Psycho-Babble Politics Thread 1109390

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NZ general-whatsit of health

Posted by alexandra_k on April 4, 2020, at 5:36:35

initially said that masks were not to be worn unless they were worn by certain approved peoples within the health system.

the DHBs were the only people with purchasing rights for N95 masks.

Now he says that masks will become available to other people 'as they are valued'.

Trouble with that is we know that he does not value other people.

They say there is no shortage. Course not. They are stockpiling them. They dont' value their health workers any more than they value anybody else.

Only reason there has started to be a push on non-surgical masks is so that people can't tell what kinds of masks people are wearing in public.

That appears to be the way things are going.

Why can't we just do anything properly. Like the people in charge actually try and do the best things for the people they are in charge of for a change, you know.

We are apparently waiting for the US / WHO to say what they reckon about masks.

No idea why.

No idea why we can't just deliver the f*ck*ng obvious.

No idea why we can't say how many masks there are. Why the DHBs can't account for every f*ck*ng staff member. How many there are. How many masks per shift. Tell us the numbers. At current rates we have masks for how long?

Let me guess. No speak english. No do maths.

SOld the masks to overseas, already.

Squandered away to adminstrators who are valued, already.

F*ck*ng joke.

Open up the gun shops. The Government isn't likely to help you. What do you do when someone comes a-knocking and doesn't f*ck*ng listen to 'go away'?






Re: NZ general-whatsit of health

Posted by alexandra_k on April 4, 2020, at 5:40:09

In reply to NZ general-whatsit of health, posted by alexandra_k on April 4, 2020, at 5:36:35

Why can't the NZ public buy hand sanitiser in supermarkets?

Do we have to accept whatever the f*ck it is that they squirt at us on the way in.

Just because it's in a bottle with a lable on the side doesn't mean that it actually is that unadulterated content.

But, hey, people in the city are not valued, so hey.

My N-95 mask that I purchased from a pharmacy online (3rd google hit after the anouncement that DHBs were the only people allowed to purchase N-95 masks in NZ)..

Comes with something printed on the outside surface. LIke a bar-code number.

It says:


Would you wear it?


Re: NZ general-whatsit of health

Posted by alexandra_k on April 4, 2020, at 5:45:45

In reply to Re: NZ general-whatsit of health, posted by alexandra_k on April 4, 2020, at 5:40:09

Is the idea (in retarded-thinking-NZ-adminstrator-land) that people will purchase N 95 masks to wear them so that if they fall ill people will assume they are health professionals who are valued so they will get priority access to healthcare.

So... My N 95 that I was 'allowed' to purchase online comes with a stamp to indicate that I am not a healthcare worker.

Is that the idea?

I purchased one so that if I do fall ill and do need to present for help I can protect other people.

Because you wear a mask to protect other people from you.

And not the other way around.

But psychopath land doesn't understand the function.

It's really hard for me to think like a psychopath. I just can't believe that people think in these ways.

It's worse that they get to be in charge.

People need to be protected from them.

But they think they are ruling / protecting other people. They are very f*ck*d up and back to front in upside down land.

Yes... We did more than Singapore in locking things down so we don't need to use medical supplied. For sure. Totally. We have our dangly healthcare worker charm access tags that will totally protect us like totems. For sure.


Re: NZ general-whatsit of health

Posted by alexandra_k on April 4, 2020, at 5:49:04

In reply to Re: NZ general-whatsit of health, posted by alexandra_k on April 4, 2020, at 5:45:45

Sigh. Whatever.

All the people over-prescribed their ACE2 inhibitors.

It's not like administrators get those for their heart conditions and their diabetes. Prescribed by the inter-generational situation of GPs...

Good luck with that.

And the physio's you value.

I'm sure the ventillation thing will work out just fine.

I mean we've been ventillating infants for years and years and years and years and years in NZ with no obvious cognitive sequalae at all...

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