Shown: posts 24 to 48 of 48. Go back in thread:
Posted by Phil on December 24, 2012, at 10:46:16
In reply to Re: Our national anthem is a war song! » Phil, posted by sigismund on December 23, 2012, at 17:22:12
Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
Posted by Phil on December 24, 2012, at 11:29:51
In reply to Re: Our national anthem is a war song! » sigismund, posted by Phil on December 24, 2012, at 10:46:16
Welcome to America, the home of the gun.
Posted by LostBoyinNC43 on December 24, 2012, at 12:28:25
In reply to The NRA, posted by Phil on December 22, 2012, at 17:00:34
I am an long-time NRA member. I support the NRA. I also support forced medicating of the severely mentally ill. I am also mentally ill myself, see a psychiatrist, take medications voluntarily. I have never been involuntarily committed nor have I ever had to deal with being force medicated. But I support the idea in severe cases of psychosis and bipolar and severe mood disorders.
Target shooting, hunting and reloading ammunition are very therapeutic for mental illness, btw. I am deer hunting as I type this. It has helped me greatly. If I heard voices or was involuntarily committed, I'd turn in my guns keeping my own safety in mind and give up my hobby. Until then, I will keep on keepin on.
Tell you another thing. Getting outdoors and doing some target shooting, doing some hunting or doing some reloading is a lot healthier and a lot better than sitting on your butt, posting endless drivel on mental illness forums.
Even if you are not 100% and most of you are not, forcing yourself to get off your duff, getting some exercise and doing something, doing ANYTHING, will help you. Posting on the Internet all day wont help your mental illness at all.
Eric AKA "LostBoyinNC"
Posted by LostBoyinNC43 on December 24, 2012, at 12:36:54
In reply to The NRA, posted by Phil on December 22, 2012, at 17:00:34
I can tell you this from personal experience, offline experience. The leftist, liberal stereotype of the average NRA member as being a r*dn*ck who drives a pickup truck and lives in a trailer is far from true. Many if not most of these NRA members are solidly middle class, many are upper middle class. Guns is a money sport. You have to have money to target shoot, to hunt on a regular basis, to collect guns.
Im around gun culture people regularly and I can tell you, many of them want us re-institutionalized. Many of these people want to go back to the days of the sixties and seventies when the chronically mentally ill were in state mental institutions long term. And these NRA people have the kind of money and political clout to possibly get it pushed through, politically.
Sad thing is, I hate to say, after being involved with psychiatry since late 97, I just about agree with them. So many people with severe mental illness live such awful lives left to their own. If there were medications that ACTUALLY WORKED as good as the drug companies claimed, it might be different. But unless they bring back ECT on a major scale and make ECT much more accessible and psychiatry opens it mind more and becomes more open to things like sleep medicine being adjunctive to psychopharmacology, I dont see things getting any better anytime soon.
Eric AKA "LostBoyinNC"
Posted by LostBoyinNC43 on December 24, 2012, at 12:42:15
In reply to Re: The NRA, posted by jono_in_adelaide on December 22, 2012, at 17:00:36
Adeleide, Australia is not America. America has private ownership of firearms built into its most basic and highest law of the land. The United States Constitution. Guns will never be banned here, despite what the anti-gunners claim.
What happened in Australia is irrelevant to the USA. This is the land of the free, the home of the brave. Guns are great and lots of crazy people have guns here. Thats the way it is and nothing is going to change it.
Eric AKA "LostBoyinNC"
> In Australia back in 2006, a mentaly deranged man enacted one of the worlds worst mass shootings at a small tourist town called Port Arthur.
> In the aftermath, our (conservative, right wing) federal government passed laws that
> *restricted assult rifles to the defence force and special police units. No more were allowed to be sold, and existing weapons were brought back by the government and destroyed
> *persons wanting a firearm had to prove legitimate need (ie, farmer, hunter etc)
> *target shooters could have ahdn guns, but they had to be stored in a gun safe at the gun club, they couldnt be taken home
> *a person wanting a firearms licence had to be assessed by the police, producre references as to his good character, and there was a 28 day waiting period
> The Prime Minister got a lot of flack from the far right, but he pusehd the laws through.
> Since then, there hasnt been a mass shooting in Australia (we had had quite a few previously), also, gun related violence and suicides among young men have dropped dramaticly
> I know America isnt Australia, but change can be effected if the will is there.
Posted by LostBoyinNC43 on December 24, 2012, at 12:57:58
In reply to Re: The NRA, posted by sleepygirl2 on December 22, 2012, at 22:06:10
Yes, I do. I have an AR-15 rifle and I take Zoloft and see a psychiatrist. I also have other rifles. I have no ideas about homicide or suicide or violence and use my AR-15 for target shooting and "just to have." It is my Constitutional right to buy and own one. Nobody will take it away from me.I know several deer hunters who take SSRIs. Many veterans who participate regularly in high power rifle competition shooting are simultaneously going thru psychiatric treatment for PTSD and/or TBI. They are peaceful as they can be and Ive been on firing ranges where probably half the guys there are ex military or ex or active duty law enforcement who have been diagnosed with something.
Yet they keep on truckin on...
> Do you have to have a gun straight out of say Rambo or the A-team in order to protect yourself from home intruders (if that is your concern).
Posted by Phil on December 24, 2012, at 13:03:00
In reply to Re: The NRA is awesome, posted by LostBoyinNC43 on December 24, 2012, at 12:28:25
Your true colors are shining through.
Posted by Phil on December 24, 2012, at 13:11:46
In reply to Re: The NRA, posted by LostBoyinNC43 on December 24, 2012, at 12:57:58
I have 2 guns and my friend of 33 years is a deputy sheriff and owns 35 guns including two AK47's and is NRA for over 40 years. I had him hold my guns when my DX changed to bipolar. If you pulled your head out of your a ss you might be a better shot.
Quit assuming that because I'm frustrated with shootings it's my only side. I grew up in south Texas and I've been around guns and hunters my whole life.
Weren't you a prick here the first time you slithered under the door?
I try to help you with a link that might help you learn and you scream at me. What's the frequency Kenneth?
Posted by Phil on December 24, 2012, at 13:16:12
In reply to Re: The NRA » LostBoyinNC43, posted by Phil on December 24, 2012, at 13:11:46
the very first post I found when I searched was Cam, the best of the best, spelling out to you exactly what I'm saying.
Posted by Phil on December 24, 2012, at 13:19:25
In reply to Re: The NRA, posted by LostBoyinNC43 on December 24, 2012, at 12:57:58
I'm sure I can find hundreds of these exchanges with you.
Posted by sigismund on December 24, 2012, at 14:00:49
In reply to Re: Our national anthem is a war song! » sigismund, posted by Phil on December 24, 2012, at 10:46:16
It's not a civil war song/hymn'anthem?
I was struck in Peru by this: If you airlifted out all the tourists you are left with a mixed race indigenous population who do everything, pretty much. Their people survived because there was no mass immigration following invasion, so unlike Australia (to which I will restrict my remarks) :)
Posted by LostBoyinNC43 on December 24, 2012, at 14:15:49
In reply to Re: The NRA » LostBoyinNC43, posted by Phil on December 24, 2012, at 13:11:46
I can definitely see why you are diagnosed bipolar and I bet your psychiatrist loves you <sarcasm>.
Eric AKA "LostBoyinNC
> Weren't you a prick here the first time you slithered under the door?
> I try to help you with a link that might help you learn and you scream at me. What's the frequency Kenneth?
Posted by LostBoyinNC43 on December 24, 2012, at 14:19:37
In reply to Re: The NRA » LostBoyinNC43, posted by Phil on December 24, 2012, at 13:19:25
Im sure you can too and I could care less. What is your point, btw? Perhaps you need a sleep study, after I got on CPAP I got much much better.
Please do whatever it is you feel you need to do, pull as many decade old posts of mine and repost them. If that is not the true definition of a mental incompetent who has nothing better to do with so much time on your hands, I dont know what would be a better definition.
Whatever floats your boat.
> I'm sure I can find hundreds of these exchanges with you.
Posted by Phil on December 24, 2012, at 16:05:26
In reply to Re: Our national anthem is a war song! » Phil, posted by sigismund on December 24, 2012, at 14:00:49
I've been rapid cycling the last three days. I'm filled with grief today and I am definitely not my usual self. I had no intentions of hurting anyone but I have a hair trigger. Please know that I suffer too and sometimes the worst of me does the talking. Especially when needlessly provoked by one who does it.
I wasn't all wrong or all right, I'm a human being with faults. But it takes two to tango and with this disease, some days I'll blow off being yelled at and another day you will see my bad side.
I agree with many things the NRA said. In fact I said the same thing. You have kids and at night you hear a window break. What will you do, grab a broom?
I told my friend two days ago that I thought I was ready to have my guns back, I felt great. Today I called him and asked him to hold them a bit longer. I've attempted suicide in the past. With a gun I wouldn't be here right now. Not the guns fault.
I live in a dump of a house with a great neighborhood around me with virtually no crime. No one would come here with all the homes around but I'd still like my .38. My brother just bought a Baretta .40 cal. A beautifully awesome gun. My apt is practically invisible from the street and there are probably 10:1 odds I'd use it on myself before anyone came here.
My friend was a deputy sheriff for 17 years and he's light years smarter than me. He estimates that there are 3 million right wing extremists just praying for the government to mis-step. They would lose and those are the kinds of people that worry me.
He hated Obama so much that he told me he was scaring people when he went off on him. I got tired of it because it was policy but also racial. I asked him one night...If you could get a shot and get away with it would you kill him? Yep. I said you realize that he has a family don't you?
The guns don't bother me as much as the r*dn*ck anger that wants to kill and they wanted to kill him when he was elected. I'm worried for this country because churches will be next. Just watch.
One gun shop owner posted a sign on his door, if you voted for Obama we don't want your business. The reporter said, but has he restricted guns? Uh no, but he will. B*llsh*t. He's doing this now because he has no choice because this country, right or wrong is sick of losing their children and an armed guard can't necessarily stop it. The two armed guards at Columbine didn't.
We shouldn't worry, Obama will be assassinated and it won't be a bad guy, it will be a r*dn*ck good guy. That has nothing to do with guns, it's pure hatred.
That's all I've got to say. No mas.
Posted by Phillipa on December 24, 2012, at 20:10:26
In reply to To all here including lost boy, posted by Phil on December 24, 2012, at 16:05:26
Phil I'm sorry:(
Posted by Phil on December 24, 2012, at 21:47:05
In reply to Re: To all here including lost boy » Phil, posted by Phillipa on December 24, 2012, at 20:10:26
I would say there's a 99.9% chance I wouldn't do that but why tempt fate when bipolar can be so weird.
Posted by Jay_Original1 on December 29, 2012, at 19:13:01
In reply to Happy Birthday Jay!! (nm), posted by sleepygirl2 on December 23, 2012, at 13:34:37
Thank you very kindly SG2. I know I am a week or so late, but...having a very, very rough time with my Mom's stroke and it's hard to stay above water. I do indeed thank you.
Looking for a vessel called Hope....
Posted by Jay_Original1 on December 29, 2012, at 19:59:35
In reply to Re: The NRA » LostBoyinNC43, posted by Phil on December 24, 2012, at 13:11:46
Please tell me...what the F*** does someone need AK-47`s for...seriously, such owners must be paranoid wackos (I am a peaceful Wacko..thank you..)...THERE is no damn use for any automatic or semi-automatic weapons in a civilized nation!
> I have 2 guns and my friend of 33 years is a deputy sheriff and owns 35 guns including two AK47's and is NRA for over 40 years. I had him hold my guns when my DX changed to bipolar. If you pulled your head out of your a ss you might be a better shot.
> Quit assuming that because I'm frustrated with shootings it's my only side. I grew up in south Texas and I've been around guns and hunters my whole life.
> Weren't you a prick here the first time you slithered under the door?
> I try to help you with a link that might help you learn and you scream at me. What's the frequency Kenneth?
Posted by herpills on December 31, 2012, at 8:04:35
In reply to Re: The NRA is awesome, posted by LostBoyinNC43 on December 24, 2012, at 12:28:25
> Target shooting, hunting and reloading ammunition are very therapeutic for mental illness, btw. I am deer hunting as I type this. It has helped me greatly. If I heard voices or was involuntarily committed, I'd turn in my guns keeping my own safety in mind and give up my hobby. Until then, I will keep on keepin on.
> Eric AKA "LostBoyinNC"What if the voices told you not to turn your guns in? Would you be able to keep the safety of others in mind as well?
Posted by LostBoyinNC43 on January 2, 2013, at 20:35:55
In reply to Re: The NRA is awesome » LostBoyinNC43, posted by herpills on December 31, 2012, at 8:04:35
I dont hear voices, never have.
Guns are awesome, guns are part of American culture. Getting rid of guns in America would be like uncooking your dinner. It aint gonna happen.
BTW, I know of a rehab program for returning veterans that revolves around rifle marksmanship training and competition. Many of the participants have TBI and PTSD and major depression and take medications.
Different strokes for different folks...
> What if the voices told you not to turn your guns in? Would you be able to keep the safety of others in mind as well?
Posted by LostBoyinNC43 on January 2, 2013, at 20:38:40
In reply to AK-47`huh » Phil, posted by Jay_Original1 on December 29, 2012, at 19:59:35
> Please tell me...what the F*** does someone need AK-47`s for...seriously, such owners must be paranoid wackos (I am a peaceful Wacko..thank you..)...THERE is no damn use for any automatic or semi-automatic weapons in a civilized nation!
> -Jay
Jay, did you know that hunting and reloading ammunition and being outside on a rifle range can be VERY therapeutic???? AK-47s are durable rifles and while not used in formal competition in America, our right to buy one and own one is one of the things that makes America a free country. Working on guns is like working on cars...relaxing and therapeutic.
Posted by Willful on January 4, 2013, at 16:36:13
In reply to Re: AK-47`huh, posted by LostBoyinNC43 on January 2, 2013, at 20:38:40
I would think your posts were a parody of some sort, although not a very thoughtful one, if I hadn't read some of your other hurtful posts on this website.
I assume you are doing this to upset people and I really advise you, for your own peace of mind, to work on why you need to do that. Has it ever occurred to you that this hurts you more than anyone else?
I'm sorry to say that you picked your name well. I truly hope you find your way eventually.
Posted by Dr. Bob on January 9, 2013, at 21:53:49
In reply to Re: NRA members have $$$$$$$, posted by LostBoyinNC43 on December 24, 2012, at 12:36:54
> Looks like his sole purpose was to redirect my post to a place that no one will see it then left.
> Doesn't hurt my feelings but it would be nice to have some consistency in moderation.
> I guess it would be nice if Santa was real but that ain't happening either.
> Merry Christmas P.Foiled, other people saw it anyway! I agree, more consistency in moderation would be nice. I'm real, at least. Merry Christmas, belatedly, to you, too.
> I am an long-time NRA member. I support the NRA. I also support forced medicating of the severely mentally ill. I am also mentally ill myself, see a psychiatrist, take medications voluntarily.
> Target shooting, hunting and reloading ammunition are very therapeutic for mental illness, btw. I am deer hunting as I type this. It has helped me greatly. If I heard voices or was involuntarily committed, I'd turn in my guns keeping my own safety in mind and give up my hobby. Until then, I will keep on keepin on.
> Eric AKA "LostBoyinNC"> I can tell you this from personal experience, offline experience. The leftist, liberal stereotype of the average NRA member as being a r*dn*ck who drives a pickup truck and lives in a trailer is far from true. Many if not most of these NRA members are solidly middle class, many are upper middle class. Guns is a money sport. You have to have money to target shoot, to hunt on a regular basis, to collect guns.
> Im around gun culture people regularly and I can tell you, many of them want us re-institutionalized. Many of these people want to go back to the days of the sixties and seventies when the chronically mentally ill were in state mental institutions long term. And these NRA people have the kind of money and political clout to possibly get it pushed through, politically.
> Sad thing is, I hate to say, after being involved with psychiatry since late 97, I just about agree with them. So many people with severe mental illness live such awful lives left to their own. If there were medications that ACTUALLY WORKED as good as the drug companies claimed, it might be different.
> Eric AKA "LostBoyinNC"> I agree with many things the NRA said. In fact I said the same thing. You have kids and at night you hear a window break. What will you do, grab a broom?
> I told my friend two days ago that I thought I was ready to have my guns back, I felt great. Today I called him and asked him to hold them a bit longer. I've attempted suicide in the past. With a gun I wouldn't be here right now. Not the guns fault.
> PhilI'm glad different sides of this issue are represented here. I'm glad we don't have to resort to stereotypes because the mentally ill and NRA members are both represented here, too. I'm glad the different sides agree on some things (there are times when people should give up their guns). I bet they also agree it would be nice if medications worked better.
Posted by fayeroe on January 20, 2013, at 22:08:21
In reply to Re: The NRA, posted by LostBoyinNC43 on December 24, 2012, at 14:15:49
As one who remembers you, prick is too nice a word for you.
Keep your filthy opinions to yourself and lay off Phil. The day will never come when you are good enough to even post to him."I can definitely see why you are diagnosed bipolar and I bet your psychiatrist loves you"
<sarcasm>.I am bipolar also and I can see that you are deeply concerned about the mental health issues of other posters. F**k off, loser.
Posted by Dr. Bob on January 28, 2013, at 1:10:40
In reply to Re: The NRA » LostBoyinNC43, posted by fayeroe on January 20, 2013, at 22:08:21
> I can see that you are deeply concerned about the mental health issues of other posters.
And you seem deeply concerned about Eric's mental health. Two wrongs don't make a right.
I guess in a way my job here is gun control.
This is the end of the thread.
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Script revised: February 4, 2008
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