Shown: posts 1 to 25 of 58. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by Karen_kay on February 22, 2004, at 14:31:09
I suppose I'm rather talkative today :) Just wondering about some things...
Slinky: How are things? Are your reading a good book or eating mangoes right now? How's your lover?
Jai: How's the bird-watching going? If you're in the sun too long, wear a hat. Do you wear a disguise so the birds won't see you watching them? Do you think they act differently when you're watching, then when you aren't?
Lala: How's your wedding planning going? Are the party's dresses going to be ugly? What color are they, pale blue or neon green? Are you araid you will trip walking down the aisle? If you do, would you take that as a sign you shouldn't get married? I look too much into things, I guess...
Tootercat: How are your birds mother? Did you teach them my name? You should have, it's a beautiful name you know. Do they ever cuss at you if you don't clean the cage on time or they don't have food on time? I'd teach my birds dirty words, so we could cuss together and hopefully get it out of my system. Would that work you think?
All Done: How's therapy going? If it's good, it will get better. If not, it will get better too! I promise and I wouldn't lie to you! I miss you, you know....
Elle: Girlie, I miss you too.... Is your mother letting up a bit? Do I need to give her a call and tell her to take better care of my sister? Take care of yourself and don't get overwhelmed (I know, it's hard).. School's halfway done, right? You're almost a semester closer to achieving your goals. If I can help in any way, plesae let me know. I really miss you.. I hope you miss me too..
Miss Honey: I miss you too, hun. I was watching episodes of Bean that I tivoed and couldn't help thinking of you. Does Bean have trouble with picnics? Does he drive a yellow car? Is he British? Could he pretend to be, just for one day? Please let me know how you are doing. I miss your smiling comments and catastrophes. I just miss you altogether!!!
GG: How's school going? I know you are doing great in that area! I have confidence you are.
Tabitha: Do you still have that red watch (am I wrong, I have problems keeping track..)?? Could I borrow it sometime? I wore my red boots last night and received so many compliments, as I have a red belt and choker to match. I couldn't help thinking, "Hmmm... I need a red watch to boot. Where's Tabitha when I need her?"
Medusa: Did you find some new shoes? I have a pair of red boots you could borrow, if you need them. And a few extra pairs of black boots that I don't wear anymore. They're in excellent shape, as I polish them often and watch for scuffs. Let me know if you need them, but I wear 9.5 Big feet, you know what they say about GIRLS with big feet??? They have a big mouth to shove their feet in... That fits me perfetly!
Dinah: Dear, you already know how much I adore you. My mentor of sorts... Nothing else is needed to be said, but check your email when you get the opportuntiy, k?
Fallsfall: How's your daughter doing? Is she getting up any earlier? My sister is the slowest. If she has to be somewhere at 3, we don't arrive util 4:30.... We generally tell her that the meeting time is 2, that way we can get there at a reasonable hour. She jsut stares at hrself in the mirror. I suppose if I were that beautiful, I would too...
Daisy: I miss you too hun. I guess I miss quite a few people. Take it one day at a time. And have faith everything will work out for you. You're wonderful and things will work out. I just know it. You have a lot of good people on yor side to help you. Let me know if I can help you,, and I'm sure everyone else agrees with this.
Emmy: Thank you for your post... I really can't tell you! I tried though! Thanks again! You helped open my eyes an I can see a bit more clearly now! OH, thanks again...
Jeff: My boy, how's it going? You're doing great you know... But I haven't heard form you in a while. Is it time to send another card? I'm here to help if I can. You can even tell me what to say, and I'll say it :)
Leo: I haven't heard from you in a while either. How are your burgers tasting? Mine just don't seem the same without a post from you. Maybe I could try mustard instead, but it's never as good as ketchup.. It leaves that awful aftertaste that I jsut can't bear...
Kid: You know I love you babe. How're the wife and kids? I bet she's still griping, eh? Maybe buy her some diamonds? That stops the bit*** for a while. It alwasy works for me anyway...
AND to the people I didn't name directly: Thank you EVERYONE! for truly helping me to become a better person. Whether it's discussing books, meds, or therapy, your support has helped tremendously. It's so great to have a place to learn from eachother and to interact. I hope I haven't taken anyone for granted. It's the different attitudes and experiences that have helped me, and if I can help anyone else please don't hesitate to let me know. I'm trying, can't you see..
Posted by Slinky on February 22, 2004, at 16:13:04
In reply to Hello, All?, posted by Karen_kay on February 22, 2004, at 14:31:09
> I suppose I'm rather talkative today :) Just wondering about some things...
> Slinky: How are things? Are your reading a good book or eating mangoes right now? How's your lover?
ooOOoo Things are...more than ok...I'm eating pizza right now.
Oh, I may get married- so Dr B must hurry up
and get me.
Posted by Dinah on February 22, 2004, at 16:32:44
In reply to Re: Hello, All? » Karen_kay, posted by Slinky on February 22, 2004, at 16:13:04
Oooh, that would be wonderful if you are! Except, of course, for Dr. Bob's poor broken heart.
Are you free to tell us more?
Posted by Miss Honeychurch on February 22, 2004, at 16:43:24
In reply to Hello, All?, posted by Karen_kay on February 22, 2004, at 14:31:09
Karen, thank you for missing me! I knew this month was going to be hell and it has proven right. Just work related deadlines, etc. I hardly have a chance to surf babble at work anymore! But March is looking good.
I rented Johnny English last night and laughed my proverbial a$$ off! Ah bean, he is so hot!
As for me, I'm having a crisis with my eyebrows. I usually have to pluck them everyday to keep them nice and shapely but this month has proven hellacious and I have no time for upkeep. I look like Andy Rooney. I'm so ashamed...
Posted by EmmyS on February 22, 2004, at 16:51:03
In reply to Hello, All?, posted by Karen_kay on February 22, 2004, at 14:31:09
You are most welcome Karen Kay. I was so happy to have received that Satyagraha quote myself once upon a time.
I work in a psychiatric hospital. Some days are pretty emotionally rough. It can be hard on my own mental health. I use that quote to remind myself that I chose the right path, that I need to be a tool for my patients to use (not a bucket to hold their problems), that I need to turn to friends and say help! when I need to, and most especially, I need to keep my heart open and warm to my patients, and my friends, and to new people I meet along the path.
BTW - I think you may be closet Buddhist. ;-)
Posted by Karen_kay on February 22, 2004, at 16:59:35
In reply to Re: Hello, All? » Karen_kay, posted by Slinky on February 22, 2004, at 16:13:04
Wow Slinky! Congrats, I hope I'm the first to say it :) That's great, and I hope the rock is huge! Don't settle for less than a very big rock, hear me...
As for Bob, with you out of the picture, maybe I'll be second in line?? I heard he likes younger women you know. And young I am....
Posted by Karen_kay on February 22, 2004, at 17:02:28
In reply to Re: Hello, All?, posted by Miss Honeychurch on February 22, 2004, at 16:43:24
I let mine grow out, as they were starting to become very thin. A bit "Hatchet-face" looking. So, I had to walk around for a few weeks with big, bushy brows. And finally they were grown to the point that I could get a new shape!!!! Wow, the best $20 I've ever spent, my dear... My eyes look huge, like a deer's as they are brown. So, now I have a new face almost! And I look fabulous! Why not let them grow out and get a new shape. It works wonders on your ego ladies!
Posted by Karen_kay on February 22, 2004, at 17:07:09
In reply to Re: Hello, All?, posted by EmmyS on February 22, 2004, at 16:51:03
Buddhist, eh?? I've taken a Philosophy of Religion class, though I can't quite recall much about it. I still have the book though and will have to refresh my memory. I'm honored that you suggested that though, as it is truly a great religion and philosophy to adopt.
And don't forget that if things get rough at work you can always call on us to help you. Please remember that. It sounds like you have such a great [purpose] (for lack of a better word) through your work. And it's wonderful that you try to keep your smile going while things are rough at work. I love people like that, that try to spread joy even when they are feeling low and frustrated,....... That's truly wonderful! I applaud you!
Posted by Karen_kay on February 22, 2004, at 17:12:44
In reply to Re: Hello, All? » EmmyS, posted by Karen_kay on February 22, 2004, at 17:07:09
How could I have missed you? I'm quite dense to have done so... Please accept my apologies.
You are truly a woman with pizzaz, though I can't spell it. Actually I left you out so you could get your own post......
I can't say how great your charm is. And your "dameness" (huh, I made that up I think but I think you get the gist) shines through! You're spunky girl and I love it. I only wish you would post more often....
And ZENHUSSY, if you're listening.... Wow, such a beautiful person altogether. You've helped me so much, I couldn't even begin to explain. Thank you for everything and I'm counting the days for your return..... Maybe I'll even post updates with a calendar. I'd like to get to know you better. What do you say?
Posted by EmmyS on February 22, 2004, at 17:15:09
In reply to Re: Hello, All? » EmmyS, posted by Karen_kay on February 22, 2004, at 17:07:09
Applause? Well, heck, I'd bow but my halo would fall off!!
I still go to my office on occasion, jump up and down, ranting and raving, pulling out my hair in shear frustration because some patient has decided to refuse their meds yet again.
Then, I breathe deeply a few times, adjust my skirt, walk out (with my hair looking like Einstein after a bike ride) and continue the day.
Posted by tabitha on February 22, 2004, at 17:19:45
In reply to Hello, All?, posted by Karen_kay on February 22, 2004, at 14:31:09
OK, OK, you can borrow my red watch.
I've been cutting quite a stylish figure lately. I got a long red print dress, with which I wear red sandals and my red watch, and a black cardigan. Is it too much red? I don't care. I'm just assuming my combo will have that stylish funky look rather than, er, that mentally challenged look.
Posted by Karen_kay on February 22, 2004, at 19:16:13
In reply to Re: Hello, All? » Karen_kay, posted by tabitha on February 22, 2004, at 17:19:45
Is there a such thing as too much red? Heavens no!
And I know what you mean. Sometimes I wonder if people think my style is "funky" or just, er, as you put it mentally challenged... Actually, I DON'T CARE!! Think what you want but I know I'm the best dressed person out there... Aside from you maybe :) Maybe I should join your group instead of the one with Bubba. Maybe we could share clothes??? I have some outfits to die for, seriously.
Posted by Karen_kay on February 22, 2004, at 19:21:53
In reply to Re: Hello, All? » Karen_kay, posted by EmmyS on February 22, 2004, at 17:15:09
Oh yes, we all have those moments. But you choose to walk to your office rather than blow up at people! And that's what's great about it. To have those moments in private rahter than taking it out on some unsuspecting cashier or patient... It's beautiful.
Funny, but I don't really have those moments anymore. Maybe life's treating me a bit too good? Weeelll I must admit, I once hit my boyfriend in the head with a pair of knee high boots. I was holding the end that touches the knee and I kept clobbering him. We joke about it now... But, in my defense, he was being SO annoying and I kept warning him. I felt I had to follow through on my promise to hit him in the head with my boot. I like to keep my promises you know. And, jsut yesterday, I hit him with the remote. I sound rather abusive, but those are the onlyl 2 times I've ever hit him. And he was the cause of my frustration. So, I think it was warranted. I'm actually going to talk to my therapist about this next week. Now it's starting to alarm me..... Oh, I take the anger out on him. At least that means I'm comfortable enough to let him see it???? To heck with theories, I just need to stop!
Posted by gardenergirl on February 22, 2004, at 20:04:54
In reply to Hello, All?, posted by Karen_kay on February 22, 2004, at 14:31:09
So nice of you to ask. I'm doing well, finally got over last week, whatever that was. Looking forward to processing it with Bear.School is getting really busy. My deadline for dissertation is set between me and my hubby (he's my coach/boss/chief nagger) for May 15 to be ready to propose. It will take a miracle. Where's Miracle Max when you need him? Also have a final on Thursday for a business class and the project for the class due. Guess I had better start on it.
So, still not much time to babble, but I keep checking in.
You are the best, sweetie! Take care of yourself, too. Give yourself a hug from me, and here's one to go ((((KK))))
Posted by Slinky on February 22, 2004, at 20:19:40
In reply to Re: Are you serious? » Slinky, posted by Dinah on February 22, 2004, at 16:32:44
I -may- be..I've just been to sleep and thought about it...owtch
It was a jokey comment I made to I'm proposing--it's a long story--it could go either way so place yer bets please.Karen K ! I'm still a young chicken and a virgin, so there :)
Posted by fallsfall on February 22, 2004, at 20:43:31
In reply to Hello, All?, posted by Karen_kay on February 22, 2004, at 14:31:09
My daughter has school vacation this week (are you jealous? I am) so neither she nor I need to worry about her getting up at all! What a relief. She did fairly well at the end of last week.
I'll get her blood test done while she's on vacation!! What a plan!
Posted by Dinah on February 22, 2004, at 20:55:27
In reply to Re: Hold on, posted by Slinky on February 22, 2004, at 20:19:40
Posted by Bobby on February 22, 2004, at 21:20:08
In reply to Re: Hold on, posted by Slinky on February 22, 2004, at 20:19:40
It seems to make you happy just thinking about it--and that in itself is a good thing. Me thinks he is the "crazy" one if he misses this chance. And besides, if he screws up---karen kay is always available.
Posted by Jai Narayan on February 22, 2004, at 21:33:40
In reply to Hello, All?, posted by Karen_kay on February 22, 2004, at 14:31:09
Dear Sweet Karen Kay, what an awesome tribute to these wonderful people and me. I am moved by your energy and incredible love. You have an ablility to pull people together.
I have a poem that my mother stiched in embroidery thread and sequins:
"I burn my candle at both ends
it will not last the night
but ah my, foes
and oh my friends
it gives a lovely light"This one is for you....for your light is so bright!
Posted by Jai Narayan on February 22, 2004, at 21:45:15
In reply to Re: Hello, All?, posted by EmmyS on February 22, 2004, at 16:51:03
> You are most welcome Karen Kay. I was so happy to have received that Satyagraha quote myself once upon a time.
*I loved that quote and read it to my honey. I loved what Ghandi was doing. Kind of reminds me of Ralph Nadar these days.
> I work in a psychiatric hospital. Some days are pretty emotionally rough. It can be hard on my own mental health. I use that quote to remind myself that I chose the right path, that I need to be a tool for my patients to use (not a bucket to hold their problems), that I need to turn to friends and say help! when I need to, and most especially, I need to keep my heart open and warm to my patients, and my friends, and to new people I meet along the path.
*Not too long ago my mother was a patient at a psych hospital. She died there. I am so happy she was surrounded by people who were loving and kind. My mother was so 'out of it' most of the time. She did have some chrisma.
I always thought I wanted to be a psych Dr. but I realized it would have been a *rescue mother* job choice. I eventually decided I just really couldn't do it.
I am so proud of you, that you can do this job. It's not easy and as a family member of someone who had to be in an institution to save her life...I want to thank you for your attitude and sense of grace. We all need that compassion. I am just so inspired you can do it.
Thank you.
Posted by Slinky on February 22, 2004, at 23:14:24
In reply to Even if you don't get married » Slinky, posted by Bobby on February 22, 2004, at 21:20:08
if he screws up---karen kay is always available.
Go lesbian ?
I tried that - I don't understand women:-)Anyway in UK if there is a leap year the girlies propose marriage to the on 29th-hopefully I'll be a little hypo
I can't marry yet - not until he's able to support me financially
Posted by Slinky on February 22, 2004, at 23:16:27
In reply to Re: Ah, my money's always on you. :) (nm) » Slinky, posted by Dinah on February 22, 2004, at 20:55:27
Posted by EmmyS on February 22, 2004, at 23:24:13
In reply to What an amazing job, posted by Jai Narayan on February 22, 2004, at 21:45:15
Jai - We have somthing in common. My mom was an in-patient as well, so the work is in truly in my blood. I feel such a sense of family when I'm there.
I want to take those patients home with me, and become some sort of fat brooding guniea hen. I'd herd them all together into my nest, and just sit right down on them, and keep them warm and safe.
Do you think sitting on patients would be considered a boundary violation?? Emmy
Posted by socialdeviantjeff on February 23, 2004, at 2:00:36
In reply to Hello, All?, posted by Karen_kay on February 22, 2004, at 14:31:09
Hey, Karen. Of course I'm great... actually, I don't know what end is up emotionally (not the cold, or the drugs, sure of it now) and I feel like crap. Plus I can't think my way through a room.
Sorry I haven't been to chatty lately, I got as far as my mail page an found I had 90 something emails. Mostly spam and messageboard stuff and newsletters and so on. Haven't checked them in a while. Maybe tomorrow.
I'm glad you're doing better (or if not, I'll try to make it better via the collective conscience) because it's important for my future spouse to be more "with it" than me. Plus, you're pretty. Never seen a pic, but I know....
Posted by Tootercat on February 23, 2004, at 13:35:25
In reply to Hello, All?, posted by Karen_kay on February 22, 2004, at 14:31:09
Hello my darling Daughter,
I am teaching Skyler how to say LaLa-bird and KK-bird. I have told him he has human sisters and that he needs to know how to say your names. He doesn't scream about the cage condition or food but if i leave the room he is constantly whistling at me to know where I am and if I don't answer he keeps on whislting till I do. Strangely enough he has NOT learned cusswords (at least that I can discern) and you know what my favorite one is! I have caught the lovely cold/virus that my coworkers decided to come in and share so I am not my normal sparkling self today......but I still love you and am available at all times should you need me!
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