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Posted by sukarno on October 29, 2012, at 11:42:37
In reply to Lou's response-antismtzmonintrnt » sukarno, posted by Lou Pilder on October 29, 2012, at 10:34:21
"This then become {state-sponsored}. And when the state sposors what can lead to an indoctrination, and the members accept it, then we have a community that is indoctrinated in what the state sponsors and can follow the leader in his wishes."
Whoa, this is, in my humble opinion, way off the deep end. I believe you need psychiatric help or at least a series of counseling sessions.
"An indoctrination happens when another perspective is suppressed."
Not necessarily. If it is so, then aren't you also "indoctrinating" others by telling them they will die because they use medication to treat mental illness? People in glass houses should not throw stones.
Why do you post here if you believe your complaints haven't been heard and few if any folks are taking your advice?
I think you suffer from some persecutory delusions along with delusions of grandeur (e.g. "I can save the world", etc). Please seek professional help. Seriously.
Best wishes,
Posted by Lou Pilder on October 29, 2012, at 11:48:44
In reply to Lou's response-antismtzmonintrnt » sukarno, posted by Lou Pilder on October 29, 2012, at 10:34:21
> >
> >
> > I believe a dictionary is handy at times but I digress.
> >
> > "The members here are indoctrinated by Mr Hsiung and his deputy.."
> >
> > I believe there is no evidence of this and that such statements are at the very least counterproductive and could be considered as defamatory. It's regrettable to say the least and I'm truly sorry you feel that way.
> >
> > Dr. Robert Hsiung, M.D. is a health professional in private psychiatric practice who helps people with mental illnesses to recover as much as possible and thus be able to help themselves. He is a professional of high repute. That is definitely neither the attribute of nor the modus operandi of a cult leader, such as L. Ron Hubbard or Jim Jones.
> >
> > I'm sorry you feel the way you do but I humbly ask that you please see things in perspective and seek psychiatric care if need be. This is only a suggestion and I'm sorry if you feel put down as that's not my intention.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Sukarno
> Sukarno,
> The evidence of an indoctrination by Mr Hsiung and his deputies is self-evident. The indoctrination is accomplished through the control of the content here and designating what is supportive or not, and what is civil or not.
> The indoctrination in my chief concern is the allowing of statements that are antisemitic to stand. This can lead people to think that they are supportive and civil, for Mr Hsiung claims that one match can start a forest fire and that he thearfore does not wait to sanction what is not supportive or civil. He also states something like the following which is used historically to sway people to take their view.
> [...please try to trust me in that I am doing what in my thinking will be good for this community as a whole...].
> This is an appeal to accept what he wants people to think. He wants the members to try to trust him in what he does for it will be good for the group sometime in the future, not now. In this statement , we can arrive at {the ends justify the means} type of thinking which historically is something that Mr Hsiung has made another prohibition to me that prevents me from exemplifying here.
> Now the aspect of leaving a statement that can arouse antisemitic feelings to stand can have many think that not only is it supportive, but sometime in the future it will be good for them because they will be in a better community. The historical record of thoe countries that had a leader that exposed such shows that those countries were pumulted to rubble and millions of their members were killed and the leaders either commited suicide or were executed by the citizens that swallowed th great false hope that their country would be better by trusting the leader.
> This community is indoctrinted by the nature that hate is being directed to me here, antisemitism is allowed to stand and Mr Hsiung calls me The Prince of Death. He also states that it is good for members to think in terms of that Jews do not have Eternal Life and they can not have forgiveness from God. This means that Mr Hsiung allows to post here that the Jewish children that were murderd by those in an era of time that I am not permitted to mention here by his prohibition to me here, do not have forgiveness from God but the murderers do have forgivness because they accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The statment that he allows defames all of Judaism and all of Islam and all of Hinduism and all of humanity except those that accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. This means that by allowing it, it is to Mr Hsiung supportive. And he to this day has not responded to my notifications and requests that are outstanding. The indoctrination is further planted in the minds of members for others could think many different things as to why that is true, one being that it is supportive to leave my request outstanding for years so that his perspective will stand for the community to follow and they think that it {will be} good for this community to do so.
> Then there are the posts here wanting to expel me from the community and that is allowed to stand. That can lead to the indoctrination here that Mr Hsiung and his deputy think that it is supportive beause it is unsanctioned.
> The aspect of prohibiting me from posting the foundation of Judaism as revealed to me and by allowing the foundation of hatred toward the Jews to stand, speaks for itself until Mr Hsiung posts replies to my outsnding requests.Let us look at this and see how the indoctrination against the foundation of Judaism as revealed to me is advanced.
> There is a prohibition to me from Mr Hsiung that prevents me from posting the link. You can see the post by going to the search box at the bottom of this page and type in:
> [schleprock, a big hellow from 2012]
> Now many posts will come up and the one in question has Mr Hsiung's prohibition to me and there is the {please e civil} in the subject line.
> Now the indocrinatin by that post is by force. It is {De Jure}, not {defacto}. This then become {state-sponsored}. And when the state sposors what can lead to an indoctrination, and the members accept it, then we have a community that is indoctrinated in what the state sponsors and can follow the leader in his wishes. After all, they think it will be good for them later for the community will be a better place according to Mr. Hsiung's thinking and he asks for members to trust him at that. But it is much more than that. He asks member to {try} to trust him which is greatly different than just to trust him which leads to a deeper indoctrination. Now we have an appeal to authority, and that even if what is asked to try is wrong, he wants members to {try} to trust him. This has historical parallels found in the trnascripts of the cross-examintaions of (redacted by respondent) where the leader was trusted blindly, as to trust him as a God that would be the salvation to the country.
> The world now looks back at that era of time and condemns it. Yet today, statements that could arouse antisemitic feelings are allowed to stand here. I am not the Prince of Death, for death is an enemy and I am here to save lives. The members here that have been killed by the drugs did not have the opportunity to hear from me what I think could have saved their lives because the drugs killed them. I am prohibited here by Mr Hsiung fom posting a lot about these drugs that are facts. If I was to be allowed to do so, then members could have a more comprehensve data base to make a more informed decision as to take these drugs or not. That is part of the indoctrination also. The prohibition to me that I am prohibited from even posting the link here to the prohibition from Mr Hsiung to me. An indoctrination happens when another perspective is suppressed. For those of you that want me expeled fom here, that would keep others from knowing facts from me that could save their lives, prevent a life-ruining condition or addiction and lead them to a life free from being scared of the threat of death from the drugs. Since children are drugged by theparents in collabertion with a psychiarist/doctor, my perspective from a Jewish perspective that is suppresed can not be used by a parent that visits here for information abot these drus, and if the parent drugs their child and the child kills themselves fro the drugs, then the child was deprived by this site of hearing from me by the nature that the parent was deprived. The child did not et a fair assessment of what could kill them. The parent just received an indoctrinaion from here. If they were allowed to know from me what is prohibited for me to post here by MrHsiung, their child may still be alive.
> LouSarkano,
You believe that there is no evidence of an indoctrination by Mr Hsiung here. That does not mean that there isn't one.
Another aspect of the indoctrination you already know as by Mr Hsiung allowing antisemitic statements here to stand which could indoctrinate members to be against Jews and that [..reflects the posting policy here..].
This could easily lead to an indoctrination to have members post hatred toward me here which is evident, and posy hatred toward the Jews which is evident here and those posts remain unsanctioned.
But another deeper indoctrination happens when the leader of the community collaberates with the members to defame me. Now we have a partnership withe the members to inflict emotuional distresss upon me and crate a pogrum to allow all the members to post accusations and hatred toward me here.
Here is such a post Mr Hsiung referrs to me as The Prince of is thearfore supportive because he says it?
Posted by Lou Pilder on October 29, 2012, at 12:08:29
In reply to Re: Lou's response, posted by sukarno on October 29, 2012, at 11:42:37
> "This then become {state-sponsored}. And when the state sposors what can lead to an indoctrination, and the members accept it, then we have a community that is indoctrinated in what the state sponsors and can follow the leader in his wishes."
> Whoa, this is, in my humble opinion, way off the deep end. I believe you need psychiatric help or at least a series of counseling sessions.
> "An indoctrination happens when another perspective is suppressed."
> Not necessarily. If it is so, then aren't you also "indoctrinating" others by telling them they will die because they use medication to treat mental illness? People in glass houses should not throw stones.
> Why do you post here if you believe your complaints haven't been heard and few if any folks are taking your advice?
> I think you suffer from some persecutory delusions along with delusions of grandeur (e.g. "I can save the world", etc). Please seek professional help. Seriously.
> Best wishes,
> SukarnoSukarno,
Off the deep end? When the state makes it policy, then citizens can use it. In slavery, this happened. In segregation this happened. What becomes becomes legislated as law gives citizens a {right} to use what the law allows. Now members here are allowed to post antisemitic statements without sanction and post hatred toward me and accusatons toward me without sanction. Members then can think that the antisemitism is supportive nd will be good for them in the future. History shows what has happened case.
An indoctrination happens when one perspective is suppressed because what is suppressed can not have equal footing with what is allowed. I am not indoctrinating because I am allowing all other perspectives to be told here. The fact that I hav a Jewish perspective that is suppressed does not prevent other perspectives from being posted here.
You think that I suffer from persecutory deliusions and delusions of grandeur. Please do not make accusations about me that are lies. You do not have the ability to diagnose anyone. Your statement is a lie and your "Dr Bob" is allowing it to be posted here without sanction. That does not make the lie true, even though there are people here that are swayed to trust him in that it is supportive for you to defame me here because if statements are not sanctioned people can think it is supportive because support takes precedence here. And if you think that it is supportive for you to post that lie about me here, then this communiity supports lies about me.
Posted by sukarno on October 29, 2012, at 12:19:32
In reply to Lou's response-kohlab, posted by Lou Pilder on October 29, 2012, at 11:48:44
I don't see any conspiracy, anti-Semitism, fascism or anything wrong with what Dr. Bob said.
You are reading too much into everything.Dr. Bob doesn't roam around the forums telling them to stop their meds. I wonder who does that?
You think you have good intentions but what you are doing is potentially harmful or even fatal to others. Dr. Bob doesn't try to harm anyone. Who is more dangerous? Think about that for a moment.
If I was Dr. Bob or one of his "deputies" I wouldn't hesitate to ban you and your sidekick for life from this site given your decades-long rants and shock/scare tactics against the userbase which aren't grounded in any way whatsoever in science.
Fifteen minutes after you pop a Zyprexa you will find clarity, but until then this conversation is over because it's to the point where it is beating a dead horse or banging your head against a brick wall.A lot of folks don't post, myself included, in psycho-babble when they see you have posted there. It's because they know it is another anti-medication, anti-psychiatry rant.
I also ask you to stop playing the race card. It's old dude. Grow up.
Posted by Phil on October 29, 2012, at 14:26:38
In reply to correction:: Lou's response-psashizm, posted by Lou Pilder on October 29, 2012, at 6:33:02
Lou, you are obviously welcome to respond to me i any way you want. But my only message is that you need help and you can't see that.
We care about you, I care about you or I wouldn't say anything.My friend recently told me that I wasn't listening to her but constantly steering the conversation back to my problems.
*I couldn't see it but I was doing it.* I see my therapist today and will discuss it. I try my best to treat this disease.
It is not your fault that you can't see this but it is obvious that there's a problem.
If you do anything other than
a. I'll get help
b. I won't get help
If it's b then this unmoderated board will continue to be more trouble than it's worth.
Posted by Tabitha on October 29, 2012, at 15:33:28
In reply to Frivolous complaints and bath salts, etc, posted by sukarno on October 28, 2012, at 20:30:38
I am sad for this poster, but I have to giggle at phrases like "your slander of me is in an earthenware-container of defecation". What's next... "your father smells of elderberries and your mother was a hamster"?
What I have wondered lately is how a person with such disordered thinking manages to have constant internet access. Has anyone tried to picture the person, the place he posts from, the surrounding life? I wonder.
Don't forget it is ineffective to use rational arguments with a person who is not able to think rationally. Head, meet brick wall. I commend folks for the caring attempts.
FWIW, I've see far far uglier unmoderated forums.
Posted by Lou Pilder on October 29, 2012, at 15:53:51
In reply to Re: Frivolous complaints and bath salts, etc, posted by Tabitha on October 29, 2012, at 15:33:28
> I am sad for this poster, but I have to giggle at phrases like "your slander of me is in an earthenware-container of defecation". What's next... "your father smells of elderberries and your mother was a hamster"?
> What I have wondered lately is how a person with such disordered thinking manages to have constant internet access. Has anyone tried to picture the person, the place he posts from, the surrounding life? I wonder.
> Don't forget it is ineffective to use rational arguments with a person who is not able to think rationally. Head, meet brick wall. I commend folks for the caring attempts.
> FWIW, I've see far far uglier unmoderated forums.Tabitha,
You wrote,[...a person with such disorderd thinking...a person who is not able to think rationally...].
Please do not post statements that are lies that could arouse ill-will toward me. ' Your "Dr Bob" is allowing you to inflict emotional distresss upon me by allowing you to post these type of statements. The members here could think that they are supporive since support takes precedence here. You may have got the idea planted into your mind by seeing other posts here of the same nature about me. This is what I am trying to stop here. And that is not disorderd thinking or irrational thinking in any mental health community. The fact that Dr Bob is allowing you to post harmfull statements insulting my thinking is in and of itself an unsound mental-health concept. But that does not make the lie that you posted here about me true, just because he allows you to post it. What it does show is that if posting lies about another here is supportive, then lies are supportive here.
I do not want people here to be harmed by you making staements aout me that are lies. If you do it to me, you could do it to others.
Posted by sukarno on October 29, 2012, at 16:08:00
In reply to Lou's response-moarlyz » Tabitha, posted by Lou Pilder on October 29, 2012, at 15:53:51
From now on, I'm going to sanction Lou for alleged infractions of the rules. I encourage others to copy and paste the rules as I'm doing each and every time someone violates the rules until Dr. Bob or an aide steps in to enforce them.
Lou said:
"Your "Dr Bob" is allowing you to inflict emotional distresss upon me"
"The fact that Dr Bob is allowing you to post harmfull statements insulting my thinking"
"What it does show is that if posting lies about another here is supportive, then lies are supportive here."
Please don't post anything that could lead others to feel accused or put down.
But please don't take this personally, either, this doesn't mean I don't like you or think you're a bad person, and I'm sorry if this hurts you.
I do hope that you choose to remain a member of this community and that members of this community help you, if needed, to avoid future blocks. If you want to be proactive, you could ask another poster to be your civility buddy:
It's up to you to decide whom you interact with. Sometimes interacting with others may be frustrating, staying civil may be a challenge, and new skills may help. If you're open to developing new skills (which I realize may not be why you came in the first place), that's another way in which you may be supported by other posters.
More information about posting policies and tips on alternative ways to express yourself, including a link to a nice post by Dinah on I-statements, are in the FAQ: regarding these issues should be redirected to Psycho-Babble Administration. They, as well as replies to the above post, should of course themselves be civil.
Posted by Lou Pilder on October 29, 2012, at 16:16:12
In reply to Re: Lou's response, posted by sukarno on October 29, 2012, at 12:19:32
> I don't see any conspiracy, anti-Semitism, fascism or anything wrong with what Dr. Bob said.
> You are reading too much into everything.
> Dr. Bob doesn't roam around the forums telling them to stop their meds. I wonder who does that?
> You think you have good intentions but what you are doing is potentially harmful or even fatal to others. Dr. Bob doesn't try to harm anyone. Who is more dangerous? Think about that for a moment.
> If I was Dr. Bob or one of his "deputies" I wouldn't hesitate to ban you and your sidekick for life from this site given your decades-long rants and shock/scare tactics against the userbase which aren't grounded in any way whatsoever in science.
> Fifteen minutes after you pop a Zyprexa you will find clarity, but until then this conversation is over because it's to the point where it is beating a dead horse or banging your head against a brick wall.
> A lot of folks don't post, myself included, in psycho-babble when they see you have posted there. It's because they know it is another anti-medication, anti-psychiatry rant.
> I also ask you to stop playing the race card. It's old dude. Grow up.Sukarno,
You wrote,[...roam around the forums telling people to stop their meds...].
Please do not post lies about me here. I do not roam around the forums telling people to stop their meds. On the contrary, I have posted over a over that when one stops their meds and are in the withdrawal phase, that they could kill themselves and/or others and even commit mass-murder. You see, I know what these drugs are made from and what they can do to the brain and nervous system and organs. Many are not new drugs, but just new names for reconfigrations of old drugs that there is a prohibition to me here from Mr Hsiung that prevents me from posting educational material to show that. I think that if there was not the prohibition, people could have the education from me and lives could be saved because people could know more about the drugs and thearfore make a more-informed decision as to take them or not. I want to save lives here by educating people about these drugs so that they can make their own decision as to take them or drug their child and such. There were 42,000 people or so killed by psychotropic drugs in one way or another just last year alone. There are many deaths of members here where the drugs killed them. And I think that by prohibiting and suppressing my perspective, which comes from a Jewish perspective, that people are denied the whole truth here from me.
So it is lie that I tell people to stop their meds. They could die if they do, or kill others. What I could do is offer those people a way to withdrawal from their drug so that they would not kill themselvs or others and I am prohibited by the nature of the prohibitions to me by Mr Hsiung to do that here.
Your "Dr Bob" allows you to post lies about me here. That does not make the lie true nor is it a sound mental-health practice to allow you to post the lie about me.
Posted by sukarno on October 29, 2012, at 16:55:00
In reply to Lou's reply-moarlyz » sukarno, posted by Lou Pilder on October 29, 2012, at 16:16:12
Lou said:
"Your "Dr Bob" allows you to post lies about me here."
Please don't post anything that could lead others to feel accused or put down.
But please don't take this personally, either, this doesn't mean I don't like you or think you're a bad person, and I'm sorry if this hurts you.
I do hope that you choose to remain a member of this community and that members of this community help you, if needed, to avoid future blocks. If you want to be proactive, you could ask another poster to be your civility buddy:
It's up to you to decide whom you interact with. Sometimes interacting with others may be frustrating, staying civil may be a challenge, and new skills may help. If you're open to developing new skills (which I realize may not be why you came in the first place), that's another way in which you may be supported by other posters.
More information about posting policies and tips on alternative ways to express yourself, including a link to a nice post by Dinah on I-statements, are in the FAQ: regarding these issues should be redirected to Psycho-Babble Administration. They, as well as replies to the above post, should of course themselves be civil.
Posted by Tabitha on October 29, 2012, at 17:19:49
In reply to Lou's response-moarlyz » Tabitha, posted by Lou Pilder on October 29, 2012, at 15:53:51
Well now I regret saying anything. It's hard for me to support the folks that are upset by the situation in a way that doesn't insult the person at the center of the controversy. That is why I normally don't read these threads or else stay silent.
Posted by Lou Pilder on October 29, 2012, at 17:46:08
In reply to Re: Lou's response-moarlyz, posted by Tabitha on October 29, 2012, at 17:19:49
> Well now I regret saying anything. It's hard for me to support the folks that are upset by the situation in a way that doesn't insult the person at the center of the controversy. That is why I normally don't read these threads or else stay silent.
You wrote,[ support the folks that are upset by the situation in a way that deosn't insult the person at the center of the controversy...].
Do you know what the controversy is? If so, what is it? If you could post here what it is? For just that is a controversy, that does not mean that anything is bad , but could be good. There is controversy about the shape of the earth. There was controversy about slavery. There was controversy about segregation. A controversy here is nothing new.
Posted by Dinah on October 29, 2012, at 20:07:02
In reply to Re: correction:: Lou's response-psashizm » Lou Pilder, posted by Phil on October 29, 2012, at 14:26:38
I wouldn't hold my breath. For all Lou's insistence about Dr. Bob defaming him, Dr. Bob has consistently taken the stance that Lou is free to post here. There did used to be a few rules on generalizations, but usually he let Lou go on in ways that would have been considered uncivil in others, IMO. Dr. Bob has allowed many to leave Babble in order to protect Lou's right to post here. He has always been consistent in protecting the right of the few or one, perhaps over the rights of the many. It makes me wonder what he's like as a psychiatrist.
Ironic isn't it? He watches quite a few people over the years leave because of the issues involved with Lou. And Dr. Bob is ok with them leaving if they can't be civil to Lou. And in return he gets accusation after accusation from Lou.
Were Dr. Bob actively monitoring this board, we'd be as guilty of incivility as Lou and perhaps more likely to be sanctioned. Tho I think even Dr. Bob would act with statements about vessels of excrement and the like. Had he any interest in moderating. Which he doesn't.
For myself, I don't mind Lou posting so far as he is civil. And while he hasn't been lately, neither have I. I do think the rules on generalizations should be enforced. But then, nothing is enforced.
I wish we could all come together and come up with a plan to protect newcomers and the vulnerable in ways that are respectful to Lou. But to be honest, I am thus far not overly impressed with the results of community vigilante justice in this instance. I'd rather see the meds board be about meds, I think.
Lou, this doesn't mean I dislike you or wish to foster hate against you. Like it or not, in these days and times, cultural standards are such that claims of the sort you make tend to make people very uncomfortable. And you do tend to accuse others in your zeal to get people off psych drugs. People don't take that well. Perhaps you see your presence in the middle of controversies on the board as religious persecution. I have other views.
Sigh. There is that within me that believes that if someone is so often the center of attention over a period of years, perhaps what's really called for is a total lack of attention. Just think of it. Now and then the board comes to a grinding halt to talk about Lou. Not to say he's consciously looking for that. I rather think he's not. But it certainly could give him the impression that he's more important than the average poster.
If Dr. Bob isn't going to moderate here, perhaps he could install an ignore button. We could just advise newcomers who seem upset to use it. What do people do when there's a streetcorner prophet in the neighborhood? My relative was committed, but that was another day and time. I think in today's world she may rights to prophecy.
Posted by Phillipa on October 29, 2012, at 20:40:09
In reply to Lou's response-contro, posted by Lou Pilder on October 29, 2012, at 17:46:08
Lou would you do me a favor? Meant in the kindest of ways. I have no idea how long ago you took that med that frightened you and caused tinnitus music in ears isn't it? Would just see a doctor maybe it can be repaired the hearing that is? Phillipa
Posted by Lou Pilder on October 29, 2012, at 21:15:42
In reply to Re: correction:: Lou's response-psashizm » Phil, posted by Dinah on October 29, 2012, at 20:07:02
> I wouldn't hold my breath. For all Lou's insistence about Dr. Bob defaming him, Dr. Bob has consistently taken the stance that Lou is free to post here. There did used to be a few rules on generalizations, but usually he let Lou go on in ways that would have been considered uncivil in others, IMO. Dr. Bob has allowed many to leave Babble in order to protect Lou's right to post here. He has always been consistent in protecting the right of the few or one, perhaps over the rights of the many. It makes me wonder what he's like as a psychiatrist.
> Ironic isn't it? He watches quite a few people over the years leave because of the issues involved with Lou. And Dr. Bob is ok with them leaving if they can't be civil to Lou. And in return he gets accusation after accusation from Lou.
> Were Dr. Bob actively monitoring this board, we'd be as guilty of incivility as Lou and perhaps more likely to be sanctioned. Tho I think even Dr. Bob would act with statements about vessels of excrement and the like. Had he any interest in moderating. Which he doesn't.
> For myself, I don't mind Lou posting so far as he is civil. And while he hasn't been lately, neither have I. I do think the rules on generalizations should be enforced. But then, nothing is enforced.
> I wish we could all come together and come up with a plan to protect newcomers and the vulnerable in ways that are respectful to Lou. But to be honest, I am thus far not overly impressed with the results of community vigilante justice in this instance. I'd rather see the meds board be about meds, I think.
> Lou, this doesn't mean I dislike you or wish to foster hate against you. Like it or not, in these days and times, cultural standards are such that claims of the sort you make tend to make people very uncomfortable. And you do tend to accuse others in your zeal to get people off psych drugs. People don't take that well. Perhaps you see your presence in the middle of controversies on the board as religious persecution. I have other views.
> Sigh. There is that within me that believes that if someone is so often the center of attention over a period of years, perhaps what's really called for is a total lack of attention. Just think of it. Now and then the board comes to a grinding halt to talk about Lou. Not to say he's consciously looking for that. I rather think he's not. But it certainly could give him the impression that he's more important than the average poster.
> If Dr. Bob isn't going to moderate here, perhaps he could install an ignore button. We could just advise newcomers who seem upset to use it. What do people do when there's a streetcorner prophet in the neighborhood? My relative was committed, but that was another day and time. I think in today's world she may rights to prophecy.D,
You wrote,
[...what's really called for is a total lack of attention (against Lou)...]
Please do not post here any statement that could be construed to make a call for the membership here to ignore or shun me. This could lead me to be stigmatized here and I think that it constitutes defamation toward me.
Now Mr Hsiung allows you to post that here but that does not ligitimize what your statement could convey to others.
Posted by Dinah on October 29, 2012, at 21:24:55
In reply to Lou's response-pstygmah » Dinah, posted by Lou Pilder on October 29, 2012, at 21:15:42
I think in an unmoderated board an ignore button might be a good thing.
Some people might use it on you, others wouldn't.
I actually don't think I would. At least not most of the time.
Posted by Phil on October 29, 2012, at 21:57:02
In reply to Re: correction:: Lou's response-psashizm » Phil, posted by Dinah on October 29, 2012, at 20:07:02
Well, when a mod that can be given authority to make decisions based on reality and not whatever Dr Bob operated on I'll be back.
I could ignore Lou in the past for the most part but he's gotten aggressive and hostile even to newcomers.
And I've changed my mind. While I don't dislike him, I really don't care for him. I'm not real fond of people not getting treatment that are batshit crazy, telling others to follow along.
This is Dr Bob's doing, a medical doctor, letting this go on. If there was an authority overseeing medical forums, I'd file a complaint against Dr Bob. If he practices medicine or teaches in the manner that he runs this forum someone should jerk his license.
I'm not in a good place, that's why I came here. I don't feel very comfortable posting about any issues here knowing that whatever I say will be attacked.
I'll find my support in real life and if I'm attacked they will have to say it to my face. I can consider the source and in a room full of mentals I think the truth about what's right or wrong will be discussed.
Lou Pilder has wrecked this place. I have to wonder if Dr Bob is afraid that Lou will follow him IRL if he had the b*lls to ban him.
The only way to survive this place is if nobody read his garbage spewing b*llsh*t and absolutely no one ever responded to any of his posts. No one. Total blackout. He's killed this place with religious hatred and unfounded accusations. This guy is no child of God. If Lou worshipped God and quietly listened, he would hear God whisper, you need help, I can't do it all. And you have no right to accuse innocent people of anything because Lou, it's my job to judge and those you hate, I love.
This situation will not get better. This forum has hurt more people than it's helped and someday is never going to come.
I want dignity amongst the chaos in my life, my life depends on it. I refuse to lower myself to hatred and ignorance and wait on a someday doc to come make it all better.
From my perspective and even with all my shortcomings, I'm a better man that Dr Bob and I'm a better man than Lou Pilder. What they have done here goes against everything I believe to be right.
I love so many peeps on this forum and I hope good wins out over the bad but if you want to know what will happen tomorrow, look at yesterday.
Posted by Dinah on October 29, 2012, at 22:54:52
In reply to Re: correction:: Lou's response-psashizm » Dinah, posted by Phil on October 29, 2012, at 21:57:02
Lou is a child of God. We all are.
I have to admit that I don't understand the anger at Lou personally. I can understand anger at his actions. It's perfectly understandable to expect to be treated with civility. But lack of insight is something a good many of us struggle with from time to time. And the more ill we are, the less insight we have. What is there in that to be angry with? The behaviors, yes, the situation most definitely.
I don't think it's particularly pleasant to be on Babble right now, or very healthy for everyone. I don't like unmoderated boards myself for that and many other reasons. If we as a board can't find a way to deal with something we can't control, then I can't see this as being a better place any time soon.
I hope you feel better soon, Phil. And I hope that when you're feeling a bit better, you'll feel better able to cope here if you wish to be with the folks on Babble. If it's better for you to be away, I certainly understand that too.
Take care, and be very careful with the medications that excite the nervous system. Can you call your pdoc?
Posted by jane d on October 29, 2012, at 22:55:20
In reply to Re: correction:: Lou's response-psashizm » Dinah, posted by Phil on October 29, 2012, at 21:57:02
> I love so many peeps on this forum and I hope good wins out over the bad but if you want to know what will happen tomorrow, look at yesterday.
So people will get some useful meds information along with some that's really bad. Also some good therapy information and some bad. They'll find some people whose stories really resonate with them and make them say "that's exactly what I always wanted to say if I could have found the words" and find others who leave them cold or totally disgust them. If they are lucky they'll find some very good friends and they'll likely find some other people they could happily live without forever. Just like always.
Whether you think that ends up being a good experience overall or a bad one is personal. For me, most days I'd call it mostly good.
Posted by Lou Pilder on October 30, 2012, at 5:59:42
In reply to Re: correction:: Lou's response-psashizm » Dinah, posted by Phil on October 29, 2012, at 21:57:02
> Well, when a mod that can be given authority to make decisions based on reality and not whatever Dr Bob operated on I'll be back.
> I could ignore Lou in the past for the most part but he's gotten aggressive and hostile even to newcomers.
> And I've changed my mind. While I don't dislike him, I really don't care for him. I'm not real fond of people not getting treatment that are batshit crazy, telling others to follow along.
> This is Dr Bob's doing, a medical doctor, letting this go on. If there was an authority overseeing medical forums, I'd file a complaint against Dr Bob. If he practices medicine or teaches in the manner that he runs this forum someone should jerk his license.
> I'm not in a good place, that's why I came here. I don't feel very comfortable posting about any issues here knowing that whatever I say will be attacked.
> I'll find my support in real life and if I'm attacked they will have to say it to my face. I can consider the source and in a room full of mentals I think the truth about what's right or wrong will be discussed.
> Lou Pilder has wrecked this place. I have to wonder if Dr Bob is afraid that Lou will follow him IRL if he had the b*lls to ban him.
> The only way to survive this place is if nobody read his garbage spewing b*llsh*t and absolutely no one ever responded to any of his posts. No one. Total blackout. He's killed this place with religious hatred and unfounded accusations. This guy is no child of God. If Lou worshipped God and quietly listened, he would hear God whisper, you need help, I can't do it all. And you have no right to accuse innocent people of anything because Lou, it's my job to judge and those you hate, I love.
> This situation will not get better. This forum has hurt more people than it's helped and someday is never going to come.
> I want dignity amongst the chaos in my life, my life depends on it. I refuse to lower myself to hatred and ignorance and wait on a someday doc to come make it all better.
> From my perspective and even with all my shortcomings, I'm a better man that Dr Bob and I'm a better man than Lou Pilder. What they have done here goes against everything I believe to be right.
> I love so many peeps on this forum and I hope good wins out over the bad but if you want to know what will happen tomorrow, look at yesterday.P,
You wrote,[...that are batsh*t crazy telling others to follow newcomers...this is Dr Bob's doing...letting this go on...Lou ..has wrecked this [place...if nobody read his blackout...He's killed ths place with religious hatred and unfounded child of God...innocent people...this forum has hurt people more than it has helped...I refuse to lower myself to hatred nd ignorance...I'm a better man than Lou...].
I am unsure as to what you are wanting to mean here. If you could post answers to the ollowing, then I could have the opportuinty to respond accordingly.
A. What criteria did you ue to describe me as batsh*t crazy?
B. Could you please not post defamation and lies about me here? Your defamation and lies about me here is putting me in a false light, for your accusation of me being crazy is an unsound mental health statement that could injure another emotionally and psychologically. The fact that your "Dr Bob" is allowing the defamtion to be heaped upon me here does not in any way ligitimize what is simply hatred written in a venue condoned by the owner of this site. That condoning could lead others to heap the same defamation upon me as is evident in this forum. And it could have a detrimental effect on you and others that go along with "Dr Bob" and post the same defamation toward me here.
The rest of your accusations written here about me are lies. I have not wrecked this place and I do not post religious hatred or unfounded accusations. It is plainly visible that Mr Hsiung has left years of my requests and notifications to him outstanding. And who are you to determine who is or who is not a child of God?
C. Why are you a better man than me or anyone else?
D. Are you aware that your use of the phrase,"Child of God" comes from the scriptures that the Jews use?
E. Could you please not post anything here that people could construe as a call for others to ignore me or shun me here as in your use of the phrase, "total blackout"? That could stigmatize me here and cause undue mental suffering. Now your "Dr Bob" allows you to post such. But that only means that others could think that what you have posted here about me is supportive. Supportive of what?
Posted by Lou Pilder on October 30, 2012, at 7:03:52
In reply to Re: correction:: Lou's response-psashizm » Phil, posted by Dinah on October 29, 2012, at 22:54:52
> Lou is a child of God. We all are.
> I have to admit that I don't understand the anger at Lou personally. I can understand anger at his actions. It's perfectly understandable to expect to be treated with civility. But lack of insight is something a good many of us struggle with from time to time. And the more ill we are, the less insight we have. What is there in that to be angry with? The behaviors, yes, the situation most definitely.
> I don't think it's particularly pleasant to be on Babble right now, or very healthy for everyone. I don't like unmoderated boards myself for that and many other reasons. If we as a board can't find a way to deal with something we can't control, then I can't see this as being a better place any time soon.
> I hope you feel better soon, Phil. And I hope that when you're feeling a bit better, you'll feel better able to cope here if you wish to be with the folks on Babble. If it's better for you to be away, I certainly understand that too.
> Take care, and be very careful with the medications that excite the nervous system. Can you call your pdoc?D,
YOu wrote,[...I don't understand the anger at Lou...anger at his actions... its perfectly understandable to be treated with civility...anger with..the situation...].
Note my objection to what you wrote here. It could arouse ill-will toward me because:
A. Your use of of {his actions} do not specify what the actions are
B. Your use of {treated with civility) does not specify as to that I am not treated with civility or someone else is not treated with civility, nor do you specify what the (un)civility is.
C. In your use of {anger..with the situation}, you do not specify what the situation is that one has anger at or who is or is not having the anger.
Be advised, that I am defending myself against hostility that is directed at me here which is what hate is. If you could go on with your post here and specify what you want to mean, then others could have a concrete understanding of the words and phrases that you use and not have to guess what they mean and to who the subjec person(s) could be. This I ask so that if I need to defend myself against accusations that are false, that could damage me, I could have that opportunity here.
Posted by Dinah on October 30, 2012, at 7:24:18
In reply to Lou's response- » Dinah, posted by Lou Pilder on October 30, 2012, at 7:03:52
Fine response to someone who's trying to stick up for you.
Posted by Lou Pilder on October 30, 2012, at 7:27:43
In reply to Re: Lou's response- » Lou Pilder, posted by Dinah on October 30, 2012, at 7:24:18
> Fine response to someone who's trying to stick up for you.
That is not clear to me in what you wrote here.
Posted by Dinah on October 30, 2012, at 7:40:29
In reply to Lou's response-veygg » Dinah, posted by Lou Pilder on October 30, 2012, at 7:27:43
Nevertheless it is true. I stated that you were indeed a child of God, and that as such you are worthy of caring and respect.
People can be angry at your actions without hating you, Lou. I'm angry that what I intended as support was met as an attack. But I still support you as a person, and as a child of God.
It's sometimes hard to separate that out isn't it? Despite the fact that it's something I was always taught, it did take some time in therapy to truly accept that it was ok for someone to be angry with me, and that it didn't mean they hated me.
Posted by Dinah on October 30, 2012, at 7:41:37
In reply to Lou's response-veygg » Dinah, posted by Lou Pilder on October 30, 2012, at 7:27:43
Did you get any sleep, Lou? I'm worried about you.
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.