Shown: posts 1 to 16 of 16. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by violette on June 23, 2010, at 15:08:15
You don't have to sign up or give an email or anything to get the results of the's a really interesting test to see what your possible neurotic tendencies may be:
My results:
Very High: Dependent
High: Schizotypal, Avoidant, Obsessive-Compulsive
Moderate: Paranoid, Borderline, Histrionic
Low: Schizoid, Antisocial, NarcissisticI was surprised to see Dependent at the top. When I was answering the questions, I didn't see how my answers would indicate a higher level of dependent traits as opposed to other traits, although I recently learned that I had some dependent issues since being in psychotherapy.
If I took this test a couple of years ago, the results would be much different. Ten years ago, I probably would have been higher on narcissistic traits and low or lower on dependent, avoidant, and OCD...But I answered the test according to how I've felt over the past few months.
This isn't a diagnostic thing, but I was thinking of the results comparing with what I had learned about myself and psychology in general and it seems pretty accurate the more I thought about it and look into those characteristics. At least it seems pretty accurate how I've been lately in not being successful in my coping of high environmental stressors.
Maybe it would be useful for others to take. I'd be interested in what others think of their results. I'd taken similar tests online, alot of them are crap, but think this is the best one I've seen so far.
Posted by violette on June 25, 2010, at 15:38:47
Hey I posted this on the psych board, but thought it might be useful for those who might currently be having problems with medications working effectively.
There might be more going on than depression or anxiety if meds don't work after repeated trials. Especially the ahedonia, lack of motivation complaints I've seen over and over (imo). People post all the time about those symptoms and I've read time and time again those symptoms could be caused by deeper psychological issues, whether or not they caused biological effects.
Anyway, you can take what you want out of it if you see some usefulness in the test or discard what you do not think is helpful in your search for wellness.
You don't have to sign up or give an email or anything to get the results of the's a really interesting test to see what your possible neurotic tendencies may be:
My results:
Very High: Dependent
High: Schizotypal, Avoidant, Obsessive-Compulsive
Moderate: Paranoid, Borderline, Histrionic
Low: Schizoid, Antisocial, NarcissisticI was surprised to see Dependent at the top. When I was answering the questions, I didn't see how my answers would indicate a higher level of dependent traits as opposed to other traits, although I recently learned that I had some dependent issues since being in psychotherapy.
If I took this test a couple of years ago, the results would be much different...and ten years ago, I think, I probably would have been higher on narcissistic traits and low on dependent, avoidant, and OCD...and nothing high or very high...But I answered the test according to how I've felt over the past year only.
This isn't a diagnostic thing, but I was thinking of the results comparing with what I had learned about myself and psychology in general and it seems pretty accurate the more I thought about it and look into those characteristics. At least it seems pretty accurate how I've been lately in not being successful in how I've been coping with high stress.
Maybe it would be useful for others to take. I'd be interested in what others think of their results. I'd taken similar tests online, alot of them are crap, but think this is the best one I've seen so far.
Posted by Phillipa on June 25, 2010, at 15:38:47
In reply to Cool Psych Test, posted by violette on June 23, 2010, at 15:16:41
Thanks how kind of you Phillipa
Posted by violette on June 25, 2010, at 15:38:47
In reply to Cool Psych Test, posted by violette on June 23, 2010, at 15:16:41
I don't know's scaring me now. There are people in my family with autism and schizophrenia, then I see the engineer/math/physics oriented people in my family are somewhat socially ackward, disconnected or a little bit autistic or aspergers. I didn't have the social ackwardness and am on the artistic side and didn't think I'd end up schitzophrenia or anything close seeing mental health issues in family members who are quite different.
But after reading about the schizotypal-I'm really worried. There's alot published about the cognitive problems or neuro problems associated with it, and I'm not sure if my doctor is putting the pieces together. He was suprised when I told him about pseudo psychosis I recently had in between appts, he seemed to think beofre I only had oedipal issues. Then he noticed the pre-oedipl issues and said I was very adaptive and had high ego strength..but I don't act out, well mostly covertly or I am aware of it while I do it, or have negative symptoms of most traits, so maybe he is not seeing how ill I really am because I usually talk instead of act on impulse...I have told him just about everything including the sensory/perception issues I have always noticed since childhood..but he forgets and I've thought for soem time now - the recent cognitive and motivation issues and social distancing sound so much like schizophrenia. I had the schizoid and schizotypal mixed up not realizing they were different things.
And after reading about the schizotypal, it's believed, at least by some, to be a mild form of schizo..but more people who have those symptoms end up with schizophrenia..but i dont' understand since most of my symptoms changed so much recently-not having signs of this before-I'm worried I am getting schizophrenia and maybe he's not seeing how bad off I really am. How could you change so much towards those symptoms?
Dependent Schizotypal Avoidant Paranoid = Schizophrenia
I hope I'm just being paranoid but I really need to talk to him about it. With the cognitive problems and motivation and at the same time, losing my spontenaity in conversation and social distancing, it really concerns me. I guess I need to quit thinking about mental health for a while and save it for my next therapy session and get my mind off this crap. I have no one to talk to about it right now so am just spilling it here. sorry
Posted by Phillipa on June 25, 2010, at 15:38:48
In reply to Re: Cool Psych Test » violette, posted by violette on June 23, 2010, at 19:55:10
Don't be sorry talk all you like I haven't taken the test yet. And babblemail is always on. Phillipa don't worry your thoughts are so congruent. Are you on any meds if you said I just simply forget sorry about that.
Posted by violette on June 25, 2010, at 15:38:48
In reply to Re: Cool Psych Test » violette, posted by violette on June 23, 2010, at 19:55:10
Never mind...I think I was just triggered by my mother again. Recently I told her I was probably susceptable to a nervous breakdown due to increase and change in symtpoms and stress and she acted as if I told her I had just joined a new gym or something.
Much of the trigger was after being on the phone with her today briefly which led to thoughts about her previous interactions and reactions when 3 close family members had nervous breakdowns while living with her (not at the same time). She pretended it wasn't happening or made the situation worse, blaming the person and even yelling at them, and acting like whoever was having the breakdown at the time was ruining her life or prventing her from 'living'. It's painful to think about how my family members were treated by her and other things that happened during those times...
Anwyay, as it turns out, she has been living alone for quite some time and does not 'live' anyway-she has the life of the living dead...but someone, somehow always prevents her from 'living her life'. She was probably worried she would have to drive me to the hospital or something, having to drive all the way there in traffic (gasp-traffic-one of her biggest complaints even for 15 minute drives) to bring a toothbrush or clothes, which would prevent her from finally 'being free' from her children, as my siblings had breakdowns and briefly moved back in with her as adults. I legally emancipated from my parents as a minor and will never go back there--I'd rather be homeless than live in that house again so I don't know why that would even worry her. But i guess the horror of traffic she'd have to endure during a drive longer than 15 minutes in the event I couldn't find a ride to the hospital is a scary thing and would greatly disturb her life.
She's been calling and I have been ignoring the calls; I didn't call her back for 2 days then she called and texted again so I finally called her back today and she wanted me to go to a farmers market with her. I told her I have not even been able to leave the house as I am having psychological problems, she just kept talkig about the farmer's market so I ended up telling her i can't talk to her right now and then spiraled.
So it seems I should avoid any contact with her for a while as I started to decompensate. Not that I won't get schitzophrenia someday, but I guess i was just being paranoid and renumerating from thoughts triggered after talking to her. The last time I saw her I ended up catatonic, staring off into space. And I guess I felt alone because it seems that you have friends until you the day you go crazy...but i took some xanax and am feeling stable now.
Posted by Phillipa on June 25, 2010, at 15:38:48
In reply to just triggered » violette, posted by violette on June 23, 2010, at 22:19:41
You don't see a pdoc? Do you have a formal diagnosis I know you have mentioned several but under the impression they are yours? Phillipa
Posted by violette on June 25, 2010, at 15:38:48
In reply to Re: just triggered » violette, posted by Phillipa on June 23, 2010, at 22:26:12
Hi Phillipa,
My therapist is my PDoc. Diagnosis-depression and anxiety, which isn't really important since its caused by an underlying childhood attachment, I don't have a formal (or informal) diagnosis of a 'PD'; those are just tendencies that explain deep core feelings and unconscous motivations or symptoms (you can learn alot about yourself from reading in depth about them) have to have the symptoms for a long time to be diagnosed, and I had never (yet) met the full criteria for any of those I listed.
My symptoms usually tend to be transient and temporary, changing throughout the years, though I have some more permanent dependent issues related to the attachment that were hidden for many years..although they were non existent years ago, that does not mean I did not have the issue then; its just your defense mechanisms push it out of your conscious until your mind gets too tired to do it any longer which results in depression or anxiety.
As far as the schizotyal goes I hadn't thought about it before and am going to ask my doctor what he thinks about that possibility. i cant' be diagnosed with it, however, if the symptoms are temporary. Maybe I am at the onset of schizophrenia, who knows.
Hopefully some of those schizotypal symtpoms will lessen when I am able to eliminate or reduce some of my life stressors (no, I am not referring to my mother here)....
Thanks for writing :)
Posted by Dinah on June 25, 2010, at 15:38:48
In reply to Re: Cool Psych Test » violette, posted by violette on June 23, 2010, at 19:55:10
My therapist and I have had a running battle on schizotypal personality disorder. He and the psychiatrist who was associated with his group thought I had schizotypal personality disorder. I disagreed. My next psychiatrist looked at me a bit severely when I asked about it, and said that I absolutely didn't have schizotypal personality disorder, and that at most I might have schizoid or schizotypal traits.
My therapist loves these tests because they generally do show me as being high in schizotypy.
So I've done a fair amount of research, and frankly I wouldn't worry it. Some schizotypal traits overlap with other personality types. And some can, as you suggested, come with depression. Especially if you are introverted by nature. If it hasn't been stable over time, it could just be the stress of what you're under right now.
And there is a big difference between schizotypal traits and schizotypal personality disorder.
A lot of what you describe can come from depression and/or anxiety or stress.
It's definitely something to talk to him about, if you're worried about it. And if you're really concerned, you could get a second opinion from a more biologically based psychiatrist, or a neurologist perhaps. I worried for years about my toe walking, for fear it was a sign of asperger's. I have more than a few aspergerish traits as well. Psychiatrists gave it due consideration. When I was at my migraine neurologist, she was doing a full neurological exam and I asked her about it. Turns out it wasn't a neurological symptom at all. I have a short somethingoranother tendon.
Psychoanalytically oriented psychiatrists can be very good for analysis. But what you're asking about here are brain based neurological questions and perhaps best answered by a neuropsychologist? If you're concerned that your psychiatrist isn't showing sufficient concern about what you are worried about.
It wouldn't mean a lack of confidence in him. Just a recognition that specialized questions are sometimes best answered by a specialist.
Posted by violette on June 25, 2010, at 15:38:48
In reply to Re: Cool Psych Test » violette, posted by Dinah on June 24, 2010, at 7:13:40
Dinah - that was very helpful information, thanks for your advice. Yes, I already went to a neurologist who diagnosed me with a movement disorder, but those symtpoms have gone away for the most part, and that didn't explain the cognitive symptoms. Psychiatrists in the past never really look into the psychological side and always said I have anxiety or depression, although I was diagnosed with PTSD years ago.
I guess my main concern was that I am getting schizophrenia, since my traits changed so much. When i read about schizotypal, I related to the description, but only had 2 of the traits since childhood. And now that I have more, I was becoming worried since really that PD could be prodromal schiztophrenia if you compare the 2...I mean if you did not have the full set of symtoms since an early age, it would seem more like schizophrenia than the PD.
I asked my pdoc/T recently if he thought I could possibly be developing schizophrenia and he basically laughed at me. We were both in a joking mood at the time, but still, he acted like it couldn't possibly happen. I think because I have had a functional life/accomplishments and other things that he doesn't think I am as bad off as I think, and that he could be missing associations because he's forgetful...
I didn't get the full neuro exam like you did though and really don't want to go through all that (and can't afford to do so at this time). Before they even had a true diagnosis, they prescribed me anticonvulsants but I don't see the point in taking them and never got them filled.
My Pdoc/T and I discussed getting a second opinion with a neuropsych I had seen before him. But I was not impressed with the neuropsych, and he seemed to think I didn't have any major disorder and suggested a couple of medications but did refer me to the neuropsych tests, which I took, but I never went back to him. So that might be a good idea since he didn't have this information at the time.
My PDoc said he'd look into the neuro stuff more, but I dislike talking about medical stuff with him since I always have so much emotional stuff saved up to talk with him about. I never brought in the results of the neuro stuff though keep thinking about donig so. I guess its time I do.
Yes, I understand about the different manifestations of anxiety, but when I put everythign together - especially with the cognitive problems and having that pseudopsychosis a couple times in the past year, including a couple of hallucinations - that's what triggered my fears. I do realize recent changes could be results of anxiety/depression and amplified by stress, but I always worry about something I guess, always had chronic anxiety. I am going to read that link in a few minutes here...
Thanks for your thoughtfulness. :)
Posted by violette on June 25, 2010, at 15:38:49
In reply to Re: Cool Psych Test » violette, posted by Dinah on June 24, 2010, at 7:13:40
I forgot to ask you Dinah, is your therapist and/or the group he is associated with--the ones who felt inclined towards the schizotypal diagnosis--psychodynamically oriented? And was your next psychiatrist (is this your current?) psychodynamic/psychoanalytic or 'conventional'?
Just curious about your case and if different types of PDocs account for different diagnoses. My PDoc had psychoanalytic training, but he is really good with meds and keeps up on research. (the fact he himself takes meds may have a positive influence too). He also treats some patients as a conventional psych w/o therapy, though he told me he usually spends considerable time talking to them anyway (rather than the 10-15 minute check ups I had in the past with conventional psychs). He is eclectic and a life learner, adapted his clinical methods over the 35 some yaers he has been practicing...and those qualities are of great importance to me.
All my PDocs prior to him were conventional--I could not go back to drs. with that background after my experience with my current doctor. Doctors psychoanalytically trained or certified have spent additional years of education about childhood development and psychology on top of ug school, med school, residency, etc. I'm not surprised doctors with this background are more scarce. Seeing a non-conventional psychiatrist has made all the difference in the world to me.
I also think its relevant there are many psychiatrists who have little education in psychology, undergraduate degrees can be in just about anything for med school acceptance...I am very surpised conventional psychiatry doesn't seem to address possible underlying psychological problems, regardless of undergraduate education. At least in my experience, they had not. After practicing for decades, my PDoc observed that mental health issues worsen as patients age, for the most part, and oh how I wish I found him a decade ago! I can say I consider myself to be very lucky to have found him and to be addressing childhood issues that were never looked into by other psychiatrists. :)
Hmm. Maybe someone else who posts here will be influenced and seek a more psychologically-oriented-psychodynamic psychiatrist and benefit from a change too... (?)
"My therapist and I have had a running battle on schizotypal personality disorder. He and the psychiatrist who was associated with his group thought I had schizotypal personality disorder. I disagreed. My next psychiatrist looked at me a bit severely when I asked about it, and said that I absolutely didn't have schizotypal personality disorder, and that at most I might have schizoid or schizotypal traits." Dinah
Posted by violette on June 25, 2010, at 15:38:49
In reply to Re: just triggered » violette, posted by Phillipa on June 23, 2010, at 22:26:12
Thanks for your support last night. I know my thoughts were are are anxiety based, but the thoughts that came from the non-emotional part of my mind were and are still rational. Or at least some of the thoughts are coming from that part of my mind. Maybe less than should be....
Posted by Phillipa on June 25, 2010, at 15:38:49
In reply to Re: just triggered » Phillipa, posted by violette on June 24, 2010, at 20:50:52
You're a very interesting person. Intelligent also. Phillipa
Posted by Dinah on June 25, 2010, at 15:38:49
In reply to Re: Cool Psych Test » Dinah, posted by violette on June 24, 2010, at 20:46:58
All my pdocs as an adult have been psychopharmacologists. They may have done therapy with others, but not with me. They seem to have a medical focus. Although they do have training in psychology as well I would guess based on their ages.
I do therapy with my therapist. He isn't psychoanalytically trained. The main focus of the psychiatrists on therapy is to make sure I'm getting it.
Posted by vwoolf on June 28, 2010, at 4:22:45
In reply to Re: Cool Psych Test » violette, posted by Dinah on June 25, 2010, at 15:38:49
I find personality tests very interesting. But I have a question which is related to them. Why do psychologists think one should not be given the results of these tests, e.g. the MMPI? At least, all the t's I have worked with have always said one should never see the results. I don't understand why the need for secrecy. Surely the more one knows about oneself, the better?
Posted by Verloren on June 29, 2010, at 8:24:55
In reply to Cool Psychological Test - Neurotic Tendencies, posted by violette on June 23, 2010, at 15:08:15
Hmm, pretty cool test Violette. I will share these results with my T. Every little bit of insight helps the process I think. Better to know or be aware of potential tendencies imo.
I was not surprised to see obsessive-compulsive as high, but was surprised that avoidant ranked higher than anything else. And a little sad that I'm only low in one area. *sigh* I have much, much work to do.
My results:
Disorder | Rating
Avoidant: Very High
Paranoid: High
Histrionic: High
Narcissistic: High
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: High
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Moderate
Borderline: Moderate
Schizoid: Low-Verloren
This is the end of the thread.
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