Shown: posts 1 to 24 of 24. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 20, 2008, at 16:23:04
Ok where to begin....
I have a very serious chemical sensitivity/horrible nearly fatal reactions to the meds I have tried in the past: Effexor, Elavil, Neurontin, and Dilantin.
My doctor recognizes and believes all of my very real and very serious side effects when I start taking these medications unfortunately.
Some of the side affects, and they are all the same on all of these meds are: VERY significantly increased depression and anxiety, suicidal thoughts where there were absolutely NONE before taking the meds, huge fog takes over brain, sensory/perception gets out of wack like blurred vision, extreme sensitivity to noise, popping in ears, sharp pains shooting in ears.
Also, muscle twitching, images flashing through my mind, songs getting stuck in my head like a radio (not hearing voices lol), racing thoughts increased by 100x, horrific nightmares that are extremely vivid and disturbing (off meds I don't even really remember my dreams let alone have bad or weird dreams). It's like the meds are almost CAUSING pyschosis when some of them should be helping!
When I stop the meds, these symptoms all slowly go away after a couple weeks and half lives wear off. But during that time I am basically immobilized and have lost jobs to having to take new meds and not reacting well to them. When I stop, I feel back to fine except not being able to sleep
My question is, in reality, am I most likely going to have the same reaction on Seroquel? I am praying to god tonight that this is my medication and praying it will work
But it sounds like anything that is touching on my serotonin receptors/transmitters is causing these meds to have the EXACT OPPOSITE affect as they should
My doc is starting me on 1/4 chunks of 25 mg of Seroquel to slowly build me up, but I am just worried that the same thing is going to happen.
This is not because I don't have faith in medicine. At one time, Effexor turned my life around and brought me out of a serious depression. At that point, I was a stupid kid in highschool and made some very poor decisions of taking exstacy, which I am very embarrassed by. I believe it damaged my serotonin receptors and my doc says that she has heard of cases of people not being able to take meds like these after exstacy, where they could take them before
I am scared to start taking this new med, but would do ANYTHING to shut off my brain and am open to a med that works.
It's like my brain is always on with no off switch at night and I always have high energy when trying to fall asleep and have very bad insomnia and self medicate with marijuana/indica varieties that help greatly with sleep and anxiety (marijuana is not the problem IMO and I have been open to thinking it is, but I have quit many times for long amounts of time and it actually makes everything much worse)
I am taking the marijuana route until I can find a medication that work and trying to get off of Klonopin, Ativan and Ambien, because I have found a good strong indica marijuana strain is like taking 5 Klonopins, minus the addiction. And you never build a tolerance to it, but of coarse the legal consequences so may move to California for medical permit.
Just seems like the logical choice to me since these meds have failed me/nearly killed me and as MJ is a faily benign substance when used with moderation (before bedtime)
Can someone please give me ANY insight on what might be going on with my brain and what I should do? Should I take the Seroquel?
I was first diagnosed with depression then bipolar Not Otherwise Specified because my doctor says my case is VERY atypical and not like any case she has seen before. she says I don't seem overly bipolar.
In all honestly, I don't feel depressed at all, have a very happy life with good friends and a girlfriend, I just have a mind that won't shut itself off at night/racing thoughts/songs stuck in head and can't sleep.
Is Seroquel going to help this and rebalance my brains chemicals? Please help, I am very scared
Posted by bleauberry on May 20, 2008, at 17:59:48
In reply to Seroquel and Chemical Sensitivity...please help!, posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 20, 2008, at 16:23:04
Hey, NH-guy, next door neighbor ME-guy here.
I can relate to your sensitivities. I used to take meds fine, but the last 3 years have changed dramatically. Even tiny amounts of anything feel massively powerful, and almost always with opposite effects of what is desired.
Even herbs, supplements, fish oil, and some vitamins I am very sensitive to. My doc believes it came from mercury toxicity from longterm low level exposure from amalgam fillings, which have since been removed, but damage remains. And with no family history of it, I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance a year ago.Like you, I found specific MJ strains to be the world's best all around med for depression, anxiety, appetite, sleep, interest and motivation, and social anxiety. But I stopped that 3 years ago because what I was doing was just way too risky. Just imagine landing in a prison cell with your symptoms. Now that is a scary thought. I sure do miss MJ.
That being said, I do believe MJ is complicated enough and powerful enough that it is actually changing your brain dynamics profoundly. I mean, it hits everything one way or the other...serotonin, dopamine, gaba, opioid, norepinephrine, and others. Lots of different receptors in all of those systems, as well as hormonal systems, are being sensitized, desensitized, upregulated, or downregulated, by daily MJ use. I do not believe it is as tame as you think it is, or as I once thought it was.
I guess seroquel or zyprexa are decent choices to shut off a racing mind at bedtime. I think a klonopin, xanax, or lunesta might be better lightweight choices to try first. For me seroquel felt like an elephant dart at 25mg, so quartering that is probably a good idea for chemical sensitivity.
Too bad MJ is illegal. I used to use it just like a medicine. Controlled dosage sizes, dosage times, and everything. I rarely did enough to get very high, except on weekends. It really was the best psych med I ever took because it only took maybe two puffs to stomp out every pscyh disorder known to man in about 5 minutes and leave me feeling absolutely perfectly normal.
Chemical sensitivity: No proven causes, not well understood. But my doc says it is a hyper-immune response, where the body sees something as an invader that isn't actually an invader, and all hell breaks loose, with the end result being some powerful naturally produced toxins heading for opioid receptors, with the resulting depression, fatigue, and foggy brain.
Posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 20, 2008, at 18:49:59
In reply to Re: Seroquel and Chemical Sensitivity...please help!, posted by bleauberry on May 20, 2008, at 17:59:48
Thanks for the feedback Bleauberry. It is good to know I am not the only one that experiences chemical sensitivities. And after reading the net I have come across a lot of cases of people being extremely sensitive, but it seems doctors don't want to acknowledge or admit this can be happening with the meds.
They try to blame it on the existing condition, which it isn't. It's the meds! Luckily my doctor understands, believes me and works with me.
Def agreed on the MJ part. Maine does have marijuana medical laws, but unfortunately they only cover certain dibilating conditions like MS, seizures, etc.
I wonder though if a doctor could prescribe for something other than this? I know doctors in California are prescribing medical marijuana for insomnia, which isn't listed as a cause on Prop 215 for medical marijuana
I can admit that maybe it's not as harmless as it may seem, but I know for sure that I feel 100xs better after I smoke and it's sad this country will put someone in jail for using a plant as medicine. marijuana is the ONLY victimless crime. very sad
hoping Seroquel will balance me out, but I have a feeling I am in for another bad rad. Will report back!
Posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 20, 2008, at 18:52:18
In reply to Re: Seroquel and Chemical Sensitivity...please help!, posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 20, 2008, at 18:49:59
another "bad ride" I meant!
anyone else want to predict what will happen?
any other feedback experiences with Seroquel? I have read through a few older posts...some good, some bad
Posted by Phillipa on May 20, 2008, at 19:40:48
In reply to Re: Seroquel and Chemical Sensitivity...please help!, posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 20, 2008, at 18:52:18
I don't use MJ and never did but if it works why not keep using it? Canada has MJ for medical conditions and it's used in Cancer Patients too for nausea and appetite. Phillipa
Posted by johnj on May 20, 2008, at 19:58:39
In reply to Re: Seroquel and Chemical Sensitivity...please help!, posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 20, 2008, at 18:52:18
Hey guy,
Here is my take. I too am very sensitive to meds. It got much worse after a bout of pneumonia and I have been off meds for 10 months. Good days and bad but I am plugging away. That said, I don't want to be a martyr if I had something that worked I would use it. I have a feeling that small doses of a tca would probably work ok for me but I am working on some other things to see if I can even out.
I tried seroquel and I seemed to wake up every hour on it at 25mg. But, there are MANY here that have used it with great success. 50mg was not good and I stopped it. One thing to keep in mind here is that advice can be spotty and some people will give you advice even thought they may have tried something one night and tossed it. It may have helped them but they gave up too soon. Keep a good log on what you have tried and it's side effects. Again some people give you advice even though they are not qualified to give it (that includes me too). Blueberry is very good and I agree with everything she has said. Herbs and vitamins are tough for me too. Good luck and remember how YOU react is what is important. Start slow my friend.
Best regards
Posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 20, 2008, at 20:10:47
In reply to Re: Seroquel and Chemical Sensitivity...please help! » NewHampshireGuy, posted by johnj on May 20, 2008, at 19:58:39
thanks for all the responses!
I cannot take fish oil or vitamins really either. very weird. fish oil makes me instantly depressed. vitimans will just make me feel "off" and foggy brained
5HTP, an amino acid, has done WONDERS for my depression and is the reason I haven't been truely badly depressed in years. if I miss a couple doses of 5htp, I actually feel myself start to slip back into depression
I know canada is very tolerant about mj, but so is california and colorado actually. have debated moving to colorado and getting a permit to use for migraines, as I do have migraines too and what do you know, it helps with that too! my buddy has his permit in colorado for chronic back pain as he refuses to get addicted to synthetic opiates like vicodin or perocet for pain.
he has found an indica strain that he uses that targets the pain just as well as when he was on pain meds for it and he says he will never go back to pain meds
scary that a medication that helps so many and hurts no one is illegal. I personally think alcohol is much worse of a drug then MJ
Posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 20, 2008, at 20:22:07
In reply to Seroquel and Chemical Sensitivity...please help!, posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 20, 2008, at 16:23:04
It scares me to see how many stories I have heard of bad reactions to meds
is this a big secret in the med/doctor world? do they keep it hush hush because they don't want to undermind their prescrips they are pushing?
just funny, the guy from colorado I mentioned that uses for back pain also uses for bipolar. he is my best friend from kids so we are close. the doctor put him on depakote and within 3 months his life went to sh*t.
He said he turned into a zombie, stopped caring about anything, would go out drinking at the bars when he used to HATE alcohol before depakote, ended up dumping his finance in a fit of rage. She finally called him out on it and said it was the depakote.
he stopped and within a couple weeks he was back to himself his finance said. he has not touched a med in years and continues to self medicate with indicas like Kush, Blueberry, and Afghani and both he and I swear by indicas for anxiety, sleep, mania control and depression and has not had a manic episode in 4-5 years since medicating reguarly with mj
definitely different with sativas though, they both cause trace amounts of anxiety in both of us. but smoking 2 puffs of the Kush is literally the exact same feeling/anxiety relief as taking 4-5 Klonopins
Posted by Kath on May 20, 2008, at 20:42:57
In reply to Seroquel and Chemical Sensitivity...please help!, posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 20, 2008, at 16:23:04
Dear NewHG,
If you would turn your Babblemail option to 'ON' I would like to send you a couple of links.
It means I can send you an email THROUGH PsychoBabble, without me ever knowing your email address or you knowing mine. I don't remember how to turn it on. Please ask if you want to & need help.
My 32 year old daughter has severe MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities). She belongs to an online group for people with MCS. In the past, she did weed & ecstasy & probably other stuff also, acid, maybe K.
Is difficulty sleeping & 'turning off' your mind at night the only thing you'd be taking meds for?
If so, maybe there are other solutions. My daughter had depression & suffers from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), as I do also. She has HAD to find natural alternatives. She can't even eat non-organic food, so would maybe even die if she took pharmaceuticals.
My memory was HUGELY messed up from taking Celexa for about 5 years. This past winter I was feeling VERY depressed & was almost willing to take Celexa (an SSRI) again, but not QUITE!!!!
So I found a homeopathic med that worked & had to add 5HTP & St. John's Wort & was able to get right above the depression. And I would NEVER have thought I could.
It might seem like I'm over-simplifying here, but this is what I have found for when I can't sleep:
Warm milk & honey, 3 calcium/magnesium tablets, "Calms Forte" - a homeopathic remedy by the company "Hyland's". I used to be hooked (at least psychologically, BIGTIME) to rivotril, which I believe is Clomazapam (sp?) & when I found Calms Forte I was able to throw out the perscription, which I'd been afraid to let go of, & toss the last 5 or so pills, which I'd been afraid to get rid of. Basically Calms Forte is GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There just MIGHT be more natural ways that might help you!!! I'd say DO try them first, since you got so very ill before from pharmaceuticals.
Please keep in touch.
luv, Kath
Posted by Kath on May 20, 2008, at 20:46:51
In reply to Re: Seroquel and Chemical Sensitivity...please help!, posted by bleauberry on May 20, 2008, at 17:59:48
My daughter has severe MCS. Belongs to an online group.
There are only - well, actually, one room in her house at the moment that she can be in without a special mask.
It is NO joke & NO fun!!
And it is REAL. luv, Kath
Posted by Kath on May 20, 2008, at 20:56:39
In reply to Re: Seroquel and Chemical Sensitivity...please help! » NewHampshireGuy, posted by Phillipa on May 20, 2008, at 19:40:48
That would be my HUGE concern. Before her problem got so severe with MCS, daughter used MJ for endometriosis pain. She got so that MJ would make her VERY ill - even the smell of it, so for those who are having chemical sensitivity problems, I URGE you to be as careful as you can about everything, so you don't set yourself up for getting worse.
Also - re MCS - fragrances, incense, room "fresheners" (also known as CHEMICAL COCTAILS) scented ANYthing - hair products, deodorants, etc are BAD NEWS!!! My daughter wishes like anything that someone had warned her about these things.
So if a more natural solution for the sleeping problems can be found, it might be VERY well worth trying.
Posted by Kath on May 20, 2008, at 21:08:36
In reply to Seroquel and Chemical Sensitivity...please help!, posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 20, 2008, at 16:23:04
I forgot to mention the name of my homeopathic remedy. It is a liquid, by the company, Dr. Reckeweg (made in Germany, where homeopathy is used quite a bit, I understnad). This company has a huge selection of products for various problems. The one I have successfully used for depression is "R184". It has 3 homeopathically prepared ingredients: Ignatia, Kalium Phosphoricum, Zincum metallicum. This past winter, I had to add 5HTP, St. John's Wort & a light lamp but the winter before R184 worked on its own.
Although it might seem that this info should go on the Alternative Board, I think it is appropriate for it to be here, as NHG's call for help was very serious & his problem with meds very very serious. I hope this is okay.
sincerely, Kath
Posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 20, 2008, at 21:38:31
In reply to MJ might WORSEN Chemical Sensitivities!!! » Phillipa, posted by Kath on May 20, 2008, at 20:56:39
Hi Kath and all,
Thank you for the responses. I am sorry to hear of your daughter's similar problems. I definitely swear by 5htp and actually would encourage others to try it if nothing else is working for their depression as it worked amazingly for me.
I actually think in some study it was show to be more effective than prozac or some other kind of anti-depressant that I am forgetting, but I could be wrong so don't quote me ;) 5htp was actually my true wonder drug, moreso than MJ, and really brought me out of the funk/depression that the meds put so deep into. I would literally take 100mg or so and feel it almost cut through the fog and the depression/anxiety.
that's what makes me think that my problems are more serotonin related, as exstacy is shown to damage serotonin receptors and deplete serotonin levels from my understanding. I could not take St. Johns Wort and it actually gave me ALL the same side affects as Effexor, because to my understanding, SJW works in a similar fashion to an SSRI.
I think as far as chemical sensitivities, I may be different than your daughter. I have no sensitivities to anything like perfume, pollen, or foods or anything like that. The only time I experience any sensitivities is when I take something that has serious brain altering capabilities (the antidepressants and mood stablizers I have tried) or with fish oil/vitamins, because it definitely affects the chemicals in your brain somehow
and not to sound stubborn, but two of the times I had these negative reactions I had been off of MJ for almost a year each time, so that can be ruled out pretty easily. still the same sensitivities even not smoking, still same problems. I was actually more depressed not smoking and when I would start back up again I would feel better instantly and would just stick with it.
I think in my particular case I don't think it affects my chemical sensitivities, or maybe it did and it's too late to reverse, but I have definitely tried the med route 100% sober before with no luck and same sensitivities
I will definitely turn on my babble enabler thing so that you can shoot me those links. The more educated, the better and will definitely keep an open mind to suggestions. That is very much appreciated! Thank you Kath
and thank you to the rest who have responded and I will respond back to the comments when I get a chance :) seems like some insightful people in here. Thanks again. wish me luck tonight with on my first night of Seroquel (even though I feel fine for the most part, but here we go!)
one last comment, a couple doctors have urged me to quit, but have also had two doctors that specifically told me to absolutely NOT quit smoking MJ while trying to get better mentally if I have smoked it this long through most of my life. No BS. they said it would only complicate things. they basically said its benign (other than causing minor anxiety/social anxiety in some people and maybe not help depression if you already have it) and that it would only complicate things to try to take a long term user off of it at the same time trying to get better on meds. big no-no for two docs I saw
they said of coarse once I was better they would like to see me then try to quit smoking as it's obvisiously not good to inhale any smoke into your body. but one doc actually said "honestly I would be more concerned for you to quit smoking pot for your respitory and cardiac health than for your mental health".
(said this because I did have a minor heart attack at age 29, mostly in my opinion from VERY bad eating habits my ENTIRE life and genetics, early heart attacks on both sides of family, not this early, but early ;)
have a good one everyone
Posted by Kath on May 20, 2008, at 22:23:36
In reply to Re: MJ might WORSEN Chemical Sensitivities!!!, posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 20, 2008, at 21:38:31
Dear NHGuy,
I'm so glad that your sensitivities don't sound like my daughter's!!!
It's also good to hear that there have been (it sounds like) 2 times when you were off MJ for almost a year. My other kid - son, 24 has been using/abusing substances since he was about 13 or 14. Started with MJ & alcohol in an 'ordinary' way. Ended up with cocaine, crack, crystal meth & full-blown paranoid psychosis!!!!!!!
He's now on antipsychotic meds - risperidone, seroquel & clomazapam (sp or all?) - the latter to help him sleep. I've been receiving excellent support on the Social Board for the past about year & 5 months - maybe more...don't know how I would have coped without the wonderful people here.
Anyway, I wish you the very best & sincerely hope your body copes really well with this new-for-you med. :-)
Keep us up to date on how you do, okay.
And YES - I agree - YAY for 5HTP.
Oh yeah - I forgot to say that daughter's fiance really did a number on his brain with ecstasy - his memory is really fried big-time.
Well, mine isn't all that great either!! from Celexa & that thing called "age"!! LOL I'm 61.
But ya know, lots of older people have okay memories, so I'm not sure about that...I know Celexa noticeably affected it.ANYway, take care, luv, Kath
Posted by Phillipa on May 20, 2008, at 22:48:21
In reply to Re: MJ might WORSEN Chemical Sensitivities!!!, posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 20, 2008, at 21:38:31
Have to look into this 5 HTP. Wonder if sensitivities took away my sense of taste and smell. Opposite of what Kath's Daughter has but before there was a time when couldn't stand any fragrance makes you wonder. Love Phillipa
Posted by Kath on May 20, 2008, at 23:24:54
In reply to Re: MJ might WORSEN Chemical Sensitivities!!!, posted by Phillipa on May 20, 2008, at 22:48:21
Phillipa - I'll ask her about that.
5HTP rocks, Phillipa - haven't you tried it????
There's a thing about sense of smell. It was even in a magazine published by our local was talking about 'air deodorizers' saying that they don't do anything other than COVER UP smells & that they affect our actual sense of smell & we end up not being able to smell even the deodorizers then we use MORE.
One of the houses I clean is like this. She uses masses of those horrible gel "room fresheners". and potpourri pouches all over. You open the door & are hit by an almost SOLID wall of smell!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeukkkkkkkk She obviously uses masses as she probably can't smell them due to wrecking her sense of smell!Kath
Posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 21, 2008, at 15:09:24
In reply to Seroquel and Chemical Sensitivity...please help!, posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 20, 2008, at 16:23:04
Thanks everyone for all the good information
A couple questions about the Seroquel:
1) in theory if there is an imbalance with me: is Seroquel designed to "rebalance" per se your chemicals OR is it just a "bandaid" masking the imbalance?
2) How long before I start noticing it working? I took 1/4 of a pill last night and feel a little foggy and slight anxiety, but I think it could just be because the 1/4 pill even knocked me out and woke up groggy which I normally don't at all, wake up feeling wide awake usually
3) Any POSITIVE experiences with this drug?
4) Is there ANY potential this med might PERMANENTLY damage my brain in some freak nontypical way? I feel pretty good in life other than not being able to sleep! I don't want to be playing russian roulette anymore with my brain's already apparently very delicate brain chemistry, but I am praying to god that it SOMEHOW puts it back to what it ORIGINALLY was.
What are the chances of this, of my brain chemistry being rebalanced by Seroquel or any other med? Please be honest anyone. Shoot straight with me doc! ;)
Posted by Bob on May 21, 2008, at 15:25:38
In reply to Seroquel and Chemical Sensitivity...please help!, posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 20, 2008, at 16:23:04
> Ok where to begin....
> I have a very serious chemical sensitivity/horrible nearly fatal reactions to the meds I have tried in the past: Effexor, Elavil, Neurontin, and Dilantin.
> My doctor recognizes and believes all of my very real and very serious side effects when I start taking these medications unfortunately.
> Some of the side affects, and they are all the same on all of these meds are: VERY significantly increased depression and anxiety, suicidal thoughts where there were absolutely NONE before taking the meds, huge fog takes over brain, sensory/perception gets out of wack like blurred vision, extreme sensitivity to noise, popping in ears, sharp pains shooting in ears.
> Also, muscle twitching, images flashing through my mind, songs getting stuck in my head like a radio (not hearing voices lol), racing thoughts increased by 100x, horrific nightmares that are extremely vivid and disturbing (off meds I don't even really remember my dreams let alone have bad or weird dreams). It's like the meds are almost CAUSING pyschosis when some of them should be helping!
> When I stop the meds, these symptoms all slowly go away after a couple weeks and half lives wear off. But during that time I am basically immobilized and have lost jobs to having to take new meds and not reacting well to them. When I stop, I feel back to fine except not being able to sleep
> My question is, in reality, am I most likely going to have the same reaction on Seroquel? I am praying to god tonight that this is my medication and praying it will work
> But it sounds like anything that is touching on my serotonin receptors/transmitters is causing these meds to have the EXACT OPPOSITE affect as they should
> My doc is starting me on 1/4 chunks of 25 mg of Seroquel to slowly build me up, but I am just worried that the same thing is going to happen.
> This is not because I don't have faith in medicine. At one time, Effexor turned my life around and brought me out of a serious depression. At that point, I was a stupid kid in highschool and made some very poor decisions of taking exstacy, which I am very embarrassed by. I believe it damaged my serotonin receptors and my doc says that she has heard of cases of people not being able to take meds like these after exstacy, where they could take them before
> I am scared to start taking this new med, but would do ANYTHING to shut off my brain and am open to a med that works.
> It's like my brain is always on with no off switch at night and I always have high energy when trying to fall asleep and have very bad insomnia and self medicate with marijuana/indica varieties that help greatly with sleep and anxiety (marijuana is not the problem IMO and I have been open to thinking it is, but I have quit many times for long amounts of time and it actually makes everything much worse)
> I am taking the marijuana route until I can find a medication that work and trying to get off of Klonopin, Ativan and Ambien, because I have found a good strong indica marijuana strain is like taking 5 Klonopins, minus the addiction. And you never build a tolerance to it, but of coarse the legal consequences so may move to California for medical permit.
> Just seems like the logical choice to me since these meds have failed me/nearly killed me and as MJ is a faily benign substance when used with moderation (before bedtime)
> Can someone please give me ANY insight on what might be going on with my brain and what I should do? Should I take the Seroquel?
> I was first diagnosed with depression then bipolar Not Otherwise Specified because my doctor says my case is VERY atypical and not like any case she has seen before. she says I don't seem overly bipolar.
> In all honestly, I don't feel depressed at all, have a very happy life with good friends and a girlfriend, I just have a mind that won't shut itself off at night/racing thoughts/songs stuck in head and can't sleep.
> Is Seroquel going to help this and rebalance my brains chemicals? Please help, I am very scared
I too have developed amazing sensitivities to meds. I literally deal with little tiny chunks of pills and even then I get debilitating side effects, both physically and emotionally. I would probably be helped by some of these meds were it not for the fact that I can hardly, hardly tolerate them.
Posted by Bob on May 21, 2008, at 15:33:18
In reply to Re: Seroquel and Chemical Sensitivity...please help!, posted by bleauberry on May 20, 2008, at 17:59:48
> Hey, NH-guy, next door neighbor ME-guy here.
> I can relate to your sensitivities. I used to take meds fine, but the last 3 years have changed dramatically. Even tiny amounts of anything feel massively powerful, and almost always with opposite effects of what is desired.
> Even herbs, supplements, fish oil, and some vitamins I am very sensitive to. My doc believes it came from mercury toxicity from longterm low level exposure from amalgam fillings, which have since been removed, but damage remains. And with no family history of it, I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance a year ago.
> Like you, I found specific MJ strains to be the world's best all around med for depression, anxiety, appetite, sleep, interest and motivation, and social anxiety. But I stopped that 3 years ago because what I was doing was just way too risky. Just imagine landing in a prison cell with your symptoms. Now that is a scary thought. I sure do miss MJ.
> That being said, I do believe MJ is complicated enough and powerful enough that it is actually changing your brain dynamics profoundly. I mean, it hits everything one way or the other...serotonin, dopamine, gaba, opioid, norepinephrine, and others. Lots of different receptors in all of those systems, as well as hormonal systems, are being sensitized, desensitized, upregulated, or downregulated, by daily MJ use. I do not believe it is as tame as you think it is, or as I once thought it was.
> I guess seroquel or zyprexa are decent choices to shut off a racing mind at bedtime. I think a klonopin, xanax, or lunesta might be better lightweight choices to try first. For me seroquel felt like an elephant dart at 25mg, so quartering that is probably a good idea for chemical sensitivity.
> Too bad MJ is illegal. I used to use it just like a medicine. Controlled dosage sizes, dosage times, and everything. I rarely did enough to get very high, except on weekends. It really was the best psych med I ever took because it only took maybe two puffs to stomp out every pscyh disorder known to man in about 5 minutes and leave me feeling absolutely perfectly normal.
> Chemical sensitivity: No proven causes, not well understood. But my doc says it is a hyper-immune response, where the body sees something as an invader that isn't actually an invader, and all hell breaks loose, with the end result being some powerful naturally produced toxins heading for opioid receptors, with the resulting depression, fatigue, and foggy brain.
This describes me too, without a doubt! I take small amounts of meds now and develop strange reactions. I have often thought that it somehow involves the immune system.
Posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 21, 2008, at 15:47:04
In reply to Re: Seroquel and Chemical Sensitivity...please help! » bleauberry, posted by Bob on May 21, 2008, at 15:33:18
Interesting about the immune system
since all this has gone on I generally tend to catch colds more easily, when I used to catch little to none. I used to be in great physical shape and have good immune system. I then developed the cardiac problem after all this. I also get jock itch, which is a bacterial infection, during the summer when I play sports now and have to take anti-biotics once a year. feel like I am falling apart pretty quick for an early 30's person
curious as to the role the actual anti-biotics plays in everything. taking too much can be bad, because it def weakens your immune system. in a sense, it is "good" for your immune system to be exposed to the bad stuff so that it keeps it on its toes
I am really glad to see I am not the only one who is extremely chemically sensitive! I found myself gripping my fingers together together in slight anxiety, something I haven't done in a while since my last med trial with Neurontin
still can't put the Psycho babble messenger enable on, any tips? I am welcome to all messages to my email or to this with helps, tips, stories, etc. thanks all
Posted by Kath on May 21, 2008, at 21:24:15
In reply to Re: Back to the Seroquel, posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 21, 2008, at 15:09:24
Hi NHGuy,
Sounds like you're 'on board' trying the Seroquel, but that you are seriously concerned about permanent changes/damage, etc.
Sound like you want input or others' opinions.
I always choose the most 'natural' route I can. I mentioned things that help me in a post above.
If sleep is a problem, I really question using powerful pharmaceutical drugs before having tried more natural methods. There are numerous herbal (yes MJ is herbal too, no?) and homeopathic remedies for insomnia & difficulty sleeping.
I've found homeopathic meds helpful for MANY problems. Most recently, sinus pain and REALLY uncomfortable seasonal allergy symptoms - ITCHY, burning eyes & sneezing specfically. I tried a couple of different drug store allergy meds - no luck. Got a homeopathic one by the company Boiron & it works like a charm!
Best of luck in whatever you decide to do.
luv, Kath
Posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 22, 2008, at 8:15:11
In reply to Re: Back to the Seroquel » NewHampshireGuy, posted by Kath on May 21, 2008, at 21:24:15
Thanks Kath, I think I will try the homopathic route, I am just affraid that they are not strong enough to cut through my severe insomnia. But I will give it a try! I have tried chamoille teas, warm milk and a few other things but those don't calm the noise/thoughts in my head enough to even begin to fall asleep or feel tired.
I am definitely going to try your mixture as I completely agree that I would rather go natural instead of being put on an antiphychotic when I otherwise feel fine, just can't sleep and unfortunately ambien and ativan are not cutting it anymore.
Fortunately, yes I do know that I can always fall back on the other herb if nothing else works fortunately, but I want to give my mom and those a shot around me on "meds" just because they are not very educated about that and think I will be fine if I take my meds
Last night was my second night on Seroquel, and my mind was racing last night more than ever. Not sure if from the meds or from arguement with girlfriend. I did wake up feeling a little anxiety
Funny the new social worker told me I am not crazy and he says "you recognize your problems and admit you might be a little "different/crazy/chaotic life" then "normal" people. That means you really aren't crazy. Crazy people don't know they are crazy" (sorry trying to use crazy in a respectful way)
Does anyone know how long Seroquel "might" take to shut off the noise in my head and "rebalance" me? I just want to be back to normal again
Posted by bleauberry on May 22, 2008, at 16:56:00
In reply to Seroquel and Chemical Sensitivity...please help!, posted by NewHampshireGuy on May 20, 2008, at 16:23:04
Just wanted to followup with something interesting concerning immune system.
When I was on the antibiotic Doxycycline, I hated it. Felt more depressed and had louder ringing in the ears and lack of appetite. BUT...I told my spouse I feel "clear", no fogginess, and though I can't find the words for it, I felt as if I was no longer sensitive to anything anymore. I didn't try, but I felt perfectly confident in eating gluten again. I had a lot more energy and endurance. Looking back, I was actually in pretty decent shape except for mood. Maybe the antibiotic was taking the load off my immune system and giving it a chance to rest, calm down, or focus on real invaders instead of false ones, or whatever. I definitely felt some dramatic improvements on an antibiotic. He wants me to try Minocycline now, which is supposedly easier on side effects and is more closely related to MS, Fibromilagia, Chronic Fatigue, Chemical Sensitivity, stuff. Somehow. Don't know how. Don't think anyone does. I do feel strongly the immune system is a big player. Anything that can give it a rest or help it out is probably a good thing.
Posted by Phillipa on May 22, 2008, at 20:05:19
In reply to Re: Seroquel and Chemical Sensitivity...please help! » NewHampshireGuy, posted by bleauberry on May 22, 2008, at 16:56:00
May explain why when lymes was active that felt fine on biaxin xl and the day after I was taken off it acutually was sitting on a beach eating and felt like I fell to the Earth the good feelings were now gone????Love Phillipa
This is the end of the thread.
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
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