Shown: posts 31 to 55 of 66. Go back in thread:
Posted by JadeKelly on December 1, 2008, at 16:05:13
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!!, posted by desolationrower on December 1, 2008, at 13:57:03
Posted by Nardilstarted 2007 on December 1, 2008, at 18:48:04
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » Nardilstarted 2007, posted by JadeKelly on November 29, 2008, at 0:30:36
> > Bonjour, So you feel the NE/Epinephrin kick as soon as you took 40mg... thats good to know because I can assume its working quite similar for you as it does for me. I expect that good feeling you get will dissapear any day now and you'll feel like its doing nothing
> (except the side effect like heart racing at dose time, insomnia, maybe jittery.. at least those were some for me)
> Well aren't you just a pocket full of sunshine!.
> I say I take a high dose (60mg/day) because thats the highest dose approved by the FDA and 30mg/day is recomended starting dose. SOme peole on Parnate take up to 200mg/day which blows me away! I guess that shows how desensitized some peoples brains get to these meds. If you stick at 40mg/day for another 2.5 weeks you should know if its working or not. If not, try 50 mgs for another 3 weeks (im sure youll get those initial good feelings as soon as you increasy your dose but will go away. then you gotta wait the whole 3 weeks to see if the "real antidepressant effect" will kick in.
> > WHen I started at 50 mgs I went MANIC, very hyper very happy, so I dropped to 40 like I mentioned before. WHat happened was that it was those initial good feelings, not the real antidepressant effect that were too strong. The next shot at 50mgs after 3 weeks at 40mgs I could tolerate the good feelings for the first 3 days without going too manic. Then 3 weeks later, nothing. Once I hit 60 mgs I had the initial good feelings which went away after 2 days but the Real Antidepressant Effect kicked in after about 10 days at 60 mgs. ( I know I repeated alot of the same stuff ive said before, I guess im just making sure i was right in the first message)
> > As for weight it doest matter too too much like it does with Nardil. Nardil you can expect it to work at 1mg/kg of body weight. it Varies signifigantly for some people tho. if your 125lbs Id suspect 30 - 50mg's will work but youve already prooved 30 mgs does not. Just a note: it can take 6 weeks at each dose increase to know foresure that it will, or will not work. It just "usually" works within 2-3 weeks after youve been on a lower dose for 6 weeks. IM not gonna wait 6 weeks at every dose increase if it usually works after 3 when titrating up dosages. I have severe social Anxiety disorder which leads to depression and agoraphobia. Depression SUcks Dong and Anxiety ontop is a killer. ANd O mighty Parnate, The Last drug I have tried. This is almost my last resort. After this it will be on to Weird off label Pharmaceutical mixtures of my own making ahha. I Know Parnate isProbably The #1 best Antidepressant in the world. its not very good for Anxiety but thats for most people. it seems to be doing a great job on both. AND YES my days are split feeling. Morning I feel so sensitive I could cry at anything. Its not that bad I just have very over stimulated feelings. by afternoon i just like the antidepressant effect and anti anxiety.. Next Post Ill write a list of drugs that worked and did not and their issues. Hope this helps I love talking about it. Feel free to tell me lots more , I just gotta go here at the moment..
> Wait...its the weekend and your saying you have something better to do than talk to me? Well, frankly Phil, I'm hurt. So, I thought you were done titrating at 60mg. Do you expect to go higher? As for sensitivity and crying, and overstimulated feelings, bring it on. I've been numb for far too long. Time to face the music (I'm afraid to face the music).
> Sorry your depression "sucks dong" and your anxiety is killer. A bad combo. But you are still in remission tho, right? I didn't know you had anxiety for some reason. Did you have agoraphobia before, or did it come as a package deal with depression? Just rechecking our similarities. Mine is loss of most previous pleasures. I still like to breathe. I literally feel numb and lethargic. My emotions (or lack thereof) would be the most striking symptom. Total shut down, although I do feel agoraphobic and have anxiety if around other people at times. Never had either of those. Still sound familiar?
> So, other meds list can wait, I don't plan on going off Parnate any time soon, but I would like a back-up plan just in case. Little nervous about going up to 50mg but I will if thats what it takes.
> OK, you take care of business and I will chat with you next time!
> ~Jade
> PS-3 days of feeling normal to good, eves, not so much. May be wearing off. One step closer.....
I wrote alote here, but my med list is at the bottom of my post. If you get initial side effects from the parnate I hope to god you can wait them out till your body adapts to it, they will go away! mostly. and its worth it because who knows, maybe Parnate will work wonders when you get to you theraputic dose.Hey Jade! Yes im still in remission. No im not still titrating, I'm just assuming Parnate will start pooping out one day and I'll have to raise the dose up. Im a bit Cynical to Antidepressants.. they cause alot of bad BUT I know theyve done alot more good then bad when I think of where i would be without them.
Did I really hurt you when I had something else to do? Was it because you feel so bad... its all good , I can take it because Im doing well enough on parnate to actually let things fly like that even if its just a joke, or real. I used to be very very sensitive to public scrutiney (im not best speller) I still am underneath but it really shows Im doing well.
FACE THE MUSIC! Well I tell you what, Ive never had more feelings in my life. heres an example from a minute before i wrote this post - I heard on the radio a commercial thing, it was a lil skit. A guy told another guy at work that there was something wrong in the payroll department and that they couldnt find the guy's address to send his earnings to, the guy said oh, ok, ill get onto that and get back to you. Then the skit was over and the radio said something like: many people you know are homeless and youd never even be able to tell, a message from the sation." I was so moved and felt so sad for the guy I had a big lump in my throat and felt so human, it was nuts. Happy, sad, keen, enthusiastic etc etc, my days are full of all the feelings now. So completely opposite from before where I didnt care about anything. Before I could probably watch my mom cry and id be so numb it would nt bother me.. which led me deeper into depression cuz i would think how unemotional i was and a bad person.. Anyway. (a bit scary), You'll be OK i promise* just dont go watching heart wrenching movies every night and looking through old photo albums right away. I know those two things in particular make me so full of emotions I know when and when not to engage in it. The crying thing isnt out of sadness (well sometimes) but rather its because im bubling with feelings. My dad and grandpa was like that. my dad is normal but he'll cry watching a movie or when he's proud of something or happy. (Parnate is bringing them on maybe just a little too strong for me, but Hey! im not complaining at all:))
Your symtoms do sound familiar foresure. I know our initial diagnosis is different but I;ve felt the way you explain yourself sometimes. My Major problem (since i was probably 4) is social phobia/over analyzing myself/Panic attacks/depersonalization.. by college i couldnt cope anymore and became agoraphobic and didnt leave my house. I became depressed and lost all intersts except like u said i did breath. The only thing that got me up was to research the net for a reason and a cure. Walk in Clinic gave me Paxil 20mgs. Crazy side effects BUT within 2 weeks I was completely manic and back in class talking a million miles a minute, did some presentations (still were hard)as well made lots of new friends, did crazy things, Not a care in the world, I was NUTS lol. I loved it (except sex life was all gone). I got a great summmer job. so after 5 months of mania i decided to lower the dose. i got some withdrawl. Life once again SUCKED just like before so i did what any sane or insane person would do and raised Paxil back up. It didnt work ever again even with higher doses.. that was about seven years ago. ever since ive been looking for that "drug" to make me like I first felt on Paxil.
What I now know is being in a manic state isnt good either. Now I am sorta diagnosed ( from a few diff. psychiatrists), supposedly im: Bipolar2 with rapid cycling and have social phobia. I'm pretty sure im similar to every other depressive out there, I need an antidepressant and I know when it works and when it doesn't, even tho my diagnosis is different. I will get the AD effect sometimes and if I do Ill know if its the one I need or not.
list: Paxil 20mgs-worked but after that NO other SSRI ever worked again except odd times when I would think it was working for a few days (probably was just my bipolar).. Zoloft up to 200mgs, Celexa 20mgs, cipralex up to 30mgs (this one made me so tired I could sleep 23 hours a day on a hardwood floor), prozac60mgs, Wellbutrin SR 150mgs x 2 daily so 300mgs total/day. It made me very very interested in everthing I did and was very prosexual, I would stay up all night sometimes just reviewing and studying things for no reason but curiosity, I was a bit ignorant and self oriented, I was energized. it took 2 weeks to work fully but similar to Parnate when I began it)The anxiety Wellbutrin created was terrible so i had to quit. I tried Paxil again 30mgs with 300mgs of wellbutrin XL, it didnt work, Then I tried Effexor and it had the energizing feeling like parnate and wellbutrin (cuz all 3 act on NOREpiNephrine) but Effexor's energy and focus stayed from day 1 and lasted for 2 months, then it stopped working but I kept taking it. I turned to Alcohol With the Effexor and it would give me euphoria (Every SSRI I ever tried had wonderful euphoria when mixed with alcohol). I didnt drink at work so I was on effexor and having social phobia/panick attacks and was suffering with agoraphobia. Ultimately I Drunk a miki and 6 beer and took 4 mgs of xanax which led me to the hospital and loosing my job. I came home to parents house and drunk and partied with the effexor while i could. Then I tried Paxil AGAIN!! hahha dont ask why , i was crazy. didnt work. I cold turkey quit everything for a month. I felt great except the initial withdrawl but I felt human again and not numbed by ssris. by the end of the month I had a anxiety attack at a friends that lasted almost 2 days, I drove all the way home from college 10hrs and hid in our camping trailor with a botle of xanax, I went depressed, I wanted to die or be secluded in a cabin in the mountains forever.. I couldnt even talk to my parents. So I went to a clinic and immediately got a script for NARDIL.Phase 2: MAOI's. Nardil was ok, it worked but only at the highest FDA dose of 90mgs a day, it was full of side effects. It didnt work good enough so I drunk quite regularly. In my opinion it was the first thing to somewhat work since 6 years previous when Paxil initially worked.. I had 2 hospitalizations while on Nardil from my bipolar because i went psychotic, first time I was just stabilized and was ok after a week being in the ward. 2nd time I got put on lithium with Nardil. I got strucred environment in the hospital and when I left I was GREAT! Nardil is not too bad if you keep to a strict healthy lifestyle with good structure, Lithium made it work much better.
I quit because the side effects and lithium also is a weight gainer. So Walk in Clinic I went and got PARNATE YaY!
I did the switch within 24hrs.
Parnate: I find it to be the most powerful drug of them all and it works too. It is Notorious for pooping out, so your dosage goes up with time. Some people it never poops out.
Parnate gave me this: Im up early, I like to cook, read, work on stuff, bowshoot, have interesting conversations, a bright look on the future with asperations..... Parnate makes me Normal, Im liking it very much.
ALERTEC!!!!!!!!!!!! I took 150mg's of alertec with my noon dose of parnate and WOW! I was very constructive, VERY fast and felt unbelievably good.. probably a good choice to take a little when Parnate gives you the afternoon tired spells.Conclusion:
#1. Parnate
#2. Nardil
#3.Effexor - worked for 2 months wonderfully then stopped.
#4. Wellbutrin - Not good for me because I have anxiety but Great med that took me off the couch and into a creative worled where I was full of energy and capable and wanting to do all tasks in life, I wish it helped with anxiety, oh well.
#5. I think any ssri i would have tried first would have done the same as Paxil... so I have no good input on any SSRIS other then they work 30 % of the time and the rest of the people quite because side effects or it doesnt work.Non-Antidepressants ( a break down aswell)
#1.Alertec - energizing, long half life, antidepressant effect a bit, focus, good for ADD symptoms. (I've only used it when I need it, never on a daily dosing regime, which you can do)
#2. Clonazepam/xanax, Great for anxiety at doses above 2mg's for me. no AD effect:(
#3. Propanolol - Takes away ALL my physical symptoms of anxiety and panic, Only physical tho. very good too when i dont want to shake or have my heart racing. 40mg's as needed is good.
How are you feeling?
Your Friend Phil
Posted by Phillipa on December 1, 2008, at 20:57:37
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » JadeKelly, posted by Nardilstarted 2007 on December 1, 2008, at 18:48:04
Hey paxil at l0mg with lopressor 25mg and low doses of xanax and my beer worked and then off it after two years. And nothing has worked since either brief response to high dose luvox with benzos. Never did MAOIS's Love Phillipa
Posted by JadeKelly on December 1, 2008, at 23:47:24
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » JadeKelly, posted by Nardilstarted 2007 on December 1, 2008, at 18:48:04
> >
> > > Bonjour, So you feel the NE/Epinephrin kick as soon as you took 40mg... thats good to know because I can assume its working quite similar for you as it does for me. I expect that good feeling you get will dissapear any day now and you'll feel like its doing nothing
> > (except the side effect like heart racing at dose time, insomnia, maybe jittery.. at least those were some for me)
> >
> > Well aren't you just a pocket full of sunshine!.
> >
> > I say I take a high dose (60mg/day) because thats the highest dose approved by the FDA and 30mg/day is recomended starting dose. SOme peole on Parnate take up to 200mg/day which blows me away! I guess that shows how desensitized some peoples brains get to these meds. If you stick at 40mg/day for another 2.5 weeks you should know if its working or not. If not, try 50 mgs for another 3 weeks (im sure youll get those initial good feelings as soon as you increasy your dose but will go away. then you gotta wait the whole 3 weeks to see if the "real antidepressant effect" will kick in.
> > > WHen I started at 50 mgs I went MANIC, very hyper very happy, so I dropped to 40 like I mentioned before. WHat happened was that it was those initial good feelings, not the real antidepressant effect that were too strong. The next shot at 50mgs after 3 weeks at 40mgs I could tolerate the good feelings for the first 3 days without going too manic. Then 3 weeks later, nothing. Once I hit 60 mgs I had the initial good feelings which went away after 2 days but the Real Antidepressant Effect kicked in after about 10 days at 60 mgs. ( I know I repeated alot of the same stuff ive said before, I guess im just making sure i was right in the first message)
> > > As for weight it doest matter too too much like it does with Nardil. Nardil you can expect it to work at 1mg/kg of body weight. it Varies signifigantly for some people tho. if your 125lbs Id suspect 30 - 50mg's will work but youve already prooved 30 mgs does not. Just a note: it can take 6 weeks at each dose increase to know foresure that it will, or will not work. It just "usually" works within 2-3 weeks after youve been on a lower dose for 6 weeks. IM not gonna wait 6 weeks at every dose increase if it usually works after 3 when titrating up dosages. I have severe social Anxiety disorder which leads to depression and agoraphobia. Depression SUcks Dong and Anxiety ontop is a killer. ANd O mighty Parnate, The Last drug I have tried. This is almost my last resort. After this it will be on to Weird off label Pharmaceutical mixtures of my own making ahha. I Know Parnate isProbably The #1 best Antidepressant in the world. its not very good for Anxiety but thats for most people. it seems to be doing a great job on both. AND YES my days are split feeling. Morning I feel so sensitive I could cry at anything. Its not that bad I just have very over stimulated feelings. by afternoon i just like the antidepressant effect and anti anxiety.. Next Post Ill write a list of drugs that worked and did not and their issues. Hope this helps I love talking about it. Feel free to tell me lots more , I just gotta go here at the moment..
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Wait...its the weekend and your saying you have something better to do than talk to me? Well, frankly Phil, I'm hurt. So, I thought you were done titrating at 60mg. Do you expect to go higher? As for sensitivity and crying, and overstimulated feelings, bring it on. I've been numb for far too long. Time to face the music (I'm afraid to face the music).
> >
> > Sorry your depression "sucks dong" and your anxiety is killer. A bad combo. But you are still in remission tho, right? I didn't know you had anxiety for some reason. Did you have agoraphobia before, or did it come as a package deal with depression? Just rechecking our similarities. Mine is loss of most previous pleasures. I still like to breathe. I literally feel numb and lethargic. My emotions (or lack thereof) would be the most striking symptom. Total shut down, although I do feel agoraphobic and have anxiety if around other people at times. Never had either of those. Still sound familiar?
> >
> > So, other meds list can wait, I don't plan on going off Parnate any time soon, but I would like a back-up plan just in case. Little nervous about going up to 50mg but I will if thats what it takes.
> >
> > OK, you take care of business and I will chat with you next time!
> >
> > ~Jade
> >
> > PS-3 days of feeling normal to good, eves, not so much. May be wearing off. One step closer.....
> >
> I wrote alote here, but my med list is at the bottom of my post. If you get initial side effects from the parnate I hope to god you can wait them out till your body adapts to it, they will go away! mostly. and its worth it because who knows, maybe Parnate will work wonders when you get to you theraputic dose.
> Hey Jade! Yes im still in remission. No im not still titrating, I'm just assuming Parnate will start pooping out one day and I'll have to raise the dose up. Im a bit Cynical to Antidepressants.. they cause alot of bad BUT I know theyve done alot more good then bad when I think of where i would be without them.
> Did I really hurt you when I had something else to do? Was it because you feel so bad... its all good , I can take it because Im doing well enough on parnate to actually let things fly like that even if its just a joke, or real. I used to be very very sensitive to public scrutiney (im not best speller) I still am underneath but it really shows Im doing well.
> FACE THE MUSIC! Well I tell you what, Ive never had more feelings in my life. heres an example from a minute before i wrote this post - I heard on the radio a commercial thing, it was a lil skit. A guy told another guy at work that there was something wrong in the payroll department and that they couldnt find the guy's address to send his earnings to, the guy said oh, ok, ill get onto that and get back to you. Then the skit was over and the radio said something like: many people you know are homeless and youd never even be able to tell, a message from the sation." I was so moved and felt so sad for the guy I had a big lump in my throat and felt so human, it was nuts. Happy, sad, keen, enthusiastic etc etc, my days are full of all the feelings now. So completely opposite from before where I didnt care about anything. Before I could probably watch my mom cry and id be so numb it would nt bother me.. which led me deeper into depression cuz i would think how unemotional i was and a bad person.. Anyway. (a bit scary), You'll be OK i promise* just dont go watching heart wrenching movies every night and looking through old photo albums right away. I know those two things in particular make me so full of emotions I know when and when not to engage in it. The crying thing isnt out of sadness (well sometimes) but rather its because im bubling with feelings. My dad and grandpa was like that. my dad is normal but he'll cry watching a movie or when he's proud of something or happy. (Parnate is bringing them on maybe just a little too strong for me, but Hey! im not complaining at all:))
> Your symtoms do sound familiar foresure. I know our initial diagnosis is different but I;ve felt the way you explain yourself sometimes. My Major problem (since i was probably 4) is social phobia/over analyzing myself/Panic attacks/depersonalization.. by college i couldnt cope anymore and became agoraphobic and didnt leave my house. I became depressed and lost all intersts except like u said i did breath. The only thing that got me up was to research the net for a reason and a cure. Walk in Clinic gave me Paxil 20mgs. Crazy side effects BUT within 2 weeks I was completely manic and back in class talking a million miles a minute, did some presentations (still were hard)as well made lots of new friends, did crazy things, Not a care in the world, I was NUTS lol. I loved it (except sex life was all gone). I got a great summmer job. so after 5 months of mania i decided to lower the dose. i got some withdrawl. Life once again SUCKED just like before so i did what any sane or insane person would do and raised Paxil back up. It didnt work ever again even with higher doses.. that was about seven years ago. ever since ive been looking for that "drug" to make me like I first felt on Paxil.
> What I now know is being in a manic state isnt good either. Now I am sorta diagnosed ( from a few diff. psychiatrists), supposedly im: Bipolar2 with rapid cycling and have social phobia. I'm pretty sure im similar to every other depressive out there, I need an antidepressant and I know when it works and when it doesn't, even tho my diagnosis is different. I will get the AD effect sometimes and if I do Ill know if its the one I need or not.
> list: Paxil 20mgs-worked but after that NO other SSRI ever worked again except odd times when I would think it was working for a few days (probably was just my bipolar).. Zoloft up to 200mgs, Celexa 20mgs, cipralex up to 30mgs (this one made me so tired I could sleep 23 hours a day on a hardwood floor), prozac60mgs, Wellbutrin SR 150mgs x 2 daily so 300mgs total/day. It made me very very interested in everthing I did and was very prosexual, I would stay up all night sometimes just reviewing and studying things for no reason but curiosity, I was a bit ignorant and self oriented, I was energized. it took 2 weeks to work fully but similar to Parnate when I began it)The anxiety Wellbutrin created was terrible so i had to quit. I tried Paxil again 30mgs with 300mgs of wellbutrin XL, it didnt work, Then I tried Effexor and it had the energizing feeling like parnate and wellbutrin (cuz all 3 act on NOREpiNephrine) but Effexor's energy and focus stayed from day 1 and lasted for 2 months, then it stopped working but I kept taking it. I turned to Alcohol With the Effexor and it would give me euphoria (Every SSRI I ever tried had wonderful euphoria when mixed with alcohol). I didnt drink at work so I was on effexor and having social phobia/panick attacks and was suffering with agoraphobia. Ultimately I Drunk a miki and 6 beer and took 4 mgs of xanax which led me to the hospital and loosing my job. I came home to parents house and drunk and partied with the effexor while i could. Then I tried Paxil AGAIN!! hahha dont ask why , i was crazy. didnt work. I cold turkey quit everything for a month. I felt great except the initial withdrawl but I felt human again and not numbed by ssris. by the end of the month I had a anxiety attack at a friends that lasted almost 2 days, I drove all the way home from college 10hrs and hid in our camping trailor with a botle of xanax, I went depressed, I wanted to die or be secluded in a cabin in the mountains forever.. I couldnt even talk to my parents. So I went to a clinic and immediately got a script for NARDIL.
> Phase 2: MAOI's. Nardil was ok, it worked but only at the highest FDA dose of 90mgs a day, it was full of side effects. It didnt work good enough so I drunk quite regularly. In my opinion it was the first thing to somewhat work since 6 years previous when Paxil initially worked.. I had 2 hospitalizations while on Nardil from my bipolar because i went psychotic, first time I was just stabilized and was ok after a week being in the ward. 2nd time I got put on lithium with Nardil. I got strucred environment in the hospital and when I left I was GREAT! Nardil is not too bad if you keep to a strict healthy lifestyle with good structure, Lithium made it work much better.
> I quit because the side effects and lithium also is a weight gainer. So Walk in Clinic I went and got PARNATE YaY!
> I did the switch within 24hrs.
> Parnate: I find it to be the most powerful drug of them all and it works too. It is Notorious for pooping out, so your dosage goes up with time. Some people it never poops out.
> Parnate gave me this: Im up early, I like to cook, read, work on stuff, bowshoot, have interesting conversations, a bright look on the future with asperations..... Parnate makes me Normal, Im liking it very much.
> ALERTEC!!!!!!!!!!!! I took 150mg's of alertec with my noon dose of parnate and WOW! I was very constructive, VERY fast and felt unbelievably good.. probably a good choice to take a little when Parnate gives you the afternoon tired spells.
> Conclusion:
> #1. Parnate
> #2. Nardil
> #3.Effexor - worked for 2 months wonderfully then stopped.
> #4. Wellbutrin - Not good for me because I have anxiety but Great med that took me off the couch and into a creative worled where I was full of energy and capable and wanting to do all tasks in life, I wish it helped with anxiety, oh well.
> #5. I think any ssri i would have tried first would have done the same as Paxil... so I have no good input on any SSRIS other then they work 30 % of the time and the rest of the people quite because side effects or it doesnt work.
> Non-Antidepressants ( a break down aswell)
> #1.Alertec - energizing, long half life, antidepressant effect a bit, focus, good for ADD symptoms. (I've only used it when I need it, never on a daily dosing regime, which you can do)
> #2. Clonazepam/xanax, Great for anxiety at doses above 2mg's for me. no AD effect:(
> #3. Propanolol - Takes away ALL my physical symptoms of anxiety and panic, Only physical tho. very good too when i dont want to shake or have my heart racing. 40mg's as needed is good.
> How are you feeling?
> Your Friend PhilOh Gosh, Phil, I'm sorry. I thought we were kinda joking around enough that you would know I was kidding! Believe me, it would REALLY take a lot to hurt my feelings right now. I should have been more careful tho, you're ahead of me and actually have feelings like a normal person. I better watch my joking and sarcasm. Not just with you. So you've been thru he*l and back sounds like. That was quite a story. I'm glad you're in such a better place now. One of my sons is bipolar I, he's been hospitalized 3 times for mania. He gave me a good scare. He was rapid cycling for nine months until we found right meds. He's such a great kid, you would like him. So sounds like between my depression and seeing close up Bipolar, I probably still can't even imagine what you've been thru emotionally. I'll have some serious losses to face when I wake up from this, I can see why people like us "go underground". I do think you just shut down. By the time you do, there is no easy way back. Even if Parnate works (I'm planning that it will!), I'll have some adjusting to do. Not complaining mind you, just a little scared of feeling anything. Oh, and btw? How refreshing that the men in your family can show their feelings! The world could use more Dad's like that. Sounds like you have a nice family. Oh, thanks for that med list, I think I'll feel better if I have a back-up plan in place. Not that I'll need it mind you. And about the side effects stopping me from taking Parnate? NO WAY!!! I'm going all the way till I feel like myself again. At worst, I'd probably add something. Maybe that "Alertec", don't know what it is! So, its after midnight, with Parnate I've been falling asleep sometimes in late afternoon/evening, then wake back up. And here I am! I'll write again soon when I'm more awake. Again, sorry if I confused you. I'm not fragile (right now) at all. You won't hurt my feelings and I hope I didn't hurt yours. I think your great!!!
Posted by Nardilstarted 2007 on December 2, 2008, at 19:26:29
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » Nardilstarted 2007, posted by JadeKelly on December 1, 2008, at 23:47:24
> > >
> > > > Bonjour, So you feel the NE/Epinephrin kick as soon as you took 40mg... thats good to know because I can assume its working quite similar for you as it does for me. I expect that good feeling you get will dissapear any day now and you'll feel like its doing nothing
> > > (except the side effect like heart racing at dose time, insomnia, maybe jittery.. at least those were some for me)
> > >
> > > Well aren't you just a pocket full of sunshine!.
> > >
> > > I say I take a high dose (60mg/day) because thats the highest dose approved by the FDA and 30mg/day is recomended starting dose. SOme peole on Parnate take up to 200mg/day which blows me away! I guess that shows how desensitized some peoples brains get to these meds. If you stick at 40mg/day for another 2.5 weeks you should know if its working or not. If not, try 50 mgs for another 3 weeks (im sure youll get those initial good feelings as soon as you increasy your dose but will go away. then you gotta wait the whole 3 weeks to see if the "real antidepressant effect" will kick in.
> > > > WHen I started at 50 mgs I went MANIC, very hyper very happy, so I dropped to 40 like I mentioned before. WHat happened was that it was those initial good feelings, not the real antidepressant effect that were too strong. The next shot at 50mgs after 3 weeks at 40mgs I could tolerate the good feelings for the first 3 days without going too manic. Then 3 weeks later, nothing. Once I hit 60 mgs I had the initial good feelings which went away after 2 days but the Real Antidepressant Effect kicked in after about 10 days at 60 mgs. ( I know I repeated alot of the same stuff ive said before, I guess im just making sure i was right in the first message)
> > > > As for weight it doest matter too too much like it does with Nardil. Nardil you can expect it to work at 1mg/kg of body weight. it Varies signifigantly for some people tho. if your 125lbs Id suspect 30 - 50mg's will work but youve already prooved 30 mgs does not. Just a note: it can take 6 weeks at each dose increase to know foresure that it will, or will not work. It just "usually" works within 2-3 weeks after youve been on a lower dose for 6 weeks. IM not gonna wait 6 weeks at every dose increase if it usually works after 3 when titrating up dosages. I have severe social Anxiety disorder which leads to depression and agoraphobia. Depression SUcks Dong and Anxiety ontop is a killer. ANd O mighty Parnate, The Last drug I have tried. This is almost my last resort. After this it will be on to Weird off label Pharmaceutical mixtures of my own making ahha. I Know Parnate isProbably The #1 best Antidepressant in the world. its not very good for Anxiety but thats for most people. it seems to be doing a great job on both. AND YES my days are split feeling. Morning I feel so sensitive I could cry at anything. Its not that bad I just have very over stimulated feelings. by afternoon i just like the antidepressant effect and anti anxiety.. Next Post Ill write a list of drugs that worked and did not and their issues. Hope this helps I love talking about it. Feel free to tell me lots more , I just gotta go here at the moment..
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Wait...its the weekend and your saying you have something better to do than talk to me? Well, frankly Phil, I'm hurt. So, I thought you were done titrating at 60mg. Do you expect to go higher? As for sensitivity and crying, and overstimulated feelings, bring it on. I've been numb for far too long. Time to face the music (I'm afraid to face the music).
> > >
> > > Sorry your depression "sucks dong" and your anxiety is killer. A bad combo. But you are still in remission tho, right? I didn't know you had anxiety for some reason. Did you have agoraphobia before, or did it come as a package deal with depression? Just rechecking our similarities. Mine is loss of most previous pleasures. I still like to breathe. I literally feel numb and lethargic. My emotions (or lack thereof) would be the most striking symptom. Total shut down, although I do feel agoraphobic and have anxiety if around other people at times. Never had either of those. Still sound familiar?
> > >
> > > So, other meds list can wait, I don't plan on going off Parnate any time soon, but I would like a back-up plan just in case. Little nervous about going up to 50mg but I will if thats what it takes.
> > >
> > > OK, you take care of business and I will chat with you next time!
> > >
> > > ~Jade
> > >
> > > PS-3 days of feeling normal to good, eves, not so much. May be wearing off. One step closer.....
> > >
> > I wrote alote here, but my med list is at the bottom of my post. If you get initial side effects from the parnate I hope to god you can wait them out till your body adapts to it, they will go away! mostly. and its worth it because who knows, maybe Parnate will work wonders when you get to you theraputic dose.
> >
> > Hey Jade! Yes im still in remission. No im not still titrating, I'm just assuming Parnate will start pooping out one day and I'll have to raise the dose up. Im a bit Cynical to Antidepressants.. they cause alot of bad BUT I know theyve done alot more good then bad when I think of where i would be without them.
> > Did I really hurt you when I had something else to do? Was it because you feel so bad... its all good , I can take it because Im doing well enough on parnate to actually let things fly like that even if its just a joke, or real. I used to be very very sensitive to public scrutiney (im not best speller) I still am underneath but it really shows Im doing well.
> > FACE THE MUSIC! Well I tell you what, Ive never had more feelings in my life. heres an example from a minute before i wrote this post - I heard on the radio a commercial thing, it was a lil skit. A guy told another guy at work that there was something wrong in the payroll department and that they couldnt find the guy's address to send his earnings to, the guy said oh, ok, ill get onto that and get back to you. Then the skit was over and the radio said something like: many people you know are homeless and youd never even be able to tell, a message from the sation." I was so moved and felt so sad for the guy I had a big lump in my throat and felt so human, it was nuts. Happy, sad, keen, enthusiastic etc etc, my days are full of all the feelings now. So completely opposite from before where I didnt care about anything. Before I could probably watch my mom cry and id be so numb it would nt bother me.. which led me deeper into depression cuz i would think how unemotional i was and a bad person.. Anyway. (a bit scary), You'll be OK i promise* just dont go watching heart wrenching movies every night and looking through old photo albums right away. I know those two things in particular make me so full of emotions I know when and when not to engage in it. The crying thing isnt out of sadness (well sometimes) but rather its because im bubling with feelings. My dad and grandpa was like that. my dad is normal but he'll cry watching a movie or when he's proud of something or happy. (Parnate is bringing them on maybe just a little too strong for me, but Hey! im not complaining at all:))
> > Your symtoms do sound familiar foresure. I know our initial diagnosis is different but I;ve felt the way you explain yourself sometimes. My Major problem (since i was probably 4) is social phobia/over analyzing myself/Panic attacks/depersonalization.. by college i couldnt cope anymore and became agoraphobic and didnt leave my house. I became depressed and lost all intersts except like u said i did breath. The only thing that got me up was to research the net for a reason and a cure. Walk in Clinic gave me Paxil 20mgs. Crazy side effects BUT within 2 weeks I was completely manic and back in class talking a million miles a minute, did some presentations (still were hard)as well made lots of new friends, did crazy things, Not a care in the world, I was NUTS lol. I loved it (except sex life was all gone). I got a great summmer job. so after 5 months of mania i decided to lower the dose. i got some withdrawl. Life once again SUCKED just like before so i did what any sane or insane person would do and raised Paxil back up. It didnt work ever again even with higher doses.. that was about seven years ago. ever since ive been looking for that "drug" to make me like I first felt on Paxil.
> > What I now know is being in a manic state isnt good either. Now I am sorta diagnosed ( from a few diff. psychiatrists), supposedly im: Bipolar2 with rapid cycling and have social phobia. I'm pretty sure im similar to every other depressive out there, I need an antidepressant and I know when it works and when it doesn't, even tho my diagnosis is different. I will get the AD effect sometimes and if I do Ill know if its the one I need or not.
> > list: Paxil 20mgs-worked but after that NO other SSRI ever worked again except odd times when I would think it was working for a few days (probably was just my bipolar).. Zoloft up to 200mgs, Celexa 20mgs, cipralex up to 30mgs (this one made me so tired I could sleep 23 hours a day on a hardwood floor), prozac60mgs, Wellbutrin SR 150mgs x 2 daily so 300mgs total/day. It made me very very interested in everthing I did and was very prosexual, I would stay up all night sometimes just reviewing and studying things for no reason but curiosity, I was a bit ignorant and self oriented, I was energized. it took 2 weeks to work fully but similar to Parnate when I began it)The anxiety Wellbutrin created was terrible so i had to quit. I tried Paxil again 30mgs with 300mgs of wellbutrin XL, it didnt work, Then I tried Effexor and it had the energizing feeling like parnate and wellbutrin (cuz all 3 act on NOREpiNephrine) but Effexor's energy and focus stayed from day 1 and lasted for 2 months, then it stopped working but I kept taking it. I turned to Alcohol With the Effexor and it would give me euphoria (Every SSRI I ever tried had wonderful euphoria when mixed with alcohol). I didnt drink at work so I was on effexor and having social phobia/panick attacks and was suffering with agoraphobia. Ultimately I Drunk a miki and 6 beer and took 4 mgs of xanax which led me to the hospital and loosing my job. I came home to parents house and drunk and partied with the effexor while i could. Then I tried Paxil AGAIN!! hahha dont ask why , i was crazy. didnt work. I cold turkey quit everything for a month. I felt great except the initial withdrawl but I felt human again and not numbed by ssris. by the end of the month I had a anxiety attack at a friends that lasted almost 2 days, I drove all the way home from college 10hrs and hid in our camping trailor with a botle of xanax, I went depressed, I wanted to die or be secluded in a cabin in the mountains forever.. I couldnt even talk to my parents. So I went to a clinic and immediately got a script for NARDIL.
> >
> > Phase 2: MAOI's. Nardil was ok, it worked but only at the highest FDA dose of 90mgs a day, it was full of side effects. It didnt work good enough so I drunk quite regularly. In my opinion it was the first thing to somewhat work since 6 years previous when Paxil initially worked.. I had 2 hospitalizations while on Nardil from my bipolar because i went psychotic, first time I was just stabilized and was ok after a week being in the ward. 2nd time I got put on lithium with Nardil. I got strucred environment in the hospital and when I left I was GREAT! Nardil is not too bad if you keep to a strict healthy lifestyle with good structure, Lithium made it work much better.
> > I quit because the side effects and lithium also is a weight gainer. So Walk in Clinic I went and got PARNATE YaY!
> > I did the switch within 24hrs.
> > Parnate: I find it to be the most powerful drug of them all and it works too. It is Notorious for pooping out, so your dosage goes up with time. Some people it never poops out.
> > Parnate gave me this: Im up early, I like to cook, read, work on stuff, bowshoot, have interesting conversations, a bright look on the future with asperations..... Parnate makes me Normal, Im liking it very much.
> > ALERTEC!!!!!!!!!!!! I took 150mg's of alertec with my noon dose of parnate and WOW! I was very constructive, VERY fast and felt unbelievably good.. probably a good choice to take a little when Parnate gives you the afternoon tired spells.
> >
> > Conclusion:
> > #1. Parnate
> > #2. Nardil
> > #3.Effexor - worked for 2 months wonderfully then stopped.
> > #4. Wellbutrin - Not good for me because I have anxiety but Great med that took me off the couch and into a creative worled where I was full of energy and capable and wanting to do all tasks in life, I wish it helped with anxiety, oh well.
> > #5. I think any ssri i would have tried first would have done the same as Paxil... so I have no good input on any SSRIS other then they work 30 % of the time and the rest of the people quite because side effects or it doesnt work.
> >
> > Non-Antidepressants ( a break down aswell)
> > #1.Alertec - energizing, long half life, antidepressant effect a bit, focus, good for ADD symptoms. (I've only used it when I need it, never on a daily dosing regime, which you can do)
> > #2. Clonazepam/xanax, Great for anxiety at doses above 2mg's for me. no AD effect:(
> > #3. Propanolol - Takes away ALL my physical symptoms of anxiety and panic, Only physical tho. very good too when i dont want to shake or have my heart racing. 40mg's as needed is good.
> > How are you feeling?
> > Your Friend Phil
> Oh Gosh, Phil, I'm sorry. I thought we were kinda joking around enough that you would know I was kidding! Believe me, it would REALLY take a lot to hurt my feelings right now. I should have been more careful tho, you're ahead of me and actually have feelings like a normal person. I better watch my joking and sarcasm. Not just with you. So you've been thru he*l and back sounds like. That was quite a story. I'm glad you're in such a better place now. One of my sons is bipolar I, he's been hospitalized 3 times for mania. He gave me a good scare. He was rapid cycling for nine months until we found right meds. He's such a great kid, you would like him. So sounds like between my depression and seeing close up Bipolar, I probably still can't even imagine what you've been thru emotionally. I'll have some serious losses to face when I wake up from this, I can see why people like us "go underground". I do think you just shut down. By the time you do, there is no easy way back. Even if Parnate works (I'm planning that it will!), I'll have some adjusting to do. Not complaining mind you, just a little scared of feeling anything. Oh, and btw? How refreshing that the men in your family can show their feelings! The world could use more Dad's like that. Sounds like you have a nice family. Oh, thanks for that med list, I think I'll feel better if I have a back-up plan in place. Not that I'll need it mind you. And about the side effects stopping me from taking Parnate? NO WAY!!! I'm going all the way till I feel like myself again. At worst, I'd probably add something. Maybe that "Alertec", don't know what it is! So, its after midnight, with Parnate I've been falling asleep sometimes in late afternoon/evening, then wake back up. And here I am! I'll write again soon when I'm more awake. Again, sorry if I confused you. I'm not fragile (right now) at all. You won't hurt my feelings and I hope I didn't hurt yours. I think your great!!!
> ~Jade
> >
Hi Lol, no you didnt hurt my feelings i just didnt know if u were serious or not.. sonds good. I want to clarify somethig.. Well I think ive been just a little over dramatic how well Parnate is working. These emotions I now feel are very powerful and hard to control. I completely believe it is because I am genetically predispositioned to be sensitive and a caring person (most people with social anxiety disorder are). Like I was saying before about my dad being quite emotional (in a good way tho). Because I am sensitive emotionally, the parnate has exasburated(spellin?? hhaha)my feeling above normal. Hey Im still not complaining! :) I'm better now then I have ever been. This morning I sat down to read a magazine and, MY GOD!, I would nearly want to cry at every sentence because it meant so much to me. I do, and do not like having this much feeling, a catch 22. I guess the only downfal is.. for example: I watched the movied Meet Joe Black with my girlfriend the other night . we were laying on the floor ,comphy. She put her head around the bottom of my rib cage. Now this is all fine and dandy but Its such a movie that It was so hard to keep my stomach muscles from contracting like I was about to cry every time I was moved by a scene. She must be thinking wow! this guy is a very deep and emotionally set man... Well Jade what do you think hey? I bet everyone out in our lands of depression are wishing they could feel so much, so im a hypocrite to some extent. PS. I was laughing alot aswell during the movie and a real blast to watch it with. I loved it. I just need to get these emotions under control. Im sure a little bit of cognital thinking/therapy will easily "fix" it.. hahah just enough so i dont walk down the street and see someone eating an apple then remembering my great grandpa had an apple tree and then get alll emotional and tears, crying, happpyness, etc etc.. lol. thats all.
How are you feeling? any mood changes? did you loose or gain any of the initial "good" responce from upping that dose a week ago?
Just a food for thought: If Parnate doesnt work as well as it will! (im pretty sure it will) You have the options of Nardil and Marplan. Marplan is between the two as how it works, a bit closer to Nardil. These 3 meds are the Big Boys when it come to an AD in a pill. Weight gain is just a bit of an issue with Nardil/Marplan. Everyone is different. I've also heard new talk of the SSRI Luvox doing quite well as for having less side effects. the TCA's Ive never tried but know that for most pple they have the worst side effects, like your walking around frothing at the mouth with jaw lock..
Can I ask a Question..: Have you tried so many meds (normal ones, not going way over the off label uses of other drugs) that Parnate is pretty much your last resort/hope? Because that is where I am. If in the future I get another episode and Parnate poops out I would have to go to Marplan and then maybe ECT if Marplan doest work. Then I assume IF NONE OF THOSE WORK! (Yes im good now, Parnate is working well, just ranting a lil) Id mix a Maoi with a TCA like nortriptyline. I could type endless possibilities forever but we dont have forever, life is too short... theres a bunch of other drugs out there to add aswell like NRI's(just noreadrenaline) or a DA Just a dopamine reuptake inhibitor, on their own or in combo.. K im going to shut up here! Lets just stick with our Parnate before going to crazy. Im doing well, and im so eager what the next weeks/ month or two will bring you..
Talkt to you soon
Posted by Phillipa on December 2, 2008, at 19:49:50
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » JadeKelly, posted by Nardilstarted 2007 on December 2, 2008, at 19:26:29
Sorry to interrupt but luvox has no side effects for me anyway just stay at low does. It was wierd first time took it in hospital as keep waiting for something bad to happen was also on benzos but nothing did got up to 250mg and felt great for a couple weeks then nothing. There is also a new time release version out now too. Love Phillipa
Posted by JadeKelly on December 2, 2008, at 23:18:52
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » JadeKelly, posted by Nardilstarted 2007 on December 2, 2008, at 19:26:29
> > > >
> > > > > Bonjour, So you feel the NE/Epinephrin kick as soon as you took 40mg... thats good to know because I can assume its working quite similar for you as it does for me. I expect that good feeling you get will dissapear any day now and you'll feel like its doing nothing
> > > > (except the side effect like heart racing at dose time, insomnia, maybe jittery.. at least those were some for me)
> > > >
> > > > Well aren't you just a pocket full of sunshine!.
> > > >
> > > > I say I take a high dose (60mg/day) because thats the highest dose approved by the FDA and 30mg/day is recomended starting dose. SOme peole on Parnate take up to 200mg/day which blows me away! I guess that shows how desensitized some peoples brains get to these meds. If you stick at 40mg/day for another 2.5 weeks you should know if its working or not. If not, try 50 mgs for another 3 weeks (im sure youll get those initial good feelings as soon as you increasy your dose but will go away. then you gotta wait the whole 3 weeks to see if the "real antidepressant effect" will kick in.
> > > > > WHen I started at 50 mgs I went MANIC, very hyper very happy, so I dropped to 40 like I mentioned before. WHat happened was that it was those initial good feelings, not the real antidepressant effect that were too strong. The next shot at 50mgs after 3 weeks at 40mgs I could tolerate the good feelings for the first 3 days without going too manic. Then 3 weeks later, nothing. Once I hit 60 mgs I had the initial good feelings which went away after 2 days but the Real Antidepressant Effect kicked in after about 10 days at 60 mgs. ( I know I repeated alot of the same stuff ive said before, I guess im just making sure i was right in the first message)
> > > > > As for weight it doest matter too too much like it does with Nardil. Nardil you can expect it to work at 1mg/kg of body weight. it Varies signifigantly for some people tho. if your 125lbs Id suspect 30 - 50mg's will work but youve already prooved 30 mgs does not. Just a note: it can take 6 weeks at each dose increase to know foresure that it will, or will not work. It just "usually" works within 2-3 weeks after youve been on a lower dose for 6 weeks. IM not gonna wait 6 weeks at every dose increase if it usually works after 3 when titrating up dosages. I have severe social Anxiety disorder which leads to depression and agoraphobia. Depression SUcks Dong and Anxiety ontop is a killer. ANd O mighty Parnate, The Last drug I have tried. This is almost my last resort. After this it will be on to Weird off label Pharmaceutical mixtures of my own making ahha. I Know Parnate isProbably The #1 best Antidepressant in the world. its not very good for Anxiety but thats for most people. it seems to be doing a great job on both. AND YES my days are split feeling. Morning I feel so sensitive I could cry at anything. Its not that bad I just have very over stimulated feelings. by afternoon i just like the antidepressant effect and anti anxiety.. Next Post Ill write a list of drugs that worked and did not and their issues. Hope this helps I love talking about it. Feel free to tell me lots more , I just gotta go here at the moment..
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Wait...its the weekend and your saying you have something better to do than talk to me? Well, frankly Phil, I'm hurt. So, I thought you were done titrating at 60mg. Do you expect to go higher? As for sensitivity and crying, and overstimulated feelings, bring it on. I've been numb for far too long. Time to face the music (I'm afraid to face the music).
> > > >
> > > > Sorry your depression "sucks dong" and your anxiety is killer. A bad combo. But you are still in remission tho, right? I didn't know you had anxiety for some reason. Did you have agoraphobia before, or did it come as a package deal with depression? Just rechecking our similarities. Mine is loss of most previous pleasures. I still like to breathe. I literally feel numb and lethargic. My emotions (or lack thereof) would be the most striking symptom. Total shut down, although I do feel agoraphobic and have anxiety if around other people at times. Never had either of those. Still sound familiar?
> > > >
> > > > So, other meds list can wait, I don't plan on going off Parnate any time soon, but I would like a back-up plan just in case. Little nervous about going up to 50mg but I will if thats what it takes.
> > > >
> > > > OK, you take care of business and I will chat with you next time!
> > > >
> > > > ~Jade
> > > >
> > > > PS-3 days of feeling normal to good, eves, not so much. May be wearing off. One step closer.....
> > > >
> > > I wrote alote here, but my med list is at the bottom of my post. If you get initial side effects from the parnate I hope to god you can wait them out till your body adapts to it, they will go away! mostly. and its worth it because who knows, maybe Parnate will work wonders when you get to you theraputic dose.
> > >
> > > Hey Jade! Yes im still in remission. No im not still titrating, I'm just assuming Parnate will start pooping out one day and I'll have to raise the dose up. Im a bit Cynical to Antidepressants.. they cause alot of bad BUT I know theyve done alot more good then bad when I think of where i would be without them.
> > > Did I really hurt you when I had something else to do? Was it because you feel so bad... its all good , I can take it because Im doing well enough on parnate to actually let things fly like that even if its just a joke, or real. I used to be very very sensitive to public scrutiney (im not best speller) I still am underneath but it really shows Im doing well.
> > > FACE THE MUSIC! Well I tell you what, Ive never had more feelings in my life. heres an example from a minute before i wrote this post - I heard on the radio a commercial thing, it was a lil skit. A guy told another guy at work that there was something wrong in the payroll department and that they couldnt find the guy's address to send his earnings to, the guy said oh, ok, ill get onto that and get back to you. Then the skit was over and the radio said something like: many people you know are homeless and youd never even be able to tell, a message from the sation." I was so moved and felt so sad for the guy I had a big lump in my throat and felt so human, it was nuts. Happy, sad, keen, enthusiastic etc etc, my days are full of all the feelings now. So completely opposite from before where I didnt care about anything. Before I could probably watch my mom cry and id be so numb it would nt bother me.. which led me deeper into depression cuz i would think how unemotional i was and a bad person.. Anyway. (a bit scary), You'll be OK i promise* just dont go watching heart wrenching movies every night and looking through old photo albums right away. I know those two things in particular make me so full of emotions I know when and when not to engage in it. The crying thing isnt out of sadness (well sometimes) but rather its because im bubling with feelings. My dad and grandpa was like that. my dad is normal but he'll cry watching a movie or when he's proud of something or happy. (Parnate is bringing them on maybe just a little too strong for me, but Hey! im not complaining at all:))
> > > Your symtoms do sound familiar foresure. I know our initial diagnosis is different but I;ve felt the way you explain yourself sometimes. My Major problem (since i was probably 4) is social phobia/over analyzing myself/Panic attacks/depersonalization.. by college i couldnt cope anymore and became agoraphobic and didnt leave my house. I became depressed and lost all intersts except like u said i did breath. The only thing that got me up was to research the net for a reason and a cure. Walk in Clinic gave me Paxil 20mgs. Crazy side effects BUT within 2 weeks I was completely manic and back in class talking a million miles a minute, did some presentations (still were hard)as well made lots of new friends, did crazy things, Not a care in the world, I was NUTS lol. I loved it (except sex life was all gone). I got a great summmer job. so after 5 months of mania i decided to lower the dose. i got some withdrawl. Life once again SUCKED just like before so i did what any sane or insane person would do and raised Paxil back up. It didnt work ever again even with higher doses.. that was about seven years ago. ever since ive been looking for that "drug" to make me like I first felt on Paxil.
> > > What I now know is being in a manic state isnt good either. Now I am sorta diagnosed ( from a few diff. psychiatrists), supposedly im: Bipolar2 with rapid cycling and have social phobia. I'm pretty sure im similar to every other depressive out there, I need an antidepressant and I know when it works and when it doesn't, even tho my diagnosis is different. I will get the AD effect sometimes and if I do Ill know if its the one I need or not.
> > > list: Paxil 20mgs-worked but after that NO other SSRI ever worked again except odd times when I would think it was working for a few days (probably was just my bipolar).. Zoloft up to 200mgs, Celexa 20mgs, cipralex up to 30mgs (this one made me so tired I could sleep 23 hours a day on a hardwood floor), prozac60mgs, Wellbutrin SR 150mgs x 2 daily so 300mgs total/day. It made me very very interested in everthing I did and was very prosexual, I would stay up all night sometimes just reviewing and studying things for no reason but curiosity, I was a bit ignorant and self oriented, I was energized. it took 2 weeks to work fully but similar to Parnate when I began it)The anxiety Wellbutrin created was terrible so i had to quit. I tried Paxil again 30mgs with 300mgs of wellbutrin XL, it didnt work, Then I tried Effexor and it had the energizing feeling like parnate and wellbutrin (cuz all 3 act on NOREpiNephrine) but Effexor's energy and focus stayed from day 1 and lasted for 2 months, then it stopped working but I kept taking it. I turned to Alcohol With the Effexor and it would give me euphoria (Every SSRI I ever tried had wonderful euphoria when mixed with alcohol). I didnt drink at work so I was on effexor and having social phobia/panick attacks and was suffering with agoraphobia. Ultimately I Drunk a miki and 6 beer and took 4 mgs of xanax which led me to the hospital and loosing my job. I came home to parents house and drunk and partied with the effexor while i could. Then I tried Paxil AGAIN!! hahha dont ask why , i was crazy. didnt work. I cold turkey quit everything for a month. I felt great except the initial withdrawl but I felt human again and not numbed by ssris. by the end of the month I had a anxiety attack at a friends that lasted almost 2 days, I drove all the way home from college 10hrs and hid in our camping trailor with a botle of xanax, I went depressed, I wanted to die or be secluded in a cabin in the mountains forever.. I couldnt even talk to my parents. So I went to a clinic and immediately got a script for NARDIL.
> > >
> > > Phase 2: MAOI's. Nardil was ok, it worked but only at the highest FDA dose of 90mgs a day, it was full of side effects. It didnt work good enough so I drunk quite regularly. In my opinion it was the first thing to somewhat work since 6 years previous when Paxil initially worked.. I had 2 hospitalizations while on Nardil from my bipolar because i went psychotic, first time I was just stabilized and was ok after a week being in the ward. 2nd time I got put on lithium with Nardil. I got strucred environment in the hospital and when I left I was GREAT! Nardil is not too bad if you keep to a strict healthy lifestyle with good structure, Lithium made it work much better.
> > > I quit because the side effects and lithium also is a weight gainer. So Walk in Clinic I went and got PARNATE YaY!
> > > I did the switch within 24hrs.
> > > Parnate: I find it to be the most powerful drug of them all and it works too. It is Notorious for pooping out, so your dosage goes up with time. Some people it never poops out.
> > > Parnate gave me this: Im up early, I like to cook, read, work on stuff, bowshoot, have interesting conversations, a bright look on the future with asperations..... Parnate makes me Normal, Im liking it very much.
> > > ALERTEC!!!!!!!!!!!! I took 150mg's of alertec with my noon dose of parnate and WOW! I was very constructive, VERY fast and felt unbelievably good.. probably a good choice to take a little when Parnate gives you the afternoon tired spells.
> > >
> > > Conclusion:
> > > #1. Parnate
> > > #2. Nardil
> > > #3.Effexor - worked for 2 months wonderfully then stopped.
> > > #4. Wellbutrin - Not good for me because I have anxiety but Great med that took me off the couch and into a creative worled where I was full of energy and capable and wanting to do all tasks in life, I wish it helped with anxiety, oh well.
> > > #5. I think any ssri i would have tried first would have done the same as Paxil... so I have no good input on any SSRIS other then they work 30 % of the time and the rest of the people quite because side effects or it doesnt work.
> > >
> > > Non-Antidepressants ( a break down aswell)
> > > #1.Alertec - energizing, long half life, antidepressant effect a bit, focus, good for ADD symptoms. (I've only used it when I need it, never on a daily dosing regime, which you can do)
> > > #2. Clonazepam/xanax, Great for anxiety at doses above 2mg's for me. no AD effect:(
> > > #3. Propanolol - Takes away ALL my physical symptoms of anxiety and panic, Only physical tho. very good too when i dont want to shake or have my heart racing. 40mg's as needed is good.
> > > How are you feeling?
> > > Your Friend Phil
> >
> > Oh Gosh, Phil, I'm sorry. I thought we were kinda joking around enough that you would know I was kidding! Believe me, it would REALLY take a lot to hurt my feelings right now. I should have been more careful tho, you're ahead of me and actually have feelings like a normal person. I better watch my joking and sarcasm. Not just with you. So you've been thru he*l and back sounds like. That was quite a story. I'm glad you're in such a better place now. One of my sons is bipolar I, he's been hospitalized 3 times for mania. He gave me a good scare. He was rapid cycling for nine months until we found right meds. He's such a great kid, you would like him. So sounds like between my depression and seeing close up Bipolar, I probably still can't even imagine what you've been thru emotionally. I'll have some serious losses to face when I wake up from this, I can see why people like us "go underground". I do think you just shut down. By the time you do, there is no easy way back. Even if Parnate works (I'm planning that it will!), I'll have some adjusting to do. Not complaining mind you, just a little scared of feeling anything. Oh, and btw? How refreshing that the men in your family can show their feelings! The world could use more Dad's like that. Sounds like you have a nice family. Oh, thanks for that med list, I think I'll feel better if I have a back-up plan in place. Not that I'll need it mind you. And about the side effects stopping me from taking Parnate? NO WAY!!! I'm going all the way till I feel like myself again. At worst, I'd probably add something. Maybe that "Alertec", don't know what it is! So, its after midnight, with Parnate I've been falling asleep sometimes in late afternoon/evening, then wake back up. And here I am! I'll write again soon when I'm more awake. Again, sorry if I confused you. I'm not fragile (right now) at all. You won't hurt my feelings and I hope I didn't hurt yours. I think your great!!!
> >
> > ~Jade
> > >
> >
> Hi Lol, no you didnt hurt my feelings i just didnt know if u were serious or not.. sonds good. I want to clarify somethig.. Well I think ive been just a little over dramatic how well Parnate is working. These emotions I now feel are very powerful and hard to control. I completely believe it is because I am genetically predispositioned to be sensitive and a caring person (most people with social anxiety disorder are). Like I was saying before about my dad being quite emotional (in a good way tho). Because I am sensitive emotionally, the parnate has exasburated(spellin?? hhaha)my feeling above normal. Hey Im still not complaining! :) I'm better now then I have ever been. This morning I sat down to read a magazine and, MY GOD!, I would nearly want to cry at every sentence because it meant so much to me. I do, and do not like having this much feeling, a catch 22. I guess the only downfal is.. for example: I watched the movied Meet Joe Black with my girlfriend the other night . we were laying on the floor ,comphy. She put her head around the bottom of my rib cage. Now this is all fine and dandy but Its such a movie that It was so hard to keep my stomach muscles from contracting like I was about to cry every time I was moved by a scene. She must be thinking wow! this guy is a very deep and emotionally set man... Well Jade what do you think hey? I bet everyone out in our lands of depression are wishing they could feel so much, so im a hypocrite to some extent. PS. I was laughing alot aswell during the movie and a real blast to watch it with. I loved it. I just need to get these emotions under control. Im sure a little bit of cognital thinking/therapy will easily "fix" it.. hahah just enough so i dont walk down the street and see someone eating an apple then remembering my great grandpa had an apple tree and then get alll emotional and tears, crying, happpyness, etc etc.. lol. thats all.
> How are you feeling? any mood changes? did you loose or gain any of the initial "good" responce from upping that dose a week ago?
> Just a food for thought: If Parnate doesnt work as well as it will! (im pretty sure it will) You have the options of Nardil and Marplan. Marplan is between the two as how it works, a bit closer to Nardil. These 3 meds are the Big Boys when it come to an AD in a pill. Weight gain is just a bit of an issue with Nardil/Marplan. Everyone is different. I've also heard new talk of the SSRI Luvox doing quite well as for having less side effects. the TCA's Ive never tried but know that for most pple they have the worst side effects, like your walking around frothing at the mouth with jaw lock..
> Can I ask a Question..: Have you tried so many meds (normal ones, not going way over the off label uses of other drugs) that Parnate is pretty much your last resort/hope? Because that is where I am. If in the future I get another episode and Parnate poops out I would have to go to Marplan and then maybe ECT if Marplan doest work. Then I assume IF NONE OF THOSE WORK! (Yes im good now, Parnate is working well, just ranting a lil) Id mix a Maoi with a TCA like nortriptyline. I could type endless possibilities forever but we dont have forever, life is too short... theres a bunch of other drugs out there to add aswell like NRI's(just noreadrenaline) or a DA Just a dopamine reuptake inhibitor, on their own or in combo.. K im going to shut up here! Lets just stick with our Parnate before going to crazy. Im doing well, and im so eager what the next weeks/ month or two will bring you..
> Talkt to you soon
> Phil
We don't have forever? Aha, lol, just kidding, couldn't help myself. Phil, you are too funny. There is NO WAY I'm going off Parnate. It's moved into a kinda funny stage, tell me what you think. You know we were saying how you get that initial happy thing in the beginning? And you said I'd get a couple/few days at each dose increase? Well, I increased last Tuesday maybe? Wed thru today, Tues (One week) I've been good during the day, not euphoric at all, still off, but definately better, then anywhere from 4-7pm I crash. Want to be alone in my room. Not sad, just really need to be alone. I take my 40mg in the morn after take son to school. Is that just the NE/epinephrine kicking in? If it was A/D, wouldn't it be continuous thru day and eve? Not complaining, I'll take what I can get!! Just thought I'd see what you thought. I have big plans for PARNATE!!! Only thing is, I know this sounds wierd, I like some of the numbness. There are reasons I got here in the first place. I don't worry about people as much. I don't get all upset. I've been just chillin in a perpetual state of numbness and apathy. Not sure I can handle all those emotions. Aren't they what got me here in the first place? Without my permission, mind you? OK. Enough of the deep stuff. Sorry.As for your emotional state, I think you're making up for lost time! It'll calm down when you see the depression really is gone. I heard someone say it was like seeing the world in black and white and then seeing it color. That should make anyone cry daily for a while!! Don't you think??!! I don't know why, but the only thing I really feel is afraid of facing things as they were when I shut down. I geuss that would be normal when all the sudden you get slammed with a depression like nothing you've ever known? Numb is better, believe me. So was it like that for you? At all? Well, I'll just stay at 40mg for a while and see what happens! I do believe I'm on the road to recovery.
Yeah, not too much into the whole therapy thing but thinking under the circumstances, you know, the fact that I'm gonna be myself again soon, I better learn how to cope! Just a little safety net, what do you think?
Well, I geuss you've heard me carry on for long enough. Thanks for your help, my friend. Talk to you soon Parnate buddy. haha
Posted by Nardilstarted 2007 on December 3, 2008, at 0:29:29
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » Nardilstarted 2007, posted by JadeKelly on December 2, 2008, at 23:18:52
> > > > >
> > > > > > Bonjour, So you feel the NE/Epinephrin kick as soon as you took 40mg... thats good to know because I can assume its working quite similar for you as it does for me. I expect that good feeling you get will dissapear any day now and you'll feel like its doing nothing
> > > > > (except the side effect like heart racing at dose time, insomnia, maybe jittery.. at least those were some for me)
> > > > >
> > > > > Well aren't you just a pocket full of sunshine!.
> > > > >
> > > > > I say I take a high dose (60mg/day) because thats the highest dose approved by the FDA and 30mg/day is recomended starting dose. SOme peole on Parnate take up to 200mg/day which blows me away! I guess that shows how desensitized some peoples brains get to these meds. If you stick at 40mg/day for another 2.5 weeks you should know if its working or not. If not, try 50 mgs for another 3 weeks (im sure youll get those initial good feelings as soon as you increasy your dose but will go away. then you gotta wait the whole 3 weeks to see if the "real antidepressant effect" will kick in.
> > > > > > WHen I started at 50 mgs I went MANIC, very hyper very happy, so I dropped to 40 like I mentioned before. WHat happened was that it was those initial good feelings, not the real antidepressant effect that were too strong. The next shot at 50mgs after 3 weeks at 40mgs I could tolerate the good feelings for the first 3 days without going too manic. Then 3 weeks later, nothing. Once I hit 60 mgs I had the initial good feelings which went away after 2 days but the Real Antidepressant Effect kicked in after about 10 days at 60 mgs. ( I know I repeated alot of the same stuff ive said before, I guess im just making sure i was right in the first message)
> > > > > > As for weight it doest matter too too much like it does with Nardil. Nardil you can expect it to work at 1mg/kg of body weight. it Varies signifigantly for some people tho. if your 125lbs Id suspect 30 - 50mg's will work but youve already prooved 30 mgs does not. Just a note: it can take 6 weeks at each dose increase to know foresure that it will, or will not work. It just "usually" works within 2-3 weeks after youve been on a lower dose for 6 weeks. IM not gonna wait 6 weeks at every dose increase if it usually works after 3 when titrating up dosages. I have severe social Anxiety disorder which leads to depression and agoraphobia. Depression SUcks Dong and Anxiety ontop is a killer. ANd O mighty Parnate, The Last drug I have tried. This is almost my last resort. After this it will be on to Weird off label Pharmaceutical mixtures of my own making ahha. I Know Parnate isProbably The #1 best Antidepressant in the world. its not very good for Anxiety but thats for most people. it seems to be doing a great job on both. AND YES my days are split feeling. Morning I feel so sensitive I could cry at anything. Its not that bad I just have very over stimulated feelings. by afternoon i just like the antidepressant effect and anti anxiety.. Next Post Ill write a list of drugs that worked and did not and their issues. Hope this helps I love talking about it. Feel free to tell me lots more , I just gotta go here at the moment..
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Wait...its the weekend and your saying you have something better to do than talk to me? Well, frankly Phil, I'm hurt. So, I thought you were done titrating at 60mg. Do you expect to go higher? As for sensitivity and crying, and overstimulated feelings, bring it on. I've been numb for far too long. Time to face the music (I'm afraid to face the music).
> > > > >
> > > > > Sorry your depression "sucks dong" and your anxiety is killer. A bad combo. But you are still in remission tho, right? I didn't know you had anxiety for some reason. Did you have agoraphobia before, or did it come as a package deal with depression? Just rechecking our similarities. Mine is loss of most previous pleasures. I still like to breathe. I literally feel numb and lethargic. My emotions (or lack thereof) would be the most striking symptom. Total shut down, although I do feel agoraphobic and have anxiety if around other people at times. Never had either of those. Still sound familiar?
> > > > >
> > > > > So, other meds list can wait, I don't plan on going off Parnate any time soon, but I would like a back-up plan just in case. Little nervous about going up to 50mg but I will if thats what it takes.
> > > > >
> > > > > OK, you take care of business and I will chat with you next time!
> > > > >
> > > > > ~Jade
> > > > >
> > > > > PS-3 days of feeling normal to good, eves, not so much. May be wearing off. One step closer.....
> > > > >
> > > > I wrote alote here, but my med list is at the bottom of my post. If you get initial side effects from the parnate I hope to god you can wait them out till your body adapts to it, they will go away! mostly. and its worth it because who knows, maybe Parnate will work wonders when you get to you theraputic dose.
> > > >
> > > > Hey Jade! Yes im still in remission. No im not still titrating, I'm just assuming Parnate will start pooping out one day and I'll have to raise the dose up. Im a bit Cynical to Antidepressants.. they cause alot of bad BUT I know theyve done alot more good then bad when I think of where i would be without them.
> > > > Did I really hurt you when I had something else to do? Was it because you feel so bad... its all good , I can take it because Im doing well enough on parnate to actually let things fly like that even if its just a joke, or real. I used to be very very sensitive to public scrutiney (im not best speller) I still am underneath but it really shows Im doing well.
> > > > FACE THE MUSIC! Well I tell you what, Ive never had more feelings in my life. heres an example from a minute before i wrote this post - I heard on the radio a commercial thing, it was a lil skit. A guy told another guy at work that there was something wrong in the payroll department and that they couldnt find the guy's address to send his earnings to, the guy said oh, ok, ill get onto that and get back to you. Then the skit was over and the radio said something like: many people you know are homeless and youd never even be able to tell, a message from the sation." I was so moved and felt so sad for the guy I had a big lump in my throat and felt so human, it was nuts. Happy, sad, keen, enthusiastic etc etc, my days are full of all the feelings now. So completely opposite from before where I didnt care about anything. Before I could probably watch my mom cry and id be so numb it would nt bother me.. which led me deeper into depression cuz i would think how unemotional i was and a bad person.. Anyway. (a bit scary), You'll be OK i promise* just dont go watching heart wrenching movies every night and looking through old photo albums right away. I know those two things in particular make me so full of emotions I know when and when not to engage in it. The crying thing isnt out of sadness (well sometimes) but rather its because im bubling with feelings. My dad and grandpa was like that. my dad is normal but he'll cry watching a movie or when he's proud of something or happy. (Parnate is bringing them on maybe just a little too strong for me, but Hey! im not complaining at all:))
> > > > Your symtoms do sound familiar foresure. I know our initial diagnosis is different but I;ve felt the way you explain yourself sometimes. My Major problem (since i was probably 4) is social phobia/over analyzing myself/Panic attacks/depersonalization.. by college i couldnt cope anymore and became agoraphobic and didnt leave my house. I became depressed and lost all intersts except like u said i did breath. The only thing that got me up was to research the net for a reason and a cure. Walk in Clinic gave me Paxil 20mgs. Crazy side effects BUT within 2 weeks I was completely manic and back in class talking a million miles a minute, did some presentations (still were hard)as well made lots of new friends, did crazy things, Not a care in the world, I was NUTS lol. I loved it (except sex life was all gone). I got a great summmer job. so after 5 months of mania i decided to lower the dose. i got some withdrawl. Life once again SUCKED just like before so i did what any sane or insane person would do and raised Paxil back up. It didnt work ever again even with higher doses.. that was about seven years ago. ever since ive been looking for that "drug" to make me like I first felt on Paxil.
> > > > What I now know is being in a manic state isnt good either. Now I am sorta diagnosed ( from a few diff. psychiatrists), supposedly im: Bipolar2 with rapid cycling and have social phobia. I'm pretty sure im similar to every other depressive out there, I need an antidepressant and I know when it works and when it doesn't, even tho my diagnosis is different. I will get the AD effect sometimes and if I do Ill know if its the one I need or not.
> > > > list: Paxil 20mgs-worked but after that NO other SSRI ever worked again except odd times when I would think it was working for a few days (probably was just my bipolar).. Zoloft up to 200mgs, Celexa 20mgs, cipralex up to 30mgs (this one made me so tired I could sleep 23 hours a day on a hardwood floor), prozac60mgs, Wellbutrin SR 150mgs x 2 daily so 300mgs total/day. It made me very very interested in everthing I did and was very prosexual, I would stay up all night sometimes just reviewing and studying things for no reason but curiosity, I was a bit ignorant and self oriented, I was energized. it took 2 weeks to work fully but similar to Parnate when I began it)The anxiety Wellbutrin created was terrible so i had to quit. I tried Paxil again 30mgs with 300mgs of wellbutrin XL, it didnt work, Then I tried Effexor and it had the energizing feeling like parnate and wellbutrin (cuz all 3 act on NOREpiNephrine) but Effexor's energy and focus stayed from day 1 and lasted for 2 months, then it stopped working but I kept taking it. I turned to Alcohol With the Effexor and it would give me euphoria (Every SSRI I ever tried had wonderful euphoria when mixed with alcohol). I didnt drink at work so I was on effexor and having social phobia/panick attacks and was suffering with agoraphobia. Ultimately I Drunk a miki and 6 beer and took 4 mgs of xanax which led me to the hospital and loosing my job. I came home to parents house and drunk and partied with the effexor while i could. Then I tried Paxil AGAIN!! hahha dont ask why , i was crazy. didnt work. I cold turkey quit everything for a month. I felt great except the initial withdrawl but I felt human again and not numbed by ssris. by the end of the month I had a anxiety attack at a friends that lasted almost 2 days, I drove all the way home from college 10hrs and hid in our camping trailor with a botle of xanax, I went depressed, I wanted to die or be secluded in a cabin in the mountains forever.. I couldnt even talk to my parents. So I went to a clinic and immediately got a script for NARDIL.
> > > >
> > > > Phase 2: MAOI's. Nardil was ok, it worked but only at the highest FDA dose of 90mgs a day, it was full of side effects. It didnt work good enough so I drunk quite regularly. In my opinion it was the first thing to somewhat work since 6 years previous when Paxil initially worked.. I had 2 hospitalizations while on Nardil from my bipolar because i went psychotic, first time I was just stabilized and was ok after a week being in the ward. 2nd time I got put on lithium with Nardil. I got strucred environment in the hospital and when I left I was GREAT! Nardil is not too bad if you keep to a strict healthy lifestyle with good structure, Lithium made it work much better.
> > > > I quit because the side effects and lithium also is a weight gainer. So Walk in Clinic I went and got PARNATE YaY!
> > > > I did the switch within 24hrs.
> > > > Parnate: I find it to be the most powerful drug of them all and it works too. It is Notorious for pooping out, so your dosage goes up with time. Some people it never poops out.
> > > > Parnate gave me this: Im up early, I like to cook, read, work on stuff, bowshoot, have interesting conversations, a bright look on the future with asperations..... Parnate makes me Normal, Im liking it very much.
> > > > ALERTEC!!!!!!!!!!!! I took 150mg's of alertec with my noon dose of parnate and WOW! I was very constructive, VERY fast and felt unbelievably good.. probably a good choice to take a little when Parnate gives you the afternoon tired spells.
> > > >
> > > > Conclusion:
> > > > #1. Parnate
> > > > #2. Nardil
> > > > #3.Effexor - worked for 2 months wonderfully then stopped.
> > > > #4. Wellbutrin - Not good for me because I have anxiety but Great med that took me off the couch and into a creative worled where I was full of energy and capable and wanting to do all tasks in life, I wish it helped with anxiety, oh well.
> > > > #5. I think any ssri i would have tried first would have done the same as Paxil... so I have no good input on any SSRIS other then they work 30 % of the time and the rest of the people quite because side effects or it doesnt work.
> > > >
> > > > Non-Antidepressants ( a break down aswell)
> > > > #1.Alertec - energizing, long half life, antidepressant effect a bit, focus, good for ADD symptoms. (I've only used it when I need it, never on a daily dosing regime, which you can do)
> > > > #2. Clonazepam/xanax, Great for anxiety at doses above 2mg's for me. no AD effect:(
> > > > #3. Propanolol - Takes away ALL my physical symptoms of anxiety and panic, Only physical tho. very good too when i dont want to shake or have my heart racing. 40mg's as needed is good.
> > > > How are you feeling?
> > > > Your Friend Phil
> > >
> > > Oh Gosh, Phil, I'm sorry. I thought we were kinda joking around enough that you would know I was kidding! Believe me, it would REALLY take a lot to hurt my feelings right now. I should have been more careful tho, you're ahead of me and actually have feelings like a normal person. I better watch my joking and sarcasm. Not just with you. So you've been thru he*l and back sounds like. That was quite a story. I'm glad you're in such a better place now. One of my sons is bipolar I, he's been hospitalized 3 times for mania. He gave me a good scare. He was rapid cycling for nine months until we found right meds. He's such a great kid, you would like him. So sounds like between my depression and seeing close up Bipolar, I probably still can't even imagine what you've been thru emotionally. I'll have some serious losses to face when I wake up from this, I can see why people like us "go underground". I do think you just shut down. By the time you do, there is no easy way back. Even if Parnate works (I'm planning that it will!), I'll have some adjusting to do. Not complaining mind you, just a little scared of feeling anything. Oh, and btw? How refreshing that the men in your family can show their feelings! The world could use more Dad's like that. Sounds like you have a nice family. Oh, thanks for that med list, I think I'll feel better if I have a back-up plan in place. Not that I'll need it mind you. And about the side effects stopping me from taking Parnate? NO WAY!!! I'm going all the way till I feel like myself again. At worst, I'd probably add something. Maybe that "Alertec", don't know what it is! So, its after midnight, with Parnate I've been falling asleep sometimes in late afternoon/evening, then wake back up. And here I am! I'll write again soon when I'm more awake. Again, sorry if I confused you. I'm not fragile (right now) at all. You won't hurt my feelings and I hope I didn't hurt yours. I think your great!!!
> > >
> > > ~Jade
> > > >
> > >
> > Hi Lol, no you didnt hurt my feelings i just didnt know if u were serious or not.. sonds good. I want to clarify somethig.. Well I think ive been just a little over dramatic how well Parnate is working. These emotions I now feel are very powerful and hard to control. I completely believe it is because I am genetically predispositioned to be sensitive and a caring person (most people with social anxiety disorder are). Like I was saying before about my dad being quite emotional (in a good way tho). Because I am sensitive emotionally, the parnate has exasburated(spellin?? hhaha)my feeling above normal. Hey Im still not complaining! :) I'm better now then I have ever been. This morning I sat down to read a magazine and, MY GOD!, I would nearly want to cry at every sentence because it meant so much to me. I do, and do not like having this much feeling, a catch 22. I guess the only downfal is.. for example: I watched the movied Meet Joe Black with my girlfriend the other night . we were laying on the floor ,comphy. She put her head around the bottom of my rib cage. Now this is all fine and dandy but Its such a movie that It was so hard to keep my stomach muscles from contracting like I was about to cry every time I was moved by a scene. She must be thinking wow! this guy is a very deep and emotionally set man... Well Jade what do you think hey? I bet everyone out in our lands of depression are wishing they could feel so much, so im a hypocrite to some extent. PS. I was laughing alot aswell during the movie and a real blast to watch it with. I loved it. I just need to get these emotions under control. Im sure a little bit of cognital thinking/therapy will easily "fix" it.. hahah just enough so i dont walk down the street and see someone eating an apple then remembering my great grandpa had an apple tree and then get alll emotional and tears, crying, happpyness, etc etc.. lol. thats all.
> > How are you feeling? any mood changes? did you loose or gain any of the initial "good" responce from upping that dose a week ago?
> > Just a food for thought: If Parnate doesnt work as well as it will! (im pretty sure it will) You have the options of Nardil and Marplan. Marplan is between the two as how it works, a bit closer to Nardil. These 3 meds are the Big Boys when it come to an AD in a pill. Weight gain is just a bit of an issue with Nardil/Marplan. Everyone is different. I've also heard new talk of the SSRI Luvox doing quite well as for having less side effects. the TCA's Ive never tried but know that for most pple they have the worst side effects, like your walking around frothing at the mouth with jaw lock..
> > Can I ask a Question..: Have you tried so many meds (normal ones, not going way over the off label uses of other drugs) that Parnate is pretty much your last resort/hope? Because that is where I am. If in the future I get another episode and Parnate poops out I would have to go to Marplan and then maybe ECT if Marplan doest work. Then I assume IF NONE OF THOSE WORK! (Yes im good now, Parnate is working well, just ranting a lil) Id mix a Maoi with a TCA like nortriptyline. I could type endless possibilities forever but we dont have forever, life is too short... theres a bunch of other drugs out there to add aswell like NRI's(just noreadrenaline) or a DA Just a dopamine reuptake inhibitor, on their own or in combo.. K im going to shut up here! Lets just stick with our Parnate before going to crazy. Im doing well, and im so eager what the next weeks/ month or two will bring you..
> > Talkt to you soon
> > Phil
> We don't have forever? Aha, lol, just kidding, couldn't help myself. Phil, you are too funny. There is NO WAY I'm going off Parnate. It's moved into a kinda funny stage, tell me what you think. You know we were saying how you get that initial happy thing in the beginning? And you said I'd get a couple/few days at each dose increase? Well, I increased last Tuesday maybe? Wed thru today, Tues (One week) I've been good during the day, not euphoric at all, still off, but definately better, then anywhere from 4-7pm I crash. Want to be alone in my room. Not sad, just really need to be alone. I take my 40mg in the morn after take son to school. Is that just the NE/epinephrine kicking in? If it was A/D, wouldn't it be continuous thru day and eve? Not complaining, I'll take what I can get!! Just thought I'd see what you thought. I have big plans for PARNATE!!! Only thing is, I know this sounds wierd, I like some of the numbness. There are reasons I got here in the first place. I don't worry about people as much. I don't get all upset. I've been just chillin in a perpetual state of numbness and apathy. Not sure I can handle all those emotions. Aren't they what got me here in the first place? Without my permission, mind you? OK. Enough of the deep stuff. Sorry.
> As for your emotional state, I think you're making up for lost time! It'll calm down when you see the depression really is gone. I heard someone say it was like seeing the world in black and white and then seeing it color. That should make anyone cry daily for a while!! Don't you think??!! I don't know why, but the only thing I really feel is afraid of facing things as they were when I shut down. I geuss that would be normal when all the sudden you get slammed with a depression like nothing you've ever known? Numb is better, believe me. So was it like that for you? At all? Well, I'll just stay at 40mg for a while and see what happens! I do believe I'm on the road to recovery.
> Yeah, not too much into the whole therapy thing but thinking under the circumstances, you know, the fact that I'm gonna be myself again soon, I better learn how to cope! Just a little safety net, what do you think?
> Well, I geuss you've heard me carry on for long enough. Thanks for your help, my friend. Talk to you soon Parnate buddy. haha
> ~Jade
> >
> >
>That sounds like textbook Parnate when you get the "crash" sometime in the afternoon. couple questions..
When you crash are you tired aswell?
What do you think makes you want to be alone?When it really kicks in you will probably have afternoon tired spells but you will feel fine/good, just tired. you can fix that by adjusting dosing times. maybe 20 in the am and 20 at noon, ask your doc about thatkind of stuff. I take 30am and 30 at noon I dont crash much at all untill bed time.
Im not a Textbook patient on Parnate because im Bipolar aswell and social phobe, but nonetheless I feel the drug work in the textbook fashion. To me.. Ya I think its starting to kick in with the AD effect. You probably already know it works on serotonin and dopamine too, aswell as a whole bunch of other neuros. What the pL says is you may feel better anywhere from 24hours - 6 weeks. This is the only med with that kind of uncertainty that I know of. Some people feel the NORE/EPINeph kick in like we do and some people dont. When you do get that initial rush its like taking a stimulant, and like a stimulant it crashes after however many hours.. NORE/EPINeph Also have AD properties that kick in after 2-6 weeks aswell, or about the sametime you will feel the serotonin/ dopamine kick in. It would make sense to me that your getting a nice initial everyday stimulant effect when you dose; after metabolized you crash. But if you feel "ok" most of the day and your not really sad when you crashes in the afternoon I would say one (or more) of the neuros is begining to kick in and delivering AD effects. They coula all come on at different times. I'm noticing that at my therapeutic level my body is still adapting and still having neurotransmitters giving more AD effects and im still adjusting. MAOI's sure arn't as easy as ssris where its like boom! all of a sudden its been blocking the uptake of SE for long enough that it kicks in one day and stays like that. were dealing with so many neuro's that all will give AD effects at different times, it makes for a bumpy ride until a balance is achived.
I do think when Parnate begins to work you will feel happy, and task oriented aswell as caring. The feeling that overwhelm most of us to depression are not good feelings. So I do understand what you mean about being scared to feel that again. When I hit a depression im just full of sensitive feelings, but they;re all bad, none good, So many bad feelings and then poof im depressed (me not for long cuz im bipolar but I know half *ss what your saying) Parnate gives me enough good feelings that im not gonna get depressed thats foresure. Note: at some points I get a little bit of rage/anger because the Parnate makes me care so much about things and I dont want them to be messed with. Cognital self/with some one else therapy would be easy enough to allow Us to be numb about certain things we want to be numb to.
Posted by JadeKelly on December 3, 2008, at 14:00:55
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » JadeKelly, posted by Nardilstarted 2007 on December 3, 2008, at 0:29:29
Hi Phil,
I'm afraid my NE/Epineph party is over. And I think I stayed too long cause I feel like absolute he*l today. Yesterday woke up felt great. Got tons done. Practiced play lines with my nephew, started x-mas decorating, I thought, damn! Maybe this is it cause its been a week. But eves weren't good so I sorta suspected.
Anyway, Low BP today (why would that change?) Can't hardly stand up without feeling like I'm gonna fall down. Nausea, same depressed feeling.
Well, I am seriously grateful for your help cause I think had I not expected this I would be frustated and throw in the towel. Now I just see I got a couple bonus days! So how many weeks should I wait? I don't want to go too fast cause I wan't room to go up later. So I've been on 40mg for one week. Watcha think?
Sorry, I'm gonna look at your last post later, not feelin to special right now. In bed all day probably. Pathetic, but maybe you remember. Does/could that week of "stimulation" cause this kinda "hangover" and low BP I'm feeling?
I think I got greedy feeling so good most of day, I didn't want to split dose. I think I better take 20mg in morn, and 2omg like at noon. Whats your opinion about all this?
Thanks for your HELP!!! haha
~Jade, (paying for a week of Parnate high?) :(
Posted by Nardilstarted 2007 on December 3, 2008, at 21:54:32
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » Nardilstarted 2007, posted by JadeKelly on December 3, 2008, at 14:00:55
> Hi Phil,
> I'm afraid my NE/Epineph party is over. And I think I stayed too long cause I feel like absolute he*l today. Yesterday woke up felt great. Got tons done. Practiced play lines with my nephew, started x-mas decorating, I thought, damn! Maybe this is it cause its been a week. But eves weren't good so I sorta suspected.
> Anyway, Low BP today (why would that change?) Can't hardly stand up without feeling like I'm gonna fall down. Nausea, same depressed feeling.
> Well, I am seriously grateful for your help cause I think had I not expected this I would be frustated and throw in the towel. Now I just see I got a couple bonus days! So how many weeks should I wait? I don't want to go too fast cause I wan't room to go up later. So I've been on 40mg for one week. Watcha think?
> Sorry, I'm gonna look at your last post later, not feelin to special right now. In bed all day probably. Pathetic, but maybe you remember. Does/could that week of "stimulation" cause this kinda "hangover" and low BP I'm feeling?
> I think I got greedy feeling so good most of day, I didn't want to split dose. I think I better take 20mg in morn, and 2omg like at noon. Whats your opinion about all this?
> Thanks for your HELP!!! haha
> ~Jade, (paying for a week of Parnate high?) :(
Hi Jade.. sorry to hear that.
Id say give it another week or two. I wouldn't raise it until the side effects become tolerable.. when I started Nardil I was such a wreck and so desperate for it to work fast I started at 75mg/day. MAn was I a mess. Every time i stood up all i could see was black, and so dizzy, i would stand for like 10-20 seconds sometimes like that. I became so weak I could barely walk. I was so constipated I gained nearly ten pounds. I was in such desperation I just road it out, Side effects got better after about 3 weeks, then better and better. because i was on Nardil I didnt have much side effects going on to parnate, my body was alreaqdy used to MAOI... I can see Parnate having very similar start up side effects. BP should get better, only some people it persists, but really not many.
20 mornin and 20 noon split is how it "should" be dosed or whatever dosage ur at.
Im no doc but from my remembering: I dont think you have hangover, I believe the med is inhibiting more and more oxidase as time goes on , thus creating the side effects. this doest mean it is enough tho. so if you can handel another week ( or until the side effects subside) That will Be Great! If by then your still feeling like whale sh*t try upping to 50mg/day. Unfortunately you'll probably get side effects Again AND have to wait another 2-3 weeks to see if parnate will work. If by 2-3 weeks you still feel depressed and the side effects arent so bad, try 60mg's/day and hold there for 2-3 weeks if you can. If nothing happens, Then Dammit. But I Truly believe it will work. I cant belive i suffered through the start up side effects myself. You gotta give this a truly honest, full out trial before giving up. Christ, you may feel more depressed and axious at first when you hit your golden dose. But if you truly give it three weeks you'll know. "Ya miss 100% of the shots you dont take" 80% of people it works for 20% it doesn't and MAOI's are the Slowest of all AD's to kick in..
talk to you soon.
Posted by JadeKelly on December 3, 2008, at 22:47:04
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » JadeKelly, posted by Nardilstarted 2007 on December 3, 2008, at 21:54:32
Thanks Phil,
No worries of me giving up. Not a quitter. If I get to 60mg and nothing, then I'll augment. Really, what better things do I have to do right now than get this leach of a depression off my back. OK that was kinda gross. But really, I was just whining. The side effects aren't unbearable by any means. Walk in the park compared to couple years of hating life depression.
I do think I need to split the dose. That will help with low BP, which has been very transient. Today was just a bad BP day! Same afternoon/early evening crash everday (and by that I mean tired, as in eyes closing!). So, its all normal. I'm ready for next phase. You don't get ALL the fun Phil!
Thanks for reassurances,
Your NOT QUITTING friend,
Posted by Nardilstarted 2007 on December 5, 2008, at 14:12:35
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » Nardilstarted 2007, posted by JadeKelly on December 3, 2008, at 22:47:04
Hey I;m in your corner. I'm glad to hear you have tenacity and will give it a fair trail (I think of it like court, its a long process full of different Levels) but by the end, the verdict is made, Parnate Will or Will not work. Ya sure, Go above 60 a day ( i do 30am and 30 at noon)I ve read so many post, where people go to very high dosages for it to work. highest i ever read on this site was 180md/day.
O and I changed my name to ParnateStarted2008 lol.
Keep me posted
Posted by ParnateStarted2008 on December 6, 2008, at 0:49:11
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » JadeKelly, posted by Nardilstarted 2007 on December 5, 2008, at 14:12:35
If your feeling ok, how is 50mgs/day Parnate treating you? Do you have the initial "good feeling" from the NE/EPIneph? How are the side effects... I may be asking too much here as you just raised it.. Im eager I guess to know your progress. If ya Feel like crapoolliioo dont worry about my questions..
I got trazodone 50mg at bed time today so Im not taking Zopiclone or Seroquel tonight, and hopefully never again. I guess that cuts 1 pill off my regime.. slow but progress. next is going off Clonazepam...
Talk to you later
Posted by JadeKelly on December 6, 2008, at 12:52:55
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » Nardilstarted 2007, posted by ParnateStarted2008 on December 6, 2008, at 0:49:11
Hi Phil,
Actually have only taken 50mg one time yesterday.
> If your feeling ok, how is 50mgs/day Parnate treating you? Do you have the initial "good feeling" from the NE/EPIneph?
Nope. (Only took once yesteday-not sure about it now, help?)
Actually haven't been feeling so great for couple days: Bad nightmare, irritable, sad, crying (not the good kind) OMG!!! FEELINGS!! NO!! Thought I was supposed to feel good. I feel Yuk. That was why I upped to 50mg. Geuss I thought 8 weeks was enough.
>How are the side effects... I may be asking too much here as you just raised it.. Im eager I guess to know your progress. If ya Feel like crapoolliioo dont worry about my questions..NO, NO! I do feel like crapoolliioo physically and mentally, but tell me I'm normal and this will go away!!
I realized I had been on 30mg/6weeks and 40mg/2weeks (seems like 8 weeks is a while on Parnate) and geuss I panicked and called PDoc. He raised to 50mg. But you said wait 3 weeks on each. Did I make a mistake? Its not too late, I only did it once. I can go back to 40mg for another week.
You, and other poster said its normal to feel wierd, I just don't know if this is "the wierd" or I'm just backsliding and need to keep on 50mg. I feel a bit scared and headache and like I'm going to cry. Not good cry like yours. Don't want to leave my room.
So, up the dose to 50mg?
Or this is normal and stay on 40mg longer?
Def got some feelings coming back, but not good ones. (Can I go back to numb pplease?) Ok, more crying this is rediculous.
> I got trazodone 50mg at bed time today so Im not taking Zopiclone or Seroquel tonight, and hopefully never again. I guess that cuts 1 pill off my regime.. slow but progress. next is going off Clonazepam...Good for you!! Lots here take trazodone. I'm geussing it will help you sleep?
Me too, I need off Conazepam. Take for my neck, but maybe a couple right now....JK!
NOT quitting Parnate, its been 8 weeks tho, would love to know if you think I'm on right track/ or this isn't normal and I should feel differently.
> Talk to you later
OK, Phillipe!!
Btw-Phillipa said to mention: you have to let admin know of name change, or you could get block or something. You probably know that.
Thanks for all, hope to hear from you soon.
Posted by ParnateStarted2008 on December 6, 2008, at 14:00:51
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » ParnateStarted2008, posted by JadeKelly on December 6, 2008, at 12:52:55
> Hi Phil,
> Actually have only taken 50mg one time yesterday.
> > If your feeling ok, how is 50mgs/day Parnate treating you? Do you have the initial "good feeling" from the NE/EPIneph?
> Nope. (Only took once yesteday-not sure about it now, help?)
> Actually haven't been feeling so great for couple days: Bad nightmare, irritable, sad, crying (not the good kind) OMG!!! FEELINGS!! NO!! Thought I was supposed to feel good. I feel Yuk. That was why I upped to 50mg. Geuss I thought 8 weeks was enough.
> >How are the side effects... I may be asking too much here as you just raised it.. Im eager I guess to know your progress. If ya Feel like crapoolliioo dont worry about my questions..
> NO, NO! I do feel like crapoolliioo physically and mentally, but tell me I'm normal and this will go away!!
> I realized I had been on 30mg/6weeks and 40mg/2weeks (seems like 8 weeks is a while on Parnate) and geuss I panicked and called PDoc. He raised to 50mg. But you said wait 3 weeks on each. Did I make a mistake? Its not too late, I only did it once. I can go back to 40mg for another week.
> You, and other poster said its normal to feel wierd, I just don't know if this is "the wierd" or I'm just backsliding and need to keep on 50mg. I feel a bit scared and headache and like I'm going to cry. Not good cry like yours. Don't want to leave my room.
> So, up the dose to 50mg?
> Or this is normal and stay on 40mg longer?
> Def got some feelings coming back, but not good ones. (Can I go back to numb pplease?) Ok, more crying this is rediculous.
> > I got trazodone 50mg at bed time today so Im not taking Zopiclone or Seroquel tonight, and hopefully never again. I guess that cuts 1 pill off my regime.. slow but progress. next is going off Clonazepam...
> Good for you!! Lots here take trazodone. I'm geussing it will help you sleep?
> Me too, I need off Conazepam. Take for my neck, but maybe a couple right now....JK!
> NOT quitting Parnate, its been 8 weeks tho, would love to know if you think I'm on right track/ or this isn't normal and I should feel differently.
> > Talk to you later
> OK, Phillipe!!
> Btw-Phillipa said to mention: you have to let admin know of name change, or you could get block or something. You probably know that.
> Thanks for all, hope to hear from you soon.
> ~Jade
> >
Morning, Stay at 50, I sure would. sooner or later The Serotonin AD effect should kick in (I know , its always Should) and that is the neuro to get you some happiness back. upping 10mg/s every 2 weeks sounds good. I figured maybe 3 if you needed more time for the side effects to settle down. when I was at 50 and reduced to 40 because of overwhelming side effects it cost me like 3 weeks more waiting. I should of held on and gone to 60 mgs when the 50 wasnt working. Ya those emotions/crying spells are a Parnate issue foresure. I find I'm doing a bit better now, but at my week 8, even tho I was at 60, I sure was an emotional wreck. I believe the higher you go, the happier you get (thats why high doses work good for anxiety people and phobias, the serotonin really kicks in) At lower doses (<60 ?) I believe you feel more task oriented and feelings. Serotonin numbs alot of people. I'm probably going to go to 70mgs/day soon for a better responce to anxiety. I wont forget I was alredy on Nardil the day before switching so I know i got away without having many Parnate startup SE's.
Jade I know its been 8 weeks but if you dont get to your sweet dose it will never kick in, just gotta get there, I think your getting there. Ya I would agree with that person startup feelings are really weird, I felt crapoolliioo like you much of the time mixed with manias at dose increases and then I felt Good withh lots of emotions, now I feel OK/good/less emotions. I think 70mgs will bring me more serotonin and happier thoughts for anxiety which is in a way , numbing.
talk to you soon.
Posted by desolationrower on December 6, 2008, at 15:53:32
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » ParnateStarted2008, posted by JadeKelly on December 6, 2008, at 12:52:55
Affective lability might indicate you have bipolar tendencies. You may want to add an anticonfulsant to your drug especially lamotrigine.
Posted by JadeKelly on December 6, 2008, at 16:19:18
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » JadeKelly, posted by ParnateStarted2008 on December 6, 2008, at 14:00:51
> > Hi Phil,
> >
> > Actually have only taken 50mg one time yesterday.
> >
> > > If your feeling ok, how is 50mgs/day Parnate treating you? Do you have the initial "good feeling" from the NE/EPIneph?
> >
> > Nope. (Only took once yesteday-not sure about it now, help?)
> >
> > Actually haven't been feeling so great for couple days: Bad nightmare, irritable, sad, crying (not the good kind) OMG!!! FEELINGS!! NO!! Thought I was supposed to feel good. I feel Yuk. That was why I upped to 50mg. Geuss I thought 8 weeks was enough.
> >
> > >How are the side effects... I may be asking too much here as you just raised it.. Im eager I guess to know your progress. If ya Feel like crapoolliioo dont worry about my questions..
> >
> > NO, NO! I do feel like crapoolliioo physically and mentally, but tell me I'm normal and this will go away!!
> >
> > I realized I had been on 30mg/6weeks and 40mg/2weeks (seems like 8 weeks is a while on Parnate) and geuss I panicked and called PDoc. He raised to 50mg. But you said wait 3 weeks on each. Did I make a mistake? Its not too late, I only did it once. I can go back to 40mg for another week.
> >
> > You, and other poster said its normal to feel wierd, I just don't know if this is "the wierd" or I'm just backsliding and need to keep on 50mg. I feel a bit scared and headache and like I'm going to cry. Not good cry like yours. Don't want to leave my room.
> >
> > So, up the dose to 50mg?
> > Or this is normal and stay on 40mg longer?
> > Def got some feelings coming back, but not good ones. (Can I go back to numb pplease?) Ok, more crying this is rediculous.
> >
> >
> > > I got trazodone 50mg at bed time today so Im not taking Zopiclone or Seroquel tonight, and hopefully never again. I guess that cuts 1 pill off my regime.. slow but progress. next is going off Clonazepam...
> >
> > Good for you!! Lots here take trazodone. I'm geussing it will help you sleep?
> >
> > Me too, I need off Conazepam. Take for my neck, but maybe a couple right now....JK!
> >
> > NOT quitting Parnate, its been 8 weeks tho, would love to know if you think I'm on right track/ or this isn't normal and I should feel differently.
> >
> > > Talk to you later
> >
> > OK, Phillipe!!
> >
> > Btw-Phillipa said to mention: you have to let admin know of name change, or you could get block or something. You probably know that.
> >
> > Thanks for all, hope to hear from you soon.
> >
> > ~Jade
> > >
> >
> Morning, Stay at 50, I sure would. sooner or later The Serotonin AD effect should kick in (I know , its always Should) and that is the neuro to get you some happiness back. upping 10mg/s every 2 weeks sounds good. I figured maybe 3 if you needed more time for the side effects to settle down. when I was at 50 and reduced to 40 because of overwhelming side effects it cost me like 3 weeks more waiting. I should of held on and gone to 60 mgs when the 50 wasnt working. Ya those emotions/crying spells are a Parnate issue foresure. I find I'm doing a bit better now, but at my week 8, even tho I was at 60, I sure was an emotional wreck. I believe the higher you go, the happier you get (thats why high doses work good for anxiety people and phobias, the serotonin really kicks in) At lower doses (<60 ?) I believe you feel more task oriented and feelings. Serotonin numbs alot of people. I'm probably going to go to 70mgs/day soon for a better responce to anxiety. I wont forget I was alredy on Nardil the day before switching so I know i got away without having many Parnate startup SE's.
> ..
> Jade I know its been 8 weeks but if you dont get to your sweet dose it will never kick in, just gotta get there, I think your getting there. Ya I would agree with that person startup feelings are really weird, I felt crapoolliioo like you much of the time mixed with manias at dose increases and then I felt Good withh lots of emotions, now I feel OK/good/less emotions. I think 70mgs will bring me more serotonin and happier thoughts for anxiety which is in a way , numbing.*I hope it does, let me know how're your feeling after you do it! I could use some good news :)
> talk to you soon.
Thanks for answering my post so quick. I'm really not sure what the he*l is going on. You don't realize how far you've come until BAM a backslide to the beginning which is how I feel except its all the way back to before Parnate and numbness set in.
I don't mean I was functional at all (except during awesome NE highs) but if no one asked much of me, I felt numb to the really bad stuff, not too emotional, sense of humor, that kind of thing (would the word be "lite"?).Starting to think apathy is highly underated. I just want so bad to be me again and I'm afraid I'm gone. I know, probably too deep for a med babble forum. Thanks, and don't leave me, haha, please!!!
Oh, couple questions (had to re-read post),
If I never could take SSRI's AT ALL, is that bad sign? Shouldn't be ,right, since I've gotten huge rush at start and when upped to 40mg? Also, are you just being nice....or did you really feel like total emotional crap at 8 weeks? Even if you're lying, your so kind to say that, hah.
One last thing, thank you SO much for bailing me out with Clipper40, I felt like I made her feel worse. And by the way, what does "one love" refer to? Prov?, you were in the middle of a Bob Marley song? Or you must have meant me. Thats what I'm going with. No worries, (Bob again, ha), I won't tell your girlfriend.
OK Friend, I feel better already,
I'll be embarressed about all this whining later but thats the beauty of being anonomous! And quit Parnate?? NEVERRRR!!!!!! Augment? Maybe, haha.~Jade
Posted by JadeKelly on December 6, 2008, at 17:37:27
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » JadeKelly, posted by desolationrower on December 6, 2008, at 15:53:32
> Affective lability might indicate you have bipolar tendencies. You may want to add an anticonfulsant to your drug especially lamotrigine.
> -d/rHi d/r,
My Pdoc brought it up a couple times and I shut him down. He's wanted me to add lamictal for a while. I thought it was because Bi-polar-I runs in my family. One person per generation so far. Geuss that would be Bi-polar II for me, then? Lamictal is an adjunct to an anticonvulsant, isn't it? I've always been a relatively happy person. And now this. For going on 3 years. Stinks.
OK d/r, I'll talk to my PDoc. But maybe one of those giant bong rips would fix me. And I don't even like the stuff...
Posted by ParnateStarted2008 on December 6, 2008, at 17:45:14
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » ParnateStarted2008, posted by JadeKelly on December 6, 2008, at 16:19:18
> > > Hi Phil,
> > >
> > > Actually have only taken 50mg one time yesterday.
> > >
> > > > If your feeling ok, how is 50mgs/day Parnate treating you? Do you have the initial "good feeling" from the NE/EPIneph?
> > >
> > > Nope. (Only took once yesteday-not sure about it now, help?)
> > >
> > > Actually haven't been feeling so great for couple days: Bad nightmare, irritable, sad, crying (not the good kind) OMG!!! FEELINGS!! NO!! Thought I was supposed to feel good. I feel Yuk. That was why I upped to 50mg. Geuss I thought 8 weeks was enough.
> > >
> > > >How are the side effects... I may be asking too much here as you just raised it.. Im eager I guess to know your progress. If ya Feel like crapoolliioo dont worry about my questions..
> > >
> > > NO, NO! I do feel like crapoolliioo physically and mentally, but tell me I'm normal and this will go away!!
> > >
> > > I realized I had been on 30mg/6weeks and 40mg/2weeks (seems like 8 weeks is a while on Parnate) and geuss I panicked and called PDoc. He raised to 50mg. But you said wait 3 weeks on each. Did I make a mistake? Its not too late, I only did it once. I can go back to 40mg for another week.
> > >
> > > You, and other poster said its normal to feel wierd, I just don't know if this is "the wierd" or I'm just backsliding and need to keep on 50mg. I feel a bit scared and headache and like I'm going to cry. Not good cry like yours. Don't want to leave my room.
> > >
> > > So, up the dose to 50mg?
> > > Or this is normal and stay on 40mg longer?
> > > Def got some feelings coming back, but not good ones. (Can I go back to numb pplease?) Ok, more crying this is rediculous.
> > >
> > >
> > > > I got trazodone 50mg at bed time today so Im not taking Zopiclone or Seroquel tonight, and hopefully never again. I guess that cuts 1 pill off my regime.. slow but progress. next is going off Clonazepam...
> > >
> > > Good for you!! Lots here take trazodone. I'm geussing it will help you sleep?
> > >
> > > Me too, I need off Conazepam. Take for my neck, but maybe a couple right now....JK!
> > >
> > > NOT quitting Parnate, its been 8 weeks tho, would love to know if you think I'm on right track/ or this isn't normal and I should feel differently.
> > >
> > > > Talk to you later
> > >
> > > OK, Phillipe!!
> > >
> > > Btw-Phillipa said to mention: you have to let admin know of name change, or you could get block or something. You probably know that.
> > >
> > > Thanks for all, hope to hear from you soon.
> > >
> > > ~Jade
> > > >
> > >
> > Morning, Stay at 50, I sure would. sooner or later The Serotonin AD effect should kick in (I know , its always Should) and that is the neuro to get you some happiness back. upping 10mg/s every 2 weeks sounds good. I figured maybe 3 if you needed more time for the side effects to settle down. when I was at 50 and reduced to 40 because of overwhelming side effects it cost me like 3 weeks more waiting. I should of held on and gone to 60 mgs when the 50 wasnt working. Ya those emotions/crying spells are a Parnate issue foresure. I find I'm doing a bit better now, but at my week 8, even tho I was at 60, I sure was an emotional wreck. I believe the higher you go, the happier you get (thats why high doses work good for anxiety people and phobias, the serotonin really kicks in) At lower doses (<60 ?) I believe you feel more task oriented and feelings. Serotonin numbs alot of people. I'm probably going to go to 70mgs/day soon for a better responce to anxiety. I wont forget I was alredy on Nardil the day before switching so I know i got away without having many Parnate startup SE's.
> > ..
> > Jade I know its been 8 weeks but if you dont get to your sweet dose it will never kick in, just gotta get there, I think your getting there. Ya I would agree with that person startup feelings are really weird, I felt crapoolliioo like you much of the time mixed with manias at dose increases and then I felt Good withh lots of emotions, now I feel OK/good/less emotions. I think 70mgs will bring me more serotonin and happier thoughts for anxiety which is in a way , numbing.
> *I hope it does, let me know how're your feeling after you do it! I could use some good news :)
> > talk to you soon.
> Hey,
> Thanks for answering my post so quick. I'm really not sure what the he*l is going on. You don't realize how far you've come until BAM a backslide to the beginning which is how I feel except its all the way back to before Parnate and numbness set in.
> >
> I don't mean I was functional at all (except during awesome NE highs) but if no one asked much of me, I felt numb to the really bad stuff, not too emotional, sense of humor, that kind of thing (would the word be "lite"?).
> Starting to think apathy is highly underated. I just want so bad to be me again and I'm afraid I'm gone. I know, probably too deep for a med babble forum. Thanks, and don't leave me, haha, please!!!
> Oh, couple questions (had to re-read post),
> If I never could take SSRI's AT ALL, is that bad sign? Shouldn't be ,right, since I've gotten huge rush at start and when upped to 40mg? Also, are you just being nice....or did you really feel like total emotional crap at 8 weeks? Even if you're lying, your so kind to say that, hah.
> One last thing, thank you SO much for bailing me out with Clipper40, I felt like I made her feel worse. And by the way, what does "one love" refer to? Prov?, you were in the middle of a Bob Marley song? Or you must have meant me. Thats what I'm going with. No worries, (Bob again, ha), I won't tell your girlfriend.
> OK Friend, I feel better already,
> I'll be embarressed about all this whining later but thats the beauty of being anonomous! And quit Parnate?? NEVERRRR!!!!!! Augment? Maybe, haha.
> ~Jade
Im really Glad your pushing all the way with Parnate until we Finally know if it will work. Its an MAOI It has to work at some point, sooner or later you will(im almost sure) get to 100% MAO Inhibition. There is a blood test available that can show the amount of the MAO Inhibition. 80% is the sweet spot for most but Ive read some people only feel good at 100%. I was not just being nice about the 8 week feeling bad mark. I knew PARnt was working because I felt the AD efffects, but man o man I was having horrendous feelings of sadness, depression, crying, holding my frontal lobe etc.. but it would come and go. When it would go I felt great. Most of the time I knew what would set me off to feeling horrible: thoughts of a dead friend, a lost friend, myself being mentally screwed up, girls (I wont tell my gf about us eh, glad u wont either hahah).If you couldnt tolerate an ssri, ok. Makes no difference They are completely different. SSRI side effects were just as bad for me, once i could tolerate them they didnt work for me any way. However they made me numb, emotionless, crazy and able to drink like a fish. Parnate is soo different, I have feelings because its not just working on SE but the whole spectrum of neurons. And the higher the dose the more neurons it will increase leaving your brain in a heightened state all around, not just Serotonin.
As for apathy and ahendonia(i think its spelt) Parnate is top choice along with Wellbutrin and Effexor(effexor for some people.. its only an ssri until you really ramp up the dose to 300+mg/day , then it begins to hit NORE/DA)
K last lil coment here b4 i write too much.. I really believe Parnate takes a long time to settle. I hit my sweet spot at 60mgs/day it took 10 days at that dose, Then BAM it kicked in. That was November 3rd. in the last 4 weeks its gone from good to emotional to sad to overemotional to mania's and now its calming down. I want some more Anxiolytic action so 70mgs I MAY go (thats my hypothesis that the higher dose, the more SE action, which is just what I need for anxiety).
One love was what my best friend used to say all the time.. Now that he's gone we all wonder what it really ment when He'd yell it out. I think the "one" was the person he was saying it to and he was giving out the love to ya.. ill never know but it sure sounded cool to hear him yell it at the end of a night or welcoming pple. He died in April from too many street drugs that led him to a river to drown. im dealing with it but it sent me psychotic twice. But Jade, whats cool is that Parnate makes me feel normal when I think of it now, yes still over the top with emotions but Im not dull, The sad feeling is right for the thought of him, gives me a very human chill..( ya you bet I got tears from that lol.. (hmm Parnate making me human again? or more)
Hang in there at 50, talk to you soon
Posted by JadeKelly on December 6, 2008, at 21:51:35
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » JadeKelly, posted by ParnateStarted2008 on December 6, 2008, at 17:45:14
Hi Phil,
Losing someone you love is, well, its life changing. And it sucks. Good you're making it to the other side.
Posted by JadeKelly on December 8, 2008, at 23:05:13
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » JadeKelly, posted by ParnateStarted2008 on December 6, 2008, at 17:45:14
> > > > Hi Phil,
> > > >
> > > > Actually have only taken 50mg one time yesterday.
> > > >
> > > > > If your feeling ok, how is 50mgs/day Parnate treating you? Do you have the initial "good feeling" from the NE/EPIneph?
> > > >
> > > > Nope. (Only took once yesteday-not sure about it now, help?)
> > > >
> > > > Actually haven't been feeling so great for couple days: Bad nightmare, irritable, sad, crying (not the good kind) OMG!!! FEELINGS!! NO!! Thought I was supposed to feel good. I feel Yuk. That was why I upped to 50mg. Geuss I thought 8 weeks was enough.
> > > >
> > > > >How are the side effects... I may be asking too much here as you just raised it.. Im eager I guess to know your progress. If ya Feel like crapoolliioo dont worry about my questions..
> > > >
> > > > NO, NO! I do feel like crapoolliioo physically and mentally, but tell me I'm normal and this will go away!!
> > > >
> > > > I realized I had been on 30mg/6weeks and 40mg/2weeks (seems like 8 weeks is a while on Parnate) and geuss I panicked and called PDoc. He raised to 50mg. But you said wait 3 weeks on each. Did I make a mistake? Its not too late, I only did it once. I can go back to 40mg for another week.
> > > >
> > > > You, and other poster said its normal to feel wierd, I just don't know if this is "the wierd" or I'm just backsliding and need to keep on 50mg. I feel a bit scared and headache and like I'm going to cry. Not good cry like yours. Don't want to leave my room.
> > > >
> > > > So, up the dose to 50mg?
> > > > Or this is normal and stay on 40mg longer?
> > > > Def got some feelings coming back, but not good ones. (Can I go back to numb pplease?) Ok, more crying this is rediculous.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > I got trazodone 50mg at bed time today so Im not taking Zopiclone or Seroquel tonight, and hopefully never again. I guess that cuts 1 pill off my regime.. slow but progress. next is going off Clonazepam...
> > > >
> > > > Good for you!! Lots here take trazodone. I'm geussing it will help you sleep?
> > > >
> > > > Me too, I need off Conazepam. Take for my neck, but maybe a couple right now....JK!
> > > >
> > > > NOT quitting Parnate, its been 8 weeks tho, would love to know if you think I'm on right track/ or this isn't normal and I should feel differently.
> > > >
> > > > > Talk to you later
> > > >
> > > > OK, Phillipe!!
> > > >
> > > > Btw-Phillipa said to mention: you have to let admin know of name change, or you could get block or something. You probably know that.
> > > >
> > > > Thanks for all, hope to hear from you soon.
> > > >
> > > > ~Jade
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > Morning, Stay at 50, I sure would. sooner or later The Serotonin AD effect should kick in (I know , its always Should) and that is the neuro to get you some happiness back. upping 10mg/s every 2 weeks sounds good. I figured maybe 3 if you needed more time for the side effects to settle down. when I was at 50 and reduced to 40 because of overwhelming side effects it cost me like 3 weeks more waiting. I should of held on and gone to 60 mgs when the 50 wasnt working. Ya those emotions/crying spells are a Parnate issue foresure. I find I'm doing a bit better now, but at my week 8, even tho I was at 60, I sure was an emotional wreck. I believe the higher you go, the happier you get (thats why high doses work good for anxiety people and phobias, the serotonin really kicks in) At lower doses (<60 ?) I believe you feel more task oriented and feelings. Serotonin numbs alot of people. I'm probably going to go to 70mgs/day soon for a better responce to anxiety. I wont forget I was alredy on Nardil the day before switching so I know i got away without having many Parnate startup SE's.
> > > ..
> > > Jade I know its been 8 weeks but if you dont get to your sweet dose it will never kick in, just gotta get there, I think your getting there. Ya I would agree with that person startup feelings are really weird, I felt crapoolliioo like you much of the time mixed with manias at dose increases and then I felt Good withh lots of emotions, now I feel OK/good/less emotions. I think 70mgs will bring me more serotonin and happier thoughts for anxiety which is in a way , numbing.
> >
> > *I hope it does, let me know how're your feeling after you do it! I could use some good news :)
> >
> > > talk to you soon.
> >
> > Hey,
> >
> > Thanks for answering my post so quick. I'm really not sure what the he*l is going on. You don't realize how far you've come until BAM a backslide to the beginning which is how I feel except its all the way back to before Parnate and numbness set in.
> > >
> > I don't mean I was functional at all (except during awesome NE highs) but if no one asked much of me, I felt numb to the really bad stuff, not too emotional, sense of humor, that kind of thing (would the word be "lite"?).
> >
> > Starting to think apathy is highly underated. I just want so bad to be me again and I'm afraid I'm gone. I know, probably too deep for a med babble forum. Thanks, and don't leave me, haha, please!!!
> >
> > Oh, couple questions (had to re-read post),
> >
> > If I never could take SSRI's AT ALL, is that bad sign? Shouldn't be ,right, since I've gotten huge rush at start and when upped to 40mg? Also, are you just being nice....or did you really feel like total emotional crap at 8 weeks? Even if you're lying, your so kind to say that, hah.
> >
> > One last thing, thank you SO much for bailing me out with Clipper40, I felt like I made her feel worse. And by the way, what does "one love" refer to? Prov?, you were in the middle of a Bob Marley song? Or you must have meant me. Thats what I'm going with. No worries, (Bob again, ha), I won't tell your girlfriend.
> >
> > OK Friend, I feel better already,
> > I'll be embarressed about all this whining later but thats the beauty of being anonomous! And quit Parnate?? NEVERRRR!!!!!! Augment? Maybe, haha.
> >
> > ~Jade
> >
> Im really Glad your pushing all the way with Parnate until we Finally know if it will work. Its an MAOI It has to work at some point, sooner or later you will(im almost sure) get to 100% MAO Inhibition. There is a blood test available that can show the amount of the MAO Inhibition. 80% is the sweet spot for most but Ive read some people only feel good at 100%. I was not just being nice about the 8 week feeling bad mark. I knew PARnt was working because I felt the AD efffects, but man o man I was having horrendous feelings of sadness, depression, crying, holding my frontal lobe etc.. but it would come and go. When it would go I felt great. Most of the time I knew what would set me off to feeling horrible: thoughts of a dead friend, a lost friend, myself being mentally screwed up, girls (I wont tell my gf about us eh, glad u wont either hahah).
> If you couldnt tolerate an ssri, ok. Makes no difference They are completely different. SSRI side effects were just as bad for me, once i could tolerate them they didnt work for me any way. However they made me numb, emotionless, crazy and able to drink like a fish. Parnate is soo different, I have feelings because its not just working on SE but the whole spectrum of neurons. And the higher the dose the more neurons it will increase leaving your brain in a heightened state all around, not just Serotonin.
> As for apathy and ahendonia(i think its spelt) Parnate is top choice along with Wellbutrin and Effexor(effexor for some people.. its only an ssri until you really ramp up the dose to 300+mg/day , then it begins to hit NORE/DA)
> K last lil coment here b4 i write too much.. I really believe Parnate takes a long time to settle. I hit my sweet spot at 60mgs/day it took 10 days at that dose, Then BAM it kicked in. That was November 3rd. in the last 4 weeks its gone from good to emotional to sad to overemotional to mania's and now its calming down. I want some more Anxiolytic action so 70mgs I MAY go (thats my hypothesis that the higher dose, the more SE action, which is just what I need for anxiety).
> One love was what my best friend used to say all the time.. Now that he's gone we all wonder what it really ment when He'd yell it out. I think the "one" was the person he was saying it to and he was giving out the love to ya.. ill never know but it sure sounded cool to hear him yell it at the end of a night or welcoming pple. He died in April from too many street drugs that led him to a river to drown. im dealing with it but it sent me psychotic twice. But Jade, whats cool is that Parnate makes me feel normal when I think of it now, yes still over the top with emotions but Im not dull, The sad feeling is right for the thought of him, gives me a very human chill..( ya you bet I got tears from that lol.. (hmm Parnate making me human again? or more)
> Hang in there at 50, talk to you soonAh, Okay I'm gonna hang in there at 50mg. I hope I'm as strong as you when I reach the other side. This is my 3rd day on 50mg. Not getting the NE rush yet, but don't feel like COMPLETE he*l anymore either. A little scared for some reason, that it won't work? Or (this is the crazy part) that it will? No more pretending I'm safe in my room and nothing bad ever happens! I'll have to man-up (or woman-up as the case may be) God, I'm such a whimp. I kinda feel like I just wanna get hammered. Maybe I will one of these days, at least it will get me out of the house. And if I don't get some energy soon, maybe I'll just throw some stims in there too. Can you tell I'm tired of this? Can I tell your done hearin it? Yeah!!
Your friend sounds like he was a really awesome guy. I'm sure he felt lucky to have you for a best friend. Now you've got me tearing up. Bye for now.
Posted by JadeKelly on December 10, 2008, at 11:28:48
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » JadeKelly, posted by ParnateStarted2008 on December 6, 2008, at 17:45:14
Hey Coach,
You OK? I hope you are so happy that you haven't had a moment to spare. Leave me a one liner if you want but let me know you're alright, okay?
Posted by ParnateStarted2008 on December 11, 2008, at 18:34:53
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » ParnateStarted2008, posted by JadeKelly on December 10, 2008, at 11:28:48
> Hey Coach,
> You OK? I hope you are so happy that you haven't had a moment to spare. Leave me a one liner if you want but let me know you're alright, okay?
> ~JadeHey, Ya, Im still here. Been away for 2 days.. Coach lol..
Any rush at 50mgs? I went up to 70 on dec 9th. I dont think I felt a rush.. I imagine the higher we go the less rush we'll get as the ratio gets smaller and smaller.*****How are you feeling?*******
Hope there is some change, I wish time could go faster during the moments of dispare waiting for an AD to kick in, or support that makes all the difference..I read from another post you can sleep like a breez (well sorta). sounds like u really get the afternoon nacolepsy! Me not so much.
I went to 70mgs because:
-Parnate was leveling out
-Anxiety started coming back(It still was working as an awesome AD!!! Im sure not depressed at all, good motivation)
-I really need the Antianxiety effect so ill keep going slowly from now on till I get it. I bet Ill be good at 70 or 80.Since the antianxiety effect was getting less and less at 60mg's, probably because another amine is kicking in strong, or because the anxiety creating amines that are alreaty working (eg. DA 4 me) are still kicking in stronger, or both factors, have led me to drink more and use more clonazepam.
yep for the last couple weeks Ive been drinking about 6 coolers a night, or 12 if I wanted to get drunk and in a mania (I still cant figure out why alcohol makes me so happily hypomanic and totally anxiety free like nothing else in the world. I do know its because Parnate is working. Without an AD that works well I dont get that way.)
The clonazepam i was using more of aswell, some nights 2mg's before bed.Good news is that today is a turning point. I have a new gym membership and im gonna go 6 days a week( I love working out). One of my best friends who drinks an insanly large amount moved two hours away so I wont be tempted to drink and when the antianxiety from 70 kicks in I wont want to drink. As long as it works im fine with a couple glasses of wine every few days.
I just wrote Vincent a big post on Parnate, I hope he is doing ok.
Melatonin eh... hmm I better try some. I hate sleeping. insomnia+vivid dreams and nightmares..
Every thing else is A ok. Very few side effects compared to the serotonin, Norepinephrine, Dopamine re-uptake inhibitor family type of AD's and Nardil.
OK I admit there is the same amount of side effects but I dont mind these ones nearly as much.
And Parnate is actually working so I dont care about the side effects. AHAHAH I think the illness has met its match. Lets see who wins!
Coach Carter.
Posted by JadeKelly on December 12, 2008, at 16:14:50
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » JadeKelly, posted by ParnateStarted2008 on December 11, 2008, at 18:34:53
Hey Coach,
You WILL win the match. I'm gonna post you later cause my eyes are closing. Been feelin gooood, haha but it started almost a week after I upped to 50mg. Before it would start right away. Maybe a sign?
Btw-thanks for the mail. It was just right. Really.~Jade
Posted by JadeKelly on December 13, 2008, at 18:25:06
In reply to Re: Need advice! Nardil switch to Parnate!! » JadeKelly, posted by ParnateStarted2008 on December 11, 2008, at 18:34:53
> > Hey Coach,
> >
> > You OK? I hope you are so happy that you haven't had a moment to spare. Leave me a one liner if you want but let me know you're alright, okay?
> >
> > ~Jade
> Hey, Ya, Im still here. Been away for 2 days.. Coach lol..
> Any rush at 50mgs? I went up to 70 on dec 9th. I dont think I felt a rush.. I imagine the higher we go the less rush we'll get as the ratio gets smaller and smaller.
> *****How are you feeling?*******
> Hope there is some change, I wish time could go faster during the moments of dispare waiting for an AD to kick in, or support that makes all the difference..
> I read from another post you can sleep like a breez (well sorta). sounds like u really get the afternoon nacolepsy! Me not so much.
> I went to 70mgs because:
> -Parnate was leveling out
> -Anxiety started coming back(It still was working as an awesome AD!!! Im sure not depressed at all, good motivation)
> -I really need the Antianxiety effect so ill keep going slowly from now on till I get it. I bet Ill be good at 70 or 80.
> Since the antianxiety effect was getting less and less at 60mg's, probably because another amine is kicking in strong, or because the anxiety creating amines that are alreaty working (eg. DA 4 me) are still kicking in stronger, or both factors, have led me to drink more and use more clonazepam.
> yep for the last couple weeks Ive been drinking about 6 coolers a night, or 12 if I wanted to get drunk and in a mania (I still cant figure out why alcohol makes me so happily hypomanic and totally anxiety free like nothing else in the world. I do know its because Parnate is working. Without an AD that works well I dont get that way.)
> The clonazepam i was using more of aswell, some nights 2mg's before bed.
> Good news is that today is a turning point. I have a new gym membership and im gonna go 6 days a week( I love working out). One of my best friends who drinks an insanly large amount moved two hours away so I wont be tempted to drink and when the antianxiety from 70 kicks in I wont want to drink. As long as it works im fine with a couple glasses of wine every few days.
> I just wrote Vincent a big post on Parnate, I hope he is doing ok.
> Melatonin eh... hmm I better try some. I hate sleeping. insomnia+vivid dreams and nightmares..
> Every thing else is A ok. Very few side effects compared to the serotonin, Norepinephrine, Dopamine re-uptake inhibitor family type of AD's and Nardil.
> OK I admit there is the same amount of side effects but I dont mind these ones nearly as much.
> And Parnate is actually working so I dont care about the side effects. AHAHAH I think the illness has met its match. Lets see who wins!
> Sincerely,
> Coach Carter.
> what?
Hi Coach Phil,I actually came on the board today to write you a post. The place was a desert. But I did see a post from d/r, and you to QC (is that right name?) Now feels like an invasion of your privacy, but I'm afraid its too late. I'd rather talk on babble mail right now but I think when blue light is off computer is off? I don't know. I think about you a lot. Too much probably, I don't know what the disorder is called (JK), but I tend to worry overboard about people I care about. And now you're on that list, you lucky guy!! My family has Bi-polarI in three generations (one in each) two are gone, within the last few years, my son is the 3rd. His manias are acute, lasting 48 hours or so if treated, they are extremely aggressive in nature, and frankly quite scary. He's been hospitalized 3 times. The good news is that it lasted about 9 months, every 3 weeks or so, (thank God nothing happened to him), and then stopped. We finally found the right meds for him. Hopefully they will keep working. If anyone reads this, he's on Seroqel, 300mg a day, and Depakote, 1500mg day. I'm pretty uncomfortable talking about some of my personal stuff, or my family stuff on the board. I just want you to know if you want to talk further about any of this I'd be happy to do it on babblemail. I don't use it with any one other that to give you and that_guy my first name. And that message to you of course. Remember, this is a setback, Phil, thats all. I hope you will keep your promise (well maybe not a promise) and stay and finish this job ahead of us to get well. Whatever that takes, right!?
> > *****How are you feeling?*******
> Hope there is some change, I wish time could go faster during the moments of dispare waiting for an AD to kick in, or support that makes all the difference..I'm feeling ok, some days better, some days, just a little better. Not worse, thats for sure. Whats killin me is this da*m fatigue! Do you get that on Parnate? I don't remember. It's not like the afternoon fatigue were always talking about, its all day don't wanna move fatigue. I've slept 12 hours straigt the last 2 nights and yesterday too lazy to refill klonopin, missed 4 doses, and STILL slept. Its infuriating. I used to be so different. This depression has sucked the life out of me. I want my life back, like NOW!! Parnate, my friend, hurry the he*l up! haha. My mood I think IS better, its just this fatigue, yeah, I'm thankful that my mood is better, but I still have that scared feeling cause I'm not working, I'm not doing anything except the absolute basics. I want ritalin. Does Lamictal (Doc swears I'm bipolar 2, I'm not) slow you down or give you energy? What other augments did you say gave energy, or were stimulating? can't take Provigil. Made me feel wired and nervous. Maybe I'll call PDoc and DEMAND ritalin. How well do you think that will go over? haha. He'll tell me to get lost, thats how. When you were talking about moments of despair, and waiting for support that makes all the difference, were you talking about me?, you? Both of us??!! When I feel despair, its usually either about losses, or the fear of not being my old self again. Like I won't be able to function. As far as waiting for support, my family tries, God knows weve all been thru alot, but none have had the kind of depression that I have. I think they are stronger, in the end. As I've said before, (this is my first depression) I just shut down. Numb. Its so strange to me. Especially cause I've always considered myself a strong girl. Were all close,(my large family) but sometimes that feels like a burden cause they want me to do things that I know will make NO DIFFERENCE until these chemicals get in order. I tried everything in the beginning. It just made the feeling of failure feel worse. Sounds like maybe you live alone? What I wouldn't give for that for just a while. Its torture living with people you love, always wondering what they think, afraid I'm bummin them out, they're always trying to get me to do stuff, etc. I really just want to be left alone to figure this out, and I think they see it as getting worse. Lets get her around some friends and family, then she'll be better. Truth be told? I get the real support here, from you and a couple other posters. One friend I talk to on line, she's at home too, so that really helps. And just all the posters that offer up their stuff and I know they understand the pain of what we all go thru. I've only been here two months, and have never talked to anyone on line before, so this is different for me. You know whats funny? I've been stalking this site (Babble) for a while, and got the courage one night to join when I was on my first Parnate high, haha. I don't believe I would have done it otherwise. I'm a scaredy cat. Not too big in the trust department.
Phil, I only brought up my son, cause I've seen the worst. And he is my heart and I love him so much. Don't be afraid to talk to me if you ever feel like it. I'm not a fairweather friend. So, I geuss this is a novel by now, I miss you, and I hope you are feeling better. Post when you can. When you feel like it I'd like my Parnate Coach back if you don't mind! I'd have been off this long ago if not for you. I thank you for that. If it doesn't work, at least I'll know I didn't quit too early and I can move on to the next. But I still believe in Parnate. Hope you do too.
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.