Shown: posts 1 to 20 of 20. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by Maxime on November 28, 2009, at 10:52:36
Parnate is giving me acne. Little red bumps that don't come to a head. It's on my back, chest and face. It is not attractive.
Anyone else have this problem. If so can you suggest a product for me either over the counter (not Clearasil) or prescription. I am ugly enough without having this on my face.
Posted by Phillipa on November 28, 2009, at 13:02:25
In reply to acne with Parnate, posted by Maxime on November 28, 2009, at 10:52:36
Maxie you are not ugly. Now stop!!!!! Ha yelled at you. Seriously is it a rash? Think you should have it looked at? Love Phillipa
Posted by floatingbridge on November 28, 2009, at 16:12:11
In reply to acne with Parnate, posted by Maxime on November 28, 2009, at 10:52:36
I'm wondering if it's a rash, too. What do other have to say? A new thread line w/ rash with parnate?
Posted by Maxime on November 28, 2009, at 22:49:28
In reply to Re: acne with Parnate » Maxime, posted by floatingbridge on November 28, 2009, at 16:12:11
It's not a rash, it's acne. I feel like an exfoliant might help, but then again it might make it worst. At any rate, it's scary looking. I am so fat and ugly and now I have this on my face. :(
Posted by Maxime on November 28, 2009, at 22:50:33
In reply to Re: acne with Parnate » Maxime, posted by Phillipa on November 28, 2009, at 13:02:25
It's not a rash. And I am ugly. You don't know what I look like.
Posted by ColoradoSnowflake on November 28, 2009, at 23:20:36
In reply to Re: acne with Parnate » Phillipa, posted by Maxime on November 28, 2009, at 22:50:33
Maybe you are suffering from that too bright, clear-headedness that I have from the Parnate. I seem to have sharp, clear, magnifying glasses on and I see FAR more than I am comfortable with seeing! And it hurts us to know how nice you are and hear you put yourself down.
That's a bummer you have a rash or whatever. How about something soothing and healing like aloe vera? If you have a plant you can just filet it and lay it on your face/chest/whatever. And drink a lot of water. And be nicer to yourself! Who cares what you look like on the outside! We know you on the INSIDE during some pretty difficult times, and saw your strenth and perseverence and constant willingness to help others! The kind of stuff that really means something.
Hugs to you!
Posted by inanimate peanut on November 29, 2009, at 13:45:32
In reply to Re: acne with Parnate » Maxime, posted by ColoradoSnowflake on November 28, 2009, at 23:20:36
I know how you feel. EMSAM gave me acne and it does make me feel ugly (though I'm sure you're not). I think I'm going to switch to Parnate soon and hope I don't get acne from that too. The only thing I've found to control acne when I've had it from other meds is switching birth control pills to Yasmin. I don't know what to do now that EMSAM has brought it back!
Posted by inanimate peanut on November 29, 2009, at 13:48:08
In reply to Re: acne with Parnate » Maxime, posted by ColoradoSnowflake on November 28, 2009, at 23:20:36
Sorry-- my previous post was meant to be linked to Maxie
Posted by inanimate peanut on November 29, 2009, at 13:49:01
In reply to acne with Parnate, posted by Maxime on November 28, 2009, at 10:52:36
I know how you feel. EMSAM gave me acne and it does make me feel ugly (though I'm sure you're not). I think I'm going to switch to Parnate soon and hope I don't get acne from that too. The only thing I've found to control acne when I've had it from other meds is switching birth control pills to Yasmin. I don't know what to do now that EMSAM has brought it back!
Posted by maxime on November 29, 2009, at 21:12:28
In reply to Re: acne with Parnate » Maxime, posted by ColoradoSnowflake on November 28, 2009, at 23:20:36
Thanks Gayle. I do put myself down a lot. I guess that is one of the reasons I developed anorexia. I hate myself to be honest.
My prescription acne cream is helping a bit now and I have been washing my face with a tea tree oil product. At least the redness is gone but the bumps are still there. Sigh. It doesn't hurt or itch, it's just ugly.
Posted by maxime on November 29, 2009, at 21:13:41
In reply to Re: acne with Parnate » Maxime, posted by inanimate peanut on November 29, 2009, at 13:49:01
Did you find anything that helped the acne? It's weird, I didn't have the acne the first time I was on Parnate. I'm sorry that you suffer too.
Posted by bulldog2 on November 30, 2009, at 9:21:47
In reply to acne with Parnate, posted by Maxime on November 28, 2009, at 10:52:36
> Parnate is giving me acne. Little red bumps that don't come to a head. It's on my back, chest and face. It is not attractive.
> Anyone else have this problem. If so can you suggest a product for me either over the counter (not Clearasil) or prescription. I am ugly enough without having this on my face.Stridex maximum strength for over the counter. But hard to do anything but the face.
Dermatologists have a lot of good products. Sometimes tetracyclin clears it right up. Than there are vitamin a topicals. Cause redness and peeling but than the acne slowly disappears.Or a combo of tetracyclin and topical a. Than there are stronger products.
Posted by Maxime on November 30, 2009, at 12:37:17
In reply to Re: acne with Parnate, posted by bulldog2 on November 30, 2009, at 9:21:47
Thanks. I was thinking of tetracyclin because I used to be on it in my 20s for adult acne. But I am afraid that it would interact with the Parnate. I always thought that antibiotics and antidepressants don't mix. Am I wrong?
Posted by bulldog2 on November 30, 2009, at 13:40:27
In reply to Re: acne with Parnate » bulldog2, posted by Maxime on November 30, 2009, at 12:37:17
> Thanks. I was thinking of tetracyclin because I used to be on it in my 20s for adult acne. But I am afraid that it would interact with the Parnate. I always thought that antibiotics and antidepressants don't mix. Am I wrong?
did not see tetracyclin in this link
Posted by alchemy on November 30, 2009, at 23:06:01
In reply to acne with Parnate, posted by Maxime on November 28, 2009, at 10:52:36
Hi Maxime. In my opinion it is likely the Parnate. I know one med I tried (don't know which one), made my acne much worse for a while. On another med, a tricyclic, I had about a week of extreme itching & nothing helped. The body is weird, and the many different ways it reacts to meds can be weird too.
Posted by floatingbridge on November 30, 2009, at 23:33:03
In reply to acne with Parnate, posted by Maxime on November 28, 2009, at 10:52:36
> Parnate is giving me acne. Little red bumps that don't come to a head. It's on my back, chest and face. It is not attractive.
> Anyone else have this problem. If so can you suggest a product for me either over the counter (not Clearasil) or prescription. I am ugly enough without having this on my face.Maxine, I didn't think of tetracycline. That's a good idea. From personal experience, exfoliation can make acne worse, (though other swear by it), as can too much scrubbing or topicals that dry it out (for me, tea tree oil was too strong over the long term). If you current treatments aren't working, I suggest adding cooling astringent gel-type masks. There is a great homeopathic face gel--jeez, I can see the tube but forget the name--that is very soothing. Small red bumps seem to me to be a heat / liver situation. (The little I know about chinese med.)
Good luck Sweetie--you're beautiful to us--and sharp as a whip to boot!
Posted by Kingston on December 2, 2009, at 12:02:03
In reply to acne with Parnate, posted by Maxime on November 28, 2009, at 10:52:36
EMSAM initially gave me ACNE and a horrid sebaceous cyst on my chest. Completely defeated the positive anti-depressant effect of the patch. I stopped the patch and it was only until I stopped it that I realized how much it had been working so I went back on it. Here's how I tackled the ACNE.
First off, stay away from oral acne meds if you can. I know they help many people but they also destroy your gut and your gut is directly tied to your psychological well being. Heavy use of anti-biotics in this country at an early age without supplementing with Probiotics is thought to be one of the major causes of Social Phobia, Bipolar, Schizophrenia and Autism to begin with. Stick to topical if you can.
Take cold shower (no hot water) and make it quick
Wash face with Plexion Cleansor (sulfur based acne wash)
Wash rest of body with benzoyl peroxide soap(optional)
Pat your skin down. Do not rub. Pat it with a fresh towel although air drying is best.
Try not to touch anything before applying topical acne products to face.
Apply Clindamycin phosphate 1% to face
Apply Metrogel to face
Apply Bactroban 2% (mupirocin calcium cream), to face(make sure to get brand name and the cream). This stuff is amazing and the most potent anti-bacterial known to man. Used to kill staph and herpes but trust me, it works on the face, back, chest, hormonal cystic acne like no other. Be sure to apply twice daily but use no longer than 14 days. You don't want to get used to the stuff. At the same time, just b/c your acne dissapears in a day, make sure to continue use of Bactroban.
Apply Benzomycin Gel(this is a tough one b/c it dyes your clothes if you get any of it on you. It would be better suited to use at night but I use Retin-A at night and Benzomycin and Retin-A render each other ineffective when together.Night:
Wash with Plexion Cleanser.
Apply Clindamycin Phosphate
Apply Metrogel
Apply Duac Gel (this stuff along with Metrogel is great for redness)
Apply Retin-A cream .025%
Apply BactrobanI was actually scripted this regiment by a Nurse Practitioner at Kaiser. I looked at him strangely at first b/c it's sort of a soup of way to many acne meds but hell, it worked and my face is spotless. My skin tone, redness of face, wrinkles on my forehead...all gone.
Drink 2 gallons of water (distilled if you can handle it but take a multi-vitamin b/c distilled acts like a diuretic and leaches you of your nutrients. Speaking of which, Spiralactone is supposed to be amazing for women with hormonal acne. It's a diuretic and since MAOis cause fluid retention due to decrease in BP, it makes sense that a diuretic would help).
Exercise obviously and lay off the carbs. Carbs exacerbate acne for whatever reason.
Sounds like overkill but ever since this regiment, haven't had a problem with acne or rosacea or anything. My face looks pretty bomb. Do this for a month and I bet your face will look amazing and your confidence will be much higher.
I never quite realized how much acne was directly correlated with my self esteem, social anxiety and depression until finally annihilating it. You can't let up for a day though. Even when it's over, it's never over you know?I mean, I've struggled for years with medication-induced hormonal acne-it's the main reason I quit half the meds that I tried--that might have actually helped. Naturally, ESAM, which boosts my libido and strength, is going to cause acne. All MAOis, whether it be Parnate or Nardil will likely cause some form of acne b/c they all reduce to amphetamine metabolites which mess with your hormones much like stimulant meds do. They also tend to cause hypotension(low bp) which causes facial fluid retention/edema. Acne thrives is these static fluid pockets which is why it is essential to exercise VIGOROUSLY to get that stale fluid moving and out of your system. Also why diuretics work on MAOi induced acne. Just be careful if you go the diuretic rout and replenish with plenty of electrolytes. Before I found this regiment, I used diuretics for acne and they work like a charm. SO does the tanning salon but both are unhealthy options that don't get at the root.
MAOis, particularly Nardil, are popular amongst professional athletes. Aside from the Roids, ever wonder why pro athletes look like they just stampeded through an acne war zone? Take Barry Bonds for example. Bonds took Nardil for years as a performance enhancer a) to bulk weight b) to enhance his perceived sense of strength and c)to virtually wipe out his home plate batting anxiety. He was on Nardil when he broke 70 home runs. Can't blame the guy for messing with supps and drugs. Not much different than what we're all doing. Can you imagine trying to hit a baseball in front of a crowd of 100,000 screaming fans? Nardil makes sense. Anyone that claims Nardil is the fat, lazy persons drug has no clue what they're on about it. It's not Lithium and even Lithium has it's role low dose augmentation therapy. I think there is something about the name 'NARDIL' that sounds scary to people. Parnate and EMSAM sound so much cleaner. B/c if anything, Nardil is a physical performance enhancer just as EMSAM and Parnate boost brain power.
Nardil is actually really popular amongst body builders. Go on a body builder forum and you'll discover everything about drugs and diet that you ever wanted to know. They use Nardil as a bulking agent but also as a confidence booster to quell their anxiety before competitions. Naturally, anyone that takes up the profession of body building is highly narcissistic and suffering from low self-esteem. Think about it. So again, Nardil makes sense. Same reason celebrities seek fame. Purely out of a deeply seeded narcissistic insecurity from a malnourished ego that has reverted to a child like state where it sees itself as the center of the universe. Paris Hilton is simply a reflection of her inner suffering and insecurity for example. Not her fault. Just her fate. I've often thought suffers of social phobia were caught up in a similar mindset that pertains to narcissistic personality disorder. Seems almost contradictory but true social phobics aren't shy...they're extremely social but self-conscious; often being extreme perfectionists. Inside, they crave the attention of others but they have developed such deep seeded insecurities that they almost cease to function...they isolate becoming agoraphobic, which makes matters worse, leading to major depression and suicide at worst. Read the book FAME and you will be surprised by the number of celebs who get in the business, almost as a byproduct having social phobia, largely as a result of narcissistic, drug using and often abusive parents.
Posted by floatingbridge on December 2, 2009, at 18:42:03
In reply to Re: acne with Parnate, posted by Kingston on December 2, 2009, at 12:02:03
Kingston--what a wealth of information!
Posted by Maxime on December 3, 2009, at 21:36:48
In reply to Re: acne with Parnate » Maxime, posted by floatingbridge on November 30, 2009, at 23:33:03
Yes FB, for me exfoliating makes everything worse. I am trying to do the least possible so I am not handling my skin too much. This isn't helping my self esteem. ;)
Posted by inanimate peanut on December 5, 2009, at 19:39:22
In reply to Re: acne with Parnate » floatingbridge, posted by Maxime on December 3, 2009, at 21:36:48
I'm trying to just leave mine alone and am thinking it might be getting a bit better. Hopefully the hormones in the Yasmin will override the hormones in the Parnate.
This is the end of the thread.
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