who needs idiots. or similar.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 20:28:32
In reply to Re: 'they didn't do anything wrong', posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 19:25:42
what i said about what's required for 'in-group status'.
tatoo on the face 'mongrel mob forever'.
true story.
defection is not possible.
it isn't possible to erase that mark.
once that tattoo is there one is a member -- for life.
i wonder what one has to do to be a member of the 'old-boys' golf club...
the 'in-group' for professional practice registrations and the like.
how many women you have to rape?
and so on.
their kids start young.
that's why they are on the rugby team, i suppose.
so when they steal cars and rape girls and whatever is required for them to be a member of the 'cool-group' at school they get discharged without conviction.
part of them proving an established history.
a sufficient track record, if you will.
of very very serious abuses of power.
they want to make sure they have a well developed taste for it.
that they are motivated and inspired by it.
such that they are sufficiently controllable.
such that they can be neutralised at any time.
it's such a shame...
such a shame...
that we lack the cognitive capacity to get with the program.
to work for the greater good.
that we rule with fear and abuse.
that we have... very very little, almost nothing, to rule over.
becuase people can't produce anything of value on that watch.
just holding everything back...
it's f*ck*ng tiresome.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 20:44:28
In reply to I mean never mind the mongrel mob..., posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 20:28:32
i mean, think about it...
spoiled little rich kid (by new zealand standards -- which is to say not very rich at all. no conception of investing wisely over the long term. no conception of working for ones money) can do anything anything anything at all...
why would spoiled little rich kid want to study medicine and become a doctor?
why wouldn't spoiled little rich kid want to simply party party party party pary the days away.
why wouldn't spoiled little rich kid simply enjoy the drugs and the women and all the things that one can buy in virtue of being spoiled little rich kid?well, now, this is where the parental investment (or self-preservation, really) kicks in...
think of the wonders and priviledges!!!
think of the kinds or types of drugs that one can obtain...
think of the things that one can do to women (children, old people)...
such riches as these cannot be obtained any other way!!
one has best study medicine and obtain registration to practice.
so one can write prescriptions and perform procedures in a nation that no speak-y no english when it comes to actual scope of competence or when it comes to guidelines and regulations around informed consent and what things are appropriate under what conditions and the like.
i mean just think of it...
it's the only thing that actually makes sense of our present system.
it isn't simply the lack of organisation.
there is a force that keeps things maintained in their present state.
there is a force that has directed things away from their natural inclination *towards* development and fairer systems of acountability and organisation.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 20:53:36
In reply to spoiled little rich kid, posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 20:44:28
i mean it really is the only thing that makes sense.
at otago there is all this 'art' strewn about the place.
to remind spoiled little rich people of why they want to study medicine.
they are 'museum exhibit' displays or forceps and the like for women's cervical examination and maybe for scraping babies out.
it's super important to have displays like that in every building... so the little psychopaths can stay motivated and inspired as to why they bother to turn up to class each day and pretend not to be psychopathic for however many years until they get to practice sole, someplace, with little to no oversight.
auckland is more into slicing and dicing. the `art' is stuff around holding people down and cutting them into pieces. but it is there, strewn about the buildings. again, in an attempt to be motivational and inspirational to all the spoiled little rich kids to remind them to keep their heads down over the next however many years again until they get to pracatice someplace sole, with litle to no oversight.
it's so motivating and inspiring...
how private people in new zealand continually exploit the public system and public funds and public training places for private advantage.
it's f*ck*ng criminal.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 20, 2020, at 1:24:17
In reply to the 'art', posted by alexandra_k on June 19, 2020, at 20:53:36
this is how we do glute kick backs...
i did not like katy pery on first exposure.
because of what i thought she represented.
then i learned... well... i listened / watched enough to appreciate that she was being... ironic (not in an alanis morissette sense) when it came to the thing i thought she represented.
i like that, now. the catchy-ness. and the irony in the song.
'this is how we do'.
it's pretty terrific when you see it as being ironic about... being chosen to do medicine. for example.
she's pretty terrific...
Posted by alexandra_k on June 20, 2020, at 1:28:39
In reply to this is how we do, posted by alexandra_k on June 20, 2020, at 1:24:17
and that's why california simply cannot have a credible orthopedics program
(even if they do)
with teh governator, too...
Posted by alexandra_k on June 20, 2020, at 7:09:58
In reply to Re: this is how we do, posted by alexandra_k on June 20, 2020, at 1:28:39
let's suppose, just for a minute, that the whole entire point or aim of the new zealand quarantine or managed isolation was to try and get corona properly established in the country.
that would make the best sense of why it is that we want to quarantine people in high rise hotels in the central business district of the largest city in the country.
rather than driving them out into the country, i mean to say.
where they can take smoking walks outside and mingle with members of the public.
it also makes best sense of why we want to move people around. have people start off in one facility and then put them on a domestic flight with a whole bunch of new people and send them off to a new quarantine / managed isolation facility in a different city.
instead of having them stay put until 14 days are up with 2 negative test results.
i mean... nobody is that stupid. right?
Posted by alexandra_k on June 20, 2020, at 7:13:32
In reply to how to spread corona, posted by alexandra_k on June 20, 2020, at 7:09:58
because i think they are starting to see...
we don't have community transmission...
so coronavirus didn't take off, here.
so there is no herd immunity, here.
we are going to be progressively excluded from more and more and more and more and more and more and more trade.
on the world stage.
have to be.
you see.
but the very real reason is because we don't do any of the things that we are supposed to do.
when you have to factor lawyers fees and filing fees and the time taken and so on into every single contract. why evreything needs to take 2x, 3x, 4x as long... all the bribes. all the facilitation payments. it's simply not worth trying to do business with us.
can't do it.
there's nothing here. nobody home.
the f*ck*ng idiots who collect up considerably more than their fair share are determined that their people will only develop in the backwards direction.
it's f*ck*ng criminal.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 20, 2020, at 7:27:01
In reply to left behind, posted by alexandra_k on June 20, 2020, at 7:13:32
i mean...
as an example.
Otago says it made a 'healthy profit' in 2019.
it's doing great.
it's one of the highest income earners for our country, apparently.
it's a major employer.
the employees have been saying how horrible it is, working for the University of Otago.
there have been repeated strikes as there have been repeated lay-offs.
they closed down most of the arts. they closed down what was the country's best sport and exercise program.
they turned it from a program that taught movement with gymnastics and ballet to a program where people just hung out and did hip hop and kapa haka... you know... amongst yourselves...
the gymnasium (high ceiling, climbing ropes, rings...) is only used for examinations for students packed around 1,000 to a class...
the centre for bio-ethics... well... the talks are recorded. so they will be viewable.
in my time there they went from bad to worse.
'hey -- why don't we experiment on people with dementia? they can't give consent, but if they aren't screaming in protest then consent in implied -- right? anybody have a problem with that? anybody... anybody... anybody at all? no?'
to 'hey, why don't we start selling organs on the international market? i mean... that's practically what we are doing with blood and blood products as is, right? anybody have any problem'?
while the head of the centre has a series of... strokes?
to the point where he's not washing himself properly.
but it would be impolite to say anything.
i bet they thought they were clever. posting him as head of the centre for bio-ethics at Otago. i can imagine them guffawing over it. wondering out loud how long it would take anybody to notice...
even the academics say it is an awful oppresive environment.
you have these people in the clock-tower...
who refuse to listen to anything that anybody else has to say.
how unhappy the employees are.
how miserable everyone is.
they violate laws (they enter into student accommodation when they have no rights to).
they simply are not able to comprehend anything greater than themselves... their doing whatever they want whenever they want because they want.
they don't advertise positions.
they don't process applications.
they don't process completions.
aside from collecting up all the money...
what is it that they do, exactly?
it's beyond me.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 20, 2020, at 7:29:59
In reply to Re: left behind, posted by alexandra_k on June 20, 2020, at 7:27:01
with slums to the north of them
and slums to the souththey reign supreme over the slummy slum slum of it all.
doing their best to ensure generation after generation after generation of people in their slummy slum slums.
the continual race to the bottom...
Posted by alexandra_k on June 20, 2020, at 8:02:38
In reply to Re: left behind, posted by alexandra_k on June 20, 2020, at 7:29:59
i believe she did take the pay cut.
(or is going to (she can't actually force them not to give it to her)).
the 20 per cent. that she said she would. in solidarity.
it is the other ministers and city and city councellors and the like who refuse. or who started entering into negotiations around 15 per cent or 12 per cent or 10 per cent. gross or net...
and so on.
because they don't get it.
they just don't.
which is precisely why they should never be in the position of leadership.
unless their fate is inexorably tied to a population.
prison, would be a good one for them. i think.
This is the end of the thread.
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
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