Shown: posts 1 to 7 of 7. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by alexandra_k on April 29, 2020, at 18:00:25
It used to be that the path of least resistence was to find a job while you were still in school and drop out of school.
You got money. That meant you could buy a car. Run a car. It was a fast track to cool-ness with the High School kids because you could fund parties. Depending on your parents you could move out into your own place and fund parties.
A way to enjoy your late teenage / early adult years.
Or you could go to University of Tech. Then you would need a part time job to fund the above.
Or you could go to Univerity or Tech and choose to hunker down. Not get a job so that you could invest those hours on your studies. Reap the better grades for the sacrifies you made in spending those Friday nights with your head in the books.
But the last paragraph... An education... Isn't something that we value or have anymore.
We want the best grades to go not to the people who invest in their education. Do the work for their education. But to the cool kids. The popular kids. The kids who were able to command the largest mob.
That's we value. The ability to command the largest mob.
For good or ill. Doesn't matter. Where's the money? That's the point. The ability to command the largest mob. By facebook or whatever...
I think brains / intelligence / smarts / critical thinking sorts of skills really are like a muscle. That's how come you get really freaking smart little kids. With really active and curious and playful minds. And that's why you get dumb as dirt professors and the like who haven't actually used their brain for the last however many years.
There was this joke about the mollusc who used his brain to locomote to a place and then had no use for it and ate it (don't know if myth or true). Joke was tenure was like that. Once you got tenure you ate your brain because you didn't need it anymore.
Tenure was supposed to be a wage that supported your independent research.
But we only give it people who have eaten their brains, already. To ensure no reasech is done. It's your reward for having eaten your brain, or something.
I used to think that it would be cool to do all the classes. All the undergraduate classes. All the degrees. To think about all the thigns ou would have learned about how the world works and so on. From all the people at the University. Like.. The entirety of the knowledge of the University. A little bit. Sort of. I never understood these ethics talks by people who would say things like how life would have no meaning of value if we lived forever. Things like how we would get bored. It always seemed to me that this position or perspective revealed very little brain or person who had eaten their brain already. The more you know the more you realise you don't know very much at all. Expansionist. They had the opposite. They had become narrow minded.
But people don't.
I mean... Most universities have some policy that is supposed to make it so. I mean... Full time staff can take 1 or maybe 2 courses per year at no cost.
That means that English Professor can do, I don't know. A first year course in HIstory. Geography. Accounting. I don't know. Something. So they can better underststand what is going on in that part of the University. Make connections. Broaden their minds. So they don't make the mistakes it's f*ck*ng embarrassing to see in print where you think 'if you had done decently well in a first year course in the subject I really don't think you would have said that'...
But they don't take courses.
Why not?
They suspect they will be flunked out.
They wouldn't want to blind grade their studnets work... If there was professor of economics, biology, chemistry, IT... Because
*they can't tell the difference*
They can't tell the differnce. If you pulled it out of your *rs* at 3am. Or if you worked hard on it over months.
*they can't tell the difference*
They can't tell the difference. If you are literature or not.
*they can't tell the difference*
And that's the problem. Right there.
Instead of making a system whereby ANYBODOY who wants to learn something can learn that and .... Yuo grade people on some things about their natural ability, sure, and also their work how they worked at it. Their ability to comprehend and understand what was taught.. And to be asking good questions that (if followed up on in more advanced study) would lead to advances and developements in our understanding and the field as a whole.
Instead of working to deveop that system...People work to undermine it.
We want these little inbred kids to have no exposure to anything outside out control. We wnat control of every single thing that is allowed to appear before their minds. We will give them their abstracts for their research. We will take what they produce for us as output of post-modernist essay generator and edit it into form that 10 years later... we will approve to be published in the NZ Medical Students Journal.
Or not.
What a f*ck*ng joke.
So when I go to differne seminars aroudn the University... When I ask a good question (to demonstrate comprehension and that my mind is engaged with respect to further developments for the field)...
They actually think that I'm some kind of intellectually handicapped psych patient weirdo who is barely tolerated....
That's actually how they view / see me.
A fan-boy.
Hanging off their every word. Without speaking rights...
Where does the money go?
Grubbity grub grub grubbity grub grub grubbity grub grub.
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah your research is so faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaascinating.
What? I'm supposed to f*ck off because you grubbed up all the money all th e money all the money...
That was only fed into that thing because it was supposed to be an investment in teh future developments of the field. Of teh Univerity.
But you grubbity grub grub grubbed up all the money and gutted the University of the people who were the University.
When the philsophy person doesn't get their fuckign degree in a timely fashion...
Not offered teaching work.
Not processed for scholarships.
Applications not procesesed.
No speaking rights.
Not invited to talks.
When you lock and shut out those most qualified....
To grubitty grub grub grub up all the money.
When you don't let your most knowlegeable take the external examinations.
What a f*ck*ng joke.
SHut it down.
There's nothing here.
They built teh slummy slum slum buildings that arent' fit for purpose.
Nuke 'em down.
There's nobody home.
What a f*ck*ng joke.
Where's my f*ck*ng degree?
Where is it?
You f*ck*ng idiot psychopath retards.
It's is YEARS later.
ALl the f*ck*ng stupid idiots from primary school copying my work...
chief executives now.
F*ck*ng good job!!!
Have some more money!!!
Have some more money for you!!!!
MOre money for you!!!
ANti-malerical medications??
Other people consenting you for expemiermental research on the brand spanking new ventillators?
Do you know how many people can live when the mob harvests your organs from you???
What a f*ck*ng joke.
What a f*ck*ng joke.
What a f*ck*ng joke.
Tena koto katoa.
Posted by alexandra_k on April 29, 2020, at 18:22:32
In reply to the implosion of education, posted by alexandra_k on April 29, 2020, at 18:00:25
we don't have talks anymore.
people people don't come to nz to present their research.
not very much. it's a very very very rare thing, indeed.
and the people here don't present thier research, either.
the Univerity of Waikato has 2 student talks in the semester I was supposed to go and make suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuubstaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaantive chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanges to my thesisssssssssssssssssssssss so my supervisor feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelt that the externallsssssssssssssssssssssss might paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas ittttttttttttttttttttt.
she did not give a talk.
she was tooooooooooooooooooooooooo busyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy haaaaaving meetings with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee where she could screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam about how i didn't know what suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuubstaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaantive reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeans.
nobody on a salary presented any research.
did any research.
when it's coming up time for me to do a talk my supervisor doesn't say 'hey do you want to show me a draft? maybe come and give me a practice run-through?' nope. she asks me to work on something different and get that to her, instead.
because it's the opposite of a healthy working environment.
it is designed to shut things down and turn things off only.
shut it down, then.
the studnets will get more work done when they don't have to make appearances in front of the staff the university chose to hire. shut it down then.
but you need to process the applications and get the work to extenrals and process the completions for the degree.
whereh does all the money go???
there is no point studying for NZ examinations. we don't have the capaciaty to write a fair examination. we don't. there isnothing worse than people wtihuot reading comprehension writing a multiple choice and thinking they have written a good question that is a 'high end distinguisher' only because 1/3 of people eliminated all options but two of them at which point it was a coin toss. so 1/6 of people got it right with tha tstrategy. that is not a well designed multiple choice.
then you instrduce an element like 'once you get down to those final two then select the sequuentially later' say the people at x private school. or 'once you get down to those final two then select the option that is alphabetically prior in the answer text' say the people at x private school. and then when teh graders are writing their grading schedule and they don't know whcih of the two is the best answer they think the kids from the best school know better than them so they defer to them...
most of the examinations the lecturers ask teh students things they don't know the answer to.
it's obvious.
they aren't fooling anyone.
it's obvious.
oooooooooooooooooh i want to join yooooooooooooooooooooooooooou grubbity grub grub grub making things worse. oooooooooh wanting to join yooooooooooooou.
the most basic respect has not been offerd to me.
to allow me a way of life.
people STILL they think they know what is beset for me. they will decide the nature of the contribution i am allowed to make.
well then. shut them down.
let them make decisions for htem, of course.
but not for anybody else.
nobody in tehir right mind would voluntarily consent to hand over tehir share of the products of civiliation to them.
to do what with it?
to undo and unevolve and gut and ruin everything that has been developed.
the people with all the grubbity grub grub money.
refuse to install heat pumps and ventillation in kitchen and bathroom for their tenants. refuse to provide accommodation affordabel for people to socially distance in.
when yo uforce peple to overcrowd in yoru unhealthy rentals do you know what happens??
you make them sick.
then do you know what they do with their sickness????
they come after you.
of course they do.
huddle huddle huddle in your houses. that's right.
ther's nobody hom.e
Posted by alexandra_k on April 29, 2020, at 18:34:49
In reply to Re: the implosion of education, posted by alexandra_k on April 29, 2020, at 18:22:32
I guess it is the people who couldn't tell the difference.
The ones who couldn't do the high end distinguisher questions.
They are in charge now and they think that their multiple choice questions are every bit as good as everyone elses in coming down to a coin toss for those last two because that's the way multiple-choice has always been -- right?
and learning is like.. money. right?
so that makes alex a grubbity grub grub grub that alex has grubbity grub grubbed up all this knowledge of academia and she's hoarding it to herself she won't spoon feed it to me over the next 10 years of her life...
and she's learned enough. she should leave some learnings and knowledge for other people. she can't be good at everything. she should let other people be good at things too. public health was a first in family degree and she's not first in family and she's good at other things so it is fair and equitable for her to fail a class for once becuase she doesn't fail classes and other people should get to be the best at academic first year classes at university even when (especially when) they don't do the work (the tutors write their work for them).
that's what equity and fairness looks like. giving the mob the things that the individuals have. taking from the individuals and giving to the mob.
the organs.
that's next.
that's why the ventillators.
to teach people 'just because you can do something doesn't mean its teh right thing to do'..
it was Singer who said you couldn't do ethics in NZ because you don't have this basic respect, basically, that is the basis or grounding for difference. difference (of idea or whatever) simply cannot be tolerated.
you just have to sit about singing the praises of the other... for generations.. and we sill aren't any further ahead.
it's not something i can do. who in tehir right mind would think that is a good job for me?
it's just about people taking my stuff.
a f*ck*ng sh*t hole of a wreck of a country.
there's nothing here.
people cry 'poor pooor poor' while grubbing up all the resources and 'we don't have neough' in the face of significant excess.
we cry we don't have enough skilled and trained doctors but we refuse to train the ones with teh capacity to learn and we refuse to, once they have learned, sign them off. then let them freaking well do it, already.
just this fukcing dead wood with an iron grip grubbing all the resources and refusing to allow capable and competent people to contribute.
what a f*ck*ng farce of a joke.
Posted by alexandra_k on April 29, 2020, at 18:35:24
In reply to Re: the implosion of education, posted by alexandra_k on April 29, 2020, at 18:34:49
don't worry about alex -- she'll be alright.
we got all her stuff and she isn't all right!!!
Posted by alexandra_k on April 29, 2020, at 19:24:55
In reply to Re: the implosion of education, posted by alexandra_k on April 29, 2020, at 18:35:24
I mean...
THe University is falsifying it's own transcript.
I have a conferred Degree with a paper transcript that was physically posted to me that was signed by the Univesrity registrar that records my grades and what year the course was done in so my GPA can be calculated.
The University Transcript states on it how I was enrolled for 1 calendar year and then 1 acadamic year to write a 120 point (1 year) Masters thesis.
120 points is a normal full time workload for 1 year of work -- not including summer school.
Undergraduates usually do something like 60 points in the first semester and 60 points in the second for 120 points of full time study over 1 academic year.
Summer school is a way of 'getting ahead' because you can do summer school which means you did more than 120 points over the course of that year which means your 'best 120 point GPA' could come up. because of teh sacrifice you suppodedly made in giving up your summer holiday to do extra work.
So 120 points over 4 academic semesters and 1 summer school period is less than 60 points per year. which is part time. which means it doesn't count towards your full time GPA. it's otherwise known as being a b*llsh*t worthless waste of time degree because teh Univesrity refuses to get your work to examiners for examination in a timely fashion.
But who would do a Masters Degree -- right?
I mean, you do undergrad. ANd you learn that your lecturers are intellectually handicapped. NOt capable of writing a multiiple-guess with high end distinguishers. You see how you hemorrage marks and how they flunk you for having an opinion. Then you learn that gubbity grub grub grubbing your way through as quickly as humanly possible is the task..
(This is what the administrators ideal is that I am explaining here)
Which simply involves being as sycophantic to them as you possibly can be.
And once they think yo uhave sufficiently learned your lesson in grubbity grub grub ness and you understand your job is to hold the largest mob of students you can muster at the university for the maximum possible time...
you have earned your keep. potentially. with the sign off.
do you see?
and so i never was going to get to do Medicine. because i wasn't picked from high school and they don't want me marrying their high school kids and i didn't marry one of their high school kids already. and it's just an inbreeding program really.
that's how they make sure they constantly cry that there isn't enough doctors!
instead of giving medical studnets elective placements in hospitals this year they gave them elective placements in early childcare education looking after doctors kids in doctors houses.
it's quite the scammy scummy scammy scummity scum scum.
how the money goes around.
how they should have built fall-out shelters, really.
how they can't appear in public anymore.
the mess they made.
sh*tt*ng in their neighborhoods.
all because they won't let the people take their exams.
Posted by alexandra_k on April 29, 2020, at 19:42:37
In reply to Re: the implosion of education, posted by alexandra_k on April 29, 2020, at 19:24:55
oh. so the university falsifies my transcript.
introduces an 'online document sharing' system (for the purpose of making sure that any employer inquiry will throw the student back to teh university always)...
and sets about falsifying my transcript for degree previously conferred.
they remove the dates on my masters enrolment. Instead of the start date and the end date (1 calendar year) then ... (for continuing) anad then a start date (day after the end date at the start of the next academic year) and the end date of the last day of the end of the academic year on the second year...
THey put 'C' as a course code. Which was not a course code before. Previously Y was the course code on a year long enrolment. For HOnors courses that ran from teh start of the academic year until the end (with one lot of exams). Instead of semester long courses.
So they list MA 2004 C term of enrolment. And the course key says C term of enrolment is 'other' term of enrolment (unspecified whether it's a 10 year or a 50 year program).
Then MA 2005 C term of enrolment.
ANd it could be full time if I started in the second semester of 2004 and completed the end of the first semester in 2005 but that is not what I did.
And when you look at the University Calendar Regualtions for 2004 and 2004 there is no such thing as an MA with a C course code.
They are retrospectively falsifying the course codes, I mean to say.
The University.
That's right: The University is the main offender when it comes to producing false and fraudulent and rubbish b*llsh*t made up transcripts.
They don't even acknowledge their own degrees.
They don't even acknowledge the degrees they previously conferred.
They don't even do this within the country they were awarded.
They want degrees to expire after 5 years.
Then the idea is... What... You have to do a PhD again because your brain fell out 5 years later?
The idea is that it is about grubbing your way to the top as quickly as you can. And the idea is that if you didn't learn that lesson early on enoguh to have done that then you fail.
So if you didn't grub your way from honors to scholarship place PhD...
Then they won't look at getting your work to examiners.
And if you don't get some executive type grubbity grub job 5 years after getting your PhD then you are crazy worthless welfare bum.
You didn't make it.
You failed in the life mission of grubbity grubbity grub grub as quickly as possible for your mob and your slum.
That's the meaning of life.
For all the peopel too busy being grubs to have any kind of existential crisis or have any kind of life experience at all.
It's their way and that's the only way.
Tehre is no other way.
They completely gutted everything they rules.
Like a swarm of locusts.
They moved quickly through the University because they didn't take time to smell the roses.
And now they rip up the roses (weeds) that they see because they are in the way of the tree plantations...
Or whatever.
I did 1 year of work in 2018 which was what I contracted to do.
The University refused to have my work externally examined in a timely fashion.
Teh University refused to deliver the only outcome of examiantion that could be delivered.
They don't have a f*ck*ng choice.
They don't get to change my transcript retrospectively because they think my GPA is too high.
That's not how GPAs are supposed to work..
The University council isn't supposed to go: Here are our kids and they need a GPA in this band. So now lets assign them grades for their individual couses that they did over the cours of the semester quite independently of what teh lecturers wrote independently of the work that they did...
That's what's actually happening in the institutions in NZ.
I don't see what other sense I can make of this situation where they are now refusing to base the outcome of my examiantion on what teh f*ck*ng examiners told them the outcome was.
I don't see what other sense I can make of this situation where the University is retrospectively falsifying my transcript in order to change my best 120 point full time GPA.
My external examiner on my MA thesis wrote me a brief report to accompany the grade. He said that he could only give it an A and not an A+ because there were typographcial errors in it and it hadn't been checked by anybody for those.
Whose job is it to check a students thesis for typographical errors?
My supervisor had 4 semesters and 1 summer school period for me to do 120 points of work.
He never asked to see any of the work.
Not even before I submitted it for examiantion.
It's okay. The work doesn't count, anyway.
And with the last project I did: The University calendar said the changes the examienrs needed before teh university was requierd to accept it could be signed off by THE EXAMINERS. Both of the examiners indicated they were willing to sign me off within 10 weeks.
It's the f*ck*ng universities in NZ.
It's not stolen genration when the kids are paying you.
It's not stolen generation when the kids are 20 30 40 years old.
F*ck*ng grow up.
Posted by alexandra_k on April 29, 2020, at 19:54:16
In reply to Re: the implosion of education, posted by alexandra_k on April 29, 2020, at 19:42:37
and so it's very simple:
my GPA is 8.6
according to the stated algorithm on how that is supposed to be calculated.
medical admissions can cry all it likes that it's too incompetent to calculate a GPA properly that doesn't change the fact of what it is.
the univeristy of waikato can falsify my online records all they like (i don't suppose they want any international students to invest in us at all because no international studnets will invest in us once they learn that waikato will take their money and only give them worthless degrees that they won't even acknwoeldge they gave them 5 year later if that)
the medcial admission committee is required to process my f*ck*ng application proeprly.
i completed the requirements of the mphil in fact.
they can cry 'but you weren't SUCCESSFUL because the dean refused to give your thesis to the examienrs for them to sign oyou off as they indicated they were willing to do' all they like.
i did everything i was required to do for completion of the thesis.
waikato violated their regulations and the contract they had with me and with the government by refusing to get my work to examiners so the examiners could do their job in helping competent and capable studnets complete their work with the university in a timely fashion.
it's done.
and the medical school is required to admit the applicants who are qualified (as i am) who rank order list.
and the medical school is required to provide suitable placements.
and they are required to sign off all (and only) the students who have f*ck*ng well met the requirements for the degree.
and if they don't want to / won't / can't do their jobs then they should give back all the money they've taken so far for doing the jobs they refuse to do....
and let someone else do it, then.
i'm sure there are medical schools other places who can roll out an online curriculum that's considerably more avanced that anytign the univesrity of aukcland has ever done.
at least let the students sit the medical lisencing exams.
at least see if any of them happen to accidentally have a moral sense despite the very best efforts of the tribal chieftans of nz responsible for holding their people back in their slummy slum slum slums
This is the end of the thread.
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Script revised: February 4, 2008
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