Shown: posts 1 to 25 of 49. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by pegasus on August 4, 2004, at 12:27:54
Sounds like a lot of us are dealing with therapist vacations at the moment. Shall we form a club? Here's the registration form:
When did T leave on vaca?
When is T coming back?
What coping strategies will you use?
List one good thing about your T being gone:
List the worst thing about your T being gone:
How are you doing right now?Feel free to register even if your T's vacation is already over! Or if it's coming later.
Posted by Dinah on August 4, 2004, at 12:32:15
In reply to Please join therapist-on-vacation club!, posted by pegasus on August 4, 2004, at 12:27:54
Ten days in late August, work related. The darn guy hasn't even gone on his personal vacation yet. :(
Best thing? Money, I think.
Worst thing? Worrying that something bad will happen when he's gone, which would be worse than something bad happening when he's here.
Coping strategies? Letting rationality take over and keeping emotions firmly locked away, with emotions' enthusiastic help.
Posted by Dinah on August 4, 2004, at 12:42:55
In reply to Please join therapist-on-vacation club!, posted by pegasus on August 4, 2004, at 12:27:54
This year has been quiet so far, but he has a part time job as a corporate consultant that takes him away a *lot*. If he weren't already my therapist, I'd never have started seeing him under those circumstances.
Posted by Klokka on August 4, 2004, at 13:01:13
In reply to Please join therapist-on-vacation club!, posted by pegasus on August 4, 2004, at 12:27:54
When did T leave on vacation? Next week, although he's on call this week.
When is T coming back? The second week of September.
What coping strategies will you use? Time-killing. And lots of writing.
List one good thing about your T being gone: Not having to be sneaky about getting to appointments. (My parents aren't keen on the whole mental illness deal. My dad would explode if he knew a thing, and it's best if I only tell my mom the details she needs to know.)
List the worst thing about your T being gone: My class schedule for next year might make me unable to see him. I won't know until later this month, and if things don't work out, there's no time to process it and I have nowhere else to go.
How are you doing right now? I'm feeling very secure about it right now and cautiously optimistic about scheduling. This will probably change dramatically next week.
Posted by daisym on August 4, 2004, at 13:02:32
In reply to Please join therapist-on-vacation club!, posted by pegasus on August 4, 2004, at 12:27:54
When did T leave on vaca?
Next FridayWhen is T coming back?
10 days later -- will miss 4 sessions. Wants to schedule me back in on Tuesday instead of Wed. For some reason, I'm resisting that.What coping strategies will you use?
Thinking about going away myself since I'm off the last 2 1/2 weeks of August. Depends on Hubbies health. Will read, post, and try to utilize Dinah's shut down strategy.List one good thing about your T being gone:
More time for shopping.List the worst thing about your T being gone:
Coping with the fear factor of not returning. Feeling like an idiot because it is ONLY 10 days and not forever.How are you doing right now?
Completely depressed and seeing him everyday. *sigh*You forgot one:
Comfort food: I've switched from Cream of Wheat this week to cooking more complicated dishes: Chicken catchitori (ok, butchered that spelling) on Saturday, homemade chicken pot pie on Sunday, cinnamon rolls yesterday. I also made a pot of homemade red sauce with teenagers are in seventh heaven. They like it when I get depressed like this! :)
Posted by rubenstein on August 4, 2004, at 13:19:17
In reply to Re: Please join therapist-on-vacation club!, posted by daisym on August 4, 2004, at 13:02:32
> When did T leave on vaca?
Next Friday
> When is T coming back?
2 weeks later when classes start
> What coping strategies will you use?
Keep busy, see lots of friends, watch movies, and read lots of books
> List one good thing about your T being gone:
No driving to appointments (very far away during the summer) and trying to hide from the parents thing is also a challenge
> List the worst thing about your T being gone:
> Knowing that he is not available if I crash.
> How are you doing right now?
TOday was better, I see him one more time so maybe next week won't be as good
> You forgot one:
> Comfort food: Pizza, ice cream
Posted by pegasus on August 4, 2004, at 13:59:33
In reply to Please join therapist-on-vacation club!, posted by pegasus on August 4, 2004, at 12:27:54
I should join my own club!
> When did T leave on vaca? Last Friday 7/30
> When is T coming back? 8/20
> What coping strategies will you use? Writing, lots of self care (meditate, yoga, exercise, sleep enough)
> List one good thing about your T being gone: Dang, I made this hard! Let's see . . . I have more time to work on the homework she gave me.
> List the worst thing about your T being gone: I have so much I want to talk about. I keep thinking that I'll mention this or that on Friday, and then I catch myself.
> How are you doing right now? I'm pretty much ok. A little anxious about some big things that are going on in her absence.
> Comfort food (Daisy, you're right!): peanut butter, mexican food, grits, ice cream (not together)
Posted by Klokka on August 4, 2004, at 17:10:19
In reply to Re: Please join therapist-on-vacation club!, posted by daisym on August 4, 2004, at 13:02:32
Not being able to cook... well, just about anything, really, I think I'll mostly just be consuming all the chocolate and coffee I can get my hands on. (I don't know why coffee's so relaxing, considering the caffeine, but oh well.) If I get really desperate and find a mix I might try making brownies and praying that it actually works this time.
Posted by gardenergirl on August 4, 2004, at 17:27:06
In reply to Please join therapist-on-vacation club!, posted by pegasus on August 4, 2004, at 12:27:54
Sign me up!
> When did T leave on vaca?
> When is T coming back?
Wednesday Aug. 18
> What coping strategies will you use?
Lordy, I'm not sure...meditating, trying to bury myself in work, working in the yard, posting here on Babble, emailing friends. Anything that may help.
> List one good thing about your T being gone:
That is very, he deserves a vacation? I may not cry my eyes out for an hour straight this week?
> List the worst thing about your T being gone:
I need to talk to him about pdoc situation. I will miss him. Oops, that's two.
> How are you doing right now?
Fair to middling. Just found out my thyroid is whacked, which is annoying, but 'splains some sx's I've been having.
Comfort food: Starbucks!Do we have a secret handshake?
Posted by pegasus on August 4, 2004, at 17:46:49
In reply to Please join therapist-on-vacation club!, posted by pegasus on August 4, 2004, at 12:27:54
Bang Bang (my gavel).
Since this is the first meeting, we'll only deal with new business:
At this moment we have myself and GG currently without therapists. Next week we will add Klokka, and the following week, everyone will be without a therapist (Dinah, Klokka, Daisy, rubenstein, pegasus, and gardenergirl).
It seems that we can all find at least one good thing about the situation. Common concerns include that T will be gone when something bad happens, that T won't return at all, that we'll explode from keeping stuff in for so long, an general fear of being on our own.
Some excellent coping skills were proposed:
Killing time
Taking our own vacation
Engaging in complicated cooking
Eating ice cream, chocolate, coffee, pizza, and other comfort foods
Watching movies
Seeing friends
Self care: meditate, yoga, otherwise relaxGood start club! It was proposed that we create a secret handshake. Not sure how to do that without letting everyone else know how it goes.
I suggest that we also help each other with the count down to T return. Then we get to have a lot of celebrations when they get back. I'll work out everyone's count downs and let you know.
(((TOV Club)))
Posted by Cinderella on August 4, 2004, at 18:46:48
In reply to Please join therapist-on-vacation club!, posted by pegasus on August 4, 2004, at 12:27:54
What About Bob? When his therapist, Dr. Leo Marvin went on vacation, Bob just followed him up to Lake Winapisaki! I think we should all take vacations too!
Posted by mair on August 4, 2004, at 22:19:52
In reply to Please join therapist-on-vacation club!, posted by pegasus on August 4, 2004, at 12:27:54
When did T leave on vaca?
At the end of this week
> When is T coming back?
In 2 weeks, but then I'm on vacation so except for 1 time somewhere in the middle of all that, I won't see her for 3 and a half weeks.
> What coping strategies will you use?
I'm never that deliberate about anything - my usual coping strategy is to try not to think about it.
> List one good thing about your T being gone:Sessions have been tough lately, so maybe with her gone, I won't feel like I'm on quite as much of an emotional roller coaster.
> List the worst thing about your T being gone:
Seeing her gets me out of my office in the middle of the day 2 x a week. Those days are going to seem alot longer.
> How are you doing right now?
I'm jittery because I don't want tomorrow's session to be as uncomfortable as the last several have been. I don't want to part feeling so vulnerable.
Lately - I've been eating nothing but not-very-good-for-you comfort foods, so nothing will change there.
Posted by tabitha on August 5, 2004, at 1:41:36
In reply to Re: Please join therapist-on-vacation club!, posted by mair on August 4, 2004, at 22:19:52
I can't join this club but I feel left out. Can I sit in the corner with my own club? It's the therapist-replaced-by-inferior-replicant club.
How long since your therapist was replaced?
Several months.How can you be sure she's a replicant?
She looks the same, and some of the words are similar, but this one doesn't understand me at all, treats me like I'm nuts, tells me my perceptions are wrong all the time, and doesn't seem to care too much for my well-being.When will your real therapist return?
I'm not sure. I keep hoping, and once I thought she was back, but the replicant is there 90% of the time. At this point I can't tell.How are you coping?
Denial. I keep trying to believe in the replicant's weird rap, but it doesn't work. My real self just keeps resisting being crushed. When denial fails, I lapse into a deer-in-the-headlights passivity in the face of the thread of death from all directions. My old so-called unhealthy coping mechanisms are starting to seem appealing.P.S. I made a freudian typo. I said 'thread of death' instead of 'threat of death'.
Posted by cubic_me on August 5, 2004, at 5:18:21
In reply to Please join therapist-on-vacation club!, posted by pegasus on August 4, 2004, at 12:27:54
me too!
> When did T leave on vaca? When is T coming back? I'm on vacation until the 3rd week in august, then she is away until the 2nd week in september
> What coping strategies will you use? Keeping very busy and ignoring any temtation to think about my emotions!
> List one good thing about your T being gone: It will make me feel like I can get through some time on my own and that I'm not dependent on a therapist
> List the worst thing about your T being gone:
I'm only seeing her until October, so our sessions are limited and I have quite a bit I want to get through> How are you doing right now? Fairly ok. Keeping busy is the key for me
Posted by gardenergirl on August 5, 2004, at 8:19:52
In reply to Re: Please join therapist-on-vacation club!, posted by tabitha on August 5, 2004, at 1:41:36
Funny, but I also know it's painful for you. Thanks for signing up!
Posted by pegasus on August 5, 2004, at 12:46:40
In reply to Please join therapist-on-vacation club!, posted by pegasus on August 4, 2004, at 12:27:54
Welcome new members, mair, tabitha, and cubic_me! Cinderella, I wasn't sure if you wanted to join, but you're welcome to.
I tried to work out everyone's count downs, but they're not exact where I don't know dates. If you want to send the date of your next appointment (after T and your own vacation) I'll recalculate an accurate countdown. (only if you want to, of course)
Starting from today (even though some of your Ts don't leave until later):
GG has 12 days to go
pegasus has 14 days to go
mair has 16 days to go
daisy has 17 days to go
rubenstein has 22 days to go
dinah has no more than 28 days, and possibly less
klokka and cubic_me have 32 days to go
tabitha has an undetermined time to goSo, the good news is that in 32 days the whole therapist vacation season should be over. Yay! And our Ts vacations are staggered, so we'll have at least 7 different days to celebrate for each other.
I'm not sure what to do about tabitha's situation. We're happy to support you hon, and I'm glad you joined. Maybe your T will return from her alien abduction and replication after vacation season? Or if you have anything else you want us to count down, let us know.
Posted by BigFish on August 5, 2004, at 14:49:16
In reply to Please join therapist-on-vacation club!, posted by pegasus on August 4, 2004, at 12:27:54
Yikes! Am I too late? In case enrollment is still open:
> When did T leave on vaca?
I see him tomorrow for the last time - he leaves on Sat.> When is T coming back?
16th of August> What coping strategies will you use?
To tell you the truth, I'm a bit lost. He hasn't taken a vacation during the 7 months I've gone to him for therapy.> List one good thing about your T being gone:
There won't be any sessions to stew about for a week.> List the worst thing about your T being gone:
We're sort of at an awkward point. I'm having a crisis of confidence about the nature of our relationship. [do we have one? is it all just pretend?] I'm worried that we'll end on a bad note. Then there'll be 9+ days to fret.> How are you doing right now?
He just called me to reschedule our appointment for end-of-day. It was another case of it being his turn to say "good-bye" first and he doesn't - there is a long pause and I have to say it. It makes me wonder what's on his mind. So in sum - not so good.Thanks so much for founding this club, pegasus. It's a really comforting idea!
Posted by pegasus on August 5, 2004, at 15:13:22
In reply to Re: Please join therapist-on-vacation club!, posted by BigFish on August 5, 2004, at 14:49:16
It's never too late to join the TOV club!
Looks like you have 10 days to go. Although it might be longer if your 1st appt with your T is later than the 16th.
Everyone has had some good suggestions for coping so far. I summarized them in the first meeting post above. Maybe something there will be helpful for you?
Personally, I find that doing something special for myself on my therapy day makes me feel a little better. It gives me something to look forward to on that day. Anything that sounds good to you would work (suggestions: extra long lunch, special dessert, massage, buy books/shoes/car you've been meaning to buy, etc.).
Good luck, and I hope you'll post if it starts to seem really hard.
Posted by mair on August 5, 2004, at 15:37:57
In reply to Countdowns, posted by pegasus on August 5, 2004, at 12:46:40
I saw my therapist today. It'll be another 12 days before I see her one more time, and then 14 days after that before we resume regular sessions. I'm sure the 1 session in between will be as worthless as today's was - neither one of us thinks it's a good idea to talk about anything of consequence when we can't be in more regular contact.
How can I complain however? She spends part of her vacation every year working in a camp for kids who have cancer, and when you think about it, none of us would be well advised to have therapists who never recharged.
Posted by Aphrodite on August 5, 2004, at 15:59:33
In reply to Re: Please join therapist-on-vacation club!, posted by tabitha on August 5, 2004, at 1:41:36
So sorry you're still struggling with the invasion of the theapist-body snatcher. I admire you for trying to see it through. Hope your efforts are soon rewarded.
Posted by daisym on August 5, 2004, at 20:21:19
In reply to Re: Please join therapist-on-vacation club!, posted by tabitha on August 5, 2004, at 1:41:36
We don't want you to be left out. I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. Have you read "A Shining Affliction" by Annie Rogers? I will warn you that this book took me under for a week but it really was powerful about how a therapy relationship can hurt you terribly and how one can save you too. And it is so beautifully written. I thought of it when you described how your therapist has changed.
Just a thought. I wish things were better. If need be, I'll share my membership.
Posted by tabitha on August 6, 2004, at 1:50:32
In reply to Re: Please join therapist-on-vacation club! » tabitha, posted by daisym on August 5, 2004, at 20:21:19
Thanks to all for the guest membership in the TOV club. I'm really touched by the replies. Don't want to divert this thread with my stuff though. Carry on with the TOV vigil. Summer will be over soon. Then not another vacation season til Christmas, right?
Posted by gardenergirl on August 6, 2004, at 20:13:48
In reply to Countdowns, posted by pegasus on August 5, 2004, at 12:46:40
By the way, thanks for putting all of this together, peg.
Take care,
Posted by pegasus on August 6, 2004, at 23:12:27
In reply to Please join therapist-on-vacation club!, posted by pegasus on August 4, 2004, at 12:27:54
You know, it just occurred to me that *all* of us are without therapists the week of the 16th, if I'm reading this correctly (and if we don't count tabitha's alien reproduction of her therapist as actually being present). Maybe we should have a special something going on that week. Any ideas?
Something along the lines of our therapy pet peeves, or best therapy moments, maybe? I could use some good babble chatter to get me through that week, personally.
PS I guess "babble chatter" is redundant :)
Posted by Dinah on August 6, 2004, at 23:32:05
In reply to Re: Please join therapist-on-vacation club!, posted by tabitha on August 5, 2004, at 1:41:36
My vote is that you're more than welcome. What could make you miss your therapist more than having her replaced by the alien pod people? The only problem I foresee is the countdown. Perhaps we can replace it with a count-up? And try to research the average length of therapist alien replacement programs. :(
I am sorry you're having to go through this though. It's got to be tough.
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