Shown: posts 1 to 25 of 76. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by JerryPharmStudent on April 8, 2007, at 22:56:50
I'm done I think. I've given up. I havent been to the forum in months - barely left my apartment. I have no income, no insurance, no food - nothing.
I can't continue this struggle.
I'll miss you all
Posted by Sebastian on April 8, 2007, at 23:00:00
In reply to Hello, goodbye, posted by JerryPharmStudent on April 8, 2007, at 22:56:50
Where are you going?
Posted by Sebastian on April 8, 2007, at 23:10:27
In reply to Hello, goodbye, posted by JerryPharmStudent on April 8, 2007, at 22:56:50
Are you a student in pharmacology? Your not suicidal are you? You can get assistance you know. Call this number, 1-888-4PPA-NOW, for medication assistance. Maybe you can get assistance from the govenment for living, check .gov websites.
Posted by JerryPharmStudent on April 8, 2007, at 23:25:19
In reply to Re: Hello, goodbye, posted by Sebastian on April 8, 2007, at 23:10:27
> Are you a student in pharmacology? Your not suicidal are you? You can get assistance you know. Call this number, 1-888-4PPA-NOW, for medication assistance. Maybe you can get assistance from the govenment for living, check .gov websites.
I'd have to get a lwyer to fight the disability people to prove my depression is a disability to receive any money. I have creditors calling every day - every hour. I'm giving up.
I'm hungry. I'm depressed. I'm sick of living on my couch. I wish every day I die in my sleep and/or heav a heart attack.
thanks for the advice - but there's just too much red tape to go through. I have nothing.
Posted by UgottaHaveHope on April 9, 2007, at 0:50:17
In reply to Re: Hello, goodbye, posted by JerryPharmStudent on April 8, 2007, at 23:25:19
What can we do to help? Please dont give up. One day you are going to look back at these tough times, and be proud of yourself for making it out of it. You are stronger than you think.
Shoot me an email at Send me your number. Let me know what phone calls I can make to help you get assistance. Others on this board have sunk much farther depths than you and somehow some way found a way out.
We're here for you. Help is available. God will always make a way where there seems to be no way.
Posted by KayeBaby on April 9, 2007, at 0:53:38
In reply to Re: Hello, goodbye, posted by JerryPharmStudent on April 8, 2007, at 23:25:19
Go to a city shelter or call some churches for help.
Ask them where to get a meal. Get yourself fed and you will feel better and be able to think more clearly. Also, you will meet people that can give you some direction.Please do not harm yourself!
What can we do to help you?
My thoughts are with you, Jerry.
Posted by JerryPharmStudent on April 9, 2007, at 7:48:32
In reply to Re: What can we do to help? » JerryPharmStudent, posted by UgottaHaveHope on April 9, 2007, at 0:50:17
> What can we do to help? Please dont give up. One day you are going to look back at these tough times, and be proud of yourself for making it out of it. You are stronger than you think.
> Shoot me an email at Send me your number. Let me know what phone calls I can make to help you get assistance. Others on this board have sunk much farther depths than you and somehow some way found a way out.
> We're here for you. Help is available. God will always make a way where there seems to be no way.I cried when reading this. No one has ever reached out like this. My parents live 1 mile from me and they ignore my depression. My mom makes comments like "Youre still alive" and "He lves!" - sarcasticallly whenever I actually go over to ask for help.
I can't believe that someone would actually help me out in the ways you and other posters have indicated. True compassion.
I don't know who to call - I don't know what's availale to me as far as public aid, resources. I live in a very small town - 20,000 people.
My medicaion has caused my weight to go from 170 to 310lbs and I can barely make it up a flight of steps. I have asthma and am afraid of dying from an attack while trying to get out of my apartment. I cannot stand for more than 5 minutes becuase my body has not adjusted for the massive weight gain. My heart has pains sometimes when I'm walking or exerting myself. However, no doctor will see me becuase I do not have insurance. I also fear I am clsoe to being diabetic because of the weight gain.
My muscles are so tense - even with the klonopin I take. I'm so uncomfortable all the time. It's 24/hr suffering and I can't take it anymore.
I need some public assitance - financial, medical, food - but I do not thinkn I will qualify because I'm not deemed "legally" or "offically" truely disabled. I hear horror stories about how people in my situtaion have had to through months and months of appeals with a lwyer just to get $200-300/mo assistance.
My parents have given up supporting me. My dad helps to pay my rent - but that's it.
I feel my life is over - my dreams are dead. I live in total agony and do not see the point to all this suffering.
I do bless all of you who have posted and have sent mesages of hope. Unfortunaltey I don't think there is enough hope for me this time.
Posted by scratchpad on April 9, 2007, at 8:22:25
In reply to Re: What can we do to help? » UgottaHaveHope, posted by JerryPharmStudent on April 9, 2007, at 7:48:32
Jerry, we care! I'm here for you, too. I know how impossible it seems to get through another day, but you can do it.
I sent you a babblemail.
Posted by stargazer on April 9, 2007, at 9:31:54
In reply to Re: What can we do to help? » JerryPharmStudent, posted by scratchpad on April 9, 2007, at 8:22:25
Did you already file for disability and get turned down? You can appeal and based on what you are saying, you are truly disabled, probably more so than many others who are on it. Just the weight gain alone from meds is very significant, as I'm sure you know..No one doubles their body weigh without severe health risks.
Who is treating your depression/other med conditons(?)... a psychiatrist, a GP? What meds are you on, how long, doses?
We will help you if you want help since many of us here can identify how low you are feeling since we have been there in some way shape or form ourselves.
Keep talking to us and we'll try and work together to offer solutions, options. You have to try and see one small thing to live for, even if it's a remote memory of something good. How long have you been in your current situation?
The beauty of this website is that from others here we get advice, strength and can offer something to others who are at rock bottom, since many have been there, maybe not exactly, but the thoughts of killing ourselves are the same.
Only people who have depression can truly understand the situation and be supportive. Keep writing to you and let us try and help you if we can...
Posted by UgottaHaveHope on April 9, 2007, at 9:53:50
In reply to Re: What can we do to help? » UgottaHaveHope, posted by JerryPharmStudent on April 9, 2007, at 7:48:32
I know what you mean by your mom. My mom is the most wonderful and compassionate person in the world, but speaking to her about anxiety and depression is like talking Chinese. So has no concept of it because she has been blessed to not suffer it from a clinical standpoint. I have to admit myself, before I went through this in 1997, I thought emotional issues of others were "all in their heads." Boy was I was humbled, and TOTALLY WRONG. And there have been other family members who "make fun of me" or say "I am faking it" just to get attention. But you know what? As you find out in life, everyone is dealing with some issue, whether it is anxiety, depression, alcoholic, workaholic, relationship problems, no self-esteem, bad childhood, sickness, emotional abuse, sexually abused as a child, etc. I could on and on forever, but this is about your situation. However, I do want to say one thing: You will never be able to control the thoughts and perceptions of others, only yourself.
BACK TO YOU: The FIRST STEP is finding out a way to begin the process of getting public assistance, or even temporary help from a local church or charity. Usually in small towns, this could be easier to locate. And if not, we'll have to look at a bigger town nearby. One thing is for sure: YOU WILL QUALIFY FOR BENEFITS. There is no doubt about it! BUT you have to either start calling people today OR let one of us help you calling them for you. I don't know whom to call either, but if you send me an email ( with your basic contact info, then I will start calling people around your town.I care, as do many others. You have a great heart, and no one wants to see you waste a wonderful life for a temporary problem. You've helped so many on this board and have so much to give back to others. Youve just got to take control of your thoughts right now, and find any distraction to keep your mind off yourself. Watch of listen to something inspirational. Watch your favorite comedy movie.
Another thing I would urge you do, as hard as it will be because of your pain, is to find a way to get outside. THE IDLE MIND IS THE DEVIL'S WORSHIP. When you have time alone, your mind tends to focus on yourself. When alone, you can drive yourself crazy by obsessing about your sitation. When you focus on yourself, it makes all your problems magnified and 100 times worse. Just try to make it to the public library. Or a park. I beg you to muster every ounce of strength to make it outside, but if you cannot maybe someone can visit you.
Honestly, what I would really love for you to is to go to some type of emotional support group. There, you will find out others who feel the same way you do. I know in small towns, and big towns, they do not have these. Perhaps you can go sit in at an AA meeting as a guest. I find those incredible, because most of the people in there were onetime at wit's end, and and have been able to create better days with the support and encouragement of others. I would guess (and this is what I have seen and could be different other places) many of those AA people have the same emotional problems many of us do on this board, anxiety and depression, and just self-medicated with booze rather than take an SSRI. I know every town has AA meetings all the time. I live in a small town, and they have an AA meeting going on somewhere every day during the afternoon and at night. When I went to an AA meeting here, I was shocked to see half the "important people" that ran this town (school principals, doctors, etc.). They told the group how they were often suicidal, wished they weren't alive, but sought out help and now JUST TRY TO MAKE IT THROUGH TODAY rather than think about the nexy day or week or future. Which is what you have to do: Make it just through today. Plus in AA, you have sponsor that you can call 24/7 for emotional support. They even have this thing that if you are really struggling, they will send you to a farm for six months to gather your mind and be around others who will inspire you. (I am not trying to advertise AA at all, but I did want to give you an example of a support group and some of the services they provide. I suffer GAD anxiety, and often thought about faking being an alcoholic so I could join AA). Bottom line: Help is out there.
There are also churches. Call every one in town. Many offer emergency counseling, and once you get in there you can explain your need for temp financial help while you secure benefits. YOU HAVE TO LET PEOPLE KNOW YOU NEED HELP SO THEY CAN HELP YOU. Heck, I'd be willing to bet if you call one of these places they will know someone who had to go through the same thing as you and apply for SS benefits. Then they could either direct you to that person or whomever helped that person.
There is also the Salvation Army. The reason I mention them is because they help out a lot of people with emotional issues and could provide you with guidance of other organizations in your town and state that provide immediate assistance in cases of emergency. Call the local hospital or major medical clinic and see if they know about any group meetings for people who are overweight. As I am sure you know, many of those people who are overweight aren't that way naturally, they may use food as a way of finding temporary pleasure when life becomes difficult. Surely there is a Weight Watchers somewhere and you can go to one of those as a guest. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU GO TO ONE OF THESE GROUPS (AGAIN, AA IS EVERYWHERE, TO KNOW YOU ARE NOT ALONE, EVEN IN A SMALL TOWN).
You just have to start taking small steps, whether it is making these calls yourself or asking one of us on this for help.
FINALLY, you have to know that there are others in here that have fallen to these same depths or worse. Probably even homeless people that may or may not be on this board. But they all hung in there, took it one day at a time, and made it back. You can too. You just need to take those first steps and reach out for help. Michael
Posted by zenhussy on April 9, 2007, at 9:54:15
In reply to Re: What can we do to help? » UgottaHaveHope, posted by JerryPharmStudent on April 9, 2007, at 7:48:32
Posted by JerryPharmStudent on April 9, 2007, at 10:13:08
In reply to Re: What can we do to help?/Jerry, posted by stargazer on April 9, 2007, at 9:31:54
Remeron 60mg
Adderall 20mg TID
Klonopin 1mg 4x
Ambien CR HS
Hydrocodone 5mg 4x
Lexapro 20mg
BuSpar 30mg
Adderall and Hydrocodone are the only things keeping me alive right now. My Psych is Rxing the hydrocodone - I've been on it for servere TRD for 3 years - never grown tolerant to its effects.My Psych told me to think about going off of Lexapro, Remeron, BuSpar and Ambien for Geodon or Abilify.
I have no sex drive and am unable to even feel anything down there.
My msucles hurt so bad.
I've been spirilling downaward since Fall of 2006 when I got overwhelemed with school and had to drop out. I also was taking Adderal XR 20mg 3x daily instead of the immediate release - but had to switch to the immediate release because PPA wouldn't cover more than 30 pills (1s daily)/mo - otherwise it was $400/mo. The Adderall immediate release is MUCH more rough on my system than the XR and I wish I could go back to the XR - but one dose daily doesn't cover it.
I did try for disability years ago and they truned me down because I knew the current president and the current date - apparently you have to ahve no clue where or when you are to receive disability. The man who interviewed me for disability was demeaning, rude and looked at me like I was trash. I gave up. I have no money for lawyers.
I'm not looking for free handouts. But the US healthcare system is horrific and there is nthing for a 35 yr old man in my situation - nothing. PPA covers my Lexapro and that's it. I think in our county to qualify for medical/financial benefits your have to be blind and deaf - or some combination like that. It's crude and ridiculous.
There are no mental health advocate organizations near me - nor do I have the strength, energy or motivation to look for it. As I said - I'm in bad shape. I won't go into a hospital at this point because the only one close enough is a prison with very, very horrible doctors and services. I'd rather sit here and rot on my couch.
I've had ECT with no success.
I've had 3 years with the VNS implant - with no success (had it removed)
I was originally diagnosed when I was 20 - I'm 35 now.
I've been in therapy for most of that 15 yeras and am currntly in therapy.My apartment is a wreck- I have garbage everywhere. I can't seem to take care of myself as far as hygiene and my parents don't care. They see me in such pain and then blame ME for their stress about having to support me. And they expect me to solve all of our families crises - I have a family member adicted to Ambien and a brother with OCD and I've had to find them help - because my parents say "We don't know what can be done:" - so they sit there - and I hate them for it. I HATE them for the way they treat me.
I have creditors calling me every hour on the hour. I have no money. If I get taken to court (I've already had to filed for bankruptcy years ago) I'll kill myself.
What disgusts me is those privlged spoiled X gener's who live off their parents' fortunes and have no care in the world. Why do they get to live it up - not contributing to the world - not composing symphonies or art or writing poems - not helping out those in need - why are they allowed to live without horrific pain of depression and I made to suffer?
I can't take it. I think my school career is over. There i snothing left. I'm fat, ugly, depressed, lonely, heartbroken, in pain, in debt and at the end of my rope.
Someone help.......release me........please.......
Posted by JerryPharmStudent on April 9, 2007, at 10:21:13
In reply to Re: What can we do to help?/Jerry » stargazer, posted by JerryPharmStudent on April 9, 2007, at 10:13:08
after reading my last post - it's jsut a list of how terrible my life is and makes me look liek a whiner.
I'm totally embarassed.
I'm sorry
Posted by Honore on April 9, 2007, at 10:44:27
In reply to Re: What can we do to help?/Jerry, posted by JerryPharmStudent on April 9, 2007, at 10:21:13
Jerry, it didn't make you look like a whiner. Your last post was full of information that made it much more possible to understand your situation.
There really is hope for you. The changes in meds that your pdoc suggests are something to give much consideration to.
I take abilify, a very small dose, and it's been extremely helpful. Made a huge differences for me.
Geodon is also a very good drug, which might work if you don't respond well to abilify.
I know it's incredibly hard to keep with it, when you've sunk into such a sense of hopelessness and how to change the situation has slipped away.
You can get it back, though. It's a one step at a time, one day at a time process.
Right now, the first few days and weeks seem too hard-- but it gets easier-- much much sooner than you would think. Not right away. The first efforts are not easy. I know. But it's so worth making them.
Do the med changes; and don't beat yourself up. Depression is something we all struggle with-- but it isn't inevitable. Things can get much better, unexpectedly. So don't give up.
Posted by polarbear206 on April 9, 2007, at 11:05:59
In reply to Re: What can we do to help?/Jerry » stargazer, posted by JerryPharmStudent on April 9, 2007, at 10:13:08
> Remeron 60mg
> Adderall 20mg TID
> Klonopin 1mg 4x
> Ambien CR HS
> Hydrocodone 5mg 4x
> Lexapro 20mg
> BuSpar 30mg
> Adderall and Hydrocodone are the only things keeping me alive right now. My Psych is Rxing the hydrocodone - I've been on it for servere TRD for 3 years - never grown tolerant to its effects.
> My Psych told me to think about going off of Lexapro, Remeron, BuSpar and Ambien for Geodon or Abilify.
> I have no sex drive and am unable to even feel anything down there.
> My msucles hurt so bad.
> I've been spirilling downaward since Fall of 2006 when I got overwhelemed with school and had to drop out. I also was taking Adderal XR 20mg 3x daily instead of the immediate release - but had to switch to the immediate release because PPA wouldn't cover more than 30 pills (1s daily)/mo - otherwise it was $400/mo. The Adderall immediate release is MUCH more rough on my system than the XR and I wish I could go back to the XR - but one dose daily doesn't cover it.
> I did try for disability years ago and they truned me down because I knew the current president and the current date - apparently you have to ahve no clue where or when you are to receive disability. The man who interviewed me for disability was demeaning, rude and looked at me like I was trash. I gave up. I have no money for lawyers.
> I'm not looking for free handouts. But the US healthcare system is horrific and there is nthing for a 35 yr old man in my situation - nothing. PPA covers my Lexapro and that's it. I think in our county to qualify for medical/financial benefits your have to be blind and deaf - or some combination like that. It's crude and ridiculous.
> There are no mental health advocate organizations near me - nor do I have the strength, energy or motivation to look for it. As I said - I'm in bad shape. I won't go into a hospital at this point because the only one close enough is a prison with very, very horrible doctors and services. I'd rather sit here and rot on my couch.
> I've had ECT with no success.
> I've had 3 years with the VNS implant - with no success (had it removed)
> I was originally diagnosed when I was 20 - I'm 35 now.
> I've been in therapy for most of that 15 yeras and am currntly in therapy.
> My apartment is a wreck- I have garbage everywhere. I can't seem to take care of myself as far as hygiene and my parents don't care. They see me in such pain and then blame ME for their stress about having to support me. And they expect me to solve all of our families crises - I have a family member adicted to Ambien and a brother with OCD and I've had to find them help - because my parents say "We don't know what can be done:" - so they sit there - and I hate them for it. I HATE them for the way they treat me.
> I have creditors calling me every hour on the hour. I have no money. If I get taken to court (I've already had to filed for bankruptcy years ago) I'll kill myself.
> What disgusts me is those privlged spoiled X gener's who live off their parents' fortunes and have no care in the world. Why do they get to live it up - not contributing to the world - not composing symphonies or art or writing poems - not helping out those in need - why are they allowed to live without horrific pain of depression and I made to suffer?>
> I can't take it. I think my school career is over. There i snothing left. I'm fat, ugly, depressed, lonely, heartbroken, in pain, in debt and at the end of my rope.
> Someone help.......release me........please.......I think your P-doc may be on the right track with his suggestions to switch to mood stablizers. You are never going to know if you don't try. The combination of these multiple meds is bound to cause interactions and unwanted side effects. Believe in yourself!!! Fight for the life you deserve to have!!! What was your original diagnosis? A mood stablizer and a low dose of SSRI/SNRI like Effexor may help in your situation. Your problems started when you were a young adult and mood stabilizer may be your get out of jail ticket. Make yourself get some form of exercise. I know this may seem overwhelming, but make it a priority. Have you seen a p-doc who specializes in TRD?
Posted by Phillipa on April 9, 2007, at 12:16:27
In reply to Re: What can we do to help?/Jerry » JerryPharmStudent, posted by polarbear206 on April 9, 2007, at 11:05:59
Jerry also have you had a physical? Could thryroid be involed in the weight gain? If asthma is a problem maybe you need the ER who have to treat you reguardless of ability to pay. Love Phillipa
Posted by Sebastian on April 9, 2007, at 12:50:07
In reply to Re: What can we do to help? » UgottaHaveHope, posted by JerryPharmStudent on April 9, 2007, at 7:48:32
Try less or none of the weight gain med, at least for a while. You will lose a lot of weight, won't need food for a while, and concentrat on your thoughts. At least the rent is paid!
My parents didn't understand either. But while I was living with them I occasionaly went off all meds for a few months and felt better at the end, and went back on meds and functioned normaly.
What is the deamoned med? And is it a high dose?
Posted by KayeBaby on April 9, 2007, at 13:09:20
In reply to Re: What can we do to help? » JerryPharmStudent, posted by Sebastian on April 9, 2007, at 12:50:07
I agree with Honore. The meds you are on now are not working and a change is in order. Abilify has the reputation for being motivating.
Get your meds changed. Just doing this will probably give you a little hope and get the ball rolling. Abilify kicks in fast from what I understand.
Keep talking to us. You are not alone or a whiner.
You are in pain and there is help for you.I understand about the self esteem issue and what helps me to help myself at these times is to think about what I would do or demand for a person in my situation. I am always ready to defend the underdog and I'll bet you are too. Defend and advocate for yourself the way you would for the underdog.
Take us up on the offer to make calls and stuff. I wish someone would have known to help me with this when I neede it. I can just get paralized and too confounded to think at times. Practical matters often are just too hard.
Posted by Sebastian on April 9, 2007, at 13:19:49
In reply to Re: What can we do to help?/Jerry » stargazer, posted by JerryPharmStudent on April 9, 2007, at 10:13:08
First drop the remeron, you NEED to lose the weight first. Then all the other ones you can do without, like everything but Adderall and hydrocodon. If you need an anti-psychotic like Abilify, I would deffinitly suggest that one, it helped me lose so much weight in a short time, brought down blood sugar, etc. You can probably get abilify from PPA, I'm guessing because its new and brand only. Plus its once a day, 15mg might do it.
Anyways that is my suggestion.
Posted by UgottaHaveHope on April 9, 2007, at 14:01:13
In reply to Re: What can we do to help?/Jerry, posted by JerryPharmStudent on April 9, 2007, at 10:21:13
If you are currently on disability, please tell Jerry what he needs to do to begin the process. If you need to do this through Babblemail, Jerry has it.
Also if you have any ideas on groups that might provide immediate emotional and financial support, please talk about that, too.
This is amazing and touching seeing everyone rally around one of our fallen. Thanks everyone, Michael
Posted by notfred on April 9, 2007, at 14:27:19
In reply to Re: What can we do to help?/Jerry » stargazer, posted by JerryPharmStudent on April 9, 2007, at 10:13:08
> Remeron 60mg
> Adderall 20mg TID
> Klonopin 1mg 4x
> Ambien CR HS
> Hydrocodone 5mg 4x
> Lexapro 20mg
> BuSpar 30mg
If affording the meds is a problem, patient assistance programs cost little or nothing:
Posted by notfred on April 9, 2007, at 14:29:47
In reply to URGENT: Please share disability info, etc for » JerryPharmStudent, posted by UgottaHaveHope on April 9, 2007, at 14:01:13
SS Disibility ? Just apply at the Social Security office.
Posted by notfred on April 9, 2007, at 14:51:13
In reply to Re: URGENT: Please share disability info, etc for, posted by notfred on April 9, 2007, at 14:29:47
> SS Disability ? Just apply at the Social Security office.
One tip, make an appointment with the SS office, that way you do not have to wait in line.
Posted by 10derHeart on April 9, 2007, at 16:24:30
In reply to Re: What can we do to help?/Jerry » stargazer, posted by JerryPharmStudent on April 9, 2007, at 10:13:08
>>I did try for disability years ago and they turned me down because I knew the current president and the current date - apparently you have to have no clue where or when you are to receive disability. The man who interviewed me for disability was demeaning, rude and looked at me like I was trash. I gave up. I have no money for lawyers.
Jerry, you shouldn't need any $$ for a SS disability lawyer, for an appeal or a "new" claim. They only get paid if they win, and it's out of the settlement and set by the SSA. Check out this site....looks very helpful. also link to:
This is an 800 # in put you in touch with a lawyer and/or paralegal in your area who do SS disability work .
I also think willye's suggestions in his post to you at the bottom of this board are excellent. It can seem overwhelming, BUT, posters here are offering to do some of it for you, and maybe you could set your mind to focus just on trying to make one call, or look for some old med receipts - anything - each day matter how small it is something to feel you accomplished.
Please let your local churches, food pantries, shelters and so on help. That's why they are there - they want to help. When I volunteered in the past, I didn't care if you were 35 or 75, thin or overweight, I only cared if there was something I/we could do for the person INSIDE the outer shell of a body - to bring the comfort of food, etc.
I hear your pain and am praying for you. So glad you told people here how bad it is. God Bless you, Jerry
Posted by notfred on April 9, 2007, at 17:35:13
In reply to Re: What can we do to help?/Jerry » stargazer, posted by JerryPharmStudent on April 9, 2007, at 10:13:08
I did try for disability years ago and they truned me down because I knew the current president and the current date - apparently you have to ahve no clue where or when you are to receive disability. The man who interviewed me for disability was demeaning, rude and looked at me like I was trash. I gave up. I have no money for lawyers.
Did you appeal ? You have many chances to appeal after the first judgment. Most win on appeal, the lawyer gets usually 1/4 of your back benefits as payment. So you need no money to hire a lawyer.
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