Shown: posts 1 to 14 of 14. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by alexandra_k on February 21, 2014, at 22:33:33
so... orientation turns out to be one week prior to the start of the semester. you can do little classes on how to use the library, how to set up printing / computer accounts, how to find course readings etc etc etc. and there are day long things planned for different majors with proper welcomes etc etc...
wow. pretty sure at all the other universities i've been to orientation activities / events occurred DURING the first week of classes. which was kinda insane, for sure.
and here... the residence halls start charging you from a good couple of weeks before classes start. so... you may as well move in already since you are paying. so... you may as well get your how do i get to the supermarket and where is the hairdresser and lets visit the local landmarks and check out the art galleries etc etc etc... out of the way before classes start.
which is all... brilliant, really. in not making people choose between academics and other things.
after much angst and faffing about... i have:
-intro chemistry (to prepare for organic chemistry next year)
-intro sport and exercise science (just because!! even they say you better have done physics / maths at high school or you will struggle. if i can't get an A in sport and exercise science there really won't be much hope for me!):-/
then in the second semester i have:
-animal biology (to give me some biology labs and experience with microscope)
-conceptual physics (doesn't presuppose calculus but does presuppose maths - to prepare me for physics for the life sciences - which is supposed to be an easy pass of a paper ahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa).and a bunch of math in my own time. and organic chemistry, too... i have access to a lot of the extra content that will be covered in organic chem and... well... that is the paper that sorts out the candidates from... those who need to figure 'work life balance'. or... switch to sport and exercise major or... something.
uh huh.
my maths progress has stalled. how come? cause that sh*t got HARD. sigh. no more point and click... need to think... figure out... it hurts my brain. ahaha. i need to schedule time to do it now. it does feel like work. but i have made considerable (huge really) progress already. and i have some stuff now from the chemistry people for their math prep (so, for example, i can focus better on stuff that will be relevant for that like scientific notation, order of operations, converting fractions etc etc etc...)
i think i need to learn the little tricks etc now. before... i was figuring stuff out... but intermediate now (ages 11 and 12) and i need to learn rules like flipping over fractions and doing stuff or... whatever. just learn the rule and free up cognitive resources... multiplying and dividing positive and negative numbers (important for unit conversions)... damn... sh*t just got real...
but it seems... possible... which is very cool for me.
i still feel like i'm about the luckiest person in the whole world sometimes. but then i feel that things are so really very fragile indeed and i feel scared. scared that i'll lose things... i don't know. scared that i'll turn out not to be any good at science. scared that i won't get into med... or... that i'll get into it and be bad at it / hate the other people / that i'll find it too hard / that i can't do it. i don't know. i guesss everyone has this really. i remember feeling this way when i first started uni even... i'll work hard and hope for the best.
i still loves my house. very much. very very very very much.
i have a basil plant. it has root rot because i overwatered it. overwatering it made it look so perky and pretty and happy and green... right up until it started dying bottom up. sigh. i might get a big terracotta pot with some pumic-y soil for drainage and... try and cultivate it properly. i f*ck*ng love basil. yum. and my room is temperate and sunny. not direct sunlight, much. but lots of bright light... i think things will do well here... i'd kinda like an aloe vera plant... maybe some little cactus?? i wonder if i can grow sweet peas up the walls ahaha (don't worry i jest). maybe a hanging fern from my wardrobe... does something good to the air quality... only... the soil doesn't. that's the trouble, i guess. i used to have a venus flytrap.. maybe another of those...
the gym here is great. saw the cutest little asian chick today training with some guy... she was pretty strong considering she probably only weighs around 2x the weight of the bar... it is a pretty good gym, really. a lot less... a lot less.... people poncing about than i think i've ever seen. some insecure guys of course... aren't going to escape that at a uni gym... but realatively few.. mostly.. just people introvertedly doing their thing. yay. i loves it here.
Posted by alexandra_k on February 21, 2014, at 23:15:34
In reply to classes start in 2 weeks, posted by alexandra_k on February 21, 2014, at 22:33:33
i've had some trouble organizing my finances... mostly because this is the first year they have moved to having a proper rent account and they keep undercharging me the 4 weeks rent in advance moving cost portion of that... and i need that to be charged properly so i can take the info to work and income and then they will pay it (and i pay them back at like $3 per week for the next few years)...
I don't know if they have been undercharging everyone... Or just me... But I feel awful bad that I haven't paid another part of the moving in costs already (when I was supposed to) -- but as I pointed out to them -- I can't pay the entirety of my moving in costs until you bill me for them properly!!!
It is just weirdly confusing... For a bunch of reasons...
And I feel bad... I feel bad that I have a bill that I didn't pay on time (hard to explain - I need to take both to work and income together so i actually need them to charge me more before i can pay any of it)... I feel bad that I went back on my word that i'd pay it by the 20th... I feel bad that I have money actually that I have been spending on other things (but I can't spend it on that for various reasons). I feel bad that I cancelled 2 appointments with work and income and that 2 meetings with them were worthless because i didn't have clear information to provide to them because i hadn't been billed properly!!!
I ordered my new phone!!! I am really struggling with the wait for it to arrive. (If I spent that money on accommodation costs the govt could prosecute me. Also if I spent that money on accommodation costs then I wouldn't get the (recoverable) assistance with accommodation costs and I wouldn't get a new phone). It is a damned shame that we don't have uni wireless at the hall... We are still plugged into the wall... I need to see how much the relative lack of my willingness to use data will affect things... I wonder if I will love my phone??
Someone showed me how to turn off the newsfeed settings from the mac games store which should stop their popups / spam. Which... Has gone a long way towards sorting out my faith in mac product. Just need to sort out the app store so I can update my computer again... If those things had happened several weeks ago I'd currently be waiting on an i-phone 4 or... possibly a 5c... too late...
Things are ticking along... It will be good for me for classes to start. Schedule.
The meeting with my new OT went pretty well. Time will tell. She's versed in DBT speak. Time will tell whether I need to learn her language or whether she is open to us developing our own... Time will tell. We did bean bag tapping and she loaned me a bean bag. You sort of hit your muscles with it - which makes them contract... Which, over time, helps them to relax. She said about how it is kinda like whisping horses and how they can retain muscle tone through injury... I have faint memories of this as a kid (when I was nuts about horses)... Probably it is my imagination but it feels crazy loud... Which dissuades me from doing it. time will tell how well we get along... I think... There is potential. A lot (from my perspective anyway) will depend on how willing / able she is to... See me. To be open to bottom-up data vs how much she needs to cling to what she has been taught with respect to skills training or whatever. I am... Cautiously optimistic. She said not to bean bag tap your stomach. And I said 'but that is what abs are for'. And she said 'squishing organs' and I said 'but that is what abs are for'. That flinching at being punched... Was how boxers got abs. That dropping a plate (a bit carefully to be sure) from about an inch away was a good way to get them to contract... She's a crossfitter... Lets see how well she can process... The 'stay away from your abs' was just the throw away statement on the info about beanbag tapping that she printed off... She's a crossfitter... She should know better... Lets see if she can adapt.
I got a speed skipping rope. It is too fast for me. God dammit. And new compression tights (hurry up and arrive already!). The latter... Was a splurge. When my last lot (of this brand) died I cried. And cried and cried. This is hard(ish to explain)... Most tights like to camel toe. These ones don't. Because they cling good to your legs and don't tend to ride up that way. With my last lot I'd pull them up by... Pulling. Which reluctantly stretched them... So after a few years (actually more like 4 I think) of that they did rip around the middle seam... I'll be more careful with this next pair... But they gave me pretty good wear, really. I remember... Being so very sad about throwing them away because I knew I'd probably not be able to afford any more... Like... Forever, or something. So getting these is huge. We will see how I like them. I... Sort of have the means to buy more if these work out.
Before... I had a couple pairs of these I basically wore as a second skin... Uh... Always. Not for sleeping... But always aside from that. You can handwash them and they dry overnight - or they did in canberra, anyway, but probably not here with the moisture in the air. If they work out I'll invest in a few pairs... Helps hold me together. Feel... Decent. Hard to explain. Perhaps I'll go back to that again.If all goes well maybe i'll live in these forever. These and scrubs and hobo gear. F*ck yeah.
They make them with pretty black or red or blue or purple accent now. Even though the accent peels off within the first three months ahahahahahaha. Or actually maybe it won't given that I handwash everything now (not sure when I became such a cheap skate but $4 for a load of washing is criminal).
Best thing about my postcode: Fast shipping. Hells yeah!
Worst thing about my postcode: I think I need a water filter. I'm fairly sure we are drinking the water I used to pee in as a kid (Waikato River) bleh. And it has so many signs in it about not to drink it. Still... In Queensland they are drinking sewerage (and growing rice) I hear...
It tastes... Chalky. Alkaline? A little lemon helps freshen / brighten it somehow but it is still odd water...
Ditto for hair care with my hair feeling... stringy? squeeky?
I've finally found a clothes detergent that softens my clothing and freshens it (which is quite the feat for old gym gear)... (An eco / plant based one with lemon and aloe vera)...
It is to do with acidity / alkilinity - yeah?? That is why black coffee tastes different to lates... Milk fat makes it less acid. And that is why trim milk tastes bitter to me - not so much less acid.
Posted by alexandra_k on February 21, 2014, at 23:33:30
In reply to classes start in 2 weeks, posted by alexandra_k on February 21, 2014, at 22:33:33
oooooooh poppies. i wonder if they would...
Posted by alexandra_k on February 21, 2014, at 23:46:23
In reply to Re: classes start in 2 weeks, posted by alexandra_k on February 21, 2014, at 23:33:30
aw. it's the glass, isn't it? like how even the direct sunlight is conspiring against my tan.
Posted by alexandra_k on February 21, 2014, at 23:51:07
In reply to Re: classes start in 2 weeks, posted by alexandra_k on February 21, 2014, at 23:33:30
a big sunflower in a pot.
i guess this is why they track our power consumption. a hydroponics set-up probably does not constitute 'reasonable use'.
but then, uh, glass houses... how do they work? with all that glass, i mean...
Posted by alexandra_k on February 23, 2014, at 1:54:49
In reply to Re: classes start in 2 weeks, posted by alexandra_k on February 21, 2014, at 23:51:07
determined to turn the floor into their own frat house since the drinking age here is 18.
and of course the general feeling (to which i'll now be subject) is 'go study in the library if you want quiet!' only... the library isn't quiet. which is why i need to study from home.
why do they put the mature / grad students with the undergrads? ffs.
Posted by alexandra_k on February 23, 2014, at 2:19:41
In reply to Re: and in move the squeely screamy girls, posted by alexandra_k on February 23, 2014, at 1:54:49
i'll just have to wait and see. it is a bit early to tell yet. i found the building plans at some point... but i can't seem to locate them again... i think the shared apartments tend to be on the lower levels... and of course those people are having to play happy families / best buddies with their new apartment-mates... doing everything together... finding the supermarket... the gym... the comfy bean bags in the library (hey! lets go sit by that girl with a book who is reading she must be lonely bet she will love to hear us talk about crap!!)...
it isn't just maaori / pacific people with their animal noises... american undergrads have this, too. especially the girls. high pitched... incessant noise. this real fight to be the noisiest / most attention capturing. the guys do it too, actually. quite a lot of them. yells and shouts and sudden movements. attention capturing again. and the more resolutely you ignore their attempt to gain your attention (not wanting to reinforce them) the more they escalate in their behaviour...
a... panicked quality...
violence. even.i do remember... usually the gym works out for me when... some of the bigger / scarier guys respect my training and they stare / growl down the attempts of gangs of insecure guys to mess that up (e.g., they notice that moving in my line of sight when i'm about to lift annoys me so they start doing it more - till someone else stares them down). because otherwise... i just leave. i... can't do. can't do anything. because the people won't let me.
why did those people have to come back????
deep breaths.
please oh please oh please don't ruin this for me.
Posted by alexandra_k on February 27, 2014, at 22:16:23
In reply to Re: deep breaths..., posted by alexandra_k on February 23, 2014, at 2:19:41
so orientation is nearly over. which is just as well, since it is all the... disorienting things that i'm not really here for. looking forward to class.
looks like i'm only going to be doing one class in the first semester and then two in the second. i hate that. keep enrolling in other things and trying to justify it... i need to remember what i'm up to... better to just do the one course and really follow up on mastery of all the background etc etc etc that i need... that's the point, really. building mastery / confidence. preparation for next year. instead of getting distracted by mathematical ideas and sport science... and probably even stats is a bit far afield from epidemiology (though i've emailed a query about that).
things are ticking along...
i got my phone. i sorta love it... but i sorta hate google so... took a bit to figure how to sort things out to it takes advantage of wireless signals rather than using phone data... figuring how to kill the internet app... figuring how to properly log out... i didn't properly appreciate that android was google. oh well.
i have set up a calendar... but i think really i'll get more mileage from my wall one. i do have a bit of figuring out how much to keep my old strategies that worked well vs moving to new ones... i still think there is something important in a physical wall planner. i am surprised at how pretty my text books look on the screen, though... much nicer on the eyes... something about the oversaturated color lol.
anyway... learning chemistry. i am.
oh. i got a lab coat. it feels very odd. to everyone, i think. and safety glasses for chemistry lab. it was funny... whole bunch of people milling about till one person gets up the courage to try them on -- then a bunch of people dive in.
i really feel like a first year again. in a way i haven't felt since i really was a first year. will i be any good at this? will i find nice people in my classes? i guess it is because... i care. which is probably a good thing. the right kind of social anxiety.
went to a seminar the other week and went to dinner etc with the philosophers after. nice to be welcomed there. really very. means a lot. next two speakers... both people i know from my old instituation. the first not so much (he probably won't remember me). the second... more so lol. i need... to figure my story. my narrative. in a way that i feel comfortable... that seems okay... i don't know. lots of philosophers come from maths... i do get weird surprised / recognition of what i'm doing when i say about how i never really did math and feel that i've missed out on a lot and it seems important that i do this... i think they are cool about it, really.
i bailed on the science welcome today. listened to a bit of a welcome from the assoc. dean which was nice... some stuff on how it doesn't matter what you do so long as you excel... some nice stuff. but then lots of 'say hi to the person next to you yay you made a friend'. only of course mostly people didn't because they are hanging out in their high school gangs. and lots of high school gangs there are too... the bio-medders / medical hopefuls... 18 year olds who have had everything handed to them right down to their private schools... sigh. it's okay. uni will change them... and they are scared, too. and there isn't... any work. for anybody to be focused on the right things yet.
i went to this mature student welcome which was kinda good. i met an artist (i don't know heaps about art but his name is definately familiar). got a personal invite (card) to an opening exhibition... i'm probably too scared to go... he's starting fine arts... nice school for that here... but nice, anyway... i'll perhaps look into it some more... i think i really like his work, actually... and i met a lady (maybe 5 or 7 years older than me? maybe more?) who is starting science. i asked her more... and she was a bit dodgey... she might be doing a foundation year crossing her fingers she turns out to do well for transfer into bio-med, too... anyway... she's doing chemistry, too. and she's focused, of course... so... worst case... there are the two of us! which makes me feel a lot better about the whole thing. really, heaps. she's doing a bunch of other random stuff... stats... which got me thinking of it... but i suspect i'm better to just stick to chemistry... do really very well... extend myself into the stuff for next year... then focus on bio / physics next semester.
it is going to be okay.
Posted by alexandra_k on February 27, 2014, at 22:22:31
In reply to Re: deep breaths..., posted by alexandra_k on February 27, 2014, at 22:16:23
ah. i went to a social thing here (at the hall)... or... i lasted about 10 minutes, to be fair. i was pretty early (only about 20-30 minutes late whereas other people are trying to be really contentiously 'cool' about such things). chatted a little to a few people... basically... nothing in common.
they don't really want to talk about what they are studying. partly because most of them are just starting. they don't really know anything about it. or... they are mostly here for the social life and they don't care particularly. it isn't like asking grad students the same question... or professors... or whatever.
there is basically a generation gap. it would be worse if i were a guy, i think, but it is definately something i'm feeling now. i... i don't remember there being 'cool kids' when i was an undergrad... how did i miss that aspect? possibly not being in a hall? i don't know... didn't encounter them till the sorority chicks (that i was teaching) in the US... but there are plenty here... because here is more of a 'destination' place? perhaps... there are probably loads of them at sydney too...
anyway... someone snapped a pic. for their facebook page (an RA, i mean, for the official deal). so... i felt like i'd done my bit really. they can tag me and i did my bit. that'll probably do me all year :)
(to be fair there weren't anywhere near as many people there as i was expecting. couldn't have been more than about 15% of all residents. surely... so... basically the grads are opting out of such things).
Posted by alexandra_k on February 27, 2014, at 23:50:19
In reply to Re: deep breaths..., posted by alexandra_k on February 27, 2014, at 22:22:31
i started to forget that about mac. they are the lesser of the evils.
google wants me to be... a socialite. a teenager. it wants to give me social features and social functionality that i simply don't want / need. no, worst than that, it forces it's ideology upon me. it will not let me opt out.
i wanted my phone to be a work device. remember the days of those PA devices? that is what i wanted my phone to me. an alarm is handy. the ability to set different notifications for different incomings (people, emails, messages, etc) is handy... the ability to take text and phone notifications. to set alarms for calendar events etc etc etc etc.
i'm a minimalist. i don't want junk on it. i feel ambivalent about the whole gmail 'never junk anything ever' thing... the infinitely expanding inbox... only insofar as it takes longer and longer to trawl through all the crap that goes in the incoming. so here's a thought - lets divide things off. lets have a 'social' tab and a 'promotions' tab. no: here's a thought: the promotions are: spam. call them what they are... junk. trash. i'm capable of seeking that information if i require it. foisting it upon me unsolicited is... an invasion. sneaking it in behind the scenes (making devices run slower, junking up systems) makes me angry. i need a new device for no other reason that you introduced a whole bunch of sh*t i don't need that you will not let me opt out of that either renders what i had too slow / incapable (so it will not work) or i lose functionality (for basic tasks) by opting out.
busy busy work. and some segment of the population get richer... and my life... is made more painful by these things. not less. it isn't helpling. it is hurting. what the f*ck is up with that? so many people in the world 'helping you i am you ungrateful little bitch' NO YOU AREN'T YOU ARE MAKING THINGS WORSE
the device is already massively junked up with samsung / google products that i can't opt out of... i wish i knew enough to be able to do simple things with linux. sigh.
i'm not entirely sure what to say... i've just realised my main google email address... is... unweildy. too much spam incoming. i need to simplify. i'll start afreash. only... i've already polluted the device with providing it information about previous gmail accounts.... so it's started to do weird things... it remembered a (non gmail email) address i had years ago... when i was in the US. i didn't even remember that... holy sh*t. it is autosynching to a whole bunch of stuff i don't want / need...
mac is getting worse. perhaps its current mission is to remain the lesser of all evils.
heres's a thought: if you have a problem with google... what are going to do about it? google that? if you complain... do you think you might find a community of complainers? how? by google? i think there should be some kind of... freedom of information... that is... not the slave of advertising or... dollars to be made. i'm not entirely sure that there can be. it makes me awful sad.
i have this sense of doom about where we are headed. in the not so distant future, i mean. things really going kaboom. we put everything in the clouds and then... poof. and we're f*ck*d. all the fears we had about the millenium... seem quaint. we've only put more in the clouds... and more...
i am frightened.
it is very... big brother. it doesn't matter so long as you dno't rock the boat. but if you do rock the boat... people have the power to ... annihilate you. render you non-existent as a person. its... as simple as not giving you a working phone number / a field that is accepted in forms. if you deny that to a person do you have any idea how much that f*cks them up? what they can no longer do? and... so on... and so on...
Posted by alexandra_k on February 28, 2014, at 22:47:57
In reply to Re: lesser evil, posted by alexandra_k on February 27, 2014, at 23:50:19
or something.
perhaps that's the best way to think of it: i had a breakdown. of sorts. another one.
the last time... was during my second year at uni. i had a couple years away... i... ended up really down, actually. living in a boarding house. living in supported accommodation with mental health services. living in drug rehab. etc.
my way out... was to enroll back in uni. my first year i was just part time. getting up confidence in my switch from education / english to psychology. i managed to get a self contained space out the back of a family home and they left me to my own devices. and i worked really hard. got some part time work in the library. made some really good friends (while simultaneously having the odd adventure with my druggie mates)... and worked my way back to a hectic full time year and then tutoring and graduate work and travel for conferences etc... up to the phd scholarship...
it is like i've had another breakdown. and my time in wellington... and my time over the shore... were part of my being really down, actually. everything winding down... clothes wearing out... etc... it's a long way down.
and i've only just started to crawl my way out. my living situation is sorted. i am comfortable and happy here. i feel secure. that is a major. but of course it isn't the only thing. which is probably why i still feel... fragile. because the other things are only just starting to come right.
i have some good supports in philosophy, but i'm still developing things, really. still developing friendships. such things take time and they take me longer than most because of my reduced need for social contact. i bail on a lot of invitations and takes people time to get to know that it is just my way and it isn't personal / that i don't like them.
i have a little more money than i used to have... time will tell... some grading next semester - that will help a lot. perhaps i can teach a summer school class over the break? that would help one big f*ck*ng heap of help, that would. though... i'm probably not ready for that, yet... would be nice to set up something for over the summer...
i really do need this foundations year. i've just properly realised that a lot (not all - but the ones who are more likely to do well) are coming from the same school. so... they have solid friends going in to bio-med. so they are in a much better position with respect to getting on with the work etc. it would be terrific if i get to meet some people... more like me (returning students) doing the courses i'm doing in the foundations year...
then it means that next year a lot of things will be set into place before the year even starts. i'll have people to study with (who i know i can work well with where we have ways of working well together) and so on... i need a bit of time to get a bit more money through... recover my wardrobe / self confidence... occasional hair cuts... things like that. sort out optometry. dental. and time of course... and some confidence... labs and stuff...
this is the right thing for me.
i'm so grateful i have 2 years... that things aren't re-assessed until the end of next year. that means i really can do this year as a foundation (i really need them to just trust me for a bit and let me do the work i know i need to do - like with the math) instead of... locking me into a full time workload to prevent my loafing (as they would with the typical undergrad). etc. then if i have a good year in bio-med and i have good grades to show them they can see how their investment in my life has made a difference...
i'm calming down about my phone / google. i knew it would be a shock to get a smartphone... really getting behind the technology game... of course it is taking me a bit to catch up. and the settings are non-obvious because they have designed it to be easy to use for the standard (highly social) user. i can do various things... am sorting... it will just take time... i will adapt. i was glad to get it before classes started... i wish i got it a month or two ago... but, really, i have all year.
it is going to be okay.
i brought a brita water filter. and a loofah... really very happy. i forgot how much... doing little things like that... being able to do really very simple little self care things like that is important in feeling... human. like a human being. or a person... or something. something like that. really very. the water is drinkable now. yay. and my skin will be smoother. :)
Posted by Poet on March 2, 2014, at 12:56:19
In reply to Re: break down, posted by alexandra_k on February 28, 2014, at 22:47:57
Hi Alex,
I haven't figured out my smartphone very well, either. I can text, but can't seem to download apps. Sorry about your break down. Keep breathing and enjoying drinkable water (I have a brita filter, too and they're great) and your loofa.
Posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2014, at 23:32:38
In reply to Re: break down, posted by Poet on March 2, 2014, at 12:56:19
> I haven't figured out my smartphone very well, either. I can text, but can't seem to download apps.
from the google play store? you need to sign in with a google account (give google your gmail account info and password - which it has already got, i guess).
> Sorry about your break down.
That's okay. It happened... When my Dad died, I guess. When I was in North Carolina. Or maybe a bit before that... Just before I left... My mid-term review. Or maybe a bit after once the Sydney teaching work ran out... Or maybe a bit after when I moved back to NZ... Or when I moved out to Petone and started at Tech... Somewhere round in the midst of that I went off track. Became... Idle.
I'm on my way out, now.
It is basically just... My way of conceiving. One I'll keep to myself. I think it is helpful for me because last time I got myself moving back on the up and things got better and better... So now I'm thinking to myself just how much like last time this is. How it will be just like last time. How I'll turn out to be good at this new area of study. I'll enjoy it more than my old one. Things are on the up and up. Everything is going to be okay.
> Keep breathing and enjoying drinkable water (I have a brita filter, too and they're great) and your loofa.I will. I really am enjoying the water. Before it tasted... Chalky. A bit... Dry.. Now it tastes... Silky. The texture is different (charcoal filtering, huh). It really is a pleasure to drink. My hot drinks taste better, too. Pretty sure I'm not imagining it.
And loofa... Very important for someone who engages in a lot of hair removal and who goes to the gym a lot... Clogged pores and ingrown hairs, no more :)
Silky... Inside and out :)
The weather is getting cooler... Back to hoodies before we know it :)
Posted by alexandra_k on March 2, 2014, at 23:39:19
In reply to Re: break down, posted by Poet on March 2, 2014, at 12:56:19
... and compression tights. they turn out to be every bit as good as i remember them being. they really are graduated. so very firm around the calves, a little less firm around the lower part of your upper leg... that is what is magic about them... they make me... aware of? safe in knowing that everything is okay about? my extremities. hard to explain... it is... reassuring. in a good way. i will get some more soonish...
This is the end of the thread.
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