Shown: posts 1 to 15 of 15. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by whiterabbit on June 12, 2003, at 17:14:37
I live in a part of the Midwest where the heat is nasty, the humidity just sucks the life right out of you. I don't know if it's global warming or old age, but every summer it seems worse. I HATE it.
After I get this pesky divorce business out of the way, I'm thinking of pulling up stakes...just start over fresh somewheres else, not sure where.
I don't want to move back to New England, my soon-to-be-ex is from Boston so the accent on the natives would drive me crazy (or crazier, if you prefer). Besides, when I lived there everyone made fun of my "Southern" accent when in reality I HAVE no accent, while their accent is quite pronounced. It was kind of funny, one day in an ice cream parlor the kid behind the counter asked me if I wanted jimmies on my sundae. I said, do I want WHAT on my sundae? The guy says, kind of rudely, "Jimmies! Do you want jimmies or not!" and
I snapped back, "What the hell are jimmies!" Now the other customers are grinning like I'm a moron, so when the kid points to them I said haughtily, "Excuse me, but those are SPRINKLES. AND I DON'T WANT ANY SPRINKLES." For heaven's sake.Ramble, forget New England. Also forget California, the cost of living is appalling and you can't smoke anywhere...maybe the Gulf Coast would be nice. I'd like to go SOMEwhere.
Posted by BekkaH on June 12, 2003, at 18:05:36
In reply to Does anyone live where it isn't a SAUNA outside?, posted by whiterabbit on June 12, 2003, at 17:14:37
Hi Gracie,
Here in the Northeast, we have had horrid weather this spring. Actually, we didn't have spring this year. It snowed through the end of April, and since then, we've had only 4-5 days without rain or the threat of rain. I feel cheated! Usually May is the most beautiful month, but this May was more like late March or early April -- cold and rainy all month long. Now it's warmer but still rainy. And when it's not raining, the humidity is at least 90%. Nothing dries. Mildew proliferates. I can't stand it. How do you like the Southwestern U.S.?? And what about San Diego? I imagine San Diego proper must be prohibitively expensive, but what about some of the surrounding areas? I know that parts of Arizona and New Mexico are nice and dry, and a lot less expensive than either coast.
Posted by Greg on June 12, 2003, at 19:32:21
In reply to Does anyone live where it isn't a SAUNA outside?, posted by whiterabbit on June 12, 2003, at 17:14:37
> Also forget California, the cost of living is appalling and you can't smoke anywhere...maybe the Gulf Coast would be nice. I'd like to go SOMEwhere.
> -GracieIf you came to see the wife and I in sunny California you'd live cost free (beat that price, I dare ya). It's hot, but not the humid kind. Sorry, I'm a summer boy thru and thru. I have a whole dresser just for all my shorts and tank tops. And you can smoke in my garage, I keep it out of the house, away from the kids. I'll even make a space in my medicine cabinet for you :)
I'm a nice guy, just ask my wife. But don't ask my daughter, you might get a *slightly* different story... doh!
Posted by tina on June 12, 2003, at 21:54:58
In reply to Rabbit..about California, posted by Greg on June 12, 2003, at 19:32:21
You're was 75 here today and I could hardly stand it!!!! ;-\
You can keep your sun and heat, give me SNOW and FREEZE!!!
Posted by whiterabbit on June 12, 2003, at 23:26:32
In reply to where it isn't a SAUNA outside? - whiterabbit, posted by BekkaH on June 12, 2003, at 18:05:36
I've never been up in that area but I can imagine what you're talking about because I read all of Ann Rule's books, and most of her stories are from the area around Oregon and Washington state.
She says usually the springtime is glorious...I actually don't mind rainy weather but possibly I would if I lived with it all the time. It's a relief when it rains here because the temperature
drops some...then the sun comes out and the humidity is gruesome. You start to sweat the moment you step outside, your clothes plaster themselves to your skin and your hair manages to wilt and frizz at the same time. YUCK.I lived in the Southwest for awhile (San Antonio)
but I didn't take to it much for some reason. My mom and sister and grandmother all live in Dallas
and they LOVE Texas, that gene must have skipped me. I guess I want to live someplace cool but not in serious mountains like Colorado has...I guess because I was raised on the plain, those kind of mountains scare me. Also, I'm not experienced with severe cold and snow...I'd probably end up starving to death on some back road, Lordy. I know my limitations.
Posted by whiterabbit on June 12, 2003, at 23:37:34
In reply to Rabbit..about California, posted by Greg on June 12, 2003, at 19:32:21
Heavens what a generous offer! I'd probably just end up being a bad influence on your kids. I do have relations in San Francisco and I was enchanted with the place when I visited...but how the hell can anyone afford to actually live there?
My "tour guide" had some real estate experience and he kept pointing out these tiny, tiny homes that cost ungodly amounts of money - and when there was even a glimpse of the ocean, forget it.
Quarter of a million, half a wouldn't believe the kind of mansion that money would buy you around here. If you can stand the humidity.
Posted by BekkaH on June 12, 2003, at 23:46:13
In reply to Thoughts on the Northeast » BekkaH, posted by whiterabbit on June 12, 2003, at 23:26:32
> I've never been up in that area but I can imagine what you're talking about because I read all of Ann Rule's books, and most of her stories are from the area around Oregon and Washington state.> She says usually the springtime is glorious...I actually don't mind rainy weather but possibly I would if I lived with it all the time. It's a relief when it rains here because the temperature> drops some...then the sun comes out and the humidity is gruesome. You start to sweat the moment you step outside, your clothes plaster themselves to your skin and your hair manages to wilt and frizz at the same time. YUCK.
Hi Gracie,
Actually, by "Northeast" I meant New York, Connecticut, New England, etc.The Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington State) is beautiful. I think I wouldn't mind the rain as much if I lived there.
Posted by whiterabbit on June 13, 2003, at 0:08:46
In reply to Re: Thoughts on the Northeast - white rabbit, posted by BekkaH on June 12, 2003, at 23:46:13
Ohmygosh how dumb!! Actually I've just been diagnosed with ADD so I'll blame it on that, hope this medication kicks in quick. I used to live in New York too, I skipped around the country a lot when I was in the military. I was stationed at West Point for about 3 years - I wasn't a cadet,
I was "cadet support" - I worked at the Army hospital there.
Alright, Gracie -left is west, right is east...
Posted by BekkaH on June 13, 2003, at 0:46:13
In reply to OH NO!!! » BekkaH, posted by whiterabbit on June 13, 2003, at 0:08:46
Hi Gracie,
No, it's not dumb. You're under so much stress right now, so a bit of confusion is to be expected.
I was interested to see that you were at West Point. West Point is beautiful!! I used to take the train on the other side of the Hudson River (the side opposite West Point), and I always thought that the area around West Point/Garrison was the MOST beautiful spot on the Hudson. Did you do much sightseeing when you were in this area? When I was younger, my mother used to take us to concerts at West Point. There are so many interesting things to do over there.
Posted by kalyb on June 13, 2003, at 11:00:34
In reply to Does anyone live where it isn't a SAUNA outside?, posted by whiterabbit on June 12, 2003, at 17:14:37
....which I will buy when I win the UK National Lottery.... you will be welcome to come and live in, Grace.
It will be in the USA, on the Gulf Coast of NW FL, which I have visited several times and fallen in love with. I don't know why, but the place just draws me. I've travelled in India and Thailand and a few places in Europe, but somehow that place has my heart.
I'll be able to move to the USA if I win that much money, because the strange US immigration laws allow someone that rich to move there, to invest their money. Otherwise (short of marrying a US citizen) I wouldn't be able to do it (I know, I've looked into it!).
I'll have at least three guest bedrooms for PB regulars to come and stay and enjoy themselves in the cool, clean environment, which Grace, of course, will have interior-designed for me. I'll have land enough for a horse, something I've always wanted since I was a little girl, or maybe several horses so that we can all go out on a ride.
I'll have a dog, another long-held and unattainable want - and I'll have cats again. I had to rehome my cats last year when I moved here, one I'd had for 16 of his 16.5 years, and he was so elderly and frail that he didn't live long in his new home.
There will be a pool of course, and a lovely long Florida Room/conservatory. Oh and a hot tub. I've seen them, but never been in one!
And most of my land will be a nature reserve, to preserve NW FL's native flora and fauna, which is unique to that region and disappearing fast, especially the native carnivorous plants.
We'll all go out to the Gulf one day and rent a boat, and go to find some wild dolphins. I know a place where we can do that; I did it myself 2 years ago. It's not legal to get in the water with them, but hey, maybe we can find somewhere we can do that. I have a few contacts in the park service and biology departments there.
And I can do something else I've always wanted to do - wear shorts all year round :)))
Kalyb xx
Posted by shar on June 13, 2003, at 14:27:01
In reply to Does anyone live where it isn't a SAUNA outside?, posted by whiterabbit on June 12, 2003, at 17:14:37
Well, no.
However, since you are used to saunas, why not come to Texas? There are people who love you here...maybe that would make a difference!
Posted by whiterabbit on June 13, 2003, at 17:50:47
In reply to Re: OH NO!!! - white rabbit, posted by BekkaH on June 13, 2003, at 0:46:13
West Point IS beautiful, very scenic. Twice a year all us peons - not the cadets of course - had to show up for "leaf-raking day" and that's all you did, rake mountains of leaves. We had to keep the place cleaned up for the tourists, which makes it a rather unusual Army post. I have a picture of my son when he was a toddler sitting on the back of one of the Army mascot mules.
I worked on the post but lived in a housing area off post that was some distance away, over the mountains. You could take the long, safe way home on a highway or the shorter but treacherous road that ran alongside the Hudson...beautiful in good weather, suicidal in bad weather. Lots of hairpin turns winding through the mountains, no lights, not many guardrails and a bunch of places where you could go skidding right off the mountain and it was a long, long drop into the Hudson. Of course it could be different now, that was quite awhile ago.
I didn't do much sight-seeing, I was a really busy single mother. I do remember a weekend apple-picking further upstate...the foliage was breath-taking in the fall, just glorious. It is beautiful country up there.
Posted by whiterabbit on June 13, 2003, at 22:11:27
In reply to In my house.... » whiterabbit, posted by kalyb on June 13, 2003, at 11:00:34
How funny you should mention the Gulf Coast, that's exactly the area I'm considering when I get around to the big move. I much prefer that side of Florida to the Pacific Coast. I don't have a city picked out yet, maybe around Fort Myers.
I'm fortunate that my parents have a vacation home in Florida near Orlando. My Dad hates cold weather and trys to get down there every winter
for a month or so of golf. The rest of the time they rent the place out, so the house pays for itself. I could stay there rent-free for awhile until I decide where to settle down...I don't care for Orlando too much, if you're going to live in Florida you might as well be near the ocean.You can come stay with me and I'll be happy to decorate your house, I always kind of wanted to be a decorator but I don't imagine that I have the social skills for a job like that. I hate listening to people complain and I would probably be crushed if somebody didn't like my work.
Also maybe I can start saving up for a London vacation - ohmygosh how thrilling that would be for me. They would probably have a hard time making me go back...of course there is the very small matter of money.
Why couldn't I do something like that? Sure I could, I just have to make some plans. Once all the legal crap is figured out and I'm officially single, no use hanging around here. It will be hard to move far away from my son but he's an adult now and pretty soon he'll go his own way, so I might as well start figuring out what I'm going to do with the rest of my life.
Wow this is frightening but I think I can handle whatever happens now.
Posted by Dinah on June 13, 2003, at 22:29:51
In reply to Gulf Coast » kalyb, posted by whiterabbit on June 13, 2003, at 22:11:27
Posted by mmcasey on June 16, 2003, at 15:16:29
In reply to Does anyone live where it isn't a SAUNA outside?, posted by whiterabbit on June 12, 2003, at 17:14:37
I've been meaning to reply to this for a little while, but I'm just now getting around to it. Well, as for the Northeast, I'd just like to say that that is where I grew up (NH to be exact, and college in western MA), and though I don't live there now, I sort of think that it will always feel like my home. I'm proud to be a new england girl. And not everyone has accents, once you get out of the Boston area, as long as you don't go to northern maine, nh, vt. However, I will say that it is generally really cold there and long winters, so I'm not sure if I'll ever want to live there again because of that weather. I think that, like anywhere, some people are nice, laid back, friendly, and others just aren't!
But anyways, I also don't think that anyone said anything about the southeast (except florida) which is where I now live. North Carolina and some parts of SC are really nice.
Just thought I'd add my two cents!
This is the end of the thread.
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