Shown: posts 1 to 7 of 7. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by akc on November 8, 2001, at 18:52:49
This is the latest email alert from NAMI about the Federal Parity Legislation pending in Congress. It has easily passed the Senate, but may get watered down in the house. For more information, you can check out NAMI's website:
Thanks for any help.
NAMI E-News November 7, 2001 Vol. 02-29
________________________________________________________________Final Push Needed For Federal Parity - 6 Steps Every NAMI Advocate Can Take to Ensure Victory
The struggle for federal parity legislation is moving toward a critical stage as
members of the House-Senate Conference Committee on the FY 2002
Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations bill (HR 3061) prepare to meet. This
Conference Committee, made up of two dozens senators and members of Congress,
will be deciding whether or not to include full mental illness insurance parity
legislation (S 543) in the final version of the bill that will be sent to the
White House for President Bush's signature. Since the Conference Committee is
expected to finish its work within the next 10 days to two weeks, time is of the
essence for consumers and family members to deliver their message to Congress
and the President.Every Member of Congress is Important
Even though only two dozen members of Congress are on the Conference Committee
on the Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations bill (HR 3061), every House member and
senator is in a position to influence the outcome of the Senate parity
amendment. House members not on the Conference Committee have the opportunity
to advocate for parity on your behalf. They can do this by contacting both the
leadership (Speaker Dennis Hastert, Majority Leader Dick Armey and Minority
Leader Richard Gephardt) and the leaders of the Appropriations Committee
(Chairman C.W. "Bill" Young, Subcommittee Chairman Ralph Regula and Ranking
Minority Member David Obey). Likewise, all senators can influence the
Conference Committee by contacting the leadership (Majority Leader Tom Daschle
and Minority Leader Trent Lott) and leaders of the Appropriations Committee
(Chairman Robert Byrd, Ranking Member Ted Stevens, Subcommittee Chairman Tom
Harkin and Subcommittee Ranking Member Arlen Specter).Members of the House Conference Committee on the Labor-HHS-Education
Appropriations Bill (HR 3061)
As noted in previous NAMI E-News messages, the following members will be serving
on the Conference Committee:House: Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-Escondido, CA), Rosa DeLauro (D-New Haven,
CT), Kay Granger (R-Ft. Worth, TX), Steny Hoyer (D-Greenbelt/Waldorf, MD),
Ernest Istook (R-Oklahoma City, OK), Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-Chicago/Homewood,
IL), Patrick Kennedy (D-Woonsocket/Newport, RI), Nita Lowey, (D-White Plains,
NY), Dan Miller (R-Sarasota/Bradenton, FL), Anne M. Northup (R-Louisville, KY),
David Obey (D-Superior/Wausau, WI), Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco, CA), John
Peterson (R-State College, PA), Ralph Regula (R-Canton, OH), Don Sherwood
(R-Scranton, PA), Roger Wicker (R-Tupelo, MS) and C.W. "Bill" Young (R-St. Petersburg, FL).Senate: Robert Byrd (D-WV), Thad Cochran (R-MS), Larry Craig (R-ID), Mike
DeWine (R-OH), Judd Gregg (R-NH), Tom Harkin (D-IA), Ernest Hollings (D-SC), Kay
Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Daniel Inouye (D-HI), Herb Kohl (D-WI), Mary Landrieu
(D-LA), Patty Murray (D-WA), Harry Reid (D-NV), Arlen Specter (R-PA) and Ted
Stevens (R-AK).NAMI advocates in the states and congressional districts of these members of
Congress are particularly urged to write and call in support of the Senate
mental illness parity amendment.6 Things Every NAMI Advocate Can Do To Help Ensure Passage of Parity in 2001
1. Write and call your senators and House member
This is the most direct and important means of lobbying your members of
Congress. NAMI and its colleague advocacy organizations have set up a toll-free
parity "legislative hotline" at 1-866-PARITY4 (1-866-727-4894) to reach the
Capitol Switchboard and ask for your Representative's office by name or by
giving your home ZIP code. Once connected, NAMI advocates should ask to speak
to the member's Health Legislative Assistant and urge them to support the
Domenici-Wellstone mental illness parity amendment to the Labor-HHS-Education
Appropriations bill (HR 3061)- include urging the member of Congress to weigh in
with the leaders of the House-Senate Conference Committee.Attached is a sample letter that advocates are encouraged to adapt and use. It
is important to note that because of the discovery of anthrax in several
congressional office buildings, U.S. mail is not currently being accepted in
members' Washington, DC offices. However, mail is being accepted in state and
district offices - local addresses are available through each member of
Congress's website (links available at and in the Blue Pages of
local phone books. In addition, members offices are accepting e-mail messages
(note - when sending e-mail, make sure to include your street address so that
the member's staff understands that you are a constituent). This information is
also available through the "Write to Congress" link on the NAMI Policy website
at Meet with your House member directly
Tomorrow, the House and Senate will both be out of session for the Veterans' Day
weekend, not returning until November 13. Most senators and House members will
be in their home states and districts meeting with constituents and attending
Veterans' Day events. For many, this will include appearances at public forums,
radio call-in programs and events sponsored by veterans groups (e.g., VFW and
American Legion posts). These are important opportunities for NAMI members to
directly urge members of Congress to support parity. *Note - it is extremely
important when attending events associated with Veterans' Day for NAMI advocates
to be respectful of the tone and purpose of this holiday which is honoring those
that have worn the uniform to protect our country's freedom. NAMI advocates are
also encouraged to contact local district and state congressional offices to
request a direct meeting with your member of Congress.3. Contact President Bush
In order for parity to become law in 2001, it must be signed by President Bush.
As the underlying Labor-HHS-Education bill is considered by the Conference
Committee, the President will play an important role in shaping the final
legislative product. Thus, it is critically important for the White House to
hear from NAMI advocates in support of the Domenici-Wellstone amendment. U.S.
mail delivery to the White House has been complicated by the recent discovery of
anthrax in a sorting facility. Thus, advocates are encouraged to deliver their
message through the White House comment line (202-456-1414) or by e-mail through
the White House website: Please remind
President Bush that he is already on record in support non-discriminatory
coverage - he signed a mental illness parity bill in 1997 as Governor of Texas
(due in large part through the advocacy of NAMI Texas).4. Write a letter to the editor or guest op-ed
Every member of Congress reads his or her local newspapers - and is always
attentive to any letter to the editor or opinion piece that directly mentions
their name or any federal legislative issues. Letters to the editor can be
particularly effective in that they reach a far wider audience. A sample guest
editorial (that is easily adaptable as a letter to the editor) is included
below.5. Organize a meeting with your editorial board
Even more powerful than a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper is the
editorial opinion of the newspaper itself. Most newspapers have editorial
boards that make themselves available for meetings to solicit the opinions of
the community. These meetings can result in a highly credible editorial being
printed in the newspaper in support of parity. Likewise, many local radio and
television stations operate similar editorial boards and opportunities for
community input. Meetings with these editorial boards can usually be scheduled
by contacting the office of the editorial page editor of your local newspaper.
However, given the short timeline for action on parity legislation this year, it
is critically important to request an editorial board meeting ASAP. Written
materials needed to make the case for insurance parity are available through the
parity Media Kit on the NAMI website at: "Grass-tops" lobbying
While the opinion of every constituent is supposed to be equal in the eyes of
members of Congress, they rarely are. For every member of Congress, there are
always certain community leaders and elected officials whose opinions carry more
weight, either through stature, experience, or most often, personal
relationships. Seeking out these community leaders and urging them to add their
voice of support to NAMI's is commonly referred to "grass-tops" lobbying. The
most effective targets for this type of lobbying are community leaders that have
some connection to your local NAMI affiliate - civic and business leaders,
clergy, police officials, school board members, etc. Perhaps the most effective
"grass-tops" lobbying efforts occur with current and former elected officials
(state legislators, mayors, city council members, county officials, etc.) that
are willing to come forward and support parity. This is especially the case
when these current and former elected officials are of the same political party
as your senators or House member. Likewise, individuals who serve on state
Democratic and Republican Committees (of the same political party as your member
of Congress) can be an effective voice. NAMI advocates are encouraged to seek
out these targets and urge them to join in the fight for passage of parity in
Dear Senator/Representative:
I am writing to urge your support for the Wellstone-Domenici mental illness
insurance parity amendment to the Labor-HHS Appropriations bill (HR 3061). As
an individual living with mental illness/a family member of an individual living
with mental illness, I strongly support this bipartisan effort to end insurance
discrimination against mental illness treatment.(add a personal anecdote about your own experience with insurance discrimination
or struggle to access coverage for treatment)On October 30, the Senate attached mental illness parity legislation to HR 3061
by a unanimous vote. This important measure is based on the Mental Health
Equitable Treatment Act (S 543), legislation that would expand the recently
expired 1996 Mental Health Parity Act to full parity for mental illness
treatment. S 543 has 65 Senate cosponsors and was favorably reported by the
Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee on August 1 by a 21-0
vote. This important legislation would prevent health plans from imposing terms
and conditions on coverage for mental illness treatment that do not apply to all
other diseases. As such, it is not a mandate of health insurance, but rather a
coverage condition that simply calls for plans to put in place equitable
treatment limitations and cost sharing requirements for all illnesses.As Congress and the House-Senate Conference Committee on the Labor-HHS-Education
Appropriations bill moves towards a vote on this landmark legislation, please
remember that:
· mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression,
obsessive-compulsive disorder and severe anxiety disorders are real illnesses,
· treatment for mental illness works - with efficacy rates for most severe
mental illnesses exceed those for heart disease and diabetes,
· there is simply no scientific or medical justification for insurance coverage
of mental illness treatment to be on different terms and conditions than other
· discriminatory insurance coverage of mental illness bankrupts families and
places a tremendous burden on taxpayers,
· parity is affordable - the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that S
543 will increase insurance premiums only .9% (a finding that is consistent with
numerous previous studies that demonstrate how non-discriminatory coverage is
economical and results in better treatment outcomes),
· 34 states have enacted parity laws similar to S 543, but even these laws offer
no protection for workers and their families that receive coverage through
self-insured ERISA plans, and
· any alternative to merely renew the 1996 Mental Health Parity Act would wipe
out an important opportunity to end insurance discrimination against people with
mental illnesses once and for all.Thank you for your attention on this important issue. Please support mental
illness parity and urge your colleagues on the House-Senate Conference Committee
on HR 3061 to do the same.Sincerely,
What's Wrong With This Picture?
When one is diagnosed with heart disease or diabetes, we expect our health plan
to cover the treatment needed. That is why we have health insurance coverage -
to pay for the treatment we hope we never need. Health insurers usually do the
right thing and cover the treatment that is needed for almost every organ of the
body - except the brain.For many families living with mental illness, diseases of the brain, adequate
insurance coverage is elusive. Typically, health plans offer minimal coverage
for illnesses of the brain such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major
depression. They often include strict limits on inpatient days and outpatient
visits. These restrictions do not apply to illnesses like cancer, heart disease
and diabetes. In addition, most health plans require higher copayments and
deductibles that apply only to mental illness treatment.In my view, this is discrimination plain and simple. This type of insurance
discrimination is particularly unfair given recent advances in scientific
research that a) demonstrate the biological basis of diseases such as
schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depression and b) that have resulted
in the development of new treatments that are incredibly effective in addressing
symptoms and restoring function. More importantly, insurance discrimination can
lead to financial ruin for many families and result in a tremendous burden being
shifted to taxpayers in the form of disability benefits and the costs associated
with untreated mental illness (emergency room visits, homelessness, etc.).Unfortunately, I know insurance discrimination first-hand. As an individual
living with mental illness/family member of an individual living with mental
illness, I have experienced what it is like to run up against unfair and
arbitrary limits in coverage. (insert personal story).What can be done about insurance discrimination against individuals with mental illness?
Senators Pete Domenici (R-NM) and Paul Wellstone (D-MN) have developed a
proposal that would require health plans to cover treatment for mental illness
on the same terms and conditions as all other diseases. This "parity" proposal
has passed the Senate and is now before a joint House-Senate committee that will
soon determine whether or not it becomes law in 2001.
Congressman/Congresswoman/Senator __________ should join Senators Domenici and
Wellstone in supporting this measure in order to bring an end to insurance
discrimination once and for all. The people of _________ County and the nation
are counting on Congressman/Congresswoman/Senator ____________ to support
passage of mental illness parity this year.-----------------------------------------------------------
The NAMI E-News is an electronic newsletter delivering
the latest in federal action alerts, legislative and policy
updates, and NAMI press releases. Provided free of charge
as a public service, the NAMI E-News is read by more than
16,500 NAMI members, policymakers, federal and state
legislators, media, providers, health care policy experts, and
others interested in improving the lives of individuals with severe
mental illnesses and their families.Contributions to support the NAMI E-News are welcomed and
can be made online (;
via mail (make check payable to NAMI and send to NAMI, P.O. Box 79972,
Baltimore, MD 21279-0972); or through the Combined Federal Campaign
(CFC #0538).Currently, NAMI Members number 220,000.
Thank you.
Please forward this email if you know somebody
who would like to add their name to this mail listing.
They should visit:
and simply fill in the form to join the NAMI Electronic News !
Posted by Noa on November 8, 2001, at 19:31:12
In reply to Parity Legislation -- Very Long, posted by akc on November 8, 2001, at 18:52:49
Thanks. Federal legislation is a tricky thing--one the one hand it is good to have the protection across the states. If you live in a state with poor protection it really helps. On the other hand, if you live in a state with good protection, the risk is that the federal standards will be lower and the state's standards will get lowered to match the federal.
I just learned recently that we have state parity but that for some reason, it isn't widely understood by consumers (me included), so insurance companies tend not to reimburse according the parity standard, and you have to contact the insurance commisioner to make the companies comply.
Sounds a bit like a crooked arrangement to me.
Posted by Phil on November 8, 2001, at 19:48:48
In reply to Re: Parity Legislation » akc, posted by Noa on November 8, 2001, at 19:31:12
This subject gets me going like no other. The mentally ill will get screwed as long as insurance lobbyists can get away with it. And they've got some really deep pockets, of power and money.
Posted by Mair on November 8, 2001, at 21:29:41
In reply to Re: Parity Legislation » akc, posted by Noa on November 8, 2001, at 19:31:12
My state got parity legislation a few years ago - it's what really allowed me to go back into therapy (and stay there) because i had maxxed out on my policy before the law passed. Appropos to what noa said, after the legislation passed, Blue Cross never bothered to update their literature so if you were trying to find out what kinds of things were covered, you'd still read all the stuff about yearly and lifetime maximums. Definitely no truth in advertising.
Posted by dreamer on November 9, 2001, at 12:46:47
In reply to We'll get screwed. , posted by Phil on November 8, 2001, at 19:48:48
One day...............
Sorry for using title in such bad taste.
Many more Dr.Lovelusts in the medical sea.
At least phone to say NO, yer freaked my chickenz.
My roosterz spitting feathers and yes I'm manic.dreamer heart-broken
Posted by sar on November 10, 2001, at 20:33:14
In reply to Re: l'll get screwed. , posted by dreamer on November 9, 2001, at 12:46:47
> One day...............
> Sorry for using title in such bad taste.
> Many more Dr.Lovelusts in the medical sea.
> At least phone to say NO, yer freaked my chickenz.
> My roosterz spitting feathers and yes I'm manic.
> dreamer heart-brokenhey dreamy,
give me your e-mail address and i'll send you the addresses of at least 10 addresses of where you can get Dr. Lovelusts from overseas.*joke*
--innocent rib @ a dearly departed babbler--
Posted by dreamer on November 12, 2001, at 10:55:54
In reply to Re: l'll get screwed. » dreamer, posted by sar on November 10, 2001, at 20:33:14
> > One day...............
> >
> > Sorry for using title in such bad taste.
> >
> > Many more Dr.Lovelusts in the medical sea.
> > At least phone to say NO, yer freaked my chickenz.
> > My roosterz spitting feathers and yes I'm manic.
> >
> > dreamer heart-broken
> hey dreamy,
> give me your e-mail address and i'll send you the addresses of at least 10 addresses of where you can get Dr. Lovelusts from overseas.
> *joke*
> --innocent rib @ a dearly departed babbler--found my longlost lovelust docs surgery.I'll accidently bump into him .
dreamr....locked and targeting clinical fantasy
This is the end of the thread.
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Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
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