Psycho-Babble Administration Thread 7124

Shown: posts 1 to 25 of 30. This is the beginning of the thread.


Dr. Bob re: Colin Wallace block

Posted by johnj on August 12, 2002, at 20:12:46

Dr. Bob:

I know you have banned Colin in the past, but I got a much needed chuckle out of his comment. Is there not any leeway for a joke or sarcastic response for some spamming this site? I consider that poster's spam much more offensive than what Colin said. Just because someone was banned in the past shouldn't lower the threshold for banning them in the future. I sometimes feel your intention is to run people off of here. I have gotten much needed insight and support from exchanging info from people like Colin, Ron, Isom, and many others. And the guests you have had also. I wouldn't might a friendly jab or poke if I was out of order and spam is out of order. Thanks for listening


Re: Dr. Bob re: Colin Wallace block » johnj

Posted by Ron Hill on August 12, 2002, at 23:52:22

In reply to Dr. Bob re: Colin Wallace block, posted by johnj on August 12, 2002, at 20:12:46


I felt exactly the same as you regarding Colin's four week block a couple days ago. I have been wavering back and forth trying to decide whether or not to open yet another can of worms by pointing out the blatant inconsistencies in the blocks at this site. The archives can be used as a record of the obvious inconsistencies. And the thing is, a lot of people have brought this issue to the good doctor’s attention, but still it continues.

When one person points out something to me that he or she thinks I am doing wrong, I listen and weigh the validity of the concern. But when a whole host of people start coming to me saying the same thing, I say to myself, whoa, I’m doing something wrong and I need to address it immediately!

My plate is currently over full, so this may be all I write on the subject. However, I just wanted you, Colin, and Dr. Bob to know that I agree with your assessment of this issue.

-- Ron

> Dr. Bob:
> I know you have banned Colin in the past, but I got a much needed chuckle out of his comment. Is there not any leeway for a joke or sarcastic response for some spamming this site? I consider that poster's spam much more offensive than what Colin said. Just because someone was banned in the past shouldn't lower the threshold for banning them in the future. I sometimes feel your intention is to run people off of here. I have gotten much needed insight and support from exchanging info from people like Colin, Ron, Isom, and many others. And the guests you have had also. I wouldn't might a friendly jab or poke if I was out of order and spam is out of order. Thanks for listening
> johnj


Hello Ron » Ron Hill

Posted by johnj on August 13, 2002, at 8:31:53

In reply to Re: Dr. Bob re: Colin Wallace block » johnj, posted by Ron Hill on August 12, 2002, at 23:52:22

HI Ron,

Thanks for the added support. Maybe it is a matter of understanding humor from someone that lives on the other side of the pond. My plate has been very full too, and at least today I feel I can at least get some work done.
On a happy note:
How is the new house? Sounds great and I hope to buy or build a house in 2 or 3 years (after my wife is working full time). It must feel great to have your own home. How have you been feeling? I hope things are staying even keel for you.

FE is going slow, and I just decided I am not going to waste my time on studying electrical since I never had a class. I am going to put the time into the subjects I have had and my environmental afternoon session. It is feeling like I actually have a chance. Just hope my mood doesn't swing too much. Take care of yourself.


Just another example...

Posted by beardedLady on August 13, 2002, at 8:41:22

In reply to Dr. Bob re: Colin Wallace block, posted by johnj on August 12, 2002, at 20:12:46

of "one man's meat is another man's poison."

Colin's response was neither uncivil nor sarcastic. It wasn't mean spirited or rude. It was humor, plain and simple, and it was done at no one's expense. I would bet even the poster might have laughed at the comment. It didn't make fun of anyone. It was a double entendré and nothing more.


Absolutely right beardy.

Posted by tina on August 13, 2002, at 10:01:34

In reply to Just another example..., posted by beardedLady on August 13, 2002, at 8:41:22

I was the "original" poster re: starting the thread back in 2000 and I thought the joke was hilarious. Not intended in any other way but a genuine and successful laugh. I think this site is getting way to sensitive in some areas and completely ignorant in others. I'm certainly rethinking someone's post earlier about Doctor Bob having favorites and non-favorites.
It's sad that a lighthearted silly little joke can get you banned for 4 weeks.


yes indeedy » tina

Posted by BeardedLady on August 13, 2002, at 10:22:29

In reply to Absolutely right beardy., posted by tina on August 13, 2002, at 10:01:34

> It's sad that a lighthearted silly little joke can get you banned for 4 weeks.

Or even for a moment.


Can you go to social? (nm) » tina

Posted by BeardedLady on August 13, 2002, at 10:26:18

In reply to Absolutely right beardy., posted by tina on August 13, 2002, at 10:01:34


Unbelievable.. (nm)

Posted by Phil on August 13, 2002, at 12:25:45

In reply to Absolutely right beardy., posted by tina on August 13, 2002, at 10:01:34


Most ridiculous (nm)

Posted by tina on August 13, 2002, at 14:09:38

In reply to Unbelievable.. (nm), posted by Phil on August 13, 2002, at 12:25:45


also was surprised (nm)

Posted by katekite on August 13, 2002, at 15:14:02

In reply to Most ridiculous (nm), posted by tina on August 13, 2002, at 14:09:38


Correct me if I'm wrong

Posted by Phil on August 13, 2002, at 17:50:52

In reply to also was surprised (nm), posted by katekite on August 13, 2002, at 15:14:02

but the person that spammed babble registered just for that? I did a search of this year and nothing came up.
If that 'is' the case, he was blocked for 4 weeks for not supporting that poster. Now that is bizarre.
On a side note, I think the Pope would get a giggle out of that joke. Harmless.



You're so NOT wrong Phil (nm)

Posted by tina on August 14, 2002, at 7:40:20

In reply to Correct me if I'm wrong, posted by Phil on August 13, 2002, at 17:50:52


Re: one match can start a forest fire

Posted by Dr. Bob on August 14, 2002, at 10:26:02

In reply to Dr. Bob re: Colin Wallace block, posted by johnj on August 12, 2002, at 20:12:46

> I know you have banned Colin in the past, but I got a much needed chuckle out of his comment. Is there not any leeway for a joke or sarcastic response for some spamming this site? I consider that poster's spam much more offensive than what Colin said. Just because someone was banned in the past shouldn't lower the threshold for banning them in the future. I sometimes feel your intention is to run people off of here. I have gotten much needed insight and support from exchanging info from people like Colin, Ron, Isom, and many others. And the guests you have had also. I wouldn't might a friendly jab or poke if I was out of order and spam is out of order. Thanks for listening

First, I'd just like to say it's been great to see some old posters again. I hope we can find some way to coexist (relatively) peacefully.

As far as leeway, one match can start a forest fire. Maybe a preacher can get this across more effectively than I seem to be able to:

> James ... compares the tongue to a forest fire. How many times have we heard of forest fires being started by one match. Think of the Chicago fire on October 8, 1871. It started when Mrs. O'Leary was milking her cow and the cow kicked over an oil lamp; some hay caught on fire, until all the hay in the stable was on fire, then the next building was on fire, and the next and the next!
> When the fire was finally extinguished, there were only two buildings standing. The little flame from that lamp destroyed 17,500 buildings, 300 died, 125,000 homeless & $400 Million damage.
> Is your tongue like that? Do you have no control over it? ...
> Then James compares our tongues to wild animals. James reminds us that we can tame wild animals, but we still can't tame the tongue, it's a restless evil, full of deadly poison. We can go to Sea World and see a killer whale kiss its trainer, we can see people hold deadly snakes, we see lions and tigers tamed, but it's so difficult to train our tongues not to be filled with a deadly poison. ...
> So, how do we learn to tame our tongues?
> A few practical suggestions —
> If you can't say something good, say nothing. President Lincoln once said, "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
> Another president, Calvin Coolidge once said, "I have never been hurt by anything I did not say."
> Proverbs 10:19 tells us "When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise."
> Think before you speak. Again, remember James practical advice from 1:19, 'listen, listen, listen, be slow to speak and slow to become angry.' ...
> If you think you are heading down the wrong path of injuring another person because of what you say or how you say it, then ask yourself "How can I build up instead of tear down?"
> Proverbs 12:18 says "Rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." Is that true for the way you react when someone says something you don't like? Do your words just come flying out . . . before you can think?
> Then use the acronym think —
> T - Is it true?
> H - Is it helpful?
> I - Is it inspiring?
> N - Is it necessary?
> K - Is it kind?
> If what we are about to say does not pass these tests, we should keep our mouth shut. It works!

Remember, only you can prevent forest fires!



Re: one match can start a forest fire » Dr. Bob

Posted by mair on August 14, 2002, at 11:36:45

In reply to Re: one match can start a forest fire, posted by Dr. Bob on August 14, 2002, at 10:26:02

Geesh Bob do you just post stuff like this to stir things up and flush all of us lurkers out of the closet?

Where in the T.H.I.N.K. acronym is there room for lighthearted humor. Would any of the posts about your numerous picture changes meet this test? How about all of the goofy fruit threads? This board is awash with people who probably take themselves a little too seriously - a little levity can hardly do any wrong.

I found Colin's post to be the kind of play on words that just makes you want to groan - a relative of numerous silly puns and bad jokes - certainly no more harmful than, but equally as corny as the phrase "only you can prevent forest fires" which definitely got a "groan" out of me.

Peruse the archives and I'll wager that you'll find tons of examples of harmless banter and corny jokes of a similar sort. These are not "matches" because everyone recognizes them for precisely what they are.

Methinks that the strict constructionists would love you and that even you would be bored to tears by this Board if we all turned into a bunch of laconic taciturn Calvin Coolidge types.

Lastly, do remember that some of this summer's worst forest fires were started not by thoughtless, negligent campers, but by fire fighters.



Only you can prevent humor. » Dr. Bob

Posted by BeardedLady on August 14, 2002, at 13:20:33

In reply to Re: one match can start a forest fire, posted by Dr. Bob on August 14, 2002, at 10:26:02

Harmless jokes don't start forest fires.


P.S. » Dr. Bob

Posted by BeardedLady on August 14, 2002, at 13:36:45

In reply to Re: one match can start a forest fire, posted by Dr. Bob on August 14, 2002, at 10:26:02

Many of the forest fires here start when you unfairly issue PBCs or blocks. Rather than adding lighter fluid with an entirely unrelated (to this situation) quote, you could simply put this fire out by bringing Colin back.


Re: Oh Bob....

Posted by Greg on August 14, 2002, at 15:03:55

In reply to Re: one match can start a forest fire, posted by Dr. Bob on August 14, 2002, at 10:26:02

I got a good (and much needed) chuckle out of Colin's post. I saw it, as apparently other did too, as humerous. I don't believe he meant it as sarcastic or maliciously, and until he is able to post otherwise I will continue to feel that way. Perhaps it is because he has been blocked a few times in the past that you are a little over-sensitive to what he posts? Only you know that for sure.

I have tried very hard to steer clear of your business, at least publicly. As many have pointed out in your defense, this is your site, you own it, you run it, and you can do what you want with it. Fair enough. But you ask those of us who come here to abide by the rules, I try to do that. But it's getting increasingly hard to do when those rules are constantly open to changing interpretation by you. I've been around here for about 2 1/2 years now. And you have given me a few PBCs in that time. Let me ask you, if I would have posted the exact same thing that Colin did, would you have blocked me? Honestly?

While there are a lot of people here that are happy with things just the way they are, there are a whole lot who are not. It's hard to play the game when you never know what the rules are going to be Bob. This site has lost some members because some critical issues haven't been addressed. I don't say this to slight those who have stayed, your presence is just as valuable and I'm glad you stuck around. But if working these problems out so that we all have something we can live with gets everyone back, doesn't that benefit us all?

Bob, I'd really like to see you consider opening up a dialog where everyone with an issue to discuss can do so. It'll be time consuming and likely to get very heated at times. But if helps to settle things down, isn't it worth it?

This isn't going to get better by ignoring it. And yes, I know it takes two to tango, so you need to lead...

I hope you'll give this some thought.

An old-timer,


This Board needs a democratic vote in banning(Dr.B

Posted by johnj on August 14, 2002, at 16:42:28

In reply to Re: Oh Bob...., posted by Greg on August 14, 2002, at 15:03:55

Dr. Bob:

If someone in your office made a joke similiar to Colin's would you fire them?(not literally, ha ha). Or if one of your children said something like that would you ground them for four weeks? If I was a betting man, I would say you would probably chuckle at such a light joke and do nothing. I am absolutely stunned.
And for everyone else: Smokey the Bear was from New Mexico.


Re: I get the feeling... - Mainly Dr. Bob

Posted by Dinah on August 14, 2002, at 16:49:20

In reply to Re: Oh Bob...., posted by Greg on August 14, 2002, at 15:03:55

I get the feeling that Dr. Bob is in the process of changing the rules to prevent what he sees as things getting out of control.

And I think a lot of us, myself included, are nervous about what the boundaries are. I don't mind if they're strict or easy (well maybe not too easy, but that's me), but I do need to know what they are.

So I think things that would have gone without comment are now getting PBC's. And I think Dr. Bob's post was an attempt to convey the new spirit of what is expected on the site. But I do think it fell short in his usual tendency towards obcurity. :) (Sorry, Dr. Bob)

Of course, these are just guesses. So, I will ask directly. Are you tightening the rules on the site? Was your post an attempt to frame the new standards, which are basically don't say anything if you don't have anything nice (or perhaps supportive) to say?

And finally, about Colin. I didn't really understand the block, but I wondered if you would have blocked him if he had made his comment before yours. In other words, in giving you the benefit of the doubt, I was wondering if you are cracking down on things continuing after you have intervened. I would understand if you would prefer to have jokes or in some cases continued argument cease on a thread after you intervene, with comments about the intervention itself being made on Admin. I was just wondering if that was the case on this block.

Finally, if you are in the progress of making changes to the guidelines, wouldn't it be better to give a few more civility warnings on things that wouldn't have caused a block previously, rather than blocking, perhaps along with a clarification of the new expectations. I know it makes me really nervous when I see a block or a PBC over something I think I might have said myself, with the old standards in mind.

(By the way, I do love that quote from James.)


Re: yeah, James

Posted by IsoM on August 14, 2002, at 17:03:35

In reply to Re: I get the feeling... - Mainly Dr. Bob, posted by Dinah on August 14, 2002, at 16:49:20

> (By the way, I do love that quote from James.)

James? Yeah, I love them too.
Give It Away

No more you choose to sue for peace
Where once for war
The mind ingrained can't hear the call
You have so many friends cheering you along
Don't turn a deaf ear to their song

As your world is turning you're holding on
Give it away, give it away
Holding on to right or wrong won't serve you

We keep on fighting to maintain our father's place
This time line never finds an end in revenge
Here comes an open heart to blow it all away

As your world is burning you're holding on
Give it away, give it away
Holding onto right and wrong won't serve you
Won't serve you


Re: Iso

Posted by Greg on August 14, 2002, at 17:55:26

In reply to Re: yeah, James, posted by IsoM on August 14, 2002, at 17:03:35

I miss you dear, I hope you're doing OK.



Re: one match can start a forest fire » Dr. Bob

Posted by tina on August 14, 2002, at 22:03:45

In reply to Re: one match can start a forest fire, posted by Dr. Bob on August 14, 2002, at 10:26:02

"Maybe a preacher can get this across more effectively than I seem to be able to:

Like........hmmmm.....Lou maybe?? sheesh ~rolls eyes~

> > T - Is it true?
> > H - Is it helpful?
> > I - Is it inspiring?
> > N - Is it necessary?
> > K - Is it kind?

Maybe you should take the above acronym into account when you block someone for telling a HARMLESS joke.

Hypocrisy is really annoying Doc.


Re: administrative issues

Posted by Dr. Bob on August 14, 2002, at 22:50:51

In reply to Re: I get the feeling... - Mainly Dr. Bob, posted by Dinah on August 14, 2002, at 16:49:20

> I get the feeling that Dr. Bob is in the process of changing the rules to prevent what he sees as things getting out of control.

I've already said that I thought I let things go on too long before and that I'm trying to stamp them out sooner now:

> I didn't really understand the block, but I wondered if you would have blocked him if he had made his comment before yours.

If I were selling those shakes, his comment wouldn't have made me feel supported... Especially after my post had already been flagged, yes, that was part of the context.

I also still think it's counterproductive to spend too much time and energy on administrative issues, tempting though it may be. The focus should be on support and education. That probably *was* a mistake to bring James into it, I probably should've just added it to the FAQ or something. Sorry about that.



Re: Sorry Dr. Bob....

Posted by Dinah on August 14, 2002, at 23:02:29

In reply to Re: administrative issues, posted by Dr. Bob on August 14, 2002, at 22:50:51

I do tend to overanalyze things sometimes. I'm just trying to make sure I understand so I don't run afoul of the rules, that's all.

But I liked the James quote. I really did.


Re: administrative issues » Dr. Bob

Posted by BeardedLady on August 15, 2002, at 7:14:31

In reply to Re: administrative issues, posted by Dr. Bob on August 14, 2002, at 22:50:51

> If I were selling those shakes, his comment wouldn't have made me feel supported... Especially after my post had already been flagged, yes, that was part of the context.

If you were selling those shakes, another Dr. Bob would have warned you about selling those shakes, and you'd have felt completely embarassed or caught or whatever--anything but supported. And if Colin made his pun, you'd have probably chuckled and realized the people on the board had their attention diverted from you to a funny joke NOT ABOUT YOU.

> I also still think it's counterproductive to spend too much time and energy on administrative issues, tempting though it may be.

Well of course you do, especially when you make judgment calls like these with which everyone disagrees.

> The focus should be on support and education.

You are right. And maybe that could include you? You expect both of us, and we'd like to see that you can be supportive of the people who use your site, especially when so many of us have come here to say what you've done was unfair.

Colin's comment wasn't leading anywhere. It didn't need to be stopped before it escalated. It was a pun--a play on words--not a sarcastic comment about the person who posted the original words. And if you want us to be supportive and educate, maybe you could lead by example--by learning from this mistake? By not jumping to negative conclusions about posters? By not just listening to us when we tell you something was unfair, but by actually correcting your mistake?

It's a perfectly healthy and wonderful thing to say to yourself: Hmmm...twelve or so people, including those who normally don't post here, thought I was wrong about this. Maybe I'll stop it before it goes any further by allowing Colin to come back and apologizing. And it's even better to act on it.

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

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Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
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