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Posted by Deputy 10derHeart on November 20, 2008, at 3:21:03
In reply to sexual disorders and medication, posted by rayww on November 19, 2008, at 23:29:35
> I will assume that those who don't respond have one of the sexual disorders: homosexual, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender.Please don't jump to conclusions about others - there could be many other reasons than what you stated as to why a poster wouldn't respond to a particular post. Also, please be sensitive to the feelings of others, such as those who may identify with the terms you listed but not consider that orientation a disorder.
If you or others have questions about this or about posting policies in general, or are interested in alternate ways of expressing yourself, please see the FAQ:
Follow ups regarding these issues should be directed to Admin, and should of course, be civil. Dr. Bob has oversight over deputy decisions, and he may choose a different action.
-- 10derHeart, acting as deputy for Dr. Bob
Posted by manic666 on November 20, 2008, at 5:24:54
In reply to sexual disorders and medication, posted by rayww on November 19, 2008, at 23:29:35
i dont get this post, sex is one of natures finest gifts . if your gay, sraight or whatever. the only problem us speciels have is not getting enough because of meds. if i didnt take meds i would weight 6 stone an be permantly what the f/ck are you on about then i will answer. your not makeing your self clear. are you a sex addict, or imputant.or carnt get any .or carnt get it up .what do you mean. manic666
Posted by rayww on November 20, 2008, at 8:12:01
In reply to Re: sexual disorders and medication » rayww, posted by Phillipa on November 20, 2008, at 0:28:59
> Personally I was trying to help. And I feel you are attacking me I didn't have to disclose any info about me. Of course it could all be false. I do not feel depression has any relevance to sexual preference or OCD as I have a slight form of ocd. Please rephrase your words to me. I would appreciate that. Thank-you. Think I will leave this for someone else. Phillipa
No, I wasn't attacking anyone. I sincerely wanted to know if there is a correlation between the sexual and depression, and how many here are troubled with it. I even said no one has to respond, just a NM would do. Please, no one feel attacked, it was an honest question.
Posted by B2chica on November 20, 2008, at 9:32:44
In reply to sexual disorders and medication, posted by rayww on November 19, 2008, at 23:29:35
i would like to address two things: the phrase "i don't know what comes first depression or immorality" is 1)a personal statement, not a scientific one and 2)suggests deviance with sexuality. in my observations a person can be immoral and not have any sexual dysfunction.
i am straight and married and depressed/bipolar. i even had one doctor tell me that unless i was flying off to vegas or having affairs that i wasn't bipolar.
my symptoms prove otherwise, i just didn't fit in his nice little box of the DSM for bipolar I (and he was a psychologist, not a pdoc)
and also, i had a dear friend that was bipolarI, she was married with three kids, her husband was an a-hole and she still never had an affair. she did however kill respond to your question, i don't think there is any coorelation of significance between sexuality and depression. meaning a similar theory to what was suggested could state: i love music and i have depression therefore there is a cause/effect between people who love music and are depressed...
i can see how you might be curious about links and triggers between the two, and as far as i know there are no studies to suggest such a link.
you should google your question and see what articles you can guess is you will find a lot about medication for mental illness and sexual dysfunction. and i think that is what most people who come to this board regarding sexual issues are here for. i have had medication effect my libido and add anorgasmia to my list of side effects. for males there are other sexual issues as well. None are to be made light of as it is effecting the human body, regardless of who you are.
i do feel that such sexual dysfunctions can effect things like self-esteem. and depression can effect libido due to lethargy and anhedonia. But not the same type of physical effect medications cause.Because sexuality is such a delicate subject it is possible that people could feel hurt or isolated from the theory suggested (mostly because it was phrased "sexual immorality/orientation"), not all people believe that there are 'set rules' for sexual orientation or that one is moral and others immoral, so you will need to continue to be sensitive to others feelings as i'm sure you will.
i don't think you were 'out of line' for asking, its just a question. But any assumptions made lead to false facts. and are statistically irrelevant.b2c
Posted by fayeroe on November 20, 2008, at 10:39:36
In reply to sexual disorders and medication, posted by rayww on November 19, 2008, at 23:29:35
> I haven't written to the medication board for a few years because I haven't had a bipolar relapse since starting CNE (Cell & Nerve Essential Nutrition) supplements, by Truehope.
> A person once said to me, "I don't know what comes first depression or immorality".
> Something I have always wondered, Is there a correlation between anti depressants, and sexual immorality/orientation?
> I would like to request that (only) all who are straight (heterosexual) respond, and if you feel like answering my questions, feel free, or just leave a reply with no message.
> 1. Are you married or single?
> 2. Are you sexually active?
> 3. Are you faithful to your spouse?
> I will assume that those who don't respond have one of the sexual disorders: homosexual, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender.
I feel embarrassed when I read anything about a sexual orientation being a disorder.
Please forgive me if disorder was not the right term, or if I'm out of line for asking this.Disorder is not the right term.
btw, I consider any kind of sexual addiction to be an obsessive compulsive disorder, including straight people.
Where do you get your "facts"?
> Isn't all addiction a compulsion?
Posted by rayww on November 20, 2008, at 10:41:51
In reply to Re: sexual disorders and medication » rayww, posted by B2chica on November 20, 2008, at 9:32:44
Thank you for giving me such a genuine answer, and for understanding that I'm not trying to offend anyone.
However difficult it is I would still like to see a percentage breakdown of the participants on these forums. This probably wasn't the right page to ask.
The link explains why I chose "other", as there are too many issues to use just two labels.
There really wasn't a gentle/caring way to ask.Survey questions I would ask, if there was a place appropriate to ask:
1. Are you:
a) Heterosexual
b) Other
2. Are you monogamous?
Posted by Phillipa on November 20, 2008, at 10:49:33
In reply to Please follow site guidelines » Phillipa, posted by Deputy 10derHeart on November 20, 2008, at 3:20:12
Sorry 10der had a finger trigger attack. So notification button for this also. Will definitely remember. Again sorry to all. Love Phillipa
Posted by Phillipa on November 20, 2008, at 11:35:26
In reply to Re: sexual disorders and medication » Phillipa, posted by rayww on November 20, 2008, at 8:12:01
I'm sorry didn't mean to upset anyone. I feel it was an honest question . No excuse but I was exhausted too. Make-up? Love Phillipa
Posted by Phillipa on November 20, 2008, at 11:51:29
In reply to Re: sexual disorders and medication » B2chica, posted by rayww on November 20, 2008, at 10:41:51
Now I'm confused as isn't this a deviaition from the original question. Please correct me if I'm wrong? Love Phillipa ps wanted to add that I married in the 60's for 21 years and that time sexual revolution was starting and hence unfaithful. Seems being teens and was 18 quite a few of us were unfaithful but our spouses knew and didn't care at the time at least where I lived it was perfectly acceptable. Different time and wasn't depressed or even anxious at that time. As grew up so to speak times changed and morals also as have been faithful for about 38 years. And now anxiety? So I personally don't see a correlation but that is just me. Phillipa
Posted by rayww on November 20, 2008, at 12:05:44
In reply to Re: sexual disorders and medication » rayww, posted by fayeroe on November 20, 2008, at 10:39:36
> Where do you get your "facts"?
I'm trying to get my "facts" here.
I don't believe everything I read, but I do trust truth. I have been trying to discover the truth about sex for 40 years. I believe there is truth about it, just as I believe there is truth about every other thing. Knowing the truth about something does not mean you "must" abide. We all have our personal freedom, as long as we accept the consequences.How would you have titled this thread? Sexual dysfunctions and medication, sexuality and medication? I chose "disorders" because I thought it might attract attention, thus get more people to read and respond.
Is there such a thing as a sexual disorder? If so, how would you describe one? And how would it differ from a sexual addiction or a sexual compulsion, and how is that different from an obsession? Is it not a form of obsessive compulsive disorder, at least to a degree?
Another question, and sorry about all the questions, how would you medicate a sexual disorder/dysfunction? Here is where knowing the truth about sex might prove beneficial, because if you knew the truth, maybe you would make the decision a little earlier and the fallout wouldn't ever get out of control.If the bomb doesn't go off, you won't have fallout to contend with, and the fallout can be more fatal and its effects last longer than the bomb. At what point will you need to start medication? If you'll pardon my metaphor. The best answer would be before the bomb went off.
We need to aware ourselves of the symptoms early enough to do something about them. Am I the only one who gets this? And I figured it out on my own.
I hit a bomb once or twice, and it wasn't till I got off medication and started CNE supplements that I went "back to normal". With CNE you just wake up feeling normal. I've been taking them (15/day) since 2004. You forget how "normal" feels and when you suddenly get there, it's hard to recognize because you don't feel extra normal, you just feel what is normal to you. It's like a breath of fresh air, and peaceful, content, relaxed. Energy has to be developed along with momentum, and that takes personal effort, because we tend to get lazy habits with depression, at least I do.
I believe CNE restores a dysfunctional brain, whether from a stroke, or from a chemical imbalance. I had a stroke 5 years ago. I couldn't type or speak or think a rational thought at first. I couldn't say a decent sentence because I couldn't think the thought. I was blank. I am still not back to where I was before, but I can definitely see personal progress. My typing speed has increased, I don't make mistakes, and hit the wrong keys like I used to. My grammar is careless, but I don't care too much about that.
Posted by B2chica on November 20, 2008, at 12:09:00
In reply to Re: sexual disorders and medication » B2chica, posted by rayww on November 20, 2008, at 10:41:51
well, i'm not sure where you are right now that there IS a "right place to ask". Not because of the question, but because of your method...or lack there of. I feel you need to learn a bit more before you "just ask".
i can understand where it might be interesting to you to find out some statistics to support any hypothesis you may have, however you can not just "do research" on anyone you please. there are guidelines.
**Have you ever heard of the Belmont Report? i feel you could benefit from reading about this, and STRONGLY recommend it before you go any further.
you may also want to learn about: Edward Jenner, the Nuremberg Code, , Declaration of Helsinki, and The Public Health Service Syphilis Study from 1932-1971.
you may even benefit from some Kant who reminds us that "we must treat individuals as autonomous human beings and not use people as a means to an end." We must allow people to choose for themselves, and provide EXTRA protection to those with limited autonomy.
Things to keep in mind for ANY study are:
autonomy, beneficence, justice, and ethics. the Top rule of ethics of research is review by an institutional review board. Especially as your participants would be of those with a disability (mental illness), AND a vulnerable population(regarding sexual orientation). Also, your selection is 1)using protected population-vulnerable subjects 2)to narrow as you are only asking participation from this site alone. for any valid stats.i would be interested to know what valid method you would use to conduct this unapproved "survey". and do you have controls? what are your variables? and most importantly what statistical methods will you be using to aggregate your data?
There is also the issue of "research with socially or medically vulnerable or distinct groups"
1.socially vulnerable groups- ethnic-racial populations or other people discriminated against, stigmatized, or marginalized by society , for whom research may add to the social harms they experience.
2.medically vulnerable groups-people with a medical problem that makes them vulnerable to coercion in research or to stigmatization, or for whom research may miss possible benefits.
3.socially distinct groups-people with social values and concerns distinct from "mainstream," for whom research may harm or may miss possible benefits.
4.medically distinct groups-people with medical values and concerns distinct from mainstream, for whom research may miss possible benefits.your "questions" effect at least 3 of the 4 listed above. therefore i would be VERY careful what you do with that information you gain as FDA regulated research is very strict. and only those approved can process data gathered and report on ANY statistical information gained.
With that said. if you go through with an APPROVED study, i would be interested in the data that you find.
best wishes
Posted by manic666 on November 20, 2008, at 12:27:48
In reply to Re: sexual disorders and medication » rayww, posted by B2chica on November 20, 2008, at 9:32:44
i dont no what you were on about , but i think you kicked his *rs*. mannic666
Posted by Jay_Bravest_Face on November 20, 2008, at 12:37:35
In reply to sexual disorders and medication, posted by rayww on November 19, 2008, at 23:29:35
> I haven't written to the medication board for a few years because I haven't had a bipolar relapse > I would like to request that (only) all who are straight (heterosexual) respond, and if you feel like answering my questions, feel free, or just leave a reply with no message.
> 1. Are you married or single?
> 2. Are you sexually active?
> 3. Are you faithful to your spouse?
> I will assume that those who don't respond have one of the sexual disorders: homosexual, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender.Uhh..sorry but being of a certain sexual orientation is not a "disorder". You could be breaking State and Federal laws if you think so and try to apply so.
Posted by B2chica on November 20, 2008, at 12:45:02
In reply to Re: sexual disorders - not » rayww, posted by Jay_Bravest_Face on November 20, 2008, at 12:37:35
> Uhh..sorry but being of a certain sexual orientation is not a "disorder". You could be breaking State and Federal laws if you think so and try to apply so.
> Jay
Actually Jay, there is a famous person years ago that thoroughly believed that sexual orientation WAS a disorder and wrong and tried to prove it regardless and created a law against it , no wait, he actually he did something about it...what was his name...Hitler i believe.*don't mean to offend anyone.
Posted by B2chica on November 20, 2008, at 12:46:08
In reply to Re: sexual disorders - not » Jay_Bravest_Face, posted by B2chica on November 20, 2008, at 12:45:02
Posted by fayeroe on November 20, 2008, at 12:47:36
In reply to Re: sexual disorders and medication » fayeroe, posted by rayww on November 20, 2008, at 12:05:44
> > Where do you get your "facts"?
> I'm trying to get my "facts" here.There are several things that come to mind when you say that you're trying to get your "facts" here. 1. ethics 2. honesty 3. this is a mental health support forum. 4. this site is not about your research.
> I don't believe everything I read, but I do trust truth. I have been trying to discover the truth about sex for 40 years.
Would you say that your efforts to learn the truth about sex is some sort of an addiction or compulsion?
I believe there is truth about it, just as I believe there is truth about every other thing. Knowing the truth about something does not mean you "must" abide. We all have our personal freedom, as long as we accept the consequences.In all of your threads, I am yet to read one post from another poster that indicates that the poster doesn't accept the consequences of having personal freedom and don't see that many people questioning anyone else's personal freedom.
> How would you have titled this thread? Sexual dysfunctions and medication, sexuality and medication? I chose "disorders" because I thought it might attract attention, thus get more people to read and respond.I would not have started the thread in the first place because I would not want anyone to feel that they were being labeled as having a disorder of any kind.
I have no idea about medication having anything to do with sexual orientation. Is that what you you are inferring?
> Is there such a thing as a sexual disorder? If so, how would you describe one? And how would it differ from a sexual addiction or a sexual compulsion, and how is that different from an obsession? Is it not a form of obsessive compulsive disorder, at least to a degree?There is kinky sex.
Your questions tend to run in circles and I get confused about what you are asking of us.
> Another question, and sorry about all the questions, how would you medicate a sexual disorder/dysfunction?
First of all, I don't see that there are sexual disorders. Dysfunctions? Are you talking about being unable to have an orgasm or something similiar? I know that those problems fall under the word "dysfunction" when I read medical articles.
Here is where knowing the truth about sex might prove beneficial, because if you knew the truth, maybe you would make the decision a little earlier and the fallout wouldn't ever get out of control.
I don't have any fallout from sex.
> If the bomb doesn't go off, you won't have fallout to contend with, and the fallout can be more fatal and its effects last longer than the bomb. At what point will you need to start medication? If you'll pardon my metaphor. The best answer would be before the bomb went off.Oh! Are you inferring that meds could change someone's orientation? I'm very confused. How would we know who has the bomb in their backpack and how would we know which meds to use?
> We need to aware ourselves of the symptoms early enough to do something about them. Am I the only one who gets this? And I figured it out on my own.Good for you. I sure don't get what the symptoms are and what they go with.
> I hit a bomb once or twice, and it wasn't till I got off medication and started CNE supplements that I went "back to normal". With CNE you just wake up feeling normal. I've been taking them (15/day) since 2004. You forget how "normal" feels and when you suddenly get there, it's hard to recognize because you don't feel extra normal, you just feel what is normal to you. It's like a breath of fresh air, and peaceful, content, relaxed. Energy has to be developed along with momentum, and that takes personal effort, because we tend to get lazy habits with depression, at least I do.Please remember that you're talking about bipolar issues and that there are hundreds of people here who are doing very well on their doctor's DX and meds. I think the supplment that you take could
get more discussion on the Alternative Board.
> I believe CNE restores a dysfunctional brain, whether from a stroke, or from a chemical imbalance. I had a stroke 5 years ago. I couldn't type or speak or think a rational thought at first. I couldn't say a decent sentence because I couldn't think the thought. I was blank. I am still not back to where I was before, but I can definitely see personal progress. My typing speed has increased, I don't make mistakes, and hit the wrong keys like I used to. My grammar is careless, but I don't care too much about that.
>'m glad you are healthier now.
Posted by fayeroe on November 20, 2008, at 13:01:13
In reply to sexual disorders and medication, posted by rayww on November 19, 2008, at 23:29:35
"I will assume that those who don't respond have one of the sexual disorders: homosexual, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender."
I have a straight out request for you, please don't refer to anyone here as having a "disorder" because they could be gay/lesbian, bi-sexual or transgender.
Posted by manic666 on November 20, 2008, at 13:24:04
In reply to sexual disorders and medication, posted by rayww on November 19, 2008, at 23:29:35
rayww, how about you answering your own question an let us see your sexual problem, an mabye we can help you. manic666
Posted by Maria3667 on November 20, 2008, at 15:24:40
In reply to Re: sexual disorders - not » rayww, posted by Jay_Bravest_Face on November 20, 2008, at 12:37:35
Thank you Jay, for speaking out loud. I'm lesbian and feel like depression or anxiety stand apart from my sexual orientation.
> Uhh..sorry but being of a certain sexual orientation is not a "disorder". You could be breaking State and Federal laws if you think so and try to apply so.
> Jay
Posted by Toph on November 20, 2008, at 16:57:00
In reply to sexual disorders and medication, posted by rayww on November 19, 2008, at 23:29:35
I am heterosexual and bipolar who is effectively treated with lithium. I get depressed despite my marriage fidelity. My sexuality, I suppose, would be considered by those of your ilk to be normal except that I have a secret compulsion to screw religious zealots that I have never shared with anyone before.
Posted by fayeroe on November 20, 2008, at 17:07:37
In reply to Re: sexual disorders and medication, posted by Toph on November 20, 2008, at 16:57:00
> I am heterosexual and bipolar who is effectively treated with lithium. I get depressed despite my marriage fidelity. My sexuality, I suppose, would be considered by those of your ilk to be normal except that I have a secret compulsion to screw religious zealots that I have never shared with anyone before.
TOPPHER! I just snorted coke out on my keyboard! Ruined my blouse and snot is running down my face now. We have a saving in the south, "you are a ___d _____d jewel".
Posted by fleeting flutterby on November 20, 2008, at 17:17:27
In reply to sexual disorders and medication, posted by rayww on November 19, 2008, at 23:29:35
> I haven't written to the medication board for a few years because I haven't had a bipolar relapse since starting CNE (Cell & Nerve Essential Nutrition) supplements, by Truehope.<<
----that is good news. Hope it keeps going this way for you.
> A person once said to me, "I don't know what comes first depression or immorality".
> Something I have always wondered, Is there a correlation between anti depressants, and sexual immorality/orientation?<<----Wow, this seems like such a HUGE jump to conclusions.
> I will assume that those who don't respond have one of the sexual disorders: homosexual, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender.<<----- this seems quite passive aggressive^^^-- I don't appreciate it, nor will I answer because of your blind assumption.... one should NEVER "assume"-- argh!!
Posted by Deputy Dinah on November 20, 2008, at 17:20:05
In reply to Re: sexual disorders and medication » Toph, posted by fayeroe on November 20, 2008, at 17:07:37
Even if a post has received a Please Be Civil, it is important that responses to that post remain civil. Two wrongs don't make a right. Please respect the views of others, even if you think they're wrong. Please be sensitive to their feelings even if yours are hurt.
It would be unfortunate if this led to further administrative actions, so everyone please follow the civility guidelines of this site.
If you or others have questions about this or about posting policies in general, or are interested in alternative ways of expressing yourself, please see the FAQ:
Follow-ups regarding these issues should be redirected to Psycho-Babble Administration. They, as well as replies to the above posts, should of course themselves be civil.
Dr. Bob is always free to override deputy decisions. His email is on the bottom of each page. Please feel free to email him if you believe this decision was made in error.
Dinah, acting as deputy to Dr. Bob
Posted by fayeroe on November 20, 2008, at 17:34:09
In reply to Re: sexual disorders and medication, posted by fleeting flutterby on November 20, 2008, at 17:17:27
Posted by fayeroe on November 20, 2008, at 17:36:21
In reply to sexual disorders and medication, posted by rayww on November 19, 2008, at 23:29:35
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
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