Shown: posts 1 to 25 of 35. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by willyeee on September 12, 2009, at 0:58:29
I went from a slim 180 pounds of weight lifting slimness to my now 6ft 300 pd bulk of mixed fat and muscle.
Its becomming a actual strain on my back,the weight as well as adding to self loathing.
I tried diet,cardio,pills etc,im not considering the BAND,any quick comments,anyone have it,does it work?Ive been pre approved insurance wise im just waiting oon my own final desicsion.
Posted by Phillipa on September 12, 2009, at 1:06:03
In reply to Meds + Weight, posted by willyeee on September 12, 2009, at 0:58:29
Truth be told got a tummy tuck and lipo for different reasons but did lose weight. Don't get gastric bypass if that is what it is know someone having horrible time with absorption including meds since he got it. Phillipa
Posted by willyeee on September 12, 2009, at 4:33:23
In reply to Re: Meds + Weight » willyeee, posted by Phillipa on September 12, 2009, at 1:06:03
Im not interested in a tummy tuck,and i have muscle so lipo is also out,im pretty discouraged by your post,ill address that with the docs perhaps it was an isolated case with your friend.
Im sure im not the only person on some form of meds using the band,id imagine it wouldent make it very far if it were the case for everyone on a med.
Posted by Maxime on September 12, 2009, at 8:00:11
In reply to Meds + Weight, posted by willyeee on September 12, 2009, at 0:58:29
I still don't understand how meds make us gain weight. I gained about 40 pounds from Seroquel and I went off the Seroquel MONTHS ago and the weight has yet to come off. I don't overeat, in fact I restrict my food in an unhealthy way. I wish I knew what the answer was because it's very discouraging to be carrying extra weight that I can't seem to lose no matter how much I exercise or how much I restrict my food.
Sorry that I don't have an answer for you. I just wanted you to to know that many suffer as you do. Although your weight gain is on the high end. I hope someone will have the answer and post here.
Posted by zana on September 12, 2009, at 9:01:35
In reply to Re: Meds + Weight » willyeee, posted by Maxime on September 12, 2009, at 8:00:11
What meds are you taking? There are some meds that can be used adjuctively that help kill your appetite. I'm thinking of provigil and wellbutrin. Hard to know if they would be appropriate without knowing what else you are taking. I can certainly understand why this would be distressing.
Posted by Justherself54 on September 12, 2009, at 10:38:33
In reply to Meds + Weight, posted by willyeee on September 12, 2009, at 0:58:29
I feel for you. I'm in the same boat. I can't seem to get the weight off either. To answer you question..I haven't had surgery, but I recently ran into one of my friends from way back. Last time I saw her she was terribly obese..over 300 pounds and she's 5'1". What I saw completely blew me away. She was stunning!
She talked openly about her surgery..she did have a very difficult time they made the pouch too small and she wasn't able to absorb the necessary supplements. She even lost all her hair. However, the pouch did stretch and she said everything went uphill from there.
I asked her if she would do it again, given all the problems she had and she said absolutely.
The weight I've gained from meds has now put me into the obese category. I'm scheduled for a sleep apnea test. Like Maxime..I can restrict my calories and if I'm lucky I'll see a pound lost, only to see it regained. It won't matter what I do.
Anyone with depression has enough crap to deal with, including their self-esteem taking a nose dive. Sigh..that's my vent.
I'm now going to haul my obese body into the bathroom to put down flooring..not a pretty sight I can tell you.
Posted by bulldog2 on September 12, 2009, at 13:17:16
In reply to Meds + Weight, posted by willyeee on September 12, 2009, at 0:58:29
> I went from a slim 180 pounds of weight lifting slimness to my now 6ft 300 pd bulk of mixed fat and muscle.
> Its becomming a actual strain on my back,the weight as well as adding to self loathing.
> I tried diet,cardio,pills etc,im not considering the BAND,any quick comments,anyone have it,does it work?Ive been pre approved insurance wise im just waiting oon my own final desicsion.Have you checked your thyroid. Many of these meds ruin the thyroid. My wife ordered t3 and took one 20 mcg pill a day. She than went on the Jenny Craig diet and lost 40 pounds. She's on zoloft, klonopin, and neurontin. She contines to take 20 mcg t3 once a day.
Now I'm guessing some here who I will not name had a terrible time on t3 and she seems to have horrrible side effects to all meds. My wife started on half a pill (10 mcg) and than went to a full pill. She found the t3 helped her fight against depression and has not had sides.
The t3 is a suggestion but may be worth considering.
Posted by Maxime on September 12, 2009, at 16:55:11
In reply to Re: Meds + Weight, posted by Justherself54 on September 12, 2009, at 10:38:33
I was really upset with my endocrinologist this week. She told me that I am overweight ( which I am) Then I told that I have trouble losing weight despite eating very little. She said "well you are eating enough to be overweight". I wanted to slap her so hard. All I eat in the day is half a cucumber and two cherry tomatoes and a small lowfat yoghurt. That's IT! I am back to my anorexic eating but the weight isn't coming off. I should be underweight with what I am eating. And I never binge either. Very frustrating.
Posted by Justherself54 on September 12, 2009, at 17:49:47
In reply to Re: Meds + Weight » Justherself54, posted by Maxime on September 12, 2009, at 16:55:11
Jeez..what a lousy comment she made. I don't know what the answer doesn't make sense. Unless something has made our metabolism slow to a crawl..I have no idea..but I sure wish I did.
Posted by Sunbath on September 12, 2009, at 17:56:48
In reply to Re: Meds + Weight » Justherself54, posted by Maxime on September 12, 2009, at 16:55:11
Bah! She must be such an idiot!!Unbelieveable! Such a person shouldn't be working in a health care environment!
:( don't think of itBTW: I came across many abstracts telling about metabolic side effects like increased blood sugars, fatty acids and insuline resistance... I'm sure u can eat as little as possible and you'll still gain much weight!
Posted by Phillipa on September 12, 2009, at 20:16:18
In reply to Re: Meds + Weight » Maxime, posted by Sunbath on September 12, 2009, at 17:56:48
Willyee isn't the band different? Where they can remove it if it doesn't work out? I remembered that today? Phillipa
Posted by willyeee on September 12, 2009, at 20:34:41
In reply to Re: Meds + Weight, posted by zana on September 12, 2009, at 9:01:35
Thanks for all the response,ive used so far metaformin,hoodia,topamax water pills and i lift every day.
thats my pic now,i stand 6to 6`1 and 3-315 pds.
Yes i also have thyroidd meds,i am petrafied to eat now is absurd.
Posted by willyeee on September 12, 2009, at 20:46:54
In reply to Re: Meds + Weight, posted by willyeee on September 12, 2009, at 20:34:41
Heres a pic of the roller coaster ride im on with weight,goes down comes back.
Posted by Phillipa on September 12, 2009, at 21:20:12
In reply to Re: Meds + Weight/pic 2 show, posted by willyeee on September 12, 2009, at 20:46:54
Willyee your're also hypothyroid? As that's the first thing I found a huge trend in when reviewing Patient's labs seriously most had thyroid problems it's not a generalization it's what my eyes saw and it was when I formed a hypothesis that thyroid problems accompanied mental problem. All types. And as you know muscle weights for than fat so your're muscle bound. A Big difference. Can you pinch more than an inch? Love Phillipa
Posted by 49er on September 13, 2009, at 7:42:08
In reply to Re: Meds + Weight, posted by Justherself54 on September 12, 2009, at 10:38:33
I am curious, why do you stay on the meds if they have caused the health hazard of obesity?
I am not asking to start a flame way as I am just curious.
Fortunately, I never became obese from my meds although when I was on SSRIs, there was that danger before I quit taking them. However, when I realized that Remeron was causing my hearing loss, I made the decision to go off of meds. I also had cognitive issues and came to the conclusion there was no safe psych med for my situation.
Anyway, I never worried about relapsing as long as tapered slowly because I felt the cure had become worse than the disease. I knew if I completely lost my hearing and my cognitive abilities got worse, my depression would be horrific no matter what.
I guess my question to you or anyone else on this board is how you weigh the decision to stay on meds vs. tolerating side effects? Is there any point where the side effects preclude you staying on meds or not?
Again, I am asking not because I want to start a flame war.
Posted by SLS on September 13, 2009, at 9:14:02
In reply to Re: Meds + Weight » Justherself54, posted by 49er on September 13, 2009, at 7:42:08
Hi 49er.
> I guess my question to you or anyone else on this board is how you weigh the decision to stay on meds vs. tolerating side effects? Is there any point where the side effects preclude you staying on meds or not?
I guess it depends on the number of remaining alternatives available and the degree to which the illness affects one's quality of life.
- Scott
Posted by willyeee on September 13, 2009, at 9:22:06
In reply to Re: Meds + Weight » Justherself54, posted by 49er on September 13, 2009, at 7:42:08
Scott said it right,im not on a single med but a cocktail which took years to find.
Being on a coctail,i dont know the culprit,so stopping my meds when i dont have an alternative isnt a option for me.
I have thought about it,but again im yet to find a drug i have not tried that works on me.
Posted by 49er on September 13, 2009, at 10:25:00
In reply to Re: Meds + Weight, posted by willyeee on September 13, 2009, at 9:22:06
> Scott said it right,im not on a single med but a cocktail which took years to find.
> Being on a coctail,i dont know the culprit,so stopping my meds when i dont have an alternative isnt a option for me.
> I have thought about it,but again im yet to find a drug i have not tried that works on me.I find your post interesting.
When I gained endless weight on SSRIS, I never considered stopping the meds.
But the threat of losing my hearing and my cognitive abilities worsening, got my attention. I didn't honestly know what life would be like without meds but whatever happened couldn't possible be worse than what was happening with the side effects.
Posted by Maxime on September 13, 2009, at 11:46:02
In reply to Re: Meds + Weight » Justherself54, posted by 49er on September 13, 2009, at 7:42:08
When I was at the height of my anorexia, there was no way I going to take a med that would cause weight gain. Then I started to regain weight slowly not from recovery, but from a messed up metabolism. I was more willing to take meds that would make me gain weight and now I regret it all the way. I am 40 pounds heavier than I should be. I used to be 40 pounds underweight. Now I have stopped a med that I believe was causing the weight gain - thorazine. I really hope the weight starts to come off. Excess weight affects my mood and body image in worse way than depression. It also makes my depression worse. Never again will I take a med that might cause weight gain.
Posted by willyeee on September 13, 2009, at 14:27:59
In reply to Re: Meds + Weight » 49er, posted by Maxime on September 13, 2009, at 11:46:02
There lies the point of the post,im seeing if there are any sub safe alternatives to dropping the weight without enduring painful life threatning depression.
I see your point,but in all honesty living untreated with this monster of depression,or having to re visit the roller coaster of ineffective meds i have,isnt much of a life i even want to live.
To put it short,its a hard situation which is why i gathered the various opinions from you guys that i have.
Posted by 49er on September 13, 2009, at 14:54:12
In reply to Re: Meds + Weight » 49er, posted by Maxime on September 13, 2009, at 11:46:02
> When I was at the height of my anorexia, there was no way I going to take a med that would cause weight gain. Then I started to regain weight slowly not from recovery, but from a messed up metabolism. I was more willing to take meds that would make me gain weight and now I regret it all the way. I am 40 pounds heavier than I should be. I used to be 40 pounds underweight. Now I have stopped a med that I believe was causing the weight gain - thorazine. I really hope the weight starts to come off. Excess weight affects my mood and body image in worse way than depression. It also makes my depression worse. Never again will I take a med that might cause weight gain.
I totally understand and why I continued taking the SSRIs when they were causing weight gain, I will never know.
I am so sorry these meds have been problematic for you. Hopefully at some point, the weight will come off.
Posted by 49er on September 13, 2009, at 15:02:03
In reply to Re: Meds + Weight, posted by willyeee on September 13, 2009, at 14:27:59
> There lies the point of the post,im seeing if there are any sub safe alternatives to dropping the weight without enduring painful life threatning depression.
> I see your point,but in all honesty living untreated with this monster of depression,or having to re visit the roller coaster of ineffective meds i have,isnt much of a life i even want to live.
> To put it short,its a hard situation which is why i gathered the various opinions from you guys that i have.I am sorry I forgot to ask you, do you feel your meds are working for you?
I don't feel mine were which may have also been the deciding edge that pushed me off of meds.
Have you considered adding fish oil? There is some thought it aids in weight loss.
I admit I haven't seen solid studies but it seems like it wouldn't hurt to try.
Also, have you tried CBT? I have used it during my tapering.
I am not saying it would get you off of med but maybe lower them so some weight could come off.What about St. Johns Wort? When I switched to it from Prozac, I lost 30 pounds without even trying. The quality of the brand is important.
Anyway, I hope you find a solution.
Posted by Justherself54 on September 13, 2009, at 15:02:11
In reply to Re: Meds + Weight » Justherself54, posted by 49er on September 13, 2009, at 7:42:08
When you're in the middle of a med induced binge eating spree, the last thing on your mind is obesity. It's the aftermath..when you beat up on yourself for letting things get so out of hand. Some of the meds that caused me to gain a lot of weight also lifted my depression so I wanted to live.
For some strange reason my binging has pretty much come to a halt since I started taking modafinil. I haven't stepped on a scale for a couple of weeks..I'm scared I'll find out I've gained more, when I've done so well at not binging.
I think I've often turned to food for comfort and some meds just seem to trigger it.
Nardil was the worst for my binging. The first time on Parnate I completely lost any interest in food (which was a strange feeling).
I'm so at the end of my med choices I guess it's pretty much fat and partial remission vs. ??. The modafinil has given me a glimmer of hope that I might lose some weight.
I think I'm rambling now!
Posted by willyeee on September 13, 2009, at 15:45:29
In reply to Re: Meds + Weight, posted by 49er on September 13, 2009, at 15:02:03
My meds are not ideal,im as a lot here TREATMENT RESISTANT,i dont respond to ssris or ssnris at all,not a iota.
Im on parnate however also have other meds in the cocktail.
Its not the eating,its something with the meds metabolicaly (exsuse my spelling) that is doing this.
I eat little for 300 pds.We are all amazed at the weight gain,i posted two pics to show how dramatic it was.
Also youre right,if the meds dident work,or if i had options in mind,id quickly remove and change my meds,its a double edfed sword.
Posted by Ron Hill on September 13, 2009, at 16:37:18
In reply to Re: Meds + Weight » Justherself54, posted by 49er on September 13, 2009, at 7:42:08
> I am curious, why do you stay on the meds if they have caused the health hazard of obesity?
> I am not asking to start a flame way as I am just curious.49er,
No flame war intended on this end as well.
In answer to your question: When I was curled up in a ball on the floor crying out in unimaginable pain from complete debilitating depression, and yearning for death to come quickly, the trade-off for some extra pounds was a no-brainer.
I worked very hard to find a med combo that works. Unfortunately, Nardil caused a 40 pound weight gain. But, I'm not about to stop taking the very thing that gave me back my life.
Instead, I will use the same investigative process and hard work to overcome this Nardil side effect that I used to find my current effective med combo.
But, throw the baby out with the dirty bath water? ... NEVER!!
-- Ron
dx: Bipolar II with ultra rapid cycling and mild OCPD
600 mg/day Trileptal
200 mg/day Lamictal
500 mg/day Keppra
90 mg/day Nardil
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