Shown: posts 1 to 12 of 12. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by corafree on July 25, 2006, at 0:14:42
I thought it was about time I take a look at the preparation instructions.
In cursive writing it said, do not take the following medications listed on the back of this sheet 10-14 days before your colonoscopy.
I turned the page over and almost s*it my pants! teehee I can't think of any medication that isn't listed here. Yikes! There is more than just one medication that I'm on! Are they afraid I'll fa*t or have a bu*t attack on the table?
And, I'm supposed to purchase 3oz Fleets Phospho-Soda. Sanity is slowly slipping away, down and away.
It's day 4. Will there even be a day 3?
Posted by llrrrpp on July 25, 2006, at 9:07:45
In reply to COLONOSCOPY PREP'AIR'ATION COUNTDOWN, posted by corafree on July 25, 2006, at 0:14:42
do they give you any medication during a colonoscopy? Maybe the drugs are listed there because they're known to have an interaction? You might want to call your doctor just to make sure. I wouldn't want you to have anything more serious than a f*rt attack during your procedure!-ll
Posted by corafree on July 25, 2006, at 11:22:01
In reply to Re: COLONOSCOPY PREP'AIR'ATION COUNTDOWN » corafree, posted by llrrrpp on July 25, 2006, at 9:07:45
Hi L. I just woke up.
Soma is on the list. I've been on it for about a month now for sleep, and it helps w/ muscle relaxation. I've found that taking it instead of an AD (like trazodone) w/ sleep-inducing properties increased my overall sense of well-being. In fact, I'd made minor mention of feeling depression remission. Anyway, I didn't take it last night. Instead 'have some extra' Valium, so took two of those.
Percodan is on the list. I'm on 10/650mg 3x a day maintenance! Cervical discs 3-4, 4-5, 5-6 extruded. Maybe I've already said this, but I've been on narcotic maintenance for under 10yrs .. prob' 6yrs would be correct.
What do you all think? Do you think you can 'cold turkey' a narcotic?
Last time an MRI was read .. I was still 'not' a surgical candidate. They are waiting for it to get worse.(?)
The ACPA is working to show that 95% of people on narcotic pain mgt are not addicted.(?)
A little over a wk ago I tried to begin cutting back on my own.
I experienced 'ginormous' IBS reaction. I'd eat something, then spend the next two hours in excruciating abdominal pain until what I ate left my body! It wasn't even dairy!
My emotions became, well, somewhat like one's emotions when try to quit smoking ... 'someone you'd best stay far away from'! I felt 'any' emotion to the extreme!
Pain started to come back full force from my mid back straight up to the top of my head where it explodes like a migraine, and then goes across my shoulders and down both arms.
Oh ... think I goofed in saying 'local' anesthetic. (A butt shot?) Phillipa told me what they use for a colonoscopy, something(?) and Versed. Just yesterday I called the butt doc's office to tell them I want 'the max sedation', but she didn't tell me what it would be. I was going to check w/ Phillipa today and see what it is they give you exactly.
Of course doc's office not open yet.
Thing is, I've already (unknowingly) broken the rules, w/ Percocet, Soma.
I just looked at the word 'Check In' on my preparation paperwork and at first glance I thought it said 'Crack In' ... LOL!
I've been taking fish oil, magnesium, calcium. Don't believe these fall under the herb category.
The 'do not take for 2wks list' contains vit-E (I hope there isn't vitamin E in fish oil!), St. John's Wart, herbal supplements, lots of pain meds, Indocin, Vioxx & Celebrex and the like, all products w/ ibuprofen, all products w/ aspirin, and naproxen sodium or Aleve. There aren't any ADs or benzos on it.
Maybe people on chronic pain management follow a different protocal than this?! Why didn't this doctor make issue of this. My list of meds was right there for him to see!
I don't know for sure how I feel about narcotic dependence ... whether it is an addiction or not, but it sure felt like 'withdrawal' when I tried cutting back. I've already been down all pain mgt avenues you may think of in effort to not need the narcotic. I can't 'go there' now.
Physically, I need a procedure, but it could throw me into 'a mental meltdown'!
I'm already 'freaking out' and I'm on Valium 10mg 3x a day!
Does anyone think this bears 'detox inpatient' to prepare for, in my situation?
This could be dangerous. I know people on Oxycontin @ high dosages. What do they do to prepare for a colonoscopy?
I know none of you will say, "You've got to learn to handle the pain!" (Please?) I can't get through this. RU sick of me yet? (I heard that!)
This is 'SO' my luck!
Oh, I can drink coffee (Yippee!) and I'm gettin' it now!
love, cf
Posted by Phillipa on July 25, 2006, at 12:13:36
In reply to Re: COLONOSCOPY PREP'AIR'ATION COUNTDOWN » llrrrpp, posted by corafree on July 25, 2006, at 11:22:01
Okay here's what my instuctions were. Nothing to eat or drink after midnight. Bring daily meds with me but I did take my sythroid with a sip of water. Then go check in at the outpt surgery center. There shouldn't be a lot of paperwork except signing the consent form. Then change into a gown and they will start an IV. Slow drip. Then when on the actual table the nurse will do the vitals stuff and probably hook you up to a monitor for cardiac and blood pressure. Then the doctor tells them what meds and the amt. I was given Demerol l00mg IV with 4mgIV versed. I didn't believe he'd done a colonoscopy . No pain at all. I keep saying to him you really only did a sigmoidoscopy I know you did as once before I had a colonoscopy and the pain was horrific. You need someone to drive you there and home cause of the narcotics. That's probably why they say no narcotics. Yes call the doc and let him know what you take as you don't want to be oversedated and have a reaction. I'm sure you're not the only one in that position. I'd imagine he would cut down on the meds he gives you. Just a guess. Love Phillipa ps when I got home I konked out on the sofa face first for four hours till the meds wore off. Oh I also had to drink citrate of magnesium the night before to clean out the colon. Just make sure you do it early I think they tell you what time to start drinking it. It doesn't taste bad and I drank it all at once. didn't want to be up all night. Love Phillipa
Posted by james K on July 25, 2006, at 14:46:03
In reply to COLONOSCOPY PREP'AIR'ATION COUNTDOWN, posted by corafree on July 25, 2006, at 0:14:42
I have ulcerative colitis, so I unfortunately know some about this issue. Some of the med restrictions have to do with bleeding. Like aspirin or other nsaids. They don't want you to bleed out if they poke you, or take biopsies or remove polyps. (this should happen).
They will give you some degree of pain med and a hypnotic. If you are already on these meds, the dose wont be noticable to you, plus they could accidently overdose you. My last one, because I was on long-term klonopin at the time, my gastero went ahead and used an anesthisiologist to put me all the way out. This saved me some of the weirdness of the procedure, but I didn't get to look at the tv screen and see, and I missed the cocktail, the most fun you can have in a hospital.
A colonoscopy can be done without any meds, but the meds help with pain if you are tense or have internal problems. More importantly to me, the meds make me not mind being naked and having people mess around down there.
I see no reason to detox, just make sure the doc completely understands what you take and that your pain and safety are going to be taken into account.
I hope any of this helps.
James K
Posted by corafree on July 25, 2006, at 16:40:29
In reply to Re: COLONOSCOPY PREP'AIR'ATION COUNTDOWN » corafree, posted by Phillipa on July 25, 2006, at 12:13:36
No fair! Way no fair!
I had to begin starving myself this morning @ 12a and don't have the colo until Thurs @ 10a! My daughter will have to drag my lifeless body out of here.
I have to drink mag citrate (One of three bottles I get to enjoy today and tomorrow!?) well right about now, and then tonight before bed, take "4"(?) Dulcolax! (Four of the SIX I get to enjoy today and tomorrow!?)
I just got back from the store w/ supplies, but now it occurs to me, I might need ... I can't say it ... Can you unscramble AREDPIS? ... because, what if I STBWD?! :0
Tomorrow will be more mag citrate, 2 more Dulcolax, and also some Phospho-soda! :(
How did you get off so EZ Phillipa?
I've planned quickest way from bed to toilet. Get out of bed, turn around and run backwards towards the toilet seat!
I'm laughing and crying, but basically, 'I'm one angry white woman'!
About calling the doc; maybe the less you know the better. (You could be charged with conspirity to commit spontaneous human combustion!)
I don't care for his bedside manner even a little bit ... if ya' know what I mean. He won't say, "Oh if that's how your friend did it, we'll do it that way too!" You know he won't! He doesn't know my butt from a crack in the wall! He looked and talked 'down' at/to me, when he saw that I was on legal pain and anxiety medication.
cf :#B=
Posted by corafree on July 25, 2006, at 19:59:19
In reply to Re: COLONOSCOPY PREP'AIR'ATION COUNTDOWN » corafree, posted by james K on July 25, 2006, at 14:46:03
<I have ulcerative colitis, so I unfortunately know some about this issue. Some of the med restrictions have to do with bleeding. Like aspirin or other nsaids. They don't want you to bleed out if they poke you, or take biopsies or remove polyps. (this should happen).>
Sorry. Hmmm ... I'm on an NSAID (Voltaren) and that isn't even on the list. I didn't know they could take anything or remove anything w/o my consent. I thought this was just a 'look see'. Silly me ... yeah, I guess I'd like them to get any bad stuff out. Don't want to go through this again.
<They will give you some degree of pain med and a hypnotic. If you are already on these meds, the dose wont be noticable to you, plus they could accidently overdose you. My last one, because I was on long-term klonopin at the time, my gastero went ahead and used an anesthisiologist to put me all the way out. This saved me some of the weirdness of the procedure, but I didn't get to look at the tv screen and see, and I missed the cocktail, the most fun you can have in a hospital.>
Did you have to stop Klonopin prior to the colo? I know you can't 'just stop' Klonopin!!!
<I see no reason to detox, just make sure the doc completely understands what you take and that your pain and safety are going to be taken into account.>He isn't concerned w/ my pain. He was just concerned that I was taking a narcotic. He gave me a 'talking to', saying, "I wouldn't give you one. Doctors are losing their licenses for prescribing narcotics!" He went on to say he would prescribe an anti-spasmodic, but 'wouldn't' because I'm on Valium and that should work like an anti-spasmodic.(?)
Nope, he didn't bother to ask why I was on the narcotic or for a copy of my MRI reports or anything.
If he/they were to push my head in a certain direction, he would cause complete break-through pain, or worse.
I will be sure that my daughter tells him prior to the surgery. I'm glad you brought this up. In fact, I should copies of all my MRI reports and have them put on 'his' chart.
Why am I, the patient, always doing all the work? It's the same w/ my PCP. Feel like a numbbutt.
Tks, cf
Posted by Phillipa on July 25, 2006, at 20:10:32
In reply to Re: COLONOSCOPY PREP DAY 3 COUNTING » Phillipa, posted by corafree on July 25, 2006, at 16:40:29
I'm having trouble believing all this not doubting you cora and James is right about the bleeding . And if there are polps they will remove them and biopsy them. Just to be on the safe side. I never heard of going without eating or drinking for a simple test like a colonoscopy. And James you're right it's fun to watch it on the Screen. You see all your insides something you can't do on a daily basis. Love Phillipa
Posted by corafree on July 25, 2006, at 20:36:58
In reply to Re: COLONOSCOPY PREP DAY 3 COUNTING » corafree, posted by Phillipa on July 25, 2006, at 20:10:32
My friend Phillipa, I'm looking at the form. It's as follows:
2 - 10 oz mag citrate
1 - 3oz phospho-soda
6 Dulcolax tabsToday
Two days before your colo
clear liquid diet upon awakening
4p mag citrate
6p mag citrate
8p 4 DulcolaxWednesday
One day before colo
follow clear liquid diet from day before
4p 1-1/2oz phospho-soda w/ Sprite
8p 2 Dulcolax
10p 1-1/2oz phospho-soda w/ SpriteThurday 7/27
No drink 6hrs prior check in
May take BP/seizure meds
Check-in time 10:00aThat's it.
OMG ;[ My face is stuck in a permanent frown.
Posted by corafree on July 25, 2006, at 20:54:42
In reply to Re: COLO PREP DAY 3 COUNTDOWN, posted by corafree on July 25, 2006, at 20:36:58
It feels like I'm going to be really nauseated if I drink another mag citrate now. I can have jello, so I've got two little 'red'(?) ones here. Better call my daughter and see if she can bring me more jello and some beef broth, and a lot of sympathy and ask her if I can 'yell at her and stuff' (just kidding)
This is horributt!
Posted by Phillipa on July 25, 2006, at 21:16:24
In reply to Re: COLO PREP DAY 3 COUNTDOWN » corafree, posted by corafree on July 25, 2006, at 20:54:42
Corafree oh you're on a clear liquid diet that's okay. But no red jello. Could be thought to be blood. If it says just liquids you can drink anything that's not red. Probably sneed some yogurt in there too. Today. Love Phillipa
Posted by Phillipa on July 25, 2006, at 21:36:02
In reply to Re: COLO PREP DAY 3 COUNTDOWN » corafree, posted by corafree on July 25, 2006, at 20:54:42
Corafree just remembered something I'll have to e-mail it to you too personal . Sorry to others. Love Phillipa
This is the end of the thread.
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