Psycho-Babble Social Thread 320233

Shown: posts 2 to 26 of 45. Go back in thread:


Re: ABB Anybody But Bush

Posted by Jai Narayan on March 4, 2004, at 15:54:26

In reply to ABB Anybody But Bush, posted by Stryker88 on March 4, 2004, at 15:45:58

> After what this president has done, to the health care system, environment, economy, and the world I am voting for John Kerry!!! John Kerry in 2004

Yup, I'm with you.
I love Ralph but I will vote for Kerry.
My heart is with Ralph but my vote is with Kerry.


Re: ABB Anybody But Bush » Jai Narayan

Posted by Racer on March 4, 2004, at 20:45:16

In reply to Re: ABB Anybody But Bush, posted by Jai Narayan on March 4, 2004, at 15:54:26

My heart is no longer with Ralph. After supporting him for over thirty years, including with regular donations, my mother no longer supports him, either. I do read the Public Citizen website, and agree that they're focussed in the right direction, but I think it's time for the group and the man to reexamine their methods. My mother has ceased her financial support after a change in their mailings: instead of "Head's up! Something bad's coming, and here are some ways you can help protect against it" they're sending, "There's a crisis coming and the only thing you can do to prevent it is to fund us through your donations!" You can probably see why that reduced Mother's enthusiasm. (And she was a rabid Naderite for over 30 years, not a lukewarm supporter.)

I support many of the things that Nader represents. I'm saddened that I no longer feel able to support him.

As for Bush, I think he gets underestimated an awful lot. I think that there's a slippery slope to complacency that may allow him to win in November. It's easy to dismiss him as a sort of dim bulb, and overlook the reality:

George W. Bush is a greedy sack of excrement, a shameless liar, and a cruel man.

Not that I've got any opinions on anything related to politics, you understand ;-D


Re: ABB Anybody But Bush » Racer

Posted by Elle2021 on March 4, 2004, at 23:05:05

In reply to Re: ABB Anybody But Bush » Jai Narayan, posted by Racer on March 4, 2004, at 20:45:16

> George W. Bush is a greedy sack of excrement, a shameless liar, and a cruel man.

Oh my, that is quite a claim. I disagree. I think President Bush has done wonders for this country and for other countries, particularly Iraq. I'll be voting for him in the upcoming elections. Also, I would like to know why you think he is a cruel man.


Re: ABB Anybody But Bush

Posted by Racer on March 4, 2004, at 23:58:02

In reply to Re: ABB Anybody But Bush » Racer, posted by Elle2021 on March 4, 2004, at 23:05:05

I don't have the energy to get into a squabble with you, and after your response on psychology to me a while back I don't quite trust that you're looking for dialog rather than another chance to tell me that I'm offensive to you. I'm going to suspend that mistrust -- which is different to distrust -- and say a few words in explanation.

As an introduction to these remarks, I'm going to point out some definitions, and how they apply to the current campaigns.

Most important is "like" and "equal" are not the same thing. LIKE means similar; EQUAL means the same as. "The Economy" and "The Stock Market" are not the same thing at all, the stock market is one part of the economy, but it is not even the largest part of the whole. Anyone who says, "The economy is in recovery, it's just a jobless recovery" is lying, because the economy as a whole is not recovering, the stock market is recovering. Dishonesty in a politician is expected these days, but that doesn't mean it's either inevitable or ethically acceptable.

This administration is behaving very much like another administration in the past, which I'm old enough to remember and sound like a crank when I say anything about it. So, I won't, especially as it's only a partial resemblance. What I will say it that deception and secrecy have been such a strong theme during their tenure it's very difficult to believe that it is not deliberate and calculated. There are so many examples of this consistently unethical behavior that are seen on the news daily that it's impossible for me to muster up one single issue that can't lead to a flame war of one sort or another.

The greed is quite apparent, as is his utter comtempt for The People. Now, one of our Founding Fathers, Alexander Hamilton, said, "The People is a great beast" and meant it. He, along with some other FFs believed that direct election would be too dangerous, that too few enfranchised voters had the intelligence and knowledge to vote wisely, thus we have the electoral college to this day. GWB has taken it farther still: he doesn't believe that we understand the concept of averages: "90 million people received an average tax cut of $1000..." Sure, and if Bill Gates walks in here tomorrow, the average net worth of everyone here goes up by a billion or so. One third of taxpayers received nothing -- zero, zip, nada. More than half the people who received anything at all, received less than $100. Guess why the average was so high? Those people in the top 2 percent of taxpayers by income received so much in the tax cuts that the averages made everyone feel nice and cozy.

Let's look at estate taxes for a moment. Ah yes, saving the family farm. What a noble idea. Do you know how many family farms are lost each year to estate taxes? I don't, but I do know that, in the history of the estate tax, fewer than 200 family farms have ever been lost as a result of estate taxes. Very few family farms are in any danger of any kind from estate taxes. The worth of the operation must far excede the mean worth of family farms in this country. Those estate taxes benefit one class of people, and one class only: those who have inherited very great wealth. Not in the $100K range, but in the $1M range and above. Not only that, but the argument that, "well we're taxed when we earn it, then we're taxed when it passes into our estates" is also deceptive. In many cases, the only people whose estates are worth enough to get onto the estate tax radar are those whose wealth comes from investing, rather than working. Wage income is taxed at the time it is earned. Investment income can evade taxation at any stage. We're not asking anyone to sell the family farm and old Bessie the milch cow, we're asking for some equity in the tax laws, so that people earning $12K per year do not pay more taxes than those who sit back and allow their investments to provide an income of millions per year. Do you understand that?

Then there is the question of the WMD. I'm not going to get into it. It was a show war, choreographed, and certainly suspicious in view of Paul O'Neill's disclosures about staff meetings.

Cruel? What else do you call it when a man who can provide real assistance to the people of this nation instead tells us so clearly that he thinks we're too stupid to see his basic dishonesty? Add on, he's showing us the bread we so desperately need, and then throwing it away in favor of cake for his buddies -- and don't think they're not laughing at us as they eat it.

My dear, whether you posted because you truly believe in the man or simply wanted a chance to attack me again, I recommend that you look a little more critically at the big picture in this country, and maybe take a critical reasoning class for fun. Or just watch TV commercials and ask yourself what they're really trying to tell us. I saw an IKEA ad the other day that apparently advocated cheating an insurance agency which was trying to provide assistance to a couple recovering from damage from a fire. Is that moral? In what way is that moral? And remember, advertisers had not gone that far before our fearless leader bought his appointment to office.

By the way, if you do respond to this, please be aware in advance. If I perceive your response to be anything other a genuine request for further explanation of my views, I will not answer. Once burned, twice shy, but I'm giving you a second chance here. It's up to you what to do with it.


Re: ABB Anybody But Bush » Racer

Posted by Elle2021 on March 5, 2004, at 0:24:07

In reply to Re: ABB Anybody But Bush, posted by Racer on March 4, 2004, at 23:58:02

> I don't have the energy to get into a squabble with you,

I was not trying to pick a fight with you.

>and after your response on psychology to me a while back I don't quite trust that you're looking for dialog rather than another chance to tell me that I'm offensive to you.

You are not offensive to me. The comment you made on the psychology board did hurt my feelings. If you happened to read the other note I posted to you, I apologized for jumping to conclusions without reading the rest of the threads.

> My dear, whether you posted because you truly believe in the man or simply wanted a chance to attack me again,

It was not my intent to attack you. If you feel that I have attacked you, then I apologize again. It was never my intention to hurt your feelings. I simply wanted to express my hurt feelings. I don't know if you have read my posts to other people, but I am not the attacker type.

> By the way, if you do respond to this, please be aware in advance. If I perceive your response to be anything other a genuine request for further explanation of my views, I will not answer. Once burned, twice shy, but I'm giving you a second chance here. It's up to you what to do with it.

My requests were 100% genuine in asking for a further explanation of your views. In light of the response you have given me, I feel I must ask you not to post to me any further. I also will not post to you any further. I'm very sorry that it has come to this. I never meant to hurt your feelings.

Please do not post to me.


Re: ABB Anybody But Bush

Posted by Stryker88 on March 5, 2004, at 8:31:22

In reply to Re: ABB Anybody But Bush » Jai Narayan, posted by Racer on March 4, 2004, at 20:45:16

Question #1: Dick Cheney (former CEO) is in control of Haliburton and Haliburton got NO BID contracts in Afganistan and Iraq. Dick Cheney owns stock in the company and still has power even though he is not current CEO. Do you think that is right or fair to the other companies that could get the job?

Question #2: If you were a family of a 911 victim would you want to see a coffin of him in a political commercial just because Bush has no success record on anything else?


Re: ABB Anybody But Bush » Racer

Posted by fayeroe on March 5, 2004, at 9:11:53

In reply to Re: ABB Anybody But Bush, posted by Racer on March 4, 2004, at 23:58:02

Your explanation concerning Bush, lying, deceit, cruel, etc. is right on. As far as cruel goes, he sends our armed forces to Iraq and other places and then attempts to cut their benefits. That qualifies as being mean, cruel and inappropriate in my book.


I too am very unhappy with bush and his group

Posted by Jai Narayan on March 5, 2004, at 10:39:30

In reply to Re: ABB Anybody But Bush » Racer, posted by fayeroe on March 5, 2004, at 9:11:53

I no longer have a TV because of all the painful things I see on the news.
I only listen to the local news on the radio.
I feel traumatized by all that I see, hear and read.
My retreat into this started when Bush got appointed by a judge to be president.
I am nervous and looking toward Canada.
In my life I am happy with everything but my government.
There are moments when I am in awe: Barbara Lee not voting for the war in Iraq, the black caucus standing up for my rights, Ralph Nader speaking out,....tears come to my eyes. I would love to stay here in peace.
I would love for gay people to get the same rights as straight people, all people of color to be treated well, children to be safe and not adused,....animals habitat restored...okay I am out of control now. I will stop but know that I have tons more to say.


Re: ABB Anybody But Bush » fayeroe

Posted by Racer on March 5, 2004, at 11:00:30

In reply to Re: ABB Anybody But Bush » Racer, posted by fayeroe on March 5, 2004, at 9:11:53

> Your explanation concerning Bush, lying, deceit, cruel, etc. is right on. As far as cruel goes, he sends our armed forces to Iraq and other places and then attempts to cut their benefits. That qualifies as being mean, cruel and inappropriate in my book.

Excellent point! It's so nice to know that I'm not alone in my views! You can't know how comforting and reassuring that is to me, although by your posting name alone, I know that you're my kinda gal.

What bothers me most is that he seems so confident that he can lie to our faces, insult us to our faces, and believes that we're all such dumb sheep that we'll believe it, and believe in him. Sorry, mofo, but this chick over here sees right through you, and thinks you should have stuck to grasping every dollar you could, in the quiet obscurity of Big Oil.

Again, aren't you glad I don't have any opinions on any of this?


Re: Discussing politics with dignity » Racer

Posted by Dinah on March 5, 2004, at 11:31:42

In reply to Re: ABB Anybody But Bush, posted by Racer on March 4, 2004, at 23:58:02

> and maybe take a critical reasoning class for fun.

Isn't it possible that reasonable people can disagree on political matters without either needing a course on critical reasoning?

As a moderate/conservative with a few liberal positions, I can say with fair certainty that my political views would not closely align with yours. But I consider my critical thinking skills intact.


Re: Let's not do this to each other

Posted by jane d on March 5, 2004, at 12:23:47

In reply to Re: Discussing politics with dignity » Racer, posted by Dinah on March 5, 2004, at 11:31:42

Please. Some of you weren't here the last time a political topic exploded. It wasn't fun to watch. I don't think there's any way to have a discussion in this medium that doesn't lead to serious misunderstandings. It's hard to read a post supporting or attacking a politicians actions without drawing conclusions about the motivations or reasonining ability of the person posting. Conclusions that could well be wrong. Not everyone who supports this administration is uncaring. Not everyone who opposes it cares about social justice. Because there is so little opportunity for real time back and forth - because it's impossible to clarify what you meant before the other person is enraged by what it sounded like you said - it's probably better not to do this here at all. Whatever is intended it comes across as just speeches. And just what does someones voting position have to do with what they can offer in the way of support and information and insight into mental illness?

Maybe it would work better if we set up a chat time for political discussions instead of having them here. Perhaps one for democrats, one for republicans, and then the free for all for those of us who just love a good fight. Everyone would be there voluntarily. Nothing would be archived to hold against people later and there'd be time to ask people to explain themselves. I guess that is the equivalent of saying "please take this outside" but that really seems to be the right place for this. I might even enjoy a good fight myself somewhere else.

PS to Faye Roe. Which Faye Roe are you? Before or after?


Re: Let's not do this to each other

Posted by Jai Narayan on March 5, 2004, at 13:33:21

In reply to Re: Let's not do this to each other, posted by jane d on March 5, 2004, at 12:23:47

> Please. Some of you weren't here the last time a political topic exploded. It wasn't fun to watch.

*When did that happen? I am sure you are right it can get ugly.

>I don't think there's any way to have a discussion in this medium that doesn't lead to serious misunderstandings. It's hard to read a post supporting or attacking a politicians actions without drawing conclusions about the motivations or reasonining ability of the person posting. Conclusions that could well be wrong. Not everyone who supports this administration is uncaring. Not everyone who opposes it cares about social justice. Because there is so little opportunity for real time back and forth - because it's impossible to clarify what you meant before the other person is enraged by what it sounded like you said - it's probably better not to do this here at all. Whatever is intended it comes across as just speeches.

*Sorry if my stuff came across as a speech. I was so excited to have a chance to share what I felt/thought....
It does seems we tend to line up on one side or another.
I am not interested in attacking anyone. If we keep it clean and assertive it might be okay. But I see this political discussion operating like the faith board where people have really stong beliefs and feelings. There is a difficult edge on the faith board to maintain and some people get blocked for crossing over.

What is it that people say: don't talk about religion, sex and oil and water the beliefs, feelings and ideas seperate people.

>And just what does someones voting position have to do with what they can offer in the way of support and information and insight into mental illness?

*So if this site is only about mental illness, recovery and support then I can see questioning this topic.

But if this is a question about how politics (voting) and mental illness are connected, well I could agrue that they are in fact quite connected.

> Maybe it would work better if we set up a chat time for political discussions instead of having them here. Perhaps one for democrats, one for republicans,

*What happens to the independents...the radicals?

>and then the free for all for those of us who just love a good fight. Everyone would be there voluntarily.

*aren't we here voluntarily?

>Nothing would be archived to hold against people later and there'd be time to ask people to explain themselves. I guess that is the equivalent of saying "please take this outside"

*outside of what? This is so much of what is reality for many of us.

>but that really seems to be the right place for this. I might even enjoy a good fight myself somewhere else.

*why does it have to be a fight? Are we so close to that edge? I like an assertive discussion where peope are respectful of one another.
If you feel this really can't happen here then I will totally honor your need to stop. I would hate to repeat history....
I am still real interested in what has happened before on this site. What year, what board, who?


Heheheh -- you know... » Jai Narayan

Posted by Racer on March 5, 2004, at 17:48:09

In reply to Re: Let's not do this to each other, posted by Jai Narayan on March 5, 2004, at 13:33:21

I'm laughing, because when my mother and I discuss politics, we always end up fighting -- even though we agree! Politics, religion and money, NOT safe topics, it seems!

Good on ya, mate, for expressing yourself.


Re: please rephrase that » Racer

Posted by Dr. Bob on March 6, 2004, at 2:45:14

In reply to Re: ABB Anybody But Bush, posted by Racer on March 4, 2004, at 23:58:02

> George W. Bush is a greedy sack of excrement, a shameless liar, and a cruel man.

> I recommend that you ... maybe take a critical reasoning class for fun.

I'd like to ask that people not post anything that could lead others to feel accused or put down -- either directly or because they support George W. Bush. Keeping that in mind, could you please rephrase the above? Elle, I've seen your request, but I'd like to make this one exception.

If you have any questions or comments about this or about posting policies in general, or are interested in alternative ways of expressing yourself, please see the FAQ:

or redirect a follow-up to Psycho-Babble Administration.

Posting something about your own issues and their possible role in your reaction might be an interesting exercise -- and might help others respond to you supportively.




Re: ABBSorry to Offend!! Was Not Trying

Posted by Stryker88 on March 6, 2004, at 3:19:43

In reply to Re: please rephrase that » Racer, posted by Dr. Bob on March 6, 2004, at 2:45:14

This thread was not meant to offend anyone or cause people to become completely unglued. I started the thread just to open up a harmless political discussion, not to insult anyone or cause wide spread anxiety!!! If people are offended that I am voting for Kerry in 2004 then explain your side of the political spectrum, No Harsh Feeling Intended Here!!!!!!!


Bush and Healthcare » Stryker88

Posted by Susan J on March 6, 2004, at 15:34:02

In reply to ABB Anybody But Bush, posted by Stryker88 on March 4, 2004, at 15:45:58

> After what this president has done, to the health care system, environment, economy, and the world I am voting for John Kerry!!! John Kerry in 2004

<<I'm kinda scared to jump in here, but I had a question about what you said. My asking this doesn't mean I either support Bush or don't support him. My field is health care/health insurance, though, and I'd really like your thoughts on how he's screwed up our health care system. Do you think he's actively done anything to screw it up, or do you think he's harmed it because he's just ignored it the past 4 years (Medicare Rx excluded).

Honestly just curious, not putting down any opinions. I *like* political discussions too.



I'll try » Dr. Bob

Posted by Racer on March 6, 2004, at 15:41:30

In reply to Re: please rephrase that » Racer, posted by Dr. Bob on March 6, 2004, at 2:45:14

OK, deep breath, and let's give this a try. First of all, I do apologize for my wording about GWB: I do think he is dishonest, I do think he is greedy to the point of rapaciousness, I do think he is a cruel person, and I do think he insults the American People by his words and deeds. I won't apologize for that, but I will say that it frightens me a great deal, which may be why I react so strongly about politics right now. It seems as if both sides are underestimating both the man and his political machine. And I do think that taking the TV image out of it and looking critically at what he's done is the only thing that can save us from worse damage than has already been caused.

I am sorry that my tone, in writing, seemed sarcastic or like a put down to anyone when I suggested a Critical Reasoning class. Personally, I have found that my old CR text has been very helpful to me when I watch the news, and that was genuinely meant as a constructive suggestion. When I look around at the world these days, I hardly recognize anything. Children in schools are taught to take tests, rather than to learn. There's no innovation in industry or government, because no one is exploring alternatives -- it's the same things, done the same ways, without the individuality to innovate, and that frightens me, too. Every time I see another example of this, I realize again how valuable CR is, whether it's in recognizing the IKEA ad on TV as advocating immorality, or recognizing deceptiveness in a politician's speech. (And yes, I do recognize deceptiveness in both parties.)

Shortly before writing that ill-conceived response above, I heard on the news a little story -- almost buried beneath the Martha Stewart/Kobe Bryant/Scott Peterson/Jayson Williams infotainment -- about a staffer on the Bush campaign who had been found to have hacked into the computers of Democratic Party figures and copied memos to his own computer for use in the campaign. It was probably on CNN, and it was only a small blurb to fill in between celebrity shockers, but it sent such a jolt of fear through me, cold, hard fear. That should have been a lead story, it should have been covered in depth, it should not have been lost in the flood of "gee, how much jail time will Martha Stewart get?" (Answer: she's going to get prison time, and it's a personal tragedy for anyone to give up his or her freedom for any length of time. She has been convicted, she has no excuse, she brought it on herself, now can't we let it be her tragedy and not ours?) That little story, that a campaign staffer was spying on the opposition, happened about 30 years ago, too, didn't it? That frightens me, that we're so easily seduced by plausibility and the offer of something for nothing. That frightens me to the depths of my being.

To make this more personal, I'll tell you that I'm very old fashioned about a lot of things. I believe that anyone who enjoys priviledges has a responsibility to accept in return. Since, despite depression and all that comes with it, I do enjoy a great many priviledges, I feel responsible for holding up my end of the bargain. Here in America, we enjoy many priviledges that most of us -- including me -- take for granted. All that is asked in return is that we take part in the electoral process and show up for jury duty. It's icing if you can join a national service unit of some sort, but not everyone can. It's great if you do more than that, but not everyone can. Some people really and truly can't even afford to miss work for jury duty, but it's still a small price to pay for our court system. Not too long ago, when there were voter registrars in the parking lots around here, I overheard a man say he'd never registrer to vote, because he didn't want to be called for jury duty. Now, I can tell when my juror summons has been sent from the Registrar of Voters or the Department Of Motor Vehicles driver's license database, and it's most often the DMV's list. There's a guy who lives near me who refuses to assume his responsibility to his community, because he doesn't want to have to be bored and inconvenienced by jury duty. That frightens me, too. It's a small thing to ask, in the bigger picture, and I'm frightened to see how many people seem to want to shirk their responsibilities to their communities in ways like this. That's certainly part of my touchiness about these subjects.

As for the general tone of my response to Elle, I have to say that it was an emotional reaction. When I read her post to me, I felt that it was an ambush attempt, psychologically, and that, no matter what I wrote, the response would be the same, and that that response would be an attack on me. Of course, because of my {ahem} pre-emptive strike, we'll never know how sincere Elle's questions were, for which I apologize most sincerely. I don't apologize, mind you, for being suspicious. I only apologize for using the bad judgement of responding to a post that I believed could bring only ill will. For that, I am genuinely sorry, and I will attempt, in future, to remember to think before hitting send.

As for the intent of my original post, it was intended to be supportive of the poster who started this thread. "Hey, you! We share some viewpoints! We're not alone! We can all hang together, or we shall certainly hang separately." I believe my first post on the subject was actually about why I no longer support Ralph Nader personally.

Anyway, I'll try to learn from this, but please remember: it's really hard for an old dog to learn new tricks! I'll try hard to learn and go forth to sin no more. I hope that helps.


Re: I'll try » Racer

Posted by gabbix2 on March 6, 2004, at 16:23:13

In reply to I'll try » Dr. Bob, posted by Racer on March 6, 2004, at 15:41:30

For Heavens Sake, if you're going to pontificate about your politics, you can hardly expect to escape being questioned about them!
I'm NO fan of George Bush but Elles questions were about as politely phrased as a questions can be.
You felt she might have ulterior motives because of her previous attack on you
You did not say you felt attacked you said that she attacked you. That's why I'm speaking up. Saying "my feelings were hurt" is not an attack it's a statement of feeling.
Not only that I've also seen Elle have polite mature disagreements with people on this board before.
Critical reasoning doesn't begin and end with politics.


Fayeroe stands for:

Posted by fayeroe on March 6, 2004, at 17:43:16

In reply to Re: I'll try » Racer, posted by gabbix2 on March 6, 2004, at 16:23:13

~~~Faye is for a past president of Planned Parenthood and roe is for roe vs. wade.~~~
And that is the name of my lovely half-Airedale and half-Boxer girl that inhabits my home and my heart.......

My reactions against the present administration come from my feeling that a lot of our personal freedoms are going to be taken away from us. I don't want that. I don't want it for me and mine or you and yours.

I am completely appalled by the hits that the environment is taking from this administration. I am from an area where clear-cutting was the norm and I am aghast that it is being suggested for other parts of the country. It completely destroys the mountains, streams and lakes. it removes all of the habitat for the deer, squirrels, bobcats, etc.

I am hurt that my older friends are so affected by the tampering with medicare that is going on now and will continue to go on under this administration.

I am scared stiff that there won't be any Social Security when it becomes my turn to get back what I put in.

Those are a few of the reasons that I feel like I do and why I will vote for Kerry in the next election.

Oh, and did I mention the funding for public radio and the arts? Or the possibility that Comcast will be allowed to buy out Disney and become the largest cable/media group that we have? And do I want to hear both sides of the news? Yes, I do and if the FCC has it's way, the conservatives will control our airwaves. I could probably go on for another hour but this my story and I'm sticking to it and I won't argue about it..........


Re: I'll try » gabbix2

Posted by Racer on March 6, 2004, at 17:49:44

In reply to Re: I'll try » Racer, posted by gabbix2 on March 6, 2004, at 16:23:13

> You felt she might have ulterior motives because of her previous attack on you
> You did not say you felt attacked you said that she attacked you. That's why I'm speaking up.

Actually, I think that I said I felt as if I were being ambushed. I don't think I said that Elle ambushed me, just that I felt that way. If I'm wrong about that, if what you read was that she ambushed me rather than that I felt ambushed, I guess I didn't do a very good job of it, did I? Aren't you glad you can express yourself more effectively than that?

> Critical reasoning doesn't begin and end with politics.

No, it doesn't. That doesn't mean that it doesn't apply to politics. It only means that it it is not limited to the social or political realm.


Re: I'll try » Racer

Posted by gabbix2 on March 6, 2004, at 18:12:16

In reply to Re: I'll try » gabbix2, posted by Racer on March 6, 2004, at 17:49:44

> Actually, I think that I said I felt as if I were being ambushed. I don't think I said that Elle ambushed me, just that I felt that way.>

>> My dear, whether you posted because you truly believe in the man or simply wanted a chance to attack me again,


I am impressed, what articulate posts

Posted by Jai Narayan on March 6, 2004, at 18:39:34

In reply to Re: I'll try » Racer, posted by gabbix2 on March 6, 2004, at 18:12:16

My mind and heart have always been with the people, the land, water, air and the animals. I love nature and hope to perserve it while I am alive.
I am a radical....left wing all the way. It's hard to find others now who really have the same bent. I love the freedoms that we celebrate in this country don't have the same freedoms if you are: a person of color, a woman, poor, gay, from the Middle East......there are so many ways we can be disqualified from all these wonderful freedoms.
I am sad that a womans right to choose is being threatened.
I am sad that my environment is being threatened by a nuclear power plant five miles away.
I am sad that Judges that are right wing are being choosen for our courts.
I am sad that we choose to kill people in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I am sad that the President uses the 9/11 disaster to promote his run for the next election.
I want to be happy. I want to be uplifted by my life and the political environment.
I hope and pray that we see a new day.
I would dearly love to have Ralph Nader as president but I know that will never happen. So I will vote for the next best thing Kerry in 2004.


Re: I am impressed, what articulate posts » Jai Narayan

Posted by Racer on March 6, 2004, at 19:01:51

In reply to I am impressed, what articulate posts, posted by Jai Narayan on March 6, 2004, at 18:39:34

You wanna know what's funny? I am not at all radical. In fact, I think of myself as being pretty conservative on most issues, and generally as a Pragmatist in the election booth. What I see happening with this administration looks like right wing radicalism.

Thanks for a very poetic post.


You're right, I was wrong. Sorry (nm) » gabbix2

Posted by Racer on March 6, 2004, at 19:02:42

In reply to Re: I'll try » Racer, posted by gabbix2 on March 6, 2004, at 18:12:16


Re: I am impressed, what articulate posts

Posted by fayeroe on March 6, 2004, at 19:46:01

In reply to I am impressed, what articulate posts, posted by Jai Narayan on March 6, 2004, at 18:39:34

****I feel that we are placed here as stewards......the earth is on loan to us. I have to be as good as I can to it while I am living here. Every living creature is dear to me because we all have a purpose here. It pains me deeply to see clear cuts, mountain-top coal mining, mining on the reservations, old-growth lumber harvesting, wasting of natural resources, pollution of the oceans and national treasures "give aways" to the rich. Until I draw my last breath, I hope to be worthy of living here and taking care of Mother Earth. And I'll fight for that right! If all I can do is hope to enlighten someone, then that is what I will try to do.

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

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