Shown: posts 1 to 25 of 26. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by alexandra_k on April 28, 2020, at 15:25:31
they keep going on about how a vaccine is or will be the solution.
was vaccine the solution to HIV AIDS? no. medication was. the best solution we have got so far. why would we think vaccination will be a solution to CoronaVirus?
was vaccine a solution to measles?
vaccination killed people in samoa.
because their chosen ones injected expired anasthetic by incompetence or by design.
and when you have a population willing to sign up...
involuntary consents.
willing to do an anti-malerial trial on people at the behest of their family...
do you really think you are likely to get a *good* supply of vaccine?
i mean... why would anyone in their right mind think that...
of course nobody does.
just watch where and how the money goes around and around and around and around and around.
how impossible it is to do anything good in this country.
i know...
the snowball...
the masses...
the growing mob against me...
why didn't this country allow me a way of life?
i did my time teaching philosophy.
waikato was happy for me to take 2 years (drop back to part time status) on my research work while teaching.
my teaching evaluations were all fine. nobody had trouble with that.
i returned one class lot for the lecturer to grade (only) because we had such radically different views on how to grade that i wasn't willing to put my name on her imposed grades (she thought people who agreed with her were best students and people who critiqued / responded to / went beyond her teaching were wrong). i always learned you get no more than a B for regurgitation. You have to demonstrate several loops of the cortex for better than that -- but that quality is not valued here, anymore.
and then i left to do research.
because research wasn't being done, here.
i came back...
i was offered some grading work.
i did that. no problems.
late ones came in.
i asked 'do you have a policy on docking them for lateness' (used to be something like you lose a grade each day and can only obtain 50 per cent max after 5 days or similar) and i was told not to penalise them for lateness. i was also told they didn't tend to be any better for being late. and that is of course true.
which is why when that very very same lecturer tells me i should 'keep working' on my thesis...
she thinks i fell on my head recently?
Posted by alexandra_k on April 28, 2020, at 15:26:37
In reply to vaccine, posted by alexandra_k on April 28, 2020, at 15:25:31
i wonder if they'll be able to make a vaccine that doesn't make people's blood clot strangely.
i guess we'll see.
or they'll see.
Posted by alexandra_k on April 28, 2020, at 15:44:54
In reply to vaccine, posted by alexandra_k on April 28, 2020, at 15:25:31
we didnt' just regress from thinking about the content to regurgitating the content.
'inaccurate minimal paraphrase' was something an external examiner accused me of in a couple places.
and yes, that's it.
we were only allowed to 'inaccurately minimally paraphrase' what was goign on in complex texts.
we were told 'most students can't reference properly (no reference provided). so you aren't allowed to direct quote. and we don't want to see you using the academic literature because not all students can understand it. we want you rephrasing grey literature from websites and things like that'.
this is for first year essays in public / population health.
to ensure that nobody presented them with a competent looking first year academic essay.
it is this terrible style you see where you basically...
the way people write these things.. is they basically make a statement (whatever they want). then you type that statement you said into google and you get a couple hits. then those are your references that go at the end of yoru statement. Of course you dno't actually read the references for meaning. Maybe they agreed with your statement or maybe they were just mentioning it as something said by someone else. No matter. This is a way of producing a... Computer simulation of a... Academic essay.
Remember the post-modernist essay generator? That's what you are supposed to give your supervisors so they can edit it into what they want you to say. Because they think that what they think is wonderful and first rate. But it will take years for them to write it for you so they don't see anything in you that isn't in themselves. So then they'll be happy to let you go. Especially if they think that nobody else sees any value in you and you will stay with them even if they sign you off.
Remember the chain references letter? About how you cite x and y and z people on the citation list and add your name to the bottom for the next chain letter. And if you follow the chain of citation...
That one got removed. NO posting of chain letters. Oops. I thought (genuinely) I was mentioning it rather than posting it (using it). I wasn't asking anybody to do it or participate in it I meant to say.
But that one cuts a bit. It genuinely depends on the quality of the articles / work that is being produced. If it is promoting and contributing towars quality work sure. If it is giving people fame or whatever for rubbish then it sucks.
I don't like it for making a mob.
But I guess it depends on how the mob conducts itself.
What I am supposed to think when Universities in NZ refuse to accept reports of external examiners (they don't get to do that) and when they refuse to process my academic stuff. Process the applications. Process the completions. Grade it. Nooooooo grade it properly. ffs.
I know the mob is like 'you aren't being very nice to us' yes. After years of you not processing my stuff my opinion of you goes down... And down.. It really can't get much lower. Every day that goes by when people fail and refuse to do the right thing...
I just get this idea into my head still more that y'all a bunch of incompetent idiotic psychopaths. I mean.. What's the f*ck*ng problem?
Reading comprehension?
Corruption?I don't see what else it could be.
I don't see what else it could be.
Either way it's inexcusable.
Posted by alexandra_k on April 28, 2020, at 15:54:37
In reply to Re: vaccine » alexandra_k, posted by alexandra_k on April 28, 2020, at 15:44:54
I know what it is!
It's delusion!
It's inability to reality test!
It's becuase my last Masters Thesis that I wrote so many many many many many many many years ago was about emotions and delusions and about how delusions could result as loss of reality testing from emotionality.
And somehow my supervisor is hung up on / stuck on that. Still. However many years later. Stuck on thinking that it was supposed to be prescriptive, or something, so she's decided to throw reality testing out the window and just do whatever she wants when it comes to reports of examiners and calendar regulations and what it is that she's supposed to do.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. She says. IIIIIIIIIIIII thought that youuuuuuuuuu thought that yoooooooooooooooooou were speeeeeeeeeecial and so yoooooooooou could dooooooooooooooooo whateverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr yoooooooooooooou like.
Says the one who doesn't penalise students getting their work to her late.
She said she didn't need to penalise them because it wasn't any better for being late, anyway.
What she didn't get is that you penalise them for being late so they learn not to be late.
Of course what I didn't get was that she doesn't penalise them for being late because she wants to teach them to be late.
I mean... She's not wrong. If you want to get a job in NZ then you want people to think you are inept and incompetent and late and then you just take your luck with respect to whatever whatever whatever whatever it is that pays you to do that.
The trouble is when people don't want that. Don't want... The money. The pay-out. When it isn't about 'I just want a well paying job where I have a nice car and a fancy suit and I don't care overly whether it's murdering kittens for fun or ventillating people against their will or failing studnets for daring to hand their work in on time'.
Then it doesn't compute.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on April 28, 2020, at 19:28:18
In reply to vaccine, posted by alexandra_k on April 28, 2020, at 15:25:31
i don't know about you alex, but kinda scared of the coronavirus vacinne their making, not really a vacinne but i don't know poison or DNA changes, mind control. Paranoid thoughts of rj. It's on facebook there saying don't get the vacinne, but coronavirus, it is so wide spread right now, the only thing there is is to a vaccine. Alot of people have died, and you know....obviously a vacinne would do the trick. But still learly kina scared about it injected into me
Posted by alexandra_k on April 28, 2020, at 22:49:30
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on April 28, 2020, at 19:28:18
I don't even know what kind of vaccine it will be.
Will it be a live attenuated vaccine? Or will it be parts of the virus chopped up (with absolutely no risk of reversion)?
The first is usually more effective in providing a stronger response...
But if the CoronaVirus antibodies have a tendancy to form immune complexes and micro-clot in some peole when maybe we don't want to produce a live attenuated vaccine that may be inclined to provoke such a strong response...
At least maybe not for some people...
Apparently in the US you can get a live nasal spray flu vaccine. We don't have that in NZ, I don't think. We can only get an injectable that is not live attenuated. It is dead bits. It is apparently less effective -- but also safer.
We don't get to make these kinds of informed decisions about how it is most likely to affect us on the basis of what we know about our immune system (if we tend to have allergies or whatever).
Rather, the experiments are done on our populaiton so that other people / populations can profit.
Seems to me.
When our leaders don't properly stand up for / stick up for our people's best interests.
It is a shame that we cannot develop things here ourselves...
But corruption. You know... Combined often with stupidity...
Smallpox is meant to be the standard example of what we can do with successful vaccination programs. But apparently smallpox only needed around 50 per cent of people to have the vaccination to seriously curb the transmission.
They reckon that around 95 per cent of people would need the MMR vaccine (mumps measles rubella) to similarly curb measles transmission.
there are outbreaks of that, sometimes. In NZ. In NY.
Kids who aren't immunised, yeah.
Perhaps my biggest thing is that it is important that we not get hung up on particularities, in a sense.
When people are overcrowded and treated like crap then they will get sick. Some bacteria or virus or something. Maybe their own body doing it to themselves. An immune thing. Whatever it is. Sicknes will manifest in some way.
We might develop a vaccine so it isn't smallpox anymore. But then it will just become something else.
There is a sense in which developing a succession of vaccinations against things like that isn't really progress, at all. It's just shifting around the bump under the rug. Playing whack a mole. You whack a mole and it goes away and then another mole pops up in it's place.
The problem is that people are overcrowded and treated like crap and they get sick. With something. Periodically. It will happen.
It happens when you overcrowd chickens. Pigs. Whatever.
When you concentrate the same crop in teh same soil. There will be problems, too.
Sort of creating problems to set about solving. A snake chasing it's own tail trying to devour itself. Whcih isn't sustainable. Of course.
Posted by alexandra_k on April 28, 2020, at 22:59:59
In reply to Re: vaccine » rjlockhart37, posted by alexandra_k on April 28, 2020, at 22:49:30
Things were able to get done with the lockdown.
Drug and gun supply chains were able to be interrupted.
We had a problem with organised crime. Guns and drugs coming in through the harbor.
But the ports were more closed. Things were being checked and monitored.
Who was on the roads? Why are you on the roads? Where are you going? What stuff do you have?
Our civil liberties were restricted...
But the police got a lot done in NZ. Seemed to me. People were complaining a bit about our police being seen about with guns.
But there were a number of drug raids on gang pads and things like that.
Apparently there is a shortage of methamphetamine now. They are warning people to try and cut back their usage because they can expect it might be contamminated product (and people put fillers in it)...
We can expect to see an increase in domestic violence and so on related things as people go through withdrawal.
Things like that.
It's all what the governments (or anybody really) does with the power they have got.
Hearing from the different interest groups.
Keeping things in check. It is next to impossible not to get carried away when you are on a roll. I do understand that's human nature. I suppose I might not be immune to that myself sniff. Checks and balances...
Posted by alexandra_k on April 28, 2020, at 23:20:34
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by alexandra_k on April 28, 2020, at 22:59:59
Or at least that's what they want us to believe...
One things for sure: They keep on collecting up their paychecks.
Apparently them being paid less would require legistlative change.
Gee... I wonder whose job that is?
Posted by alexandra_k on April 29, 2020, at 17:29:22
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by alexandra_k on April 28, 2020, at 23:20:34
there was something in the NZ medical journal about how our sole supplier of medical opiates is changing what they supply to something with less 'abuse potential' is, I think, how they put that.
they were saying that in NZ the sole supply of opiates is medical sourced. we don't have... powdered something... like overseas countries do. our 'heroin' is all manufactured from medical supplies.
(I am actually sceptical about that because I know for a fact that there is this thing called 'poppy season' and that opiates come from the opium poppy and it is not illegal to grow the opium poppy in fact it is an ANZAC day symbol and many many people grow many many poppies to remember the ANZAC war vets and you only aren't allowed to bleed them is all)...
But sure. My little in-bred medical student brain will remember the grand research teachings and prouncements of the opium problem in New Zealand.
They predicted that we might see increase in powdered product like you get overseas as a response to the change in supply chain. March of this year this was supposed to happen.
They also predicted overdoses with the change in supply. They predicted something or other being used to cut the product and poisonings.
I think they were selling.... Whatever the adrenalin shots are that revive people when they OD.
I should stop reading this b*llsh*t rubbish nonsense. If I'm not allowed to participate..
I'm not a fan-boy. I'm just not.
We don't have question time anymore becuase then yo uget the chance to reveal that you aren't a f*ck*ng idiot. So no speaking rights.
Keep your little inbred next generation of tribal chieftans.
Keep them at home looking after your private hospital of you.
Don't expect them to be learning from the public service.
grubby grubbity grub grub grub.
Posted by sigismund on April 30, 2020, at 23:52:38
In reply to Re: opiate supply, posted by alexandra_k on April 29, 2020, at 17:29:22
Opiates. OK.
>there was something in the NZ medical journal about how our sole supplier of medical opiates is changing what they supply to something with less 'abuse potential' is, I think, how they put that.
Subsequent to oxycodone, I take it? Something else lined up? The head of the TGA here said, 'I am not going to destroy Tasmania's opium industry for medical marijuana'.
>they were saying that in NZ the sole supply of opiates is medical sourced. we don't have... powdered something... like overseas countries do. our 'heroin' is all manufactured from medical supplies.
From friendly Tasmania? Lot of thebaine (for oxycodone) produced there, but also the whole lot of opioids. Most of the morphine is turned into codeine, but the world is as it is.
>They also predicted overdoses with the change in supply. They predicted something or other being used to cut the product and poisonings.
Is this about China, fentanyl and carfentanyl? Maybe we should not let so many of our essential antibiotics be made in Wuhan?
>I think they were selling.... Whatever the adrenalin shots are that revive people when they OD.
Nalorphine? Naltrexone?
Posted by alexandra_k on May 1, 2020, at 2:20:58
In reply to Jesus Christ is free trade, posted by sigismund on April 30, 2020, at 23:52:38
I wondered if that would lure you out.
I will research answers to your questions and get back to you.
Posted by alexandra_k on May 1, 2020, at 4:54:56
In reply to Jesus Christ is free trade, posted by sigismund on April 30, 2020, at 23:52:38
They were talking about slow release morphine only. The shift was from previously supplied slow-release tablets to slow-release capsules.
Apparently the capsules are harder to mix with acetic anhydride and convert to mono- or diacetyl-morphine (heroin).
They think with the change from tablet to capusule availability there may be an increase in pre-manufactured heroin powder.
They worry the shift to powder may result in fentanyl being added to the supply chain.
They are worried we dont have enough Naloxone.
That was what they said.
I forgot that Sydney and Kings Cross... Heroin, yeah.
I didn't think that poppies are grown for manufacture. Pharmaceuticals, I mean. I guess I thought it was laboratory synthesised... I mean.. Like LSD is to mushrooms. I thought it was laboratory synthesised...
> Is this about China, fentanyl and carfentanyl? Maybe we should not let so many of our essential antibiotics be made in Wuhan?I don't know what it is about.
I think we should try and distribute where essential things are being produced in case something happens to disrupt the supply chain in future. As insurance for us all.Do you know if MAOI inhibitors have abuse potential?
I am having a hard(ish) time learning the names of medications and stuff. I wonder if I might have better luck learning... Uh... Manufacturers. What different companies are producing. I don't know... I need to chunk the information differently, or something. I think there is a bigger / broader picture that I am not understanding, yet. I don't know.
Viruses are starting make more sense. Not sure why... Sometimes it's like I try and learn something and it feels like bashing my head. Then all of a sudden things go clunk clunk clunk into place and it's memorable and understandable all of a sudden.
The morphine issue is different from the Oxycodone issue -- isn't it. Purdue... People over on the meds board... I never used to spend much time there because I didn't know what was going on... Becuase the pills didn't come in enough different doses for gradual taper. So people were trying to cut them themselves into more tapered graduations for coming off them... But then concerns about cutting them affecting the slow-release.. Right?? Or about people breaking them down into grains to better make sure the active product was distributed...
So the slow relase mechanism broke.
Somethign like that...
Posted by alexandra_k on May 1, 2020, at 5:11:19
In reply to Re: Jesus Christ is free trade, posted by alexandra_k on May 1, 2020, at 4:54:56
oh wow. well, now, i feel stupid. i had no idea poppies were grown in Tasmania. and all those churches, too... huh.
it's really rather odd that nz doesn't have more of a supply of opiates. i guess because we don't have much money / anything to trade for it that aussie doesn't already have. north american market.
Posted by alexandra_k on May 1, 2020, at 6:17:39
In reply to Re: Jesus Christ is free trade, posted by alexandra_k on May 1, 2020, at 5:11:19
I also did not know about Johnson & Johnson's involvement.
Or about their range of products.
I missed familiar products on the supermarket shelves in North Carolina.
Things like bodywash and tampons.
Posted by sigismund on May 3, 2020, at 2:00:29
In reply to Re: Jesus Christ is free trade, posted by alexandra_k on May 1, 2020, at 4:54:56
Well, it's too late to complain the nobody appeared in my country demanding I have the right to buy opium in the name of free trade and Jesus.
We are having an enquiry into the Chinese here atm. I can imagine their response.
Poppies are grown all over northern Tasmania, with quite a lot of security. Unfortunately some disturbed or bad people ruin it for everyone else by abusing etc etc etc.
Anything has abuse potential. These words are prisons. Was it you who said that Seroquel was being sold as kiddie heroin? Maybe not. So anything that lessens the nightmare will be fine.
I agree with Purdue that oxycodone is much less addictive than morphine.
The next years are going to be fun.
Posted by sigismund on May 3, 2020, at 2:06:26
In reply to Re: tee hee, posted by alexandra_k on May 1, 2020, at 2:20:58
The Jesus thing was a quote from Jardine who made a packet marketing opium.
A book series I would really like to read (my eyes!) is Amitav Ghosh..."The Ibis Trilogy"
Posted by alexandra_k on May 3, 2020, at 23:01:42
In reply to Re: Jesus Christ is free trade, posted by sigismund on May 3, 2020, at 2:00:29
I see.
I did not know about the Jesus is free trade quote.
I got to reading about Coca leaves and the cultural right to chew those.
And of course, our societies right to consume alcohol.
And how it does seem arbitrary that some things are heavily regulated and others not so much.
And it is sad that because some abuse and misuse that others cannot use in a manner that does not create problems for themselves and others.
Similar things with testosterone and growth hormone and the like. Estrogen replacements.
It is hard to draw sensible lines. For sure.
Especially when we are talking about informed adults and personal use.
It is hard from the level of populations, however, to see peoples decimated or underachieving or whatever. The social harms that can result from it.
> We are having an enquiry into the Chinese here atm. I can imagine their response.
I imagine China is wondering when people might catch on to the situation and say 'well, really, the most sensible thing to think is that if it came out of a laboratory (and I don't see how you would know that or not unless someone put a little molecular signature on it intentionally just because they could)... Then the most likely situation is that it was made in a laboratory in Hong Kong and relased into China so that the people in China would be forced to wear face masks to ''stand with China''!!'
I mean...
The irony -- right?
I have read only a little about the Biological Warfare experiments that the Japanese used to do on the Chinese during WWII. That were not prosecuted when the Nazis were prosecuted. So... While the Jewish people have some sort of a sense of justice from Nurenberg trials the Chinese don't have the same sort of a sense of justice because the Japanese people involved often were granted immigration status by America in exchange for their experimental data. Much of it was, apparently, to do with intentionally trying to infect them with various things like anthrax, or whatever. But to make something lethal with transmission between people... That turned out to be so very very very very much harder than anybody thought. At least, that's the story I was getting. Despite their very very best efforts. Getting something to transmit between people was not something they managed to accomplish. Not for wont of effort.
I'm not saying that it was intentional. If something was released from a lab likely nobody would have any freaking idea how it would do in a lab. That's my point. That's why likely all those nuclear weapons tests. Because it was likely much much harder to set things off and actually make an explosion reliably than you might think.
I did not know about the Nevada site or about the fallout in Utah or Iowa or around the US. I did not know there was more around Russia... I did not know that countries experimented on themselves (in some sense) before moving it to the Southern Hemisphere. I am actually surprised, now I know this, that we don't have so very very very much more blood cancers and thyroid cancers and 3 headed animals and... Everything is so much more resilent than I thought it would be...
> Poppies are grown all over northern Tasmania, with quite a lot of security.Yeah. I was reading. I had no idea. I had been to Tassie, too. For a conerence. Only to the south. Logging of old forests... I had no idea about opium fields.
> I agree with Purdue that oxycodone is much less addictive than morphine.
I don't know. What if you cruch up the oxycodone into a powder and ingest it all at once? I'm not recommending it. I just heard that that was the trouble with these things. The abuse potential was that the slow-release tablets could be tampered with to break the slow-release mechanism and release the entire dose all at once. So then people would have a withdrawl affect before they were due their next dose.
And I was thinking 'well, who would think to crush them up unless they were intent on abusing them in the first place? THey aren't creating abuse -- it is just that some people do choose to use (maybe abuse) them by doing off lisence things with them.'
But now I am remembering people saying the jump in tablet size was too big to do a gradual taper to stop. So people started trying to cut the tablets in half. To try and reduce consumption.
And I got to thinking that maybe that was an 'accidental' way of people developing a dependency to high doses *because* of decisions the company made in making the tablets in teh sizes they did.
I was reading about how in the court case what came out about Purdue was that they targeted states with lesser reporting for their marketing campaigns. They did not market so much in states that required prescriptions be filed in triplicate. Something about one of those going to law enforcement. So in the court case the thing was that they intentionally targeted vulnerable people and tried to induce dependency for maximum profits.
It wasn't just 'oops'. It was a series of marketing decisions.
Posted by alexandra_k on May 3, 2020, at 23:12:08
In reply to Re: Jesus Christ is free trade » sigismund, posted by alexandra_k on May 3, 2020, at 23:01:42
And of course I have been mis-speaking, a little.
Stand with HOng Kong rather than China...
I know it's supposed to be this idea that China is the big bad authoratarian nasty and HOng Kong is the unruly child or teenager that wants independence...
But it seems to me that the Democratic free world was supposed to stand with HOng Kong for democratic freedoms for at least those people.
It seems to me to be kind of racist, really, that the rest of the world won't acknowledge or accept Hong Kongs independence and that the rest of the world, primarily thinks it is a part of China. The UN for example. Hong Kong and Taiwan are parts of China. Not considered as independent. And so their data is lumped into China's. Even when there are regional policies and much in the way of regional independence. Even when the people in those regions want their independence. We dont think they want their independence? Did you see the freaking riots? LOoked like they wanted their independence to me. Not just unruly kids. Lawyers. Old people. It looked to me like over a very sustained period of time at great cost to themselves they were telling the world they wanted their independence.
But the Democratic world did not order fit tested face masks to stand with HOng Kong.
Back in October. Back in October of last year. The western world did not order masks to stand with Hong Kong.
Did not order cartoon masks.
surgical masks.
smoke masks.
TO stand for democracy and freedom and rule of law for the people of HOng Kong.
What ya gonna do??
Apparently tehre are warehouses full of 'counter-fit' surgical equipment in China just sitting there. 'Quality control'. They send out the products.. The English speaking world doesn' tfollow the manufacturer instructions and says 'it's crappy rubbish product made in China'.
Well, then. Make it yourself, then.
The Western democratic world was required to stand with HOng Kong for rule of law.
China is teaching us much about democratic freedoms. I do beleive.
Posted by alexandra_k on May 3, 2020, at 23:12:35
In reply to Re: Jesus Christ is free trade, posted by alexandra_k on May 3, 2020, at 23:12:08
and how something made the in the *lab* would do in the *wild* -- obviously.
Posted by alexandra_k on May 3, 2020, at 23:58:44
In reply to Re: Jesus Christ is free trade, posted by alexandra_k on May 3, 2020, at 23:12:35
I mean I don't understand what people think could tell them whether it was made in a lab or found in the wild.
Do they think if they squint at the sequence they'll find a bio-luminescent 'made in the community college of hong kong' marker, or something else...
It just doesn't make any sense to me.
I mean I see how a maker may leave a mark. I don't see how no mark disproves or shows there wasn't a maker.
And what is a 'maker' anyway. Do you think they don't have animals in research laboratories? All the animals in the wet market that were likely candidates are there none of them whatsoever in research laboratories all around the world? What is evolution in the lab compared to the wild but one under slightly different conditions. I don't understand, again, what information could settle it, really.
But it makes no sense whatsoever to think that it would have been intentionlly released from a laboratory in Hubai. I mean... Why? It doesn't make any sense at all. A person may have accidentally transmitted it who worked in a lab... Maybe... NOt terribly likely, though, I wouldn't have thought.
I mean, they have PPE -- right?
____I was fairly sure I found a piece fairly early on... I mean maybe in January or February...
Saying that it wasn't like SARS. It didn't transmit like flu.
That was the problem. China and Hong Kong know about SARS. Know about prevention of SARS tranmissionin hospital environments, already.
But CoronaVirus was spreading in the hospitals because it did not behave like SARS.
Fit tested N95 masks.
We are still waiting for the rules to be updated in this part. We are only requiring them for intubation and few particular procedures. We are only letting Doctors wear them?? Perhaps...
I saw some nurses in Santa Monica California refused to work without them. They were told they could go home with pay while they look into it. That's terrific. What more could you ask for? They are looking into it and they didn't force them to work in conditions that may be unsafe.
I saw that some others are saying that normally or typically the rules are that N95 should be worn.... But now their hospitals were telling them to relax the rules because they were worried about a shortage. But they said they didn't want to relax the rules beause the rules were even more (and not even less) important to be followed precisely now.
Lots of hospitals around the world emptied out of patients. People stayed home because they didn't want to get infected. Only 40 or 50 per cent of the people they would usually get.
But the people get hoard-y about the masks and don't hand them out. So then hospital workers get infected and pass it on.
We had 3 nurses test positive from hospital with surgical mask looking after a common ward of Corona patients from a rest home who had been hospitalised because they didn't have the workers to look after them. I think 50 something hospital staff they were in contact with were sent home for incubation. People in the hospital had to be told they may have picked it up from carers in the hospital.
We will see if we get community transmission from that.
They are looking into the N 95 issue.
Why must we always straggle so far behind???
Posted by alexandra_k on May 5, 2020, at 2:50:05
In reply to Re: Jesus Christ is free trade, posted by alexandra_k on May 3, 2020, at 23:58:44
and now they are making the issue out to be about whether the DHB did right to roster staff to be working with known covid patients to also be rostered to work with non-covid patients.
but apparently they weren't working between wards on the same shift. it was locums working different shifts in different wards.
because New Zealand is a world leader in experimenting on people without their permission in order to see what happens.
That means that nurses were placed in that position in order to see whether we could induce hospital transmission of Covid when nurses wore surgical masks only and performed hand hygine and only worked on a Covid ward on each particular shift.
In other words, if given those protocols they managed to infect anybody from their homes or anybody else in the hospital in their next shift.
We were not re-using equipment.
It will take a couple weeks for that to incubate.
Place your bets, please?
I feel like a bookie right now.
Profiteering on us being so very many steps behind, indeed.
Posted by alexandra_k on May 5, 2020, at 2:55:38
In reply to Re: Profiteering opportuniity, posted by alexandra_k on May 5, 2020, at 2:50:05
Oh, the reason they made it out the way they did (rosting staff to work with covid patients one shift and then non-covid patients the next shift) instead of making it out to be about appropriate use of PPE such that anybody working with covid patients was not putting their personal familiies and also the other people in their care at risk...
Was because of all the chicken-sh*t anesthetists and the like who have been intenitonally hiding away and not doing anything in the public hosptials. I mean... Trained anesthetists and elective surgery surgeons stopped work. Sat idling their thumbs for 6 weeks to see what happened.
They were afraid they would be called in to work with infectious disease patients.
They were lucky they were not.
They know it.
They are know pushing hard for an interpretation of the rules whereby they are designated to never have to work with covid patients.
That is why teh push for it to be about staff who work with covid patients should be segrated from staff who do not. And... Let me guess...
The N 95 fit tested (we don't know what that is) masks shall be reserved for the latter.
The people with lowest risk in othe rwords.
I see HOng Kong is working on full body disinfection systems, now.
Seems to me without an appropriate N 95 mask people walking into the machines will be forced to inhale disinfectant into their lungs.
Perhaps they should be required in every surgical scub in.
It would be only fitting.
Posted by alexandra_k on May 5, 2020, at 3:01:02
In reply to Re: Profiteering opportuniity, posted by alexandra_k on May 5, 2020, at 2:55:38
apparently it is midwifes day, today.
also hand hygeine day internationally.this is said like they aren't connected.
doctors would visit dead people and cut them up and touch them all over performing autopsy trying to figure how they died.
they would then trek that bacteria and those viruses into the birthing units. they would deliver diseases to women giving birth and those babies. many women died in infections that were given to them by those doctors. who knows how many babies contracted diseases, too, from those things that they were exposed to.
nurses and midwives spoke up about these things and were ignored. and many harms resulted from that.
hand hygeine and midwives are intimately related.
division of labour.
not having pathologists in the same room as birthing is interesing. how related... connected.. reasons for disconnect.
reasons to see division of labor as a progression.
Posted by alexandra_k on May 5, 2020, at 3:08:07
In reply to Re: happy midwives day, happy hand hygine, posted by alexandra_k on May 5, 2020, at 3:01:02
I am on the record as 'salty as f*ck' about the latest 'experiment' in whether a district health board of new zealand can induce hospital transmission of covid by having nurses work between covid and non-covid patients on different shifts with only surgical masks (hand hygine and some form of drape) as ppe.
salty as f*ck. that's right.
i mean... suppose we 'succeed' in inducing hospital transmission. yay. nzl 'independently' invented the wheel with respect to what different regions of China have already discovered
(what??chinese international students travel to new zealand in order to learn sciecen??? cwhate????)
and supposing we fail... that doesn't undermine what they have found already.
that just means we will refuse to accept their evidenc efor another few generations longer than we would, otherwise, and who knows how many peole will be infected with many varieties of things as a consequence.
i mean...
how is this experiment a win-win?
i just don't see it.
forever trailing behind...
Posted by alexandra_k on May 5, 2020, at 3:20:18
In reply to Re: I wanna say..., posted by alexandra_k on May 5, 2020, at 3:08:07
''salty''' is a good word, by the way.
It means... Well... Have you ever eaten too much salt? Just too much of it injested. What face do you pull? How do you feel when you pull that face?
Tell it to your DBT therapist. ''Salty''. Best f*ck*ng cognitive-behavioural emotion word of the century. Boo-yah.
It's not quite bitter (I spit thee out). It's... Salty... I'm having a reaction as it makes it's way down...
(and Will have heart problems many years later).
It's a perfect emotion word for a certain kind of enlightened public...
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.