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Posted by wishingstar on May 28, 2006, at 23:55:16
In reply to can't get a perscription - help?, posted by wishingstar on May 28, 2006, at 23:49:52
I should add that I have also considered alternative approaches (st johns wort, etc)... but cannot take these due to an interaction with another medication I take daily. I could stop the other medication I suppose, but it's much better that I do not.
I'm considering trying the university counseling center again. They told me no pretty clearly last time, but maybe if I approach it from a different angle.. in person rather than through email, and tell them how unfair this is that basically I have no other option (that I can think of anyway). But then again, I dont want to be obnoxious. They already said no once.
Posted by UgottaHaveHope on May 29, 2006, at 1:26:27
In reply to I should add..., posted by wishingstar on May 28, 2006, at 23:55:16
I think it is great that you are going to see these ppl in person. Make your case, tell them you have nowhere else to turn, and dont take no for answer (if they turn you down, ask to speak their superior, and so forth).
I'm pulling for you. Keep us posted.
Posted by Meri-Tuuli on May 29, 2006, at 5:12:56
In reply to I should add..., posted by wishingstar on May 28, 2006, at 23:55:16
Hi there,
I'm sorry you're in this situation....I can't really help with the finding a pdoc bit, because I live in the UK and here we have free/state healthcare....but well, I don't really understand why you are paying health insurance if they won't cover mental health stuff?? Can you take it up with them?? I thought health insurance was supposed to cover that sort of thing?? Are they just fobbing you off because they're just trying to pay out for as little as possible?? Whats the point of having health insurance if they won't cover any of your medical bils?? Sorry, I honestly don't really understand the complexities of health insurance because we don't have/need it here in the UK (fortunately)....
But anyway my main point is that you should *seriously* consider St John's Wort, if you're suffering from anxiety and depression. It works, and it doesn't have any side effects. And you won't need a prescription for it, although you will need to buy a quality brand like kira or pernika (which is quite expensive here, but thats because we only pay a minimal amount for prescription drugs here, its like $9 per script so in comparison, $30 for SJW is alot here!!)
But anyway, SJW is very good for unipolar depression/anxiety particulary if its mild to moderate.
I guess you have to decide how important this other medication is and if you're willing to give SJW a go. It might be worth taking the SJW whilst you are trying to find a pdoc or resolve some of the issues with the docs. It takes about 4 weeks to get up to full effect.
Just because its a herb doesn't mean its not as effective as the SSRIs/TCAs. Actually in Germany you can only get it on prescription. But anyway...
Good luck!!
Kind regards
Posted by blueberry on May 29, 2006, at 6:03:11
In reply to can't get a perscription - help?, posted by wishingstar on May 28, 2006, at 23:49:52
You might have to just talk to whoever you can, whether you worked for them in the past or not. Possibly cancel or postpone one of the counseling sessions and use that money for a general practitioner.
There are many sources on the web that sell common antidepressnts without a prescription, some in the country and some overseas. Some of them require an internet consultation where you fill out a medical questionnaire and then a real doctor or pharmacist issues the prescription. Many of them don't require anything, you just click on the buy button. You can't get hardcore meds, but for garden variety antidepressants it is no problem.
St Johns Wort is an option.
If you did well on serotonin antidepressants, you would get a similar effect with 5htp supplements which are a whole lot cheaper than meds, side effects are a lot milder, it works faster, and no doctor needed. Common at drug stores, grocery stores, health food stores. 5htp is a natural substance that converts to serotonin and basically accomplishes the same thing as ssri antidepressants, that is, it boosts the amount of serotonin in the brain.
Posted by Emily Elisabeth on May 29, 2006, at 9:22:31
In reply to can't get a perscription - help?, posted by wishingstar on May 28, 2006, at 23:49:52
Ugh. That is quite a mess. And so unfair. My only suggestion would be to see if you could have your T brainstorm and/or advocate for you. Does she have any MD friends who could squeeze you in and work out a payment plan? Could she talk to the health ctr and explain your situation and try to convince them to see you? Sometimes those folks respond better to a professional rather than to the person themself (which is another issue, but whatever...) Seems worth a try.
Posted by Racer on May 29, 2006, at 9:54:56
In reply to Re: can't get a perscription - help?, posted by Emily Elisabeth on May 29, 2006, at 9:22:31
Your situation [bodily waste fluid]s me off so much! My husband worked at a place that had that sort of insurance -- in the time that we were covered, we submitted a number of claims for me -- GP, OB/GYN, pdoc -- but they paid NADA! Not one penny. And it wasn't just deductibles, either. We never did quite figure it out.
Anyway, I asked what state you're in because it seems as though I heard something lately about health insurers coming under some fire from congress about doing this sort of [excremement]. So, while I realize you're hardly in a state that feels like you can do this sort of thing, I would strongly recommend you contact your representative and ask for direct help. You'd be amazed at what a letter from a congressman can do.
And do contact your state's department of insurance. Chances are, since these companies work across state lines, they'll say this company falls under federal juridiction, but a nice letter saying, "Not in OUR state" from the insurance commissioner would probably remind them that you exist.
Also, APPEAL! If they're denying claims, APPEAL. Truly, it's worth it.
Good luck, and I'll try to get some more thoughts about this to you later...
Posted by Larry Hoover on May 29, 2006, at 10:21:30
In reply to can't get a perscription - help?, posted by wishingstar on May 28, 2006, at 23:49:52
> - My university's counseling center (I'm a grad student) offers free med management, but they wont take me. In order to get med management, you have to have a therapist at the center. However, they wont let me see a therapist because they believe I need more long-term treatment (its a brief counseling center).
I'm sure you can come up with a reason for presenting yourself, in person, at the student counselling services, in dire need of brief counselling.
Dire need.
Posted by Phillipa on May 29, 2006, at 11:56:52
In reply to Re: can't get a perscription - help? » wishingstar, posted by Larry Hoover on May 29, 2006, at 10:21:30
If all else fails there's always the ER they have to treat you and will send a SW down to see you who maybe can fix you up with a mental health clinic . Some use a sliding scale even with insurance. Good luck Love Phillipa
Posted by Jost on May 29, 2006, at 17:48:04
In reply to Re: can't get a perscription - help? » wishingstar, posted by Larry Hoover on May 29, 2006, at 10:21:30
> > - My university's counseling center (I'm a grad student) offers free med management, but they wont take me. In order to get med management, you have to have a therapist at the center. However, they wont let me see a therapist because they believe I need more long-term treatment (its a brief counseling center).
> I'm sure you can come up with a reason for presenting yourself, in person, at the student counselling services, in dire need of brief counselling.
> Dire need.
> LarDire--but situational-- easily resolved with a few sessions, etc.--nothing requiring long-term therapy, from them, of course.
Posted by thuso on May 29, 2006, at 22:04:31
In reply to can't get a perscription - help?, posted by wishingstar on May 28, 2006, at 23:49:52
> - Mental health centers in the DC metro area (about 2 hours away from me, but I would drive there if I had to). I have called around, but no one will take me because I am not able to switch to a therapist at their center (I cant drive 2 hours each way for therapy every week.)
>Have you tried the Washington School of Psychiatry in DC? They mainly do therapy, but I know they also do med consults and may be able to help you. And they do everything on a sliding scale.
Posted by wishingstar on May 29, 2006, at 23:24:36
In reply to Re: Go for it, posted by UgottaHaveHope on May 29, 2006, at 1:26:27
Thanks. I am going to try to hopefully appeal to their emotions as people with the "I have no where else to turn" thing.. not to be manipulative, but because it really is true. I hope it works. I actually did speak to the director of clinical services already, but through email.. she told me no, and I responded with a more emotional plea, and still got a no. I dont think she's going to change her mind, so I need to work something out with one of the therapists.
However, it's possible I wont be able to see anyone there until late August because I'm not enrolled in summer classes at the university. Many of the university services are unavailable if you're not enrolled in the current term. I think I'll make the call tomorrow. Thanks for your support.
By the way, I love your user name. :)
Posted by wishingstar on May 29, 2006, at 23:31:01
In reply to Re: I should add..., posted by Meri-Tuuli on May 29, 2006, at 5:12:56
Many insurance companies in the US dont have mental health benefits unfortunately. Those that do often limit it to 15 sessions per year or something like that. Better mental health benefits it something our country REALLY needs, in my opinion.
Even if a company has benefits for mental health (or for anything really), they can claim that a condition is preexisting and therefore not cover it. Different companies have different rules, but its usually something like "if you've been treated/dealt with xxx condition within 1 year of beginning the plan, its preexisting and we dont cover it." My company actually does have some mental health benefits (although minimal), but I'm stuck in pre-existing land for another few months at least. If it werent for that problem, a psychiatrist would even be covered. But not in my case. Stupid, huh?
But yes, your question about why have insurance if they dont cover my bills.. good question! I'm not planning to keep this company.. no insurance is easy to deal with, but these people are exceptionally bad. I dont understand the complexities of the system either, and I live in the US! :)
Anyway, I'm very open to the idea of herbs and alternative medicines. However, going off the other medication could potentially lead to much more serious problems down the road (not today, but months or years from now). Ive thought some since I posted originally, and I'm just not sure the risk of stopping another medication would be worth it. But the idea is still definitely in my mind as an option. Thanks for your info.
Posted by wishingstar on May 29, 2006, at 23:35:28
In reply to Re: can't get a perscription - help?, posted by blueberry on May 29, 2006, at 6:03:11
I dont think the man who I worked with would take me as a client even if I wanted to.. I think it would be a dual-relationship problem. I also feel like he seriously overmedicated some of our children, so honestly, I'm not sure I trust him anyway.
I'm also not sure about cancelling therapy. I go once a week, and it's really my lifeline right now. I seem to fall apart when she leaves for vacations (as she is right now in fact), even if it's only for a week. Dont mean to shoot down your ideas at all.. it is something I need to think about more, I guess.
I am going to look into the 5htp idea. I have heard that name before, but dont know much about it. I actually didnt even find an SSRI that worked particuarly well for me, but it may be worth a try anyway. I shop sometimes at a local health food store, so I'm sure they would carry it. Thanks for suggesting it!
Posted by wishingstar on May 29, 2006, at 23:39:26
In reply to Re: can't get a perscription - help?, posted by Emily Elisabeth on May 29, 2006, at 9:22:31
Unfortunately, my T doesnt really have any ideas either. She has offered to refer me to a general practicioner, so if it comes to that, I will take that referal... but we live in a pretty small town with only 1 psychiatry practice (multiple drs, but 1 practice) and theres just no way "in" without the money.
I think the issue with the health center may be related to licensing or something like that. I know that the one woman used to perscribe psychiatric medication, and they say she does not do it anymore.. I wonder if she is no longer getting the supervision she needs to continue doing that or something (as she was not a PhD or MD). I felt like they were genuinely willing to help in any way they could, but they were sort of stuck, just as I am. The health center really doesnt handle mental health stuff.. they just send it on to the counseling center.
However, asking her to call the counseling center might be a possibility. I doubt she'd agree to it, since they have given me (several) pretty clear "no"s.. but it's worth asking. Thanks for the suggestion. :)
Posted by wishingstar on May 29, 2006, at 23:46:05
In reply to What state are you in?, posted by Racer on May 29, 2006, at 9:54:56
Haha Racer, I love the [bodily waste fluid] and [excrement] comments. That's halarious.
The experience you described with your husbands insurance is exactly what I'm experiencing right now.. not one penny! I havent gotten a final answer yet, but if they dont pay, as I expect they will not, I have about $30,000 worth of surgery and hospital bills to deal with.. most of which was an emergency kidney-related hospitalization! Dont let me get going on that. It's actually a company that provides health insurance through universities (I'm a graduate student).. but they definitely dont make it easy.
Anyway, I am living in Virginia. My current address is in central Va, while my permanent address is right outside of DC, so I'm eledgible to get services in either county right now. I will DEFINITELY be appealing if they decide not to cover these claims. That's a good suggestion about contacting a representative. I hadnt thought of that. When I get overwhelmed (as I am now) I tend to shut down, so you're right, that sounds like a monumental task.. but definitely something I will think about doing. This is just getting ridiculous.
Thanks racer. :)
Posted by wishingstar on May 29, 2006, at 23:48:53
In reply to Re: can't get a perscription - help? » wishingstar, posted by Larry Hoover on May 29, 2006, at 10:21:30
Haha true... :)
The only problem is that I'm already seeing a therapist in the community. I dont think she'd be too happy with my seeing someone else at the center, even if just for some little issue.. and I'm sure theyd be VERY unhappy if they were to find out. It'd be hard to "do therapy" with them but keep it at the level that they'd be comfortable with.
But it's actually a very good idea. I have to think on this one. :) Thanks!
Posted by wishingstar on May 29, 2006, at 23:50:58
In reply to Re: can't get a perscription - help?, posted by Phillipa on May 29, 2006, at 11:56:52
Unfortunately my insurance isnt even covering my last few kidney-related ER visits from the past year... and the are pretty expensive (in the hundreds) on their own. I work in the mental health field, so I am fairly sure I know of all the mental health clinics in the area (its a small town).. what if she decided to throw me into inpatient? Yikes. :)
Posted by wishingstar on May 29, 2006, at 23:52:53
In reply to Re: can't get a perscription - help?, posted by Jost on May 29, 2006, at 17:48:04
Right. I'm sure you'll see the response I posted to the original idea. I definitely have to consider this one. The only problem would be that I might not be able to get in until late August because I'm not currently enrolled in summer classes. I'd have to call to find out the rules on that. Also, having another therapist at the same time could cause me some big trouble if they found out. :)
But hey, I'm a risk taker (okay, I'm really not, but time to learn!).. I'll have to think about this one. Thanks. :)
Posted by wishingstar on May 29, 2006, at 23:54:13
In reply to What about Wash. School of Psychiatry? » wishingstar, posted by thuso on May 29, 2006, at 22:04:31
I havent! I will definitely check them out in the morning. My problem so far has been that all of the sliding-fee clinics require you to have a therapist with them in order to make use of their med services. I will check this out with this center tomorrow though. Thanks so much for the suggestion.
Posted by Larry Hoover on May 30, 2006, at 7:39:05
In reply to Re: Go for it » UgottaHaveHope, posted by wishingstar on May 29, 2006, at 23:24:36
> Thanks. I am going to try to hopefully appeal to their emotions as people with the "I have no where else to turn" thing.. not to be manipulative, but because it really is true. I hope it works. I actually did speak to the director of clinical services already, but through email.. she told me no, and I responded with a more emotional plea, and still got a no. I dont think she's going to change her mind, so I need to work something out with one of the therapists.
> However, it's possible I wont be able to see anyone there until late August because I'm not enrolled in summer classes at the university. Many of the university services are unavailable if you're not enrolled in the current term. I think I'll make the call tomorrow. Thanks for your support.
> By the way, I love your user name. :)I'm not sure you understand how this looks from an objective viewpoint. You contact these people, give them every reason in the world to cut you off, and then seem surprised that that is what happens.
I hope and pray it is not too late for you, with student health services. That you haven't already blocked your own care. Walk in, plunk your student ID down, and tell them you're suicidal over the stress of completing your studies. Your boyfriend bailed, and now you see no way out. You start to cry. Or, your eyes were already very cry-y before you showed.
Something like.
Ya know?
Posted by wishingstar on May 30, 2006, at 9:39:04
In reply to Re: Go for it » wishingstar, posted by Larry Hoover on May 30, 2006, at 7:39:05
I'm not sure that I understand what you mean when you say I'm giving them the ways to cut me off. I'm certainly not going to say "hey by the way, I'm not enrolled for classes!" when I call the counseling center, but in my experience with other services on campus (like the health center), it's always the very first question when you try to schedule an appointment. I cant lie if they ask because they could very easily check my status, and if they found out I had lied, I dont know what could happen. Other than this issue of not being enrolled this term, I feel like I've been very proactive in trying to get care.. I've talked to just about everyone there is to talk to, and never mentioned student status to any of them. Most of the contacts were actually before the semester ended, while I was still taking classes anyway. What else do you perceive I could be doing?
To be honest, I'm feeling a little hurt and defensive at your comment. It feels like you're saying this is my fault... but I know I've been trying my best. I know you didnt mean for it to come off as hurtful so dont worry, I'm just practicing being more open with my feelings I guess.. hah!
Something to think about I guess. Thanks.
Posted by Larry Hoover on May 30, 2006, at 14:30:14
In reply to Re: Go for it » Larry Hoover, posted by wishingstar on May 30, 2006, at 9:39:04
I don't know why I'm not making sense to you.
Your student health services could manage your meds if you have a counsellor. Yes?
You told them so much information that you aren't a candidate for their brief services. Yes?
If you had told them less, you would not have been rejected by them. Yes?
You want meds. To get meds you need a student services counsellor.
To get a student services counsellor, you need to present to them an acute need for counselling.
Use the service for precisely what they tell you you need to use it for. Don't try to use it for something you know it's not elegible to provide.
I'm not telling you it's your fault. You've been trying too hard. Modify your approach with them, so that they can give you the services they offer.
Posted by wishingstar on May 30, 2006, at 15:59:05
In reply to Re: Go for it » wishingstar, posted by Larry Hoover on May 30, 2006, at 14:30:14
I do see what you're saying. My concern though is that I am really in need of "real" counseling right now (meaning counseling where I can be open about everything) and I dont believe it'd be good for me to be seeing 2 different therapists at the same time, even if 1 was only for brief, solution-focused work on one specific problem. I dont think my current therapist (who I have been seeing for about a year) would agree with me doing that either, but that is not what is making my decision. I dont feel comfortable lying to anyone, and I would have to in order to receive services there. For instance, they always ask in the intake sessions whether you have made a suicide attempt in the past and whether you ever feel suicidal now. Yes to both for me, but a yes to either leads to an automatic referral. See what I mean? And yes, it is possible to lie about that and leave that stuff for my regular therapist, but having 2 would just be too difficult. I'm sorry if that sounds crazy or limiting to you. I really feel like not lying and sticking with 1 therapist is the best for me though, at least right now.
Posted by wishingstar on May 30, 2006, at 16:02:26
In reply to Re: Go for it » wishingstar, posted by Larry Hoover on May 30, 2006, at 14:30:14
It's probably not important, but I forgot to add one thing. The student health center actually does not provide psych med services anymore, regardless of your status with the counseling center. The counseling center has a contract with the local psychiatry practice (the only one in town) that allows them to refer patients there, and the university pays the tab.
Posted by Larry Hoover on May 30, 2006, at 18:22:26
In reply to probably not important, but.. » Larry Hoover, posted by wishingstar on May 30, 2006, at 16:02:26
> It's probably not important, but I forgot to add one thing. The student health center actually does not provide psych med services anymore, regardless of your status with the counseling center. The counseling center has a contract with the local psychiatry practice (the only one in town) that allows them to refer patients there, and the university pays the tab.
I do advocacy work all the time, and fitting the client with the service is often the only way to get what the client needs. I think there is a line that can be walked that is neither lying nor misappropriating of services. People don't come in boxes, but rules do. And what do you do with someone who straddles a line?
Thank you for your extra effort to understand what I meant.
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