Shown: posts 1 to 15 of 15. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by spoc on May 17, 2004, at 9:51:40
....hee hee, sorry, I *sorta* made that up. But seriously, really, KK and Dinah *have* both given me reason to believe (when asked, in the latter case; when NOT asked in the former case..) that there can be A LOT in a name. Visuals are all we have! (Well, sometimes our actual posts have something to do with it too I guess... But with a name like "Spoc," I figure I look like some irritating, buzzing insect you should just swat...)
I chose it hastily and not based on anything interesting, when I was in a hurry to get in and put someone down and accuse them... But I want and need a cute, funny or meaningful name instead. I'm thinking about changing it sometime fairly soon. So my question is:
-- If you were me and had a name like Spoc going, would you change it? Because on the other hand, losing your identity (if you still want it for some reason) can be so sceeeeery!
-- And optionally: what does "Spoc" bring to mind to you as it is? I can take it.
Here's what I think:
Aside from the irritating insect possibility, first, let me say that it actually has nothing to do with THAT Spoc*K*, or being a Trekkie (calm down; NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT! I'd probably like it if I tried it!). I mean, what, did y'all think I was short on "K"s that day or something?? (KK has one too many so she offered me one, but I don't know where it's been, so I turned it down...) Anyway, to me, "Spoc" is starting to bring to mind something like a genderless cross between a spore and a pock mark and of course, a Vulcan....
Would YOU be satisfied with looking like that??? DO I look like that?? (Now, note I didn't ASK if I ACT like that)...?? ;- )
Posted by kid47 on May 17, 2004, at 10:33:58
In reply to HELP!! Name change? Poll endorsed by KK 'n Dinah!!, posted by spoc on May 17, 2004, at 9:51:40
It does bring to mind an image of cool calculation and guarded interaction. But my guess would be that this is a polarized contrast to what the "real" spoc is actually like. Hmmm...lets see. How about
Obi One or perhaps Gandhi or maybe Al Capone....oh I know...Mother Teresa. Ya think that might illicit some preconceived notions about the type of person you are in real life....or possibly some zealot might hunt you down. Either way it could be quite interesting. I don't know if you are looking for suggestions for screen names...but I will certainly give this my almost undevided attention. Have a wonderful day and a most excellent week.Peace
Posted by Dinah on May 17, 2004, at 10:42:07
In reply to HELP!! Name change? Poll endorsed by KK 'n Dinah!!, posted by spoc on May 17, 2004, at 9:51:40
It's a highly individual decision, based on your own assessment of who you are and how you'd like to be perceived.
I think the suggestion that rainyday change her name to partlycloudy was great. And I'm trying to convince Lonelygirl to change her name to GirlwithlotsofBabblefriends, although that is admittedly a bit cumbersome in length.
But a whole new name change? Hmmmm.... What did you always wish your parents had named you? Do you have any hobbies?
Posted by karen_kay on May 17, 2004, at 11:21:30
In reply to HELP!! Name change? Poll endorsed by KK 'n Dinah!!, posted by spoc on May 17, 2004, at 9:51:40
what about *$&%& or *&$(%* *%^$*# ???? how do those sound spoc? do you like those names? (oh, sometimes i even laugh at myself. i can be very witty you know. and like you didn't step right into that insult!)
but i don't think mr bob would allow such names. i have to admit, i often times forget how very attractive you are, based on your boring name of spoc. i sometimes see you as having those funny ears and spouting off about warp speed. (and even though you claim it's spelled with a k, i really don't know. i'm not a trekkie and it sounds the same.)
i'm completely uncreative and just used my real name. i don't really have much to hide, nor do i think anyone would be interested enough to try and find information out about me. and besides, if they were so interested, they could just ask. i'd be willing to tell all, i'm not too shy really. and i've always thought a stalker would be fun :)
so, perhaps you could be brave and use your real name? or maybe you could go by kim since you look like her? or you could stick with spoc, so that everyone can constantly forget how good looking you are in real life and instead see you as a robot? (and to think i've been talking to a robot..... yuck!) just don't try anything funny and change your name to karen_kay2. that wouldn't be funny, and everyone already knows you want to be jsut like me anyway..
Posted by NikkiT2 on May 17, 2004, at 11:58:29
In reply to HELP!! Name change? Poll endorsed by KK 'n Dinah!!, posted by spoc on May 17, 2004, at 9:51:40
You see, I spent so long coming up with a cool original name (see, I added a number two to my real name *giggles* - OK, So I was NikkiT, but way back in the mists of time I couldn't log in due a problem, so I registered NikkiT2, and even though DrB got my NikkiT working again, for some reason I've not quite worked out, I decided to stick with the 2 *laughing*) that I'm fresh out of ideas!
Any movie characters that you really identify with?? Characters in books, TV series (my other online chat names.. one which I started using 7 years ago is from an XFiles episode, and the other a loose Lord of the Rings connection.. the character is mentioned, but is not IN the book.. hmmm... maybe it is time for me to change my name here to something more interesting!)
OK.. rambling away.. sorry about that *lol*
Nikki x
Posted by spoc on May 17, 2004, at 12:55:50
In reply to Re: HELP!! Name change? Poll endorsed by KK 'n Dinah!! » spoc, posted by Dinah on May 17, 2004, at 10:42:07
> It's a highly individual decision, based on your own assessment of who you are and how you'd like to be perceived. >
<<<<<< Oh, I'm *positive* I *want* to change it; I never did "like" it. It wasn't a meaningful choice, just a spoc-like logical one (if that barely obscured point is hitting its mark yet!!). I really didn't realize I'd end up hanging around [tee hee, you guys are my "first..." This is the first board I've ever posted on for more than some isolated matter(s). So yes, the five pounds are *YOUR* fault!]. And, does this really surprise anyone, I DO have some names in mind (i.e., I'm leaning towards BountyOnKKsHead at the moment).
So it's more about whether I should now just grin and bear "spoc" -- you know, just like the rest of you do. Even though I don't like it at all for these purposes. Because to some extent I'll be a stranger again when I start over (let it go, it's too easy. Just like I keep telling Kid about KK). For example, I lost my sense of humor at 10:58 AM this morning; so anyone meeting that new me wouldn't have any way of knowing I ever had one. AND!! I am...
PROCLAIMING THE LIKELY EVENTUAL CHANGE FROM THE ROOFTOPS IN ADVANCE (HI!!!), if/when I do it, it won't look like anything mysterious is going on. And what complicates things a bit is that I may start disappearing for various intervals (yeah yeah you've heard it all before), so I might be relatively gone for awhile and then come back under another name! Of course I'd post it on Admin, and maybe an (NM) thread on each board (or maybe stop flattering myself that it even matters!)?
So. Declaration/warning; thinking out loud and welcoming opinions; AND! Also thinking that possibly, if people told me that my current name sounds hands-down like either SPOCK Spock (what about the missing "K," people, geez, I thought that would save me), OR something really creepy, gross or with tentacles, I might not procrastinate so long! A decision like this could send someone like me into a holding pattern forever, possibly ending in a breakdown and never being seen again! So here's your chance, insult me (gently)! KK's preceding input was well-received, under this limited-time-only offer. ;- )
Posted by karen_kay on May 17, 2004, at 13:35:13
In reply to Re: COMING CLEAN, posted by spoc on May 17, 2004, at 12:55:50
if anything can drag me away from law and order i swear i can only think of a few things. but, not you spoc. oh, and my dog's a robot, did i mention that?
if you change your name, then how can i justify talking to my biggest fear, a ROBOT? how could i ever get over my fear of robots? and how would i ever pick you out of the crowd again? i'd likely confuse your style with that of myself and start talking to myself once again. although that's fun, it only leads to more medication that i refuse to take and then my pdoc yells at me for being 'concompliant'.
i must say spoc, i'm rather flattered that you think so highly of me. i know you don't admit it, but i can read between the lines. you can hardely write without mentioning me. that's a good way to get my attention, but a diamond is much better i promise! i'm not too picky really. i'm thinking something like this... you do that?
now, about your name.....oh wait, first about me being easy. how many times do i have to tell you, i never said i wasn't!!!!ok, about your name. what about tiffany? i like that name :)
Posted by spoc on May 17, 2004, at 13:39:39
In reply to Re: HELP!! Name change? Poll endorsed by KK 'n Dinah!! » spoc, posted by NikkiT2 on May 17, 2004, at 11:58:29
> Spoctacular??
<<<< HEY!!! I LIKE that! OOps, wait... The Trekkie Spock thing would surely only bite me in the arse again. What about... "SpocRemover??"
> ...and even though DrB got my NikkiT working again,...<<<< I KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL! I HATE it when my NikkiT isn't working! Throws my whole day off! ;- )
> Any movie characters that you really identify with?? Characters in books, TV series (my other online chat names..
<<<<< Oh, yes, no shortage there. TOO many would be the problem. One combo of people/names I am fighting myself not to use is "BarniJo." Because while it is composed of two known figures who could be said to have some traits in common with me (or vice versa, whatever!), NEITHER has anything to do with corn fields, cowpokes (well..hmmm?) or country anything. So I would only end up with that same "name makes me look like something I'm not" thing again. (And btw, don't bother guessing. They may be altered male names; may be an actor's applicable fictional character name or their real one; or each half may be some of both or all of the above..... Bottom line is, if I use it, I suspect I'll regret it...!
> OK.. rambling away.. sorry about that *lol*
> Nikki x<<<<< YES, thank you. Because if there's ONE THING spoc is known for, it's for being against rambling. Why, I've NEVER in my LIFE composed a post of a length such as yours here! ;- )
Posted by spoc on May 17, 2004, at 13:52:33
In reply to i'm in love with a robot... » spoc, posted by karen_kay on May 17, 2004, at 13:35:13
Posted by tootercat on May 17, 2004, at 15:26:20
In reply to HELP!! Name change? Poll endorsed by KK 'n Dinah!!, posted by spoc on May 17, 2004, at 9:51:40
Doesn't it stand for: Special Person Of Course?
I think you need to be very quiet with yourself and let names floaty in your head and the one that fits you will either fall outta your mouth or zing through your finger tips to the keyboard.
Have fun!
Posted by partlycloudy on May 17, 2004, at 17:12:53
In reply to Re: COMING CLEAN, posted by spoc on May 17, 2004, at 12:55:50
Don't let yourself be swayed by anyone but your own feelings. I chose my name based on who I felt myself to be. You might be any number of things - who do you want to become? (and now, you can't be Karen_Kay nor Dinah - those are already occupied by people.)
I never pictured you as a Vulcan, in case you were wondering. Names help. but posts show the REAL person behind them!
Posted by finelinebob on May 17, 2004, at 18:16:02
In reply to I'm all for changing names :) » spoc, posted by partlycloudy on May 17, 2004, at 17:12:53
Always made me think of raising babies ... Dr. Spoc? A very distinguished name, if you ask me. Don't mean to make a spocticle of myself here, but if all you did was lurk you could call yourself a spoctator. Or, if you really like spuds, a spoctater.
How about X?
... yes, for X marks the Spoc. Everyone's looking for that X factor -- better than being the It Girl (such a momentary thing, it is).My name actually is finelinebob ... given parents like that, is there any wonder why I'm here in Babbleland? ;^) Well, you could think of this as one of those anti-Burger-King-commercial moments (I watch too much TV) ... the one where they say you can't pick your own nickname or catchphrase? "I'm spicy!"
OOh! How about that? Spicy!!
Otherwise, sorry, can't help. I **like** spoc, but if the pseudo don't fit.....
Posted by spoc on May 18, 2004, at 10:50:07
In reply to What's in a name? » spoc, posted by tootercat on May 17, 2004, at 15:26:20
> Spoc,
> Doesn't it stand for: Special Person Of Course?<<<<<< Yes, you're probably right, and by cosmic designation I guess because I didn't even know it stood for that but now it's soooo obvious! ;- )
> I think you need to be very quiet with yourself and let names floaty in your head and the one that fits you will either fall outta your mouth or zing through your finger tips to the keyboard.
<<<<<<< Eeeek, be very quiet with myself, that one is still in Research & Development over here! :- DBut you are right about that! Thanx!
Posted by spoc on May 18, 2004, at 11:50:03
In reply to Re: I'm all for changing names :), posted by finelinebob on May 17, 2004, at 18:16:02
> Spoc?
> Always made me think of raising babies ... Dr. Spoc? A very distinguished name, if you ask me. Don't mean to make a spocticle of myself here, but if all you did was lurk you could call yourself a spoctator. Or, if you really like spuds, a spoctater.<<<<<< Wow, you're showing me that this one may just be too much fun to give up! Well, I'll probably manage to, but I DO like the ring of those!
> How about X? ...for X marks the Spoc...
<<<<<< Ya know, I think "Y" would be applicable to me! But drat, those minimum length requirements! (Yeah, I suppose I could try variations on "Yme" and all...)
> ..."I'm spicy!"... OOh! How about that? Spicy!!
> Otherwise, sorry, can't help. I **like** spoc, but if the pseudo don't fit.....
> flb<<<<<<< "SpicySpoc?" Hmmmm, I might almost consider that! It offsets the too-serious, analytical dimension... Which ironically, I did end up realizing fits me too (although neither that nor any meaning went into selection of the name). But not predominantly; or at least in real life I am expressing such things with animation and zip, while not looking like a Vulcan or a bookworm either. And I like really simple irreverence too. So I think maybe too many more "colorful" dimensions get lost in a name like "Spoc..."
Thanks for all the great ideas, and the support on this most tumultuous of life issues! I do get a kick out of your name by the way! :- D
Posted by spoc on May 18, 2004, at 11:59:50
In reply to I'm all for changing names :) » spoc, posted by partlycloudy on May 17, 2004, at 17:12:53
> I never pictured you as a Vulcan, in case you were wondering. Names help. but posts show the REAL person behind them!
<<<< Oh good, glad not everyone made that Trekkie connection, because I am quite the procrastinator and ya never know.... The change may never come to pass (especially if I ever get the heck off line like I keep talking about)! And, I could use a compliment today, so instead of reading your last sentence as a general principle, I do believe I'll go ahead and think it means something good... about me in particular! Ha ha! ;- )
Thanks for adding your thoughts!
This is the end of the thread.
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