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Posted by BeARdEdLaDY on May 22, 2002, at 10:12:38
In reply to Re: Lou's right. Lou's right? Yeah. » BeARdEdLaDY, posted by wendy b. on May 22, 2002, at 9:21:31
I know he didn't mean to offend. I'm just wondering if he actually read the parts where it becomes nasty instead of just goofy. Sometimes we skim something without really catching the whole meaning of it, which is what I did when I first saw the site. And I thought it was funny, too, at first.
(And I thought your swearing post was funny, too, knowing you meant no ill will for Phil.)
I wish we could just leave religion out of this place, but it is often someone's reason for living, so we can't quite do that. But if we must be sensitive when we write (I got a PBC for calling someone's rude post rude!), then we must be sensitive when we link, right?
So all's I'm saying is: Give pizza chants.
beardy : )>
Posted by SandraDee on May 22, 2002, at 10:21:33
In reply to Well, yes, I said that in my post. » wendy b., posted by BeARdEdLaDY on May 22, 2002, at 10:12:38
Posted by krazy kat on May 22, 2002, at 10:27:00
In reply to Well, yes, I said that in my post. » wendy b., posted by BeARdEdLaDY on May 22, 2002, at 10:12:38
Posted by BeARdEdLaDY on May 22, 2002, at 10:40:13
In reply to visualize whirled peas... :) (nm) » BeARdEdLaDY, posted by krazy kat on May 22, 2002, at 10:27:00
Posted by krazy kat on May 22, 2002, at 10:48:39
In reply to my favorite, whirled peas! (nm) » krazy kat, posted by BeARdEdLaDY on May 22, 2002, at 10:40:13
with, of course, a picture of a mackerel.
'the more people i meet the more i like my dog' - my rebellious bumper sticker when i was 16. :)
Posted by Dinah1 on May 22, 2002, at 12:11:29
In reply to The 7 Gates on the Road to the Crown of Life, posted by Lou Pilder on May 20, 2002, at 16:33:37
I don't know what to say, except that I admire the effort you are using to remain civil. You are obviously living up to your ideals, and trying to abide by the rules of this board. I am sorry that you were hurt by any posts here. I agree that kid a was probably not aware of the anti-semitic nature of the site and meant no disrespect to the Jewish faith. I didn't access it myself because I take religion rather seriously, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. and didn't wish to be offended.
Anyway, I just wanted to offer you some support, Lou. I really don't know what else to say.
Best wishes,
Posted by kid_A on May 22, 2002, at 14:16:50
In reply to 'expect a mackerel' » BeARdEdLaDY, posted by krazy kat on May 22, 2002, at 10:48:39
Okay, first, I dont think I need to defend my posting of this link, but I would like to clarify that not only do I not have an anti-semitic bone in my body, but my close relatives are in fact, Jewish.I also do not feel that I need to make an appology concerning this link nor satisfy someones overactive imagination by making a stand as to weather or not I endorse the website I posted. If you are at all familiar with my posting, I would never, under any circumstances attempt to hurt someones feelings or cause someone emotional stress with any message that I post... I may joke around at times, but it is not meant to hurt...
I think it's pretty obvious that the person who fashioned this site is not only a nut-job, (if you couldnt tell by the spasmotic use of 100 million differnt fonts and colors then...), but that he has nothing at all redeeming to say.
I don't have the time or energy to sift through the entire contents of every wacko's website that for some reason out of humor I may post. Odds are that even if I had noticed the anti-semitism I still would have posted it, simply due to the fact that THE SITE MAKES NO SENSE WHATSOEVER.
I'm not posting any diatribe by David Duke, and It's obvious that my intention is not to rile anyone up, or hurt anyones feelings, and I am honestly sorry if I have.
If we want to make a start at fostering an environment on this site for mutual support lets start and remove repeated religiously dogmatic posts from the site entirely. Im sorry to say this Lou, but I'm persoanlly sick and tired of all the Gates, the Horsemen, the Crowns, and whatever logic you construe as your personal twist of saving grace. I respect your right to your oppinion, I RESPECT your QUIZES... I respect your right to post to this forum, but I feel a great deal of your posts revolve around your own personal religious beliefs that are distracting from the original intention of this board: mutual support for those with psychological ailments. I know you may think that you have the answer to everyones problem, but perhaps you dont. Perhaps a better solution would be to offer your email address and interested parties could contact you for future information.
I'm sorry If I've offended you in any way, truly, but that is how I feel.
I'm also sorry If anything I've posted has offended anyone in anyway, but I still stand by my right to post TOTALLY INSANE CONTENT.
Anyone who uses dollar signs as some form of alphabetic substitute is obviously not playing with a full deck...
that is all.
Posted by BeARdEdLaDY on May 22, 2002, at 14:31:58
In reply to everybody take a look at the Bad Guy..., posted by kid_A on May 22, 2002, at 14:16:50
Most people know that. Lou is more sensitive than most because he is wholly holy. I am helly, however, so I just wanted to add a little Jewish rah-rah to even it out after that crazy double-chinned guy's web site.
Really, he looks a lot nicer than that--sort of Willard Scott-y. Who'da thunk it?
beardy : )>
Posted by BeARdEdLaDY on May 22, 2002, at 14:36:27
In reply to 'expect a mackerel' » BeARdEdLaDY, posted by krazy kat on May 22, 2002, at 10:48:39
Posted by BeARdEdLaDY on May 22, 2002, at 14:37:34
In reply to my favorite, whirled peas! (nm) » krazy kat, posted by BeARdEdLaDY on May 22, 2002, at 10:40:13
Posted by kid_A on May 22, 2002, at 14:46:30
In reply to If you want peas, work for jesters. (nm) » BeARdEdLaDY, posted by BeARdEdLaDY on May 22, 2002, at 14:37:34
Posted by Lou Pilder on May 22, 2002, at 14:48:18
In reply to Lou » Lou Pilder, posted by Dinah1 on May 22, 2002, at 12:11:29
Dinah 1,
Thank you for your comforting post. You said more than you think you said. "---for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."
Posted by kiddo on May 22, 2002, at 14:54:41
In reply to Re: Lou's answer to Ron Hill » Ron Hill, posted by Lou Pilder on May 21, 2002, at 11:17:53
The jesus of Nazi Germany? I really hope and pray you aren't referring to Hitler....
There's only one Jesus...Jesus Christ, heard of Him? I'm curious as to why you didn't add Him...
'Which' one says all Jews are going to hell, or that Noah was white?
Posted by kiddo on May 22, 2002, at 15:02:59
In reply to A request from Lou to Kid_A. » kid_A, posted by Lou Pilder on May 22, 2002, at 7:12:58
I don't agree with have to look at the entire post, know the 'person', etc.....sarcasm, disagreement, etc., are valid reasons to add a URL to a post without adding an "Official Disclaimer".
May I ask why you "need" Kid_a to post a disclaimer? How can you say that by posting a link without a disclaimer means Kid_a hates you? Isn't that a little extreme?
Don't you find that statement a little 'accusatory' and overgeneralizing?
Posted by Lou Pilder on May 22, 2002, at 15:07:10
In reply to Which one? » Lou Pilder, posted by kiddo on May 22, 2002, at 14:54:41
Thank you for joining this discussion. Here in Cincinnati, each year the Klu Klux Klan puts up a white cross on our public square. They say that their jesus condemms all black people, jews, catholics and all other religions to hell. They have a perverted doctrin that Noah was white and thearfor all of his decendants were white and thearfore only white people are "saved". I fought the Klan for years and had to learn about their jesus. The Noah doctrin may be to only some Klan members, for there are numerous off-shoots. I have also run into the White Aryan groups and have found out about their jesus. They worship Hitler. They display the swastika and openly kill jews and blacks. Hitler said that he was doing God's will in his "final solution to the jewish problem. And when anyone raises that ugly head of anti-Semitism, I will try to put it down.
Posted by krazy kat on May 22, 2002, at 15:07:47
In reply to Thanks , Dinah 1 » Dinah1, posted by Lou Pilder on May 22, 2002, at 14:48:18
1. The increase in your posts re: the abuse/addiction, etc. of meds even when prescribed for valid uses such as the illnesses the people on this site suffer from.
2. Your continued "preaching". I cannot for the life of me see what is different re: your posts as they swerve into continuous religious territory and Sal's comments that got him banned, a couple of times I believe. In fact his were less intrusive - they tended to concern an organization, not a belief.
I just wanted you to know I am doing this. Hopefully you will not come back with "It's my right", etc., etc. It's Dr. Bob's decision, obviously, but I don't Think it is your right here.
I truly Believe you are becoming dangerous to the board, dangerous to people whose very lives may depend on the meds that they take. Dangerous to those who are feeling weak and depressed because of their mental illness, and who may seek solace SOLEY in religion, rather than approaching it from all angles, including a Dr.'s opinion.
I would like it if we all, especially myself, would just ignore you, but that doesn't happen. You occasionally post witty and insightful, non-crown threads, and I'm GUESSING that folks hope it's a sign you're getting off your high white horse.
Such is not the case.
- kk
p.s. I mean no disrespect at all to Christians, which is still what I would call Lou based on his "teachings". I would love to have a discussion about religion here, but have finally realized it's not the place, except in the broadest terms, i.e. terms of faith, meditation/prayer, spirituality, or non-spirituality. And even that is tricky.
Posted by kiddo on May 22, 2002, at 15:16:56
In reply to lou's answer to Kiddo » kiddo, posted by Lou Pilder on May 22, 2002, at 15:07:10
I was just wanting to know what you meant by that....
Posted by Lou Pilder on May 22, 2002, at 15:20:04
In reply to Re: A request from Lou to Kid_A. » Lou Pilder, posted by kiddo on May 22, 2002, at 15:02:59
I asked for a disclaimer for without one the post stands for what it says. Are you saying that anyone on this board could post anything that they want to, including hate , and then just say that they were kidding?
If that were the case, than there would be no end to the hate, the ridicule, the taunting, the jeering, and evrything else that comes from a hatefull mind. I thought that my request was in good faith because it allowed the poster to determine his/her intent. I hope that all the posters here give me the same consideration. I am not asking for any discipline to be taken towards the poster, but only clarification.
Thanks for your interest in this matter,
Posted by Lou Pilder on May 22, 2002, at 15:22:26
In reply to Re: lou's answer to Kiddo » Lou Pilder, posted by kiddo on May 22, 2002, at 15:16:56
Furthermore, the jewish community erected a 10 foot tall manorah next to the Klan cross.
Posted by kiddo on May 22, 2002, at 15:33:07
In reply to Re: A request from Lou to Kid_A. » kiddo, posted by Lou Pilder on May 22, 2002, at 15:20:04
What I'm saying is that this is an online forum-no body language, tone or facial expression to discern what the poster is intending. If you are familiar with a poster, their style, sense of humor, etc., then it's much easier to understand.
I think that anyone can post anything they want according to the FAQ. Since a lot of that is very general in nature, I guess the ball is in Doc Bob's court.
You are welcome on the thanks for my interest in this matter :-)Kiddo
Posted by Ron Hill on May 22, 2002, at 15:33:44
In reply to everybody take a look at the Bad Guy..., posted by kid_A on May 22, 2002, at 14:16:50
> If we want to make a start at fostering an environment on this site for mutual support lets start and remove repeated religiously dogmatic posts from the site entirely. Im sorry to say this Lou, but I'm persoanlly sick and tired of all the Gates, the Horsemen, the Crowns, and whatever logic you construe as your personal twist of saving grace.
------------------------Hi Kid_A,
I don't want to stir this pot further, and I do not want to offend anyone. Therefore, please categorize this post as "informational only".
Due to the fact that the University of Chicago receives federal (US) grant monies, it is illegal to discriminate against public speech on this site solely due to the fact that the speech happens to be religious in nature. In other words, the law does not allow for censorship of religious speech merely because some, or even most, of the public forum participants vote to discriminate against said type of speech.
Having said this, I can also see the other side of the issue. For example, what if someone were to flood this site with a bazillion posts daily that contain religious speech? In this hypothetical case, it would be legal to, for example, limit the number of allowable posts per day of ALL POSTERS, but it would be illegal to selectively censor only those posts that contain religious speech.
Best Wishes.
-- Ron
Posted by Lou Pilder on May 22, 2002, at 15:37:34
In reply to Lou - I'm asking Dr. Bob to review two things..., posted by krazy kat on May 22, 2002, at 15:07:47
Krazy Kat,
In my post that you referr to, I stated that there were people that I knew that had overcome their afflictions and...some kept using their drugs untill they got the power to go without them...
At the end of that post, I also made the disclaimer that I was not advocating that people stop their drugs "unless they do so with their doctor".
You see, what I am telling people here is that there is a power that they can get to help them overcome. this isn't something that I read or was told. What I have been telling in the Road actually happenend to me. I was filled with the power of God and I had never read a bible.I know nothing of the new testament for I am jewish. The Rider in the Road is not the world's jesus. But this will become evident when I finish the last 2 Gates. Then a clear picture will emerge.
Posted by BeARdEdLaDY on May 22, 2002, at 15:39:40
In reply to Re: FYI » kid_A, posted by Ron Hill on May 22, 2002, at 15:33:44
Dr. Bob's rules and regulations have been checked out by several authorities (including Lawrence Lessig, a constitutional lawyer, law professor, and author of at least two books on cyberspace and law). The speech he restricts here--including those posts by your Salvation Army friend--are perfectly legal. Your sign-up at this site is based on your willingness to follow the rules here, University of Chicago funding or not.
Beardy : )>
Posted by kid_A on May 22, 2002, at 15:41:28
In reply to Re: A request from Lou to Kid_A. » kiddo, posted by Lou Pilder on May 22, 2002, at 15:20:04
As I said in my previous post I have neither the time, inclination, or desire to preruse the entire context of a site that for all purposes I had no advance warning had any amount of anti semitic remarks contained within... And, given the context of what I post, I do not feel it is within the realm of my responsibility to provide some sort of disclaimer concerning the possible offense that someone may take against some part of content that I neither ENDORSE nor did I WRITE... And where did you get the notion, from what context of my post did you infer that I DID endorse said content???I am not posting what I feel may be possibly OFFESNSIVE material, by and large the site is just an amalgamation of crackpot conspiracy and idiocy, and I found it humorous in that context... I DO NOT, TO SATISFY YOUR INQUIRY find antisemitism the least bit amusing, and I find your acusation to defend my innocense unjust and insulting...
to quote you "I asked for a disclaimer for without one the post stands for what it says."
yes it does, it stands for the fact that there is a lone and disturbed individual in this world with too much time on his hands, fanatical ideas not just inclusive of anti-semitism, with unfortunate access to a html editor... thats about it Lou.
Posted by Ron Hill on May 22, 2002, at 15:57:54
In reply to Ron: that's not quite true. » Ron Hill, posted by BeARdEdLaDY on May 22, 2002, at 15:39:40
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